Does anyone else feel like it's a big step down from 2nd ed?
Does anyone else feel like it's a big step down from 2nd ed?
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I puked a little when I saw how awful that shop was.
2nd was definitely better.
C'mon, we can improve this.
First, ditch WotC as the publisher. But for extra hate use the d20 System logo with an invented publisher name.
Second, we need the "The RPG about nothing" under the logo.
Where are the photoshopfags when you need them?
>Where are the photoshopfags when you need them?
I'm busy with Illustrator right now. Post a list of changes you want to see and I'll take care of it when I get a free minute.
You'd probably want "The Role-Playing Game about Nothing" in the same font as the Seinfeld logo.
While you were playing in photoshop, I was studying the illustrator.
Alright, here you go!
I'd play it.
Holy shit I could not stop laughing about this. Goes to show you what a good shop does for the soul.
Can we talk about rules for this?
Like what would the skills even be?
How do we encourage players and Game Masters to behave like Seinfeld characters?
Would you be playing as characters from the show or would you be playing as your own Seinfeldesque OCs?
>"JERRY! I gotta borrow your dice, Jerry!"
>"What happened to yours, Kramer?"
>"I can't use those premium ivory dice for just ANY role, Jerry! It's gotta be a special occasion!"
>"Well, alright Kramer, but you gotta return those dice when you're done, I just got them."
>"Yeah, yeah."
Rolls dice, they drop off the table and into a grate on the floor.
>"Well, I gotta go Jerry! See you later!"
I think the focus should be on hogging screen time. Every PC should have a "win condition" of some state of being or specific outcome that they try to accomplish by the end of the session to get any points.
Assuming four PCs, two of the PCs (randomly chosen) have a goal stated by the GM that will get them guaranteed screen time for every scene that they actively work toward that goal, as well as extra points at the end. The other two PCs can opt to either tie into the storyline of the PCs with the goals (potential to have more screen time, but only if the PC with the goal allows them into the scene) or simply work toward their own win condition on their turn. You lose points for every scene that you're not in.
Game is played round-robin style where every PC acts in order around the table. Starting with PC #1:
>PC1 acts first.
>If any other PCs are in the same scene, they can act in order following PC1. Acting is just declaring that you try to do something that works toward either your goal or the goal of another PC.
>If you succeed at your roll, you get to stay in the scene. If you fail your roll, you have to leave the scene.
>Once everyone in the scene has failed, the next PC in order who isn't in the current scene acts.
This means that if all four PCs are together, they can continue to act without leaving the scene, but unless they have somehow tied their goals and win conditions together, only one of the PCs is going to get any points if they continue all the way to the end.
That's my thought anyway.
I can't wait for the "Summer of George" Adventure Path!!!
Ok I like this idea. Play structure goes something like this:
>GM declares win cons of two characters
>Picks one of those two to be in a "Opening scene"
Premise of scene described by GM?
>That characters player can than invite other players into the scene,
Other players request being in scene?
>Scene happens, roleplaying ensues
>players in scene take turns trying accomplish things in scene.
>When a player fails a roll their ability to accomplish goals in scene ends
>When all players can't play scene ends
>Each time a player works towards their characters win con or helps another character move towards theirs they get a point.
>GM picks a player who wasn't in that scene to be in it.
GM describes premise? Player describes premise?
>Player can again pick other players to be in the scene.
>new scene goes the same as previous. Players not in the scene each lose a point, but can't go below zero points.
>Scene ends GM picks new player to be the Main character in the scene as before game continues.
>Episode ends at the end of the session? After a certain number of scenes?
>Episode should end regardless of whether the characters actually accomplished the win condition, though bonus points are rewarded if they do.
The characters should be OC's I think with skills/attributes that they can increase over time by spending experience earned at the end of episodes based on the number of points earned.
If you guys want a serious attempt to translate the drudgery of a sitcom turned into a compelling RPG system, get yourself a copy of pic related.
Each character fights for screentime, and the only way to gain experience if you steal the limelight from another character by finagling your sitcom trope into the current narrative.
I recently got the "Festivus for The Rest of Us" Pack.
It introduces so many new character options that my group doesn't even play the game the same way anymore.
My guy has been performing so many "Feats of Strength" he can carry the aluminum pole himself now!
>Palladium Books as the publisher
that's good, but how will you do episodes like the pilot and the Chinese restaurant, I know the episode about the restaurant could be an everyone looses episode, but they had no way to achieve their goal. they could just do wait actions until the director tells them it's alright and get bored, however that still works for most other episodes, like the marine biologist episode.
dont forget the scenes where one character describes what happened to the other, when that hapenes the player who wasn't there should have a boost to score from there actions in that scene
Interesting. Got a PDF for us?
Can I steal the limelight by raping the other characters?
Not enough transgressive
I love you
I'm not going to read the thread but I'm guessing all the jokes are "RPG terminology but with Seinfeld references LOL!"
idk. i didn't read the thread either
honestly this thread is a dud so far. im not even sure it can even be a good idea
Literally google it
>honestly this thread is a dud so far.
>interesting ideas for a way to mechanically represent the A-plot-B-plot formula
>talking about preexisting games that fit into the genre conventions
>funny shops
Yeah feel free to fuck off at any time.
Are we going to use actual skills or will there be core characteristics? Not even suggesting USING Gurps, but if we use skills gurps has plenty of mundane, everyday skills that fit into daily life.
Sitcoms have 4 basic stats
Abilities include
>Exercising your second amendment rights
>Heavy Machine Operation
>Law Enforcement
>Microwave Cooking
>Recreational Drug Use
>Science (for nerds)
>Television Appreciation
>Purposeful Vomiting
And level up feats would be
>Anger Management
>Blinding Anger
>Bottom Dealer
>Chug Chug Chug
>Couch Warmer
>Dead to the World
>Deep Pockets
>Dirty Pool
>Fast Fingers
>Getting Punchy
>Hard Boiled
>Kung-Fu Master
>Laser Focus
>M E G A M O O C H E R
>No Moral Compass
>Party Animal
>Passive Aggressive
>Simple Pleasures
>Thick Skull
>Three Card Monte Expert
>Wind Breaker
and questions?
I hate you all
You're alright though
So the other day, i just got to thinking: what if the TV show ‘Sinefeld’ was playan RPGs in modarn day? You know, like for example, imagen what if there was an game where Krame sneak on to James Cameren’s mini submerine when he voyage to the bottom of the Mariana Tranch, but then Kremer try to make a penut butter sanwich on the submerine but James Cameren FREAK OUT just like “Krame theres no room this sub for you and youre penut butter sanwiches ITS SUPOSED TO BE FOR ONLY ONE PERSEN!!!” And clasic Krame is just go “gidyap.” That would be a prety modarn RPG.
I got a question as a GM
So two of my players have been solely focusing on this asinine sounding deposit bottle scam. One of them actually crunched the numbers and showed me they could make profit, so i just let them.
Question is, i'd like to tie them to the story somehow. Any ideas for a plothook? Come next session they are going to be driving a fucking mailtruck full of empty bottles to Saginaw, Michigan of all places.
>board policemen get so upset with Veeky Forums getting shit done that they start reporting the thread
Impossible, can't be done. The only way you could do this is if you had a partially-full mail truck, but that would require them to get an NPC driver in on the scam.
I'm really not a fan of this dice system. I understand it, but it seems overly complex while not really adding anything to the theme.
Why is Elaine's skirt see through? She's just as bad as the braless wonder.
Why not a kind of RPG where each session the players must act together to gather Audience points? They would have some classic stereotypes and had to work according to it to gain Audience. At the end of each session/episode, they can spend AP to increase stats.