You can already throw away yout GURPS books.
Nov 30!
Other urls found in this thread:
Eat shit faggot.
Tell me when I can throw away my DnD books and maybe I'll care.
This "game for all settings" shit is gonna be shit though.
I just want a standard fantasy game that's not DnD magic-wank.
Now! Throw them away right now!
So... it's just another generic system that doesn't actually do anything well? No thanks, at least I'm already familiar with GURPS.
I would if people played anything else ever.
To be fair, there are barely any specialized systems that do anything well
They all think the same.
They don't though, they eat the shit eagerly then grin and ask for more.
I never had trouble finding players for other systems. Am I just lucky?
Besides EotE's wonky dice mechanic, what does this have to offer?
For me it offers an opportunity to be a player, buddy want a to DM it and that's good enough
I think there needs to be a Genesys mascot. GURPS frog is a little cuck.
>playing gurps at all.
Does this RPG have sunlight vitamins too?
Based on the current iterations of this rules framework, I see no real potential in Genesys for any 'innovation' that GURPS, HERO, d6, d100, M&M or Fate doesn't already cover much better already. Frankly, I don't care about the dice mechanic either.
But please continue shilling this game that hasn't even been released.
We should start Genesys General I think.
What's that got to do with anything?
I really hope all this genesys-posting is being done as some form of satire.
A system which combines aspects of multiple different systems seems to have some sort of reason to be already.
The game hasn't even been released though so who the fuck knows if it'll be any good outside EotE.
I do like EotE's system, it's superior to GURPS at least for my own DM style, but we'll see.
No, it's just part of FFG's online social marketing budget. Shilling in online forums is a common business strategy these days.
The thing that really interests me is their approach to either replace classes/talent trees or make your own, because aside from the dice mechanics, those are majorly what makes and breaks the system right now.
>advertising a product through disparagement of a competing product, with no discussion of actual merit of the item which itself is not even available for public consumption
Already dropped. Fuck off, and everyone like you can fuck off from this board too.
If you're going to fucking shill some new jackass shit _and_ shit on a venerable system with many dozens of excellent, well researched books, at least fucking do it properly.
What the fuck is so great about fantasy flight's cock that you want us to suck it too, OP? What are its redeeming qualities, what does it do differently, how does it innovate? As far as I can tell, it is yanking custom dice from other ff games and trying to make them apply to a generic system with an emphasis on storytelling.
Why the fuck should I buy yet another pair of shitty unique dice just to play yet another generic system? Why the fuck would I use this over GURPS, Savage Worlds or FATE? What fucking niche does this system fill?
GURPS is the best system for dark fantasy hands down. Combat is brutal when you know what you are doing.
You roll these magic dice and count up the dildos. If you are really good at something you get dice that have double dildos on some sides.
This game looks like absolute shit. 15 bucks on special dice that "enhance the narrative" by 'adding complications" and it's not numbers it's SYMBOLS which are oh-so-fucking-original and totally new ground being covered here, this looks like the same boring one-tone narrative schlock, it'll be like FATE but worse. You roll to pick a lock and get an advantage so, what, you pick it faster? You find out that holy shit you actually just picked the lock to Jesus' tomb and can resurrect him to help you fight? Fuck these narrative games that shove random shit for you to deal with into the mix to seem "interesting" when in reality they are just random crap-on-crap game design with no structure. The only decently-designed narrative game I've seen is Apocalypse World, and all the spin-offs of that suck fat fucking cock because they try to jam the mechanic into other genres and systems where it fits in about as well as a spiked cucumber in a newborn's cunt.
Unless the shills that keep making these threads can explain to me why I should play this game, and what it adds to the RPG design sphere, they can fuck off. I'm not spending money on this overpriced shit. I'm not even going to waste time downloading the PDF. And it well sell because of EotE fanboys who choke down whatever FFG puts out for them. They love eating shit, and never turn down an opportunity to do so. Well, fuck them.
I'm wondering how do you shill properly on Veeky Forums.
>I'm wondering how do you shill properly on Veeky Forums.
See this:
Game has a lot of fun elements. I find the dice mechanic to be engaging for me and my players. Symbol system is strong if you are a good GM and keep things grounded. The game has just enough crunch to be tactful, yet not bog shit down in more pressured scenarios.
Not for everyone of course, but for sure not worth the bitch fitting I see on these threads.
If this is your argument as to why the game is good, then I am almost 99% sure it is bad.
>fun is bad
The absolute state of """people""" who play GURPS
Uh, what’s a yout?
This was lolerific. Well said.
Fun isn't bad. But if your only argument as to why your game is good, is that it's "fun", then you have told me nothing.
>replying to yourself
I will never understand the fury that this game seems to illicit in Veeky Forums. EotE's dice mechanic is weird at first and its fate point system is straight up dumb, but you guys are triggered as fuck.
>EotE's dice mechanic is weird at first and its fate point system is straight up dumb
That's why it "illicits" such fury, user. Because it is repeatedly shilled by Redditors as "best game evarr" yet in reality it is mediocre.
>if your only argument as to why your game is good, is that it's "fun"
>I find the dice mechanic to be engaging for me and my players. Symbol system is strong if you are a good GM and keep things grounded. The game has just enough crunch to be tactful, yet not bog shit down in more pressured scenarios.
You seem butt busted, perhaps you should call down a bit
Good thing I never bought them.
No, you're just willing to play with people who arnt autists.
i liked the eote dice gimic
The star wars system wasn't good... I fail to see how a generic version of that system would be any good.
Personally, it isn't the game or the system or the goofy-ass dice. You can simulate those dice with regular polyhedrals and a lookup table. My problem is the shills who do nothing to explain the merits of the game or why we should give a shit. If you shit on DnD in favor of Dungeon World without actually bringing up the failings of the former and the merits of the latter, you can bet your ass people are going to get triggered.
>My problem is the shills who do nothing to explain the merits of the game or why we should give a shit.
People do this all the time and it gets misunderstood and ignored, shit gets tiring.
Unique dice and generic system seems like the worst possible combination. If they made a generic system close to Dark Heresy's d100 system and similar titles I might have been interested, but I guess since they didn't make the first Dark Heresy book, and even that one was basically just Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd ed that would be kind of dishonest.
I really just have no idea what someone would use this game for
Why do the unique dice make it any harder to use for different settings?
Like it's totally okay to not like the dice mechanic but I don't really see what bearing it has on the system being generic.
>My problem is the shills who do nothing to explain the merits of the game or why we should give a shit.
You mean you are blind to people actually praising the system in detail?
How about you lay some solid questions to fans so you they can give you the bullet points.
Tiring indeed. Really shows you how dumb and bitchy some TG'rs are. I should look for the Filthy Casual equivalent of this board.
Cultural heritage, you sunshine vitamin deficient.
For anything they wanted, using the narrative device? There's a reason EotE fans tend to create a ton of conversions because they like the dice system. Heck, just a few weeks ago we had an avatar conversion posted here. Genesys probably isn't for folks who can't expand beyond the typical d20, d10, and d6 math systems. Heck, a few months ago I'd have probably said the same, but I enjoy the simplicity of narrative dice, and it helps to have a group that loves to chime in on failures and successes.
I wasn't aware Reddit discussed anything except 5e these days outside of communities smaller than Veeky Forums's. Or is this just another one of those "anyone I disagree with is reddit" sort of deals?
>I should look for the Filthy Casual equivalent of this board.
Your options are very bad forums, and Reddit.
There's a reason so many people stick to Veeky Forums.
>Your options are very bad forums, and Reddit.
You'll have to find very bad niche forums otherwise it's just D&D discussions or sometimes FATE.
GURPS is mostly only discussed by autists who hate on every other system no matter how good or bad it is. Stay away from those boards.
This game seems fine and I'm not sure why people hate it with such passion. Having played EotE only one time, it seemed good.
I enjoyed the dice having more outcomes than succeed or fail and everything seemed quite fluid and easygoing. It's not the crunchiest system but for my group, which enjoys very narrative focused games, it was quite fun. Combat actually was surprisingly tactical despite the narrative style.
I would say for people who like games like FATE or even D&D 5e it might be worth a shot, it's not a crunchy system at all, but that's fine, not every system has to be GURPS or even 4e.
>GURPS is mostly only discussed by autists who hate on every other system no matter how good or bad it is. Stay away from those boards.
Huh? SJgames forums are, like, the friendliest and most open RPG board around.
Even GURPSgen is quite accepting by Veeky Forums standards, as is the discord.
I get it as far as snotty remarks from some GURPS players against other games in system req. threads and stuff like that, though.
All the generals are relatively tame in their own way, especially as far as Veeky Forums goes, but it's normally GURPS players (or people posing as them) who shit up the other threads which is probably why OP made this thread just to get 'em riled up.
Pathfinder players usually stick to posting anime images in their own thread and D&D players are too busy asking questions that could be answered by reading their core rule books. FATE players dont even show up to Veeky Forums half the time.
>GURPS players (or people posing as them) who shit up the other threads which is probably why OP made this thread just to get 'em riled up
I'm not saying your experiences are wrong, but I've literally never once seen a GURPS player shit up another general. I rarely see it mentioned outside of open system request threads, and it should hardly surprise anyone that it shows up frequently as a suggestion (though yes, GURPS shitters [or trolls or w/e] who trash on other games or threadcrap are as bad as any other kind).
This thread doesn't really count either, since the OP was clearly bait of one kind or another. Generals for Genesys are elsewhere on-board (you guys have 3 threads last I checked).
Also, I should slightly amend my statement:
>I rarely see [GURPS] mentioned [in any significant capacity] outside of open system request threads [and general games discussion-type threads]
But does it allow me to calculate my Anal Circumference?
If not then I have no reason to drop GURPS because GURPS doesn't allow me to do that already.
No, but you could have a really successful anal sex roll where you orgasm three times, but also develop anal fissures due to threat results on the dice.
That and GURPS doesn't force you to use stupid donutsteel dice.
The dice are the point of the mechanics, you couldn't achieve the same system with numerical dice without making dice pools a cunt and a half to actually resolve.
The dice are the best part.
I mean, you could just write up a chart for dice results when using regular dice, and consult the chart for the result, then resolve as normal. FFG did that for their Star Wars RPGs already.
You must be visiting a completely different Veeky Forums, partner. On my Veeky Forums, GURPS gets suggested in threads that ask for system suggestions, and they just say "GURPS"
But please, continue to lie to make GURPS look like a terrible system. Please.
Suggesting GURPS is a meme, m8.
I wasn't sure whether or not I was interested until I read how they're doing magic:
TL;DR: Default, dinky close-range magic attack is easy. To turn it into, say, a classic Fireball means to add a Fire trait and an area effect trait. But those also make it a lot harder to pull off reliably without a focus designed to cast those sorts of spells.
In another article they mention they have some system for designing items, which means you can have some very rarefied sorts of focuses in your campaign for different schools of magic. All together it sounds right up my alley.
Not him but unironically hating GURPS is the meme now, get current bro.
You mean "ironically?" How could anyone hate the best system there is?
Yeah, that.
I'd say that falls under being a cunt to resolve. The dice pools already sit right on the edge of being too much work. Adding table conversions into it would push them right off the deep end.
I'm bored of this meme.
>edge of being too much work
fuck, how do you do any math intensive dice systems dude? Ffg dice pools even at the munchkinest tiers is still simple.
It's not about simplicity, it's about how much time it takes to sort shit out.
Interpreting an FFG dice pool takes longer than most other systems, I'd say. The tradeoff is worth it, because you get a lot more narrative out of that one roll, but it's still time consuming.
Add rolling against a table to determine every dice result and you're getting into intense tedium territory.
That depends on a number of factors, including the familiarity with the dice, among other things. I'd say it takes just as long as any other dice pool for just about any slightly complex system. Maybe I've just played with a lot of people who were bad at math in my Pathfinder days (and most folks play over roll20, encouraging a math-lite playstyle) so I suppose I just have different experiences.