There have been some great Devin Token threads this week but there are several I am still missing and would love to get. Pretty much any pack above 81 would be awesome but I am especially interested in the Hero Packs. TP82, TP83, TP86, TP87, and TP91, but any and all packs above 81 would be killer! Thanks.
Devin Tokens?
Other urls found in this thread:
They won't be uploaded to any trove or mega, until someone buys them and donates them to Veeky Forums.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
And since this is the dedicated Devin thread, I wonder why you can't buy Dark Heroes anymore
these tokens look like shit. Just use those redddit roll20 ones. The ones in circles where you can actually tell what they are.
>They won't be uploaded to any trove or mega
That's where your wrong despite me not caring for any of the tokens in that pack I downloaded them all and have it in a rar on mega.
I just don't feel like getting up to send the link
Yeah, sure you do.
I have a lot of em.
I'll share some if someone can hook me up with some of what I still lack.
Probably the makers of the game slapped Devin and Roll20 with some C&Ds since the whole pack was nothing but characters from the game.
>Here's a great map of the dungeon that's to scale and colored and furnished and feels immersive. Now here's some dorf face in a circle, tells you all you need to know, right? Even though it literally can't tell you which direction he's facing right now.
Then post a list of what you have and don't have, you nigger. How should we know what do you want
Sadly I'm not home now.
I'll gladly post a list when I am.
I have a bunch that I stole and Drew over in my own art style that I could drop if there is enough interest.
>Probably the makers of the game slapped Devin....
Huh was thinking about ripping stuff from a game to upload to sell for 1$ but eh I rather not.
Here is the mega link from that thread with all the folders if at some point someone else uploaded more or this guy did I don't know about it seeing how I rather have modern setting tokens
Here is a mega for all the tokens if you just want to grab the whole thing or don't have j-download now I'm laying back down.
following that here is the mediafire path
Here's the packs you wanted.
You sounded like you wanted the Dark heroes pack so here ya go.
Yes. Yes there is. I'm always looking for more top down tokens.
>It's legit
My God
Do you have Vikings 2 and Norse Gods?
Where can I find all these tokens?
You buy them or have your friends buy them and share them with you. If your group pools together they can share resources on one Roll20 account that you can use for DMing.
>When a literal superhero visits your board
Are there any token sets you're looking for user?
Late to the party. Are we still giving out tokens? Because the only things I want are Humanoid Monsters 2 and Deitys and Devils
>actually wasting time making roll20 maps
My players like to see some effort put in the game.
>Why can't you all be lazy DMs like me!
What does t'g think of pixelshit tokens like these?
They are alright. They look best when you make pixel styled maps. They do look a bit out of place when you use stuff from Gabriel Pickard's map packs but the more cartoony map packs look fine.
Holy balls. You're amazing.
Any chance you have Fantastic Knights by Steve Prescott (Steve P. on Roll20)? It's not really a Devin pack but it was done for Devin and sold on Devin's own site....
I have tokens in varying degrees of quality in this style. I also have different genres like cyberpunk, modern, wh40k, fantasy
quality can be up and down on my stuff but if you can find use for it, I usually post this in Shadowrun threads
Wk40k? You have my attention.
Not that user, but I got Humanoid Monsters 2 for you my dude.
Wow! These are all great! Keep them coming!
Today is like Christmas come again. I'll later compile all those into a mega
My gaps now are TP84, TP90, TP92-94, TP96, and anything above TP98 if there is anything above 98. Thanks all for getting these up for us!
Please forgive my naming conventions.
I got TP92 and TP96.
If you can fill in my gaps of TP22 (Amazons), TP54 (Wild West), TP79 (Heroic Characters 11), TP85 (Desert Encounters)...
As for anything "above 98", there's Token Pack 99 (Cyborgs and Soldiers), Replacement Token Pack 77 (Steampunk 2), "MP" packs (MP01 Qin Dynasty Map Objects, MP02 Dungeon Objects, MP03 Simple Weapons, MP05 Better Weapons) and the unnumbered packs, Tome Of Beasts Pack 1 and Fantastic Knights By Steve Prescott.
Does anyone have any David North token packs? I'm looking for the frog warriors set and the underdark sets.
Tome of Beast 1 would be amazing!
There's a couple of em in these troves:
I realized I am missing those as well.
I'd much rather have Fantastic Knights.
That's the pack with Warduke.
56458420 Sorry. :(
Darkwoulfe packs as well. The interchangeable heads and the realistic look is cool
There are a bunch in this trove
meg@ nz /#F!fsNiXbrR!ZBijI-kkz90LaiT9Th09bQ
Nice dude, I didn't have the Land Of The Giants sets!
I needed some Grungs for an adventure a while back and Volo's was still young so I found this frog-like token on a Google search and colored it up in all the Grung colors... Here's a zip for those interested.
You could make token frames with a fucking arrow or something to tell you which direction the character is facing
In fact, I'll make one right now since I don't know how I didn't think of this sooner
That still doesn't fix the issue of different perspectives, its an aesthetics choice.
If ya still need some grung, I got some grung.
I needed some Grung... this was back in March or something. But do you have the full pack that token is in?
Bump In The Night Set 1 is in a lotta those troves.
But here's Bump In The Night Set 2.
Speaking of, does anyone have any more of the brass badger map pieces? Specifically Nature Pack I?
Anybody got a top down token of the Spider Shark from this month's Dragon+?
Anyone have any that would fit in sci fi/ space opera or gamma world?
There are some in here
meg@ nz /#F!fsNiXbrR!ZBijI-kkz90LaiT9Th09bQ
I've made quite a few tokens for the games I'm in over the past year or so, if I were to put them up anywhere do you think there'd be much interest in it? I personally don't consider any of these to be "good enough" because I'm a pessimistic little bitch, but if I can help pay my bills on time with Tokens there's not much of a reason not to.
bump for interest
Well they aren't my personal cup of tea but they look quite nice.
You could bundle them up in thematic packs for sale on Roll20's marketplace, advertise em here and there and see if there's any takers.
If shit like this can be on the roll20 marketplace, you can definitely get you tokens on there.
Not only do these packs look pretty poorly made, most of them are just edits of the same pose.
>5 bucks for those
Jesus Christ I'd only charge, like, a dollar for them and all of these are still half (or less) finished.
I suppose I might as well look into putting them up there then, I'll probably post most of them somewhere on Veeky Forums if I do.
5 seems to be the standard price. Not sure if Roll20 takes a cut.
I think it does. That's why Devin encourages people to buy from his site by offering deals so he gets the full payment.
Makes sense.
Figured it was somethin of sorts so that (plus the discounts) are why I always go to his store.
I don't think those are horrible. Better than some I have seen, not as good as others. I prefer top down but I like your stuff.
Anyone have Devin packs TP79, TP84, TP90, TP93, TP94, or the Tomb of Beasts Pack 1?