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So here is a request to the leakers (or maybe it has already been posted in which case I appreciate someone else telling me):
Can you tell us what Mono no Aware, the 3-cost Neutral event does? I am most curious about that one.
subject line
>Can you tell us what Mono no Aware, the 3-cost Neutral event does? I am most curious about that one.
They can't because they're larping.
It will never happen.
5th for retarded scorpion hatamoto
>When you're clan is so stupid it has to betray itself
The hero Scorpion Clan deserves.
Reaction: Once the fate phase begins - remove all fate from all characters.
That would be reasonable if it was a 3+ fate cost event. And damn it would be punishing to see it hit after a big battle where For Greater Glory hit and boosted 3-4 dudes up.
I bet he is feeling real silly
So now that we know the entire cycle what do people think?
Arent we still missing packs 5 and 6?
Someone save the Unicorns please
Have you not been to the FFG Forums today?
FFG Forumfags tickle my kek gland with posts like these.
I'm confused, I don't see anything there about packs 5 and 6
>Guy wins top of Scorpion at both Gencon and Worlds
>Chooses role he thinks is best
>Some internet jackass thinks he knows better
>Chooses role he thinks is best
nice joke Mark, you fucking cuck
Any word on what the crane magistrate does yet?
>open For Honor and Glory
>only card exciting seeming is the monk kick and the lion dude
What's good in the pack?
Get good and beat him next year pussy and choose your own role them.
>implying I'm a filthy scorpion
>implying he didn't choose a shitty role on purpose
>implying over half of scorpion clan doesn't hate his guts
>implying he's even really loyal to scorpion, and not a retarded spider
Why not post more reaction images and act like you know shit? Dumb nigger.
>There was a better role then keeper of void for scorpion
That's pretty funny user, are you going to tell us that scorpion dishonor is dead because you cant have your keeper card like the other autists?
he picked seeker, you dumb shit. If anything, he (and you) is the autist for not picking the optimal clan role, or even just keeper of air. He and all the idiots defending his position deserve all the ridicule they get.
>Keeper was better then seeker
That is funny, your buying into Brad's meme that Backhanded Compliment actually was as good as he thought it was.
What, the keeper initiate was actually going to matter? That's fucking hilarious.
also, consider all the backpedaling he did for damage control after he realized how pissed people were. picking an optimal role was never the factor: his intent from the beginning was to hobble scorpion. as a bonus, it fucks with how card balance across clans is distributed moving forward.
keep on cucking on if you'd like though, it's your choice
lol, how is this shit still going on? If you're too retarded to build a top tier deck out of SoV, you were definitely no better off with a Keeper. No Role can fix that level of dumb
Scorpion players are the worst
They have always whined even when they were good.
So they're regular L5R players then?
To be fair, at least they arent unicorn players. They are all jumping ship just because they got off to a bumpy start.
Oh I know. My friend won't stop bitching about it even though he he got third at the last local tournament. Having tons of card draw and free fate is good folks.
I mean hell mate, I'm an old Spider player, I played them in Ivory edition when playing our own cards literally made us lose. These unicorn dont even KNOW what its like to actually be loyal to a clan in the design shitter.
Fuck you Spider-cancer. I played 'Corn during the dark days of Gold when all the best Cav personalities were out of Clan and we didn't even have a fucking Champion.
You can get fucked if you think the fucking War Dog Master is anywhere near the tier of LPB or Doji Challenger. We were told we're getting better with the first cycle and we're dealt shit cards like Ide Tadaji, Shinjo Saddles, and the aforementioned Dogs. It is especially frustrating when we see shit like Kaede and Ujiaki coming out.
unicorn in 2017 LUL
Like I said, they are complaining worse then their dogs. I lived through Purge of Fudoism, these bitches cry when their 3 drop isnt the best card in the game.
The fucking dogs are damn near unplayable. If they had Cav and/or a 0/1 Political skill they'd be fucking good. As it sits they are just an unreliable beat stick, guess what, we have a more reliable beat stick that comes with Cav so it has no fucking place in a deck. They aren't just not as good as LPB, they might well be the worst dynasty 3 drop in the game. So much for getting better with the cycle.
You already have two really good 3 drops stfu. If you want to have LPB so bad come play lion.
>>Purge of Fudoism
Fuck that card, its bringing back all the terrible memories. And no one played Fudo so it just existed as a "Spider loses the game" card.
You literally had the best magistrate printed in this cycle, stop whining and enjoy free wins against Phoenix and Dragon.
I stopped playing like a year before that card came out but why was the cult of fudo purged?
Here's today's pack, kids.
For the life of me, I will never understand why it rotates these pics when I post them.
Heretics mainly and they drew Pan'Ku's blessings of madness on the colonies.
The card just destroyed all Shadowlands, Fudo, or Fallen personalities, which meant it was an event that literally just destroyed all of Spider's characters, ending the game the moment it was played.
Decks would just run a single copy knowing that when it flipped any game against Spider was over, it was pretty bullshit honestly.
God, Fudo was handled so very poorly. It could have been really cool to have a non-evil philosophy that conflicts with the Rokugani way of life and accepted philosophy. The politics and theological debates could have been fascinating...but nope it was the shapeshifting master of shitty storylines, Aku!
Really? When I was playing the Fudo cultists hated the people touched by Pan'Ku. How did that shake out?
Did they ever explain what the Fudo cultists actually believed because from what I remember it was vaguely get swole and hit guys who you don't like in the face.
Follow your own path, the path your ancestors took may not be the one that works for you. Seek enlightenment in your own way rather than simply listening to others.
At least, iirc.
Not him, but really? Shinsei literally said that when he said shit like, "My path is not your path." Or did that get retconned out somewhere along the line and I missed it.
Why was something that non retarded heretical?
Because Shinsei did it? It is probably that arbitrary.
Fudoists were enemies of Pan'Ku but worshiped his eggs as artifacts in their misguidance, making his bring his blessings of madness to the colonies as he tried to "improve" the lives of those he say.
It COULD have been really clever, a Bloodborne kind of thing where the things they worshiped just drew the attention of the maddening celestial cosmic being, but it was played out shakily and fell kind of flat at the end.
They eventually used a relic to summon Pan'Ku fully to the mortal realm where the crown prince had to with kill the dragon or talk him down, he managed to convince the dragon to depart but the dragon decided to continue "blessing" him well into his term as emperor.
It wasn't awful, but it wasn't as good as it could have been.
>War Dog Master is anywhere near the tier of LPB or Doji Challenger
It's better than Isawa Masahiro or Wandering Ronin at least.
So their only crime was ignorance? Its a shame they decided to waste the Fudo cult in that way. I also heard that the plot in the last edition of the game became a giant dumpster fire. Can I get a synopsis?
where the fuck is this in the rulebook
Rules Reference, page 17
"Unique Cards"
Its in the online rulebook not the one in the starter box. Its complete shit I know.
Well that's horseshit. Any other important rules I should know about that aren't in the rules that came in the core set?
Its also better then Matsu Beiona
I'm usually a Phoenix player but I've been playing more and more Unicorn games. I'm not sure what they're bitching about.
I play the crab splash, though. I enjoy attaching Watch Commander and a Mount to Ide Trader and zipping him around. I realize it's heavily reliant on a lack of attachment hate, which there really isn't much shortage of, but I have a pretty good win rate with them.
I haven't tried Lion splash but will give it a try. It's a different style than I like to play, though. I sort of like resource warfare / denial over sheer aggression.
But yes, Unicorns are some of the whiniest people I've had the sorry displeasure of having to deal with. They clearly weren't born in the saddle, and are nothing but a liability on the tundra.
Does anyone know of a fillable character sheet for the RPG beta?
1. Despite the way it is worded in the learn to play book, you can look at the replacement cards after mulligan.
2. Imperial Favor adds +1 to the player, not any particular character — so if the character is moved or bowed you still have 1 in the conflict (given appropriate conflict type, of course).
3. Cards with Ancestral that are discarded as a result of cards like Let Go or having to pitch them due to Restriction do not go back into your hand — they only return to your hand if the character they are attached to leaves play.
4. While it is mentioned that when a card is played on a character it must change its state (this question usually comes up as a result of having a dishonored character and someone playing For Shame! on it), as an addendum the state only has to change for one character (So if someone attacks your shameful display that is already dishonored, you can still defend and honor your own character with it).
Those are just a couple of things. There's a bunch of really specific errata for each card that can be found on fiveringsdb.com, most of which was gleaned from having to e-mail the devs. There is no official errata released by FFG — yet.
Lion splash is fun. In my last game I started a Political Battle, turned it military with Captive Audience, Cavalry reserved in three 2 cost guys, then For Greater Gloried them and the Bushi I sent as the initiator. I'm running Ready for Battle for anti-bow tech and keep switching between Honored Blade and Guidance of the Ancestors for my last influence. I am thinking about sticking with Guidance as Yurts have taken care of my Honor problems and the recyclable attachment is handy.
>3. Cards with Ancestral that are discarded as a result of cards like Let Go or having to pitch them due to Restriction do not go back into your hand — they only return to your hand if the character they are attached to leaves play.
That's right there on the card it's not a rule that's missing from what's available in the core set it's just easy to misread.
You are correct. The wording is just a little awkward, as you said.
All the wordings are awkward. That's why we need so many damn rulings on cards. It's an area where FFG really needs to improve.
Completely agree. My LGS played for about three weeks without looking at the cards they got from mulligan. It was a strange rule, but we kind of chalked it up to maybe being the price you had to pay for mulliganing.
Not including the Rules Reference Guide in the core set is pretty inexcusable. I know it's readily available online, but the Learn to Play doesn't really prepare you for anything more than confusing kitchentop play.
Even Warhammer Conquest came with a RRG.
A lot of rulings we've gotten look like they were made RAW regardless of intent just to avoid having to issue errata or I suppose because of lack of authority to issue errata.
Oh yeah, no doubt. Not including the full rules was disgusting.
I really like FFG but it's just so strange how unorganized they are about things that much worse companies have nailed down.
What their philosophy says and what they actually do are two very different things. Nothing in the 5 rings heresy told them to Lynch non-5ringers, but that's the behavior that got them heresy'd. Fudoists we're probably using it as an excuse to attack others and spread taint.
I read that guy's reasoning for picking seeker. Shit reasoning is crazy bad.
Not when you just get steamrolled anyway.
Guess we're all fixed now
>Better than Wandering Ronin at least.
uh.... is that supposed to be a standard?
Obviously. Tadaji and the Dogs are the best ever printed.
The standard for "not the worst dynasty card in the game"
Guess that means it gets to be in the binder before Ronin. Overall Balance of Unicorn aside, I wish the dogs had been pushed more so it felt better to run them.
Was he right /l5rg/?
I know this was last thread but it's pretty relevant given the release of today's pack.
And I didn't upload it, great.
Abandoning your clan is never the right call.
Scroll up. We were just discussing this. Unicorn is not that bad it just plays weird.
I actually posted it in light of the current argument.
Unicorn players need to learn they are not lion. They should not be piling all their guys into big military attacks and actually utilize all the move in tech they have so that they can see how hard their opponent wants to commit to defense leaving them with guys up to defend with or threaten another attack.
That's either observer effect or terrible players not knowing how to play Unicorn to begin with.
I haven't seen that many Unicorn players repeat mass strikes on the play, after their second or third games with them they know how basic movement should be used.
I think people also need to understand that Aggro as a concept has been around far longer than Lion. I don't mean for it to be an attack at you, it's because I've heard that argument of Unicorn trying to play Lion before and quite a bit at my LGS, meanwhile it's just a normal form of Aggro, you could probably find it stuff like MTG too.
So tell me if I have this right: You can look at your dynasty cards after a mulligan, but only before you draw your conflict cards.
Even when they figure this out they still complain that they have less raw power per card even though they have a very easy time gaining fate, card and tempo advantages. Its like they don't realize it would be imbalanced if all their cards were strong but they got to draw 3 more a turn.
Yes good sir. For example in lion you want to know off you have 3+ bushi to buy turn one before you make that decision to dig for fgg.
You people need to stop being so extreme about unicorn?
Are they bad? Yes. Does this mean that their win rate is 0%, they're not viable for a tournament? No.
There will be good pilots with huge win rates with Unicorn. I'm sitting at 9/2 with the current patch, splashing Harmonize DoP and EtV. Even though I love playing unicorn, I can still acknowledge they are below the curve and need some help.
Looks like all Unicorn discussions degenerate in either "they're completely shit" or "They're secretly great and you are all bad". The truth is, as usual, in the middle.
No we are saying they are fine right now and stop bitching that they are so bad you are going to drop the game.
Can I see your list I am going to run them this weekend for imperial summons.
Here you go: fiveringsdb.com
Some tricks:
> Abuse Embrace the Void with Giver of Gifts. You can play it on an opponent's character first and then move it to yours. For this reason, you can play it earlier than if you were playing phoenix.
> Harmonize is best used with a bowed Tatsuo, an unbowed magistrate or with an unbowed, moved-in trader.
> Fate flooding with Yurt is effective at forcing opponents to put extra fate on their dudes, that you can exploit with Embrace the Void and Swift Magistrate
> Remember that I Am Ready works very well with the Magistrate too.
Dunno but thanks
This is perfect timing. I was thinking of trying out other splashes besides the obvious Lion and Dragon, and due to how easy it is for Unicorn to loose provinces, DoP came to mind.
How has Harmonize worked out for you?
Also, 3x Tatsuo and only 2x the Champion? I'm personally playing the other way around, and it works out fine for me. Any special reason for that?
Lion wins worlds 2018 confirmed!!!
Policy debate is gonna be a great addition for dishonor decks.
And the Crab magistrate is dope.