>"Cyberpunk died because it's not relevant anymo-"
"Cyberpunk died because it's not relevant anymo-"
Cyberpunk died because it isn't fiction anymore.
But yes, essentially this. Not to say we live in shadowrun/rolleball world. We don't. But it became sufficiently close to reality is not longer escapism.
Cyberpunk is bullshit because all of the all-powerful tech companies are controlled by left-wing statists, not anarcho-capitalists.
facemasks as a fashion accessory when
That doesn’t sound like Cyberpunk, that sounds like a decadent, degenerate society.
Decadence is putting extra flair on a story that’s not original or has any heart to it, when’s the last time Hollywood’s tried to do anything new? And let’s be honest, Hollywood is society nowadays.
>in perpetuity
fuck off
Came here to post "This."
>controlled by left-wing statists, not anarcho-capitalists.
there is no meaningful difference
One has the hearts and minds of the general populace, and the other is mostly out for numero uno. That’s a huge difference.
Cyberpunk fashion has a purpose.
Cyberpunk got its prediction on how cultural would develop wrong so badly It can't be taken seriously any more.
>facemasks as a fashion accessory when
Not too far away all things considered. People are already making specific kinds of clothes and even hairstyles to try and break the algorithms facial recognition cameras use.
How the fuck is this legal
>By entering my house, you are giving permission for sexual intercourse
Plant that fucker inside your door, rape everyone who comes into your house, then show the judge the sign.
If apple is allowed to have consent work like that, so are you.
Straight out of CP2020's rulebook
>One has the hearts and minds of the general populace
Neither of them truly do, or do you actually think the control freaks of the left care about you?
>mfw I'm actually selling myself to the government mainly for profit
how adorable
l2read chombatta
“Who knew the corporations wouldn’t embed their claws into society, rather than the government?!”
It was doomed from the start, anyone with a lick of sense would know a megacorp would aim for the cheapest way to make a dollar, which is appealing directly to an indoctrinated customer rather than all the expensive loopholes of governance.
Except, y'know, you're not a mega-corporation with a literal army of lawyers and billions of dollars at their disposal.
Apple makes 80 billion dollars a year, do you?
>How the fuck is this legal
What are you gonna do, sue Apple?
Get back in line, citizen.
>If apple is allowed to have consent work like that, so are you.
Apple has the money to buy senator to have it work like that. You do not.
It shouldn't be. I mean, all those EULA and shit are pointless drivel, because you can't just put anything into a contract, regardless if one signs it or not. Of course they got more lawyers than you, so they can fight you till the cows come home.
>Wearing hoodies and LED clothes actually helps fight the man
I've never understood this. Does having an expensive lawyer make you immune to the law or what?
It’s disturbing to think Apple’s glut of wealth was very recent; before the iPhone, they were a niche computer company that was filing bankruptcy.
You're overthinking it, Cyberpunk didn't even get it right on the most basic level; they predicted we would adopt Spiritualism with the aid of clean psychedelics, unironically what actually happened is people chose the dirties opioids possible and fundamentalism became increasingly popular.
Does the phrase “too big to fail” sound familiar to you? That was used for auto companies that made a quarter of what Apple does.
>Does having an expensive lawyer make you immune to the law or what?
I mean, they can argue the case for so long you either run out of money, the case gets dismissed, they dig up so much dirt on you that you're fucked, or best case scenario they get to roll the blame on someone else, thus absolving them of any liability.
That sounds like an even darker future than the one predicted by Cyperpunk.
Yeah, and just wait for CD Project Reds 2077 release. It'll suddenly get a whole lot more relevant again.
Essentially, yes, to a point. Vast amounts of wealth tend to help as well.
2077 is starting to look more like the actual release date instead of the title now.
>I've never understood this. Does having an expensive lawyer make you immune to the law or what?
Basically, yes. On the simplest level, wealthy corporations can spend so much money on appeals and expert testimony that a case will drag on much longer than a normal person will be able to afford. Legal services are very expensive - doubly so if you don't know the ins and outs of the law, which almost nobody does.
But, on a deeper level, massive corporations can exert tons of influence on cops, judges, and politicians. City and state governments will often bend over backwards for corporations because of how much revenue they bring in.
>That was used for auto companies that made a quarter of what Apple does.
You mean the same ones that got bailed out?
Done in one.
Nobody plays RPGs about reality.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple or Disney have dedicated sacrificial lambs.
>Political candidates have realized that the right connections to the right mediacorp exec can win elections
Then why didn't Hillary win?
That’s what I meant by “too big to fail.” Instead of dying to sloppy mistakes and terrible practices, taxpayer money was used to save them.
But how? Unironically interested because its a common saying that so and so got off scott free because they have money. Is there not a 'timeout' for arguing the case? How is digging up your shit repevant to the case? Etc etc.
Eg: drunk millionaire accidentally runs over some poor sap and kills them, and they dont go to prison
how is that the most basic level of cyberpunk what the fuck are you talking about
the fundamentals of the genre come from do androids dream of electric sheep and neuromancer neither of which deal with what you clam is the basic premise of cyberpunk whatsoever
But they do! See: GURPS
A quirk of the electoral college every talking head and clean-cut suit in America is trying to demonize, extricate and replace.
In many ways, Trump’s election was the last honest election cycle we’ll have in America. Trump. Him. God help us all.
Like I said, nobody plays an RPG about reality.
They do. They're called dummy corporations. It's a very common practice.
Well, fuck.
>and they dont go to prison
You only hear about the ones that don't, do you realize how many millionaires their are in America?
New-age spirituality is all the rage these days alongside fundamentalism. I knew a whole coven of stupid fucking wiccans in college, they were everywhere. They have whole sections in book stores dedicated to new-age spirituality, Amazon sells "healing crystals", etc.
Its a reactionary backlash, it feels like a victory but it does nothing to stop the consolidation of power by a handful of individuals and corporations
I always wonder how first posts can be so consistently on point
She was too obvious about it.
Court fatigue. A millionaire can cycle in fresh lawyers to renew the sob story of affluenza while you’re stuck with one lawyer who’s getting increasingly nervous at your lack of payments because hey, you can’t afford a full time suit who’d have known?!
Meanwhile, they’re digging up dirt to place even more doubt on your character so that even if you won, you’d only get enough money to pay off half of your expenses while the guilty either gets sent to a minimum security prison for a few months, or just has a fall guy.
And while all this happens? You’re getting harassed by the media, unable to work without daily stress, and the guy you’re suing or accusing is offering 800,000 dollars to make the case go away.
It sucked while it was still fiction, too.
Nigguh what.
Who is going to take control of and falsify the elections now?
And fucking why would they sure Trump surprised lots of people but he has been so ineffectual even if there was a conspiracy a 4 year delay hardly amounts to much. But i doubt very much that if there was such a thing trump would be an obstacle. He backpedaled every populist idea and supports a neocon platform like everyone else now
How could she have won when worldwide media was focused on the Trumpinator 24/7?
user, please. That is merely the current year. Things are about to get a lot, lot worse.
>In many ways, Trump’s election was the last honest election cycle we’ll have in America.
I'm interested in seeing why you think this.
It only exists as a foil to the hyper materialism inherent in the genre its not a "prediction" that must be accurate for the genre to be taken seriously fundamentally science fiction is a reflection of the present more than it has ever been an earnest prediction of the future
The moment Obama called her the most qualified candidate in American history is the moment I knew she was a corporate shill.
Why isn't SeaWorld booming when worldwide media has been focused on it for nearly a decade?
I think you're misunderstanding.
If you were the type of person that believed that the presidential elections were predetermined by people in smoke filled rooms, the election of Trump disproves that. It reveals that the system isn't compromised.
Unless you're super cynical and believe that the power that be wanted Trump to win all along or something.
Yeah, I think my favourite story of cyberpunk warfare is when people fought back against a TV advert hijacking people's robotic personal assistants by editing wikipedia.
>New-age spirituality is all the rage these days alongside fundamentalism. I knew a whole coven of stupid fucking wiccans in college, they were everywhere. They have whole sections in book stores dedicated to new-age spirituality, Amazon sells "healing crystals", etc.
feels like the heyday of that stuff was back in the 80s and 90s, it hasn't disappeared but it's not as big as it was.
Sometimes, when I lay in my bed scared of my own mortality I comfort myself by thinking that at least I won't see the world of the future.
I don't wanna see what the world's like in 200 years, let alone the toxic wasteland of the next millenium
It makes more sense if you think about it in terms of the primary. In a cast of literal whos the one with the biggest brand recognition has a huge advantage and the 24/7 news coverage across multiple channels of trump helped him a whole lot
Because large amounts of bad publicity for a service encourages people not to use it but large amounts of bad publicity for a person's ideas means more people get to see them.
>Unless you're super cynical and believe that the power that be wanted Trump to win all along or something.
Why wouldn't they? He's dumb, ineffectual, and won't say no to anything involving big business and money in general. If you're a mega-corp, then he is the perfect government leader to have.
He's probably young and doesn't remember when full of retarded spiritualists were massively popular and featured everywhere on TV.
I had a landlord, who refused to pain my security deposit back. I had all the evidence on my side, down to emails, text messages, etc., which showed that everything was fine with the house, but he still wouldn't give it back. I went to a lawyer who said that he's an asshole who does that sort of stuff and even though I have all this paperwork, it's a bunch of hassle for a few hundred bucks and I might still end up losing or not getting my money back even if I do win.
After googling him a bit, I found out he's currently in jail for various sexual assaults, and he's so liked in jail that he got beaten up during lunch hour and had to be moved to another prison. So I guess that's a plus.
He got elected through getting the majority of states even though New York and California were against him. He lacked the support (besides Russia) of basically everyone and got elected. It wasn’t like Hillary “most qualified president in US history” Clinton.
What i am confronting someone who seems to think the next election will be a controlled farce and wondering who they think will be the ones controlling it
I dont think anyone controls this shit because its unnecessary. Every company plays both sides and co opts whoever is in charge. The only actual disruption to this would be the election of Ron Paul or Bernie. Not like that was ever going to happen
He had the support of the Republican party after he won the primaries. If there's one thing a two-party system is good for, it's making sure that each party throws ALL their eggs in their boy's basket.
would it be illegal to sell this mask?
>In a cast of literal whos
I don't think you realize that the republican candidates for the primaries were the best and strongest they've literally ever had.
whoever got elected the oligarchs still win
>He had the support of the Republican party after he won the primaries
I wouldn't say that, a good third of the R. senators are still in full riot they didn't get their sweet saudi money hillary promised them.
>literal whos
A literal child.
It would be very painful
Please, everything I've seen of Bernie after he was fucked by the DNC has made me despise him more and more. I do believe if it had been Bernie vs. Trump, it would have been very different, but I've really taken a dislike to the man afterwards.
lol okay some recognizable dynasties but no one anyone gave a shit about
so what happens next time huh armed gaurds at the ballot box making sure you make the right choice? Rigged vote counts? Whats going to make this the last honest election
I don't know how people like you can still like bernie after reading the emails and hearing him talk for even a second after the election.
Literal controlled opposition that swindled you out of money.
During the election, I mean. Right now Trump is such a terrible leader and the GOP is such a terrible organization that they can't agree to destroy the thing they've spent the past eight years waving torches at, but during the election the entire Republican party (minus JEB!!) had thrown their weight behind ensuring that, at the very least, The Other Guy didn't win.
Cyberpunk? Hahaha, don't tell me you read that drivel, friends.
i dont give a single shit about him but he would have been the most disruptive to the corporate agenda
user. The world survived two super-powers with their fingers on the button several times. A bunch of corporate greed and political reach-arounding is not gonna destroy us. It's gonna fuck a lot of people over, for sure, but so did a lot of things. And we're still alive.
i dont know why you think i like bernie just would have been more disruptive to the current power structure than the other candidates
My favorite was Bernie "I will never tell you who to vote for" Sanders shilling Clinton.
Trump is going to fuck up so hard that the government will decide that the american people cannot be trusted to choose their leader anymore. You won't be able to vote at all.
>The Other Guy didn't win
This is something else I can't get behind. A good chunk of R reps were practically endorsing hillary with everything but actual words.
Hard not to see the puppet strings when you have cronies who thrive off meaningless dissent agreeing with each other.