What races would you use in a setting devoid of humans?
I got
>Man made nachines looking for their holy builders
>Aliens after sweet tech
>mutant animals slowly devolping civilisation
Other urls found in this thread:
Cut out the part where machines are looking for humans and the mutant animals and that's what I'd do.
Though any setting without humans is going to lose at least 4 point in my score
a gaggle human successor species
I assume nothing supernatural?
What could be cool is kind of a cyber-crypt with a human mind uploaded into some sort of machine, maybe even controlling a small army of robots. Basically a necromancer with a cyber-spin on it
Some ideas grouped by origin:
-Post-human machinery:
>Freed military robots that try to keep a semblance of order, designating raiding targets by themselves
>Freed civilian-use robots and appliances that could scarcely believe humans are gone
>Freed industrial/construction robots that just want to keep building/processing stuff
>Nanogoo swarms that coalesced into their own civilization
-Mostly natural origin:
>genemodded pets gaining sapience due to their genemodding gone awry
>ravens and crows who got smart enough and manage sapience
>insects who mutated into sapient hiveminds due to pollution/genemods got into their food/water
>whales and dolphins who got military-cyborg'd but came upon sapience their own way
-The more Out There races
>Fae returning to Earth
>Stranded ayy lmao archeologists
>Deep Ones finding land is ripe for colonization
>Skinwalkers that still mimics humans even after they're all gone
A bunch of smarter animal races evolve & take over
Octopi evolve & can go on land for extendes periods
Uplifts that were genetically distinct enough to not be affected by whatever super virus that wiped out humans. Catgirls
Catgirls, doggirls, bunnygirls?
>any setting without humans is going to lose at least 4 point in my score
What if there's just no organic life, period?
Humans with fluffy ears and tails.
A group of delusional robots who claim to be the last humans. Their entire civilization is almost a parody of what human civilization once was, as they try to replicate it with what little pieces remain. This group lives in complete denial of the event that led to the eradication of the humans, insisting that they ARE humans and they are fine. Usually these robots can be identified by the tattered human clothing hanging off of their chassis and their communities of white picket fenced bungalows.
It is a good feeling to be among my fellow men of culture.
these sound pretty close, to the point where i can see Engine Heart setting having community of such robots.
A vast robot army once commanded by the most powerful human nation. This is a completely self-sustaining force with the means to rip resources from the ground to sustain their endless conquest. The entire army reports to one singular figure they call, "the Tzar" who is hidden deep in the earth in a highly protected fortress. If someone were to actually enter this fortress, they would find that "the Tzar" is nothing more that a completely decayed, yet perfectly preserved human skeleton with a bullet hold on it's skull and an ancient pistol in a pile of finger bones. Layed around the office of the skeleton are of paperwork written up by the army recording centuries of casualty reports, weapons statuses, ammo supplies, and moral levels, among other things.
Nick the Space Marines from 40k, but with everyone they need to defend dead and no way to replenish their stock.
Veeky Forums made a setting like this already.
>Humans had achieved an apex in their tech.
>Uplifted a bunch of animals: dogs, octopi, cats, monkeys, apes, crows etc.
>Uplifts while intelligent can't even begin to comprehend the world they've been awakened to.
>Humans suddenly disappear for reasons left deliberately vague
>Uplifts each claim the humans' legacy belongs to them and fight each other for it.
>Dogs form 'Rule Brittania'-esque empire that believes the old saying 'Man's best friend' means they deserve all of what humanity left behind.
>Cats form a sort of loose republic that tries to analyze the leftover tech to advance themselves, letting the dogs waste time conquering everything
>Mollusks like Octopi leave Earth and form a mysterious civolization isolated from the other races, having allied with an old race of machines to jumpstart their tech much further than the others
>Crows form a sort of military-focused democracy and are basically the Tau of this universe for their devastating long range weaponry
>Apes I forget but no one fucks with them unless they have to for some reason
It was actually pretty interesting as it created this whole intercivilized solar system where a bunch of races lived in tolerance of each other around Earth but would frequently fight each other around other worlds for scraps of the old civilization.
You lack imagination.
I'm actually making a CATastrophe hack for Ryuutama right now.
please share when you're done
There's intelligent life on Europa. Before the catastrophe humanity sent a probe to the depths. The locals, realizing there are beings beyond The Ceiling, spend hundreds of years forcing through an industrial revolution. By the time they reach Earth, all they find are robots claiming they didn't kill NASA, and also they were called humanity. A cult develops which claims dolphins are the degenerate remnants of NASA and need to be uplifted.
>a Von Neumann Probe returns to Earth after gaining sentience after eons of isolation and cosmic learning
>finds humans gone and Earth being a decimated slave planet filled with gene modded native fauna
>literally a rock of despair and genetically induced forced labor
>alien invasion by fanatically religious xenos do that alot
There's a Samuel Delany novel called "The Einstein Intersection" where it's implied that humans vanished, left their civilization behind, and it's now inhabited by aliens more or less play acting.
The aliens had three genders (Delany's personal life coming through) and the way the human society was set up clashed. There was also some mentions of odd powers and abilities.
That might be interesting thing to play with. A group of aliens who look human, but clearly aren't, living in their own version of human society. Maybe have them be the cultural equivalent of hermit crabs, they're intelligent but really unimaginative, so they just move in and occupy the abandoned shells of other civilizations, which allows them to develop themselves.
also recommend me some good sci-fi short stories like this pls
the age of man is over
Orion's Arm is pretty much devoid of humans, baseline humans are kept on nature reserves or are luddites, and they only represent a very incrementally small portion of the species and clades evelved from genetic engieering, biotech, etc.
O hey I remember that setting! And the very short-lived quest it once had.
Prophet is a series where all the real humans are dead and all that's left is their genetically engineered clone soldiers.
I'm not normally into biotech, but this is fucking cool.
>Fae returning to Earth
"Have I ever told you about the time giants ruled the world and built machines, both wondrous and terrible?"
I could imagine dogs and apes arguing over who gets rights over humanity's leftovers.
I'd do it like this.
cause I worked with Veeky Forums for this setting for quite some time.
Going All Tomorrows on this setting?
A world "dominated" by fae trying to recover lost ground, and robots trying to make their own destiny/follow the programming of man/do whatever? That sounds interesting.
Instead of having an overarching evil or some battle of well-defined principles, you can have some fairy communities planting nogals on the dilapidated buildings, some insane machine trying to dig out a super-weapon, a city of uplifted pets discussing the phylosophies of canned goods while managing one of the last functional space elevators, and bob-511 and his meatbag pet beginning to understand the first principles of magic.
Yeah, I remember participating in that thread a while back. QM stopped cause a relative had a car crash or something.
Too bad, it was just starting to get off the ground.
Prophet is always great
Machines looking for the repository of adam Sandler movies
You should read Prophet, user. It's phenomenal.