Eating xenos

What would the Imperium of Man make of xenophagia? The human consumption of xenos?

I personally am enchanted at the prospect of a bit of roasted eldar thigh, topped with ork mushroom sauce, all wrapped in tau stomach. Sometimes, I get cravings for eating eldar thigh, off the bone, while they are still alive? Would the Emperor approve?

That flag is a nice touch.

Eating evil taints the soul and is forbidden.

Also, gourmandism is the path to decadence, whence from emanates Slaanesh and all his vices.

Wouldn't all live stock not from Earth be xenos?

No, just anything outside of the Imperium of Man.

Grox aren't considered heretical to eat.

Sounds heretical to me. You're not a heretic, are you user?

Nothing sentient/sapient, or with an obvious chaos taint.
If it's just a matter of chowing down on a tasty animal you found on a newly discovered planet, go for it.

Maybe Squigs? If they could find a way to breed Squigs without spawning all the other Orkoids, they'd have a nice food supply.

If the Imperium successfully develops a way to safely prepare nutritious & delicious xenos, they would all benefit. Troop moral, food supplies, even the civilians might one day see Ork spores as a source of tasty treats.

Imperium doesn't give a shit about xenophagia. They barely even care about cannibalism.

Was it ever official that Imp Guard ration bars were often made with soylens viridians i.e. people?

Yes, corpse starch based products are a common component of Guard rations.

But they don't even care about regular human meat eating cannibalism, so long as it's not getting too close to Chaos worship.

That's kroot cultural apropriation.

you do realize that Grox are not native from earth and therefore xenos right?

That's bs. Gaunt killed a cook for cannibalism.

I don't think Eldar are very edible. They're part-mineral, are they not?

user, WE are part mineral, like, a lot of parts

Are there even any earth fauna alive in 40k besides humans?

Isolated to the rich and eccentric with few exceptions

I'm sure that rats, roaches, and flies still exist wherever humans go.

Yes, but a good deal of xenos are sanctioned for agricultural use and various purposes. A good deal of other species are transplanted human stock, and in oceanic worlds, even cod and tuna have been introduced to the local ecosystem for farming. And some are genetically modified, like DKK's horses and the algae that is farmed for basic, starchy, nutritious ration paste.

Grox are a good example of a xenos animal being turned into domesticated livestock for humans. No doubt here are others. The Tallarn used what were basically Dewbacks way back when Forge World still made them.

That's not algae you kn-
Nevermind. . .

This. I have an Inquisitor who dies it, but that's also because I based him off Hannibal Lector. And he is very, very cautious about his secret.

But Tau liver, they say, makes an excellent pâté.

Isnt that nutrition paste they use made from people?

Donnt know the context, but there's a difference between eating the processed dead and killing your fellow man to eat. Also, the treated meat is probably healthier.

you are what you eat, and specificaly hunting intelligent xenos for their meat sounds pretty decadent and heretical
that being said, the Imperium is fucking huge, so there is probably some backwater province that is okay with this
also, eating xenos would probably be ok in a crisis situation

The scythes of the emperor ate tyranids at one point.

I know it's called "corpse starch," but there's little evidence that it's actually people. Most often it's farmed algae from agri-worlds.

The AdMech, on the other hand, directly admits that they make their nutrient paste and vat-grown servitors from corpses. Waste not, want not.

They eat grox right? Grox are xenos too

Non-humans can be barely considered sentient

Most Hive cities practise the tradition of extracting nutrients from the dead to turn into food because resources are scarce

>you are what you eat
I don't think it applies in 40k. I mean, if they took it at heart they would eat only other humans