Make some assumptions on the setting from just the maps.
Make some assumptions on the setting from just the maps
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A setting with a lot of not!countries.
Sadowan Empire are the bad guys, and the creator of the setting has a hard-on for tribes
A couple of them where NPC nations, but yeah that's true.
Very close.
No bad guys, but the player was pretty fucking evil.
So was this for a risk type game? Explains the bordergore.
There were eighteen different players and some of them wanted to own the world, which led to border gore.
Hate these types of settings, if your world is advanced enough to create full-plate armor then they're advanced enough to know that blobbing is not only a good way to secure resources but also to protect your people from other blobs like the Sadowan Emprie/Makaru Caliphate
I'm sorry but what does blobbing mean?
It's a CK2 thing, you basically expand your borders violently by conquering all your neighbors.
Oh, in that case Sadowan did that through genocide of Rud, a nation of centaurs.
>West of the main continent
Far west and east.
Sorry for no country names
It's a wow zone, filled with undead and jungle creatures.
Why don't the roads go to the major cities (which is what the stars are, I assume)
Because those are country borders not roads
Anyone who isn't part of Heirs is a fucking loser who gets curb stomped into next week by the Heirs military superiority.
Yeah no.
I'm not sure where they came from since my nation was located in the east of the continent.
I'm pretty sure that the heirs and old guard are the leftovers of Firmament after it's player left the game.
Dude guys it's like asia, but not lmao.
How is it like asia? The factions, the fact that there's a lot of people, what?
Nothing I can say will convince you if you can't already see it clearly.
The Sadowan Empire once ruled the entiretey of that continent but it fragmented. Its remnants are now still one of the strongest entities on the continent, but deeply divided.They're now at war with the Makaru Caliphate, which split itself off after some religious leader managed to create a cult that worships him as the messenger of the Sadowan deity, where the official Sadowan church rejects his teachings.
The Sophic Kingdoms were the first to split off from the Sadowan Empire. Starting out as a collection of allied kingdoms in the northeast of the continent, they soon formed a loose confederation with a ceremonially crowned "high king" or "king of kings", who only exists to function as a unified military leader. Soon many smaller entities that felt threatened by their neighbors joined this Sophic Kingdoms confederation for protection. After the Sadowan empire and the Makaru Caliphate they're the most likely contenders for restoring the empire to its former glory.
Most other entities are clans, tribes and minor kingdoms that just want to maintain their independence. The various trade republics also benefit from keeping the former empire divided for the sake of trade profiteering.
you think quantity > quality
Well fuck you too then.
>no natural borders
>psuedo europe
>autistic names
>so many land locked nations
>some completely surrounded by one nation
fucking autistic, the DM thinks he knows a lot about history, but he doesn't. expect a campaign with diversity and other autistic non-realistic shit.
Did you read the thread?
Center major city is a religious center for a shared religion(s).
Sorry m8, I've had too many meaningless and pedantic arguments today with people who just want to argue.
It's very similar geographically to asia if you look at the placement of peninsulas and how it approaches the coast line. In addition based off of the names of the regions it sounds very asian-inspired. You have civilizations on the coastline with a big inland threat looming down on them and a less inhabited section of the world to the north and west. You have India sitting there in the middle in close to its real life location and shape. I can't think of any other places in the world that would have clans holding isolated territories far away from civilization. You have names like Sadowan and Makaru sitting around. I think you have anatolia sitting over there in the bottom left corner. It's obviously not a one to one copy and a lot of creativity and effort is shown. It's absolutely silly to say that this map in no way resembles asia.
I was also confused. Borders usually follow rivers.
The straightness of the borders implies they have were quickly drawn up like we did in the US and Africa.
Pretty much correct. Super wizard emperor did that from the center a few centuries ago
Well that's the thing man, I wasn't the only person making the setting.
This was an 18 person project, some of them from places like Australia and Denmark I belive.
Looks like Greyhawk.
political intrigue trumps over mass warfare and adventure in this setting's application
Map creator is not very smart
I'd do png but autorealm doesn't have a png export option. Only format it lets you export as that Veeky Forums accepts is jpg
This game has way too much setting material that's going to be either useless for ~90% of the game, or is going to require a setting bible that would kill my dog if someone dropped it on them from the table.
Hey man, Brian (your GM) here.
Nice to see that you got use out of my maps.
Which one were you?
Map maker here. It's somewhat randomly generated. I completely thought of it as Asia/Europe but in reversed places.
Some players understand blobbing, some don't. Some also understand it but don't want to take advantage of it for role play reasons.
Are you Welsh/some other brit trash?
>This was an 18 person project
Then they all should be embarrassed.
Oh boy sapphic kingdoms, I can't wait to- oh, never mind.
There's something very very unpleasant outside the mountain walls, but it hasn't been seen for a while.
The isles are ruled by a trade based nation. Eremos is some kind of new world scenario.
What's in the woods that everyone is so scared of?
There's a ton of nations that will get fat off trade since you have a vast number of straits, but none of them will ever be dominant because there are too many. The landlocked nations will also never be powerful as I can only think of these nations as some kind of maritime trade republic/city state. You either forgot some placeholder text, or the naming conventions of the far south cultures are very weird. I'm going to guess that the primary landmass is not 100% natural.
This is a map for a canceled pokemon game set in fictional russia.
No, but the player for Cape of Scales was a Brit.
I played Antegria.
Glad that you're still around man.
Aerdaris mapmaker here. People live in the uncharted territories, hell there's probably some civilizations rivaling the westerners. The reason there's only a small amount of settlement is because before colonialism was even in the question, back when powers were first establishing themselves in the west, raiding parties from the various tribes of what is now the Territories were a major issue. No one bothered trying to conquer the homelands of people who were considered fierce and savage. Eventually, the Kingdom of Trendol (main power in the West, owns area from the strait at the beginning of the Andrel peninsula to Eklor's peaks) set up a warrior order, the Order of Denselre, to maintain a great line of forts on the border with the uncharted territories. Nowadays exploratory sentiments are taking hold and expeditions are occurring, but the Order, desperate to remain powerful, spreads propaganda that the people's of the West would stand no chance in these new lands, and that they must continue to rely on the Order for protection.
camel jockey intrigue where not! sorcerers rule
adventuring parties sell their services to the highest faggot merchant bidders
refugee islanders who must fearfully suck the cocks of some ocean evils
bog standard volcanomancer with the not! LotR kingdoms banding together to overthrow their oppressor
GoT rotated 90 degrees to the right with extra pirate shit
dinosaurs for some reason
mspaint rainbow Vikings battling ascii trolls and giants
trick question, map is made but setting isn't
political intrigue as obscure and unclear as the map tokens
Someone likes Dragon Quest style maps.
Looking at this there is no spot on the map that makes me think "yeah, I want to go there".
You suck at naming things.
>the bergmire
For some reason, this reminds me of RuneScape.
Failed planet colonization attempt. Now left to fight with each other.
An ancient dragon and its order hell bent on justice lives in the southeast island.
Chaotic super high fantasy with lots of different races.
Keep on top of the Axos Mountains governs by a King who is greedy but also honourable as fuck. He keeps the danger away from the people of Bergmire and its regions but he also demands a very high fee for passing in and out of the region.
You're nearly right about The Great Redoubt in the Axos, except that the High King also believes that literally the entire world is his by right, his great great great grandfather having been pushed back to that last mountain keep two centuries past.
Northreen is where players are supposed to be from.
You're not wrong.
For some reason, this is one of my favourite fantasy nation structures, always include a form of it in my settings. Can I learn the King's name?
It ain't done.
An untamed and dangerous world. Forests are full of creatures and safety exists only behind the walls of fortified cities and castles. There is no overarching authority, just minor lords, and adventurers brave enough to fight the wilds for every kill and coin. An old-school high lethality campaign would be good here.
I'm sad to say that my first thought was "Westeros". I feel like the nations here don't change much and there's relative peace. The mountains in the very middle strike me as a place dwarves would live. The setting is high magic. Also, I know that Photoshop brush set, nice choice.
West East Marches.
It looks like a flooded Europe
>Three empires
>One nation on map
It's the plane of not understanding the purpose of political maps
I'm curious, what system did you guys use for this game?
Player says "I expand east" and the borders expand east.
If you did anything covert I think he'd say "There was a small mixup with the guards but was fixed" as a way to try and tell the player something was off, atleast it happened with me.
I say I think becuase some of my locals were "acting strange" and when I investigated it led to a rebellion.
It updated every Thursday and was pretty fun.
what do you think?
I really don't understand why but this map gives me really crazy sexual vibes. I might even have to fap just because of this. Not joking.
Where are the roads?
Was waiting till I got more feedback for the fine details incase the placement of towns/cities looked weird.
It has this very vague look of a young girl's face... Creepy
Wait what the fuck now I'm seeing it too
I don't see it.
Assuming you meant to respond to He is High King Hirdaxes XII The Starcrowned his titles are as follows
>Bvaar of the Eastern Plains
>Clienteer of The Urmesh and Firmen
>Lord of The Dimholt
>Taxmaester of Issus
>It ain't done.
What makes you say that?
do it, for science
Needs more gravity, and several million tons of WD40
Thanks my dude, I didn't even notice that I replied to the wrong post. Also, he has a fucking cool name with cool titles, would definitely pledge my sword to him and defend his cause even if he looks like an asshole most of the time.
I am not going to masturbate to it, that would be perverted. I am just going to masturbate because of it.
The two large lakes are eyes, the small town near the middle is the nose, the smallest town near the bottom is a tiny for mouth and the forest sort of looks like hair
Focusing on the lakes as eyes makes me notice it the most
>political intrigue as obscure and unclear as the map tokens
Nope, politics are simple and totally optional.
>Chaotic super high fantasy
>with lots of different races.
Yes, but only one of those settlements on the map isn't human (the rest are hidden).
Anime was a mistake.
It does have a vague "humpy" outline in the middle.
I don't watch anime and I don't see any particular shape on the map. It just makes me horny and aroused looking at it. Like there is some subliminal sexual message is hidden in it or something.
I am so sorry dude, I ruined your map sharing moment.
Would you be the dude that wants to fuck a state?
I have an older copy of how the basics work that you can see here. It's very freeform, but this might help.
>inb4 sideways europe