I can't find any other pictures... help me Veeky Forums!
Space Marines outside armor
don't worry about it. The outside armour is the one you usually see on them. The inside armour is rarely shown
I don’t believe that there are any other official pics of unarmoured marines out there although I could certainly be wrong about that.
Why would you even do that? Getting a guenenteed ban for seemingly no damn reason. Honestly i had never been a supporter of gr15 because it’s dumb rule that make more problems then it “solved” but you are so clearly going to get a smack for it.
At least i put a spoiler tag on my thing and what I posted is innately Veeky Forums related. (Though not really related to the topic question.)
You didn't even google it, did you?
be honest and I'll start posting
That shitty movie I believe had some.
How about real life people that could stand in for space marines out of armor?
there u go, also look up for wolf scouts. Each one of then are a full fledge marine (oposed to regular scouts that are still getting their implants)
Here's a higher res version of your pic OP. I think I got one more non-armored SM pic after this one...
Here ya go
Which part lets him spit acid?
OP here. I assumed this thread was as good as dead. Then it pops up page one again. Thanks everyone.
I actually did. That pic was all I could find. Dunno. Maybe google hates me.
Wolf scouts did help. But interestingly, they don't seem to have the Carapace (I am assuming that is what those black... ports? (I think they're ports) are) on their arms...
Betcher's Gland. It's inside the mouth or extremely near it. Don't remember which.
Black Carapace canonically only covers the torso. It would look almost like an organic bullet proof vest if one were to peel a marines skin off.
>no body hair like a natural man.
Body hair is liability once you develop enough intelligence to have clothes. I think even Space Wolves got that far.
did they replace his nipples with black-carapace plugs?
...Do we have any canonical images of Space Marines with body hair? I think they're almost all hairless from the neck down.
gotta say, that ultrasmurf has a beard that would make even a space wolf nod in respect
Space wolves?
I've had trouble finding space marines with face hair. Whatever they've got in their veins, it's not testosterone.
They wear a skin-tight bodysuit (underneath their armor) 24hrs/day, every day. Body hair would likely be extremely uncomfortable in that environment.
Oh right, I forgot a razor is some kind of legendary device forgotten in the far future.
From the recent book ruinstorm, Konrad Curze as a prisoner out of his armor
Why is his head so tiny?
Space marines start out as normal people before being transformed into the hulking monsters which we know and love.
I think it's made fairly clear that astartes' heads are the same size as those of normal people. Maybe the process doesn't change head size?
Or, you know, the artist could have messed up on the proportions. Like his arms are a tad short and his upper body should be a little broader given the size of his waist.
>the artist could have messed up on the proportions
SM fucked-up proportions are the canon. See pic-related; SM with normal-sized heads right next to a 'normal' human with her own normal sized head. Yes, there is some perspective at work since she's closer to camera.