no spess mehreens allowed
Astra Militarum Thread
Does anyone have experience with the Artillery Carriages in games? I have 3 from way back when, and apparently they're good now, I'm just not super convinced.
>Ded thread
As expected of conscripts
Median survival time is 13 hours.
Like your planet, loyalist?
Bump with my dkok (chinacast)
When’s the next Cain?
mail of the caster?
Can we have a tank that isn't the Russ? Can we have a tank that looks like a tank and not a cartoon?
aliexpress a few years ago
Hello there my morsels, today we will be practicing entrenchment in uncomfortable terrain.
Please entrench yourselves in these convenient holes. Don't mind the glowing gooey mess, it's just to simulate hostile environmental conditions.
Color scheme suggestions for a Texas themed regiment? Been working one one for a while, and I just can't decide on anything. Poor bastards have been through the ultrasonic cleaner more than I would like.
Sarge, that Commissar looks off...
e' luks fine ta me
Don’t we have containment threads for GW crap?
Their fatroll spillover cannot be contained.
Absolutely disgusting
Every IG's favorite comedy. relatable
Looking to kitbash some tallarns to give theme a more noble Persian look. Any suggestions?
Persians for reference
Earthshakers are almost must-takes.
Mmmm, lovin' that Kok!
Xenos and heretics are why we cant have nice things
Ey ain't got an propa choppa.
At least for us, it only takes us one try to destroy a planet, not 13.
You sure stopped the Black Legion from murder-raping sectors over and over again. Oh wait.
Well, at least you prevented the Eye of Terror from ripping open reality. Right?
First for Death Korp
I feel bad for asking since I've heard of it before, but What series is that?
I just picked up a box of 20 roman veterans from Warlord games that I plan on converting into a roman themed guard unit.
I'm just not sure what to do with their shields, rule-wise. I like the idea of them advancing behind their shields with lasguns pointed over them like 30k breachers.
Blackadder Goes Forth.
IG military strategy.
Thinking about getting some new boys and or toys for my guard. Besides (MORE BODIES), what do you guys recommend?
More armor?
Depends if you have them:
- wyverns
- manticore
-valkyries + bullgryns + crusaders
I am working on my bulls and crusaders, so fun to charge 1st turn and have something in front, not staying in cuckshed corner every time
I'm aware of "THE IMPERIAL GUARD!" But, I've never heard of this flaccid "astra militarum..." you speak of. Might they be a wondering group of homosexual entertainers?
Mandatory post.
if you don't have a hellhound, my recommendation would be for that
hellhounds have literally always been fun
>that 2nd weak ass laser
I think he forgot to recharge his bat packs
Artillery solves every problem
Isn't it 15 hours?
Yeah, yeah it is. Report to your nearest commissar for summary exicution for not knowing your shit conscript.
>Paying fw prices and shipping
more tanks
more arty
more flyers
more abhumans
more transports
It’s like policing Detroit, you can try to stop the bad guys but if they’re gonna sperg like autistic children they will.
Besides, despite being “Chaotic” and moving forward in any direction, you guys seem to keep the status quo of “perpetual grimdark.”
Being a poorfag
When in doubt, throw more men at it!
>A guard battalion somehow find themselves in a situation where every single officer is a xeno infiltrator.
Not all of our commissars are xeno infiltrators. This one looks pretty normal to me.
What do you all think of Tauros Venators?
They ignore the -1 to hit for heavy weapons when moving.
They have either 2 multilasers or 2 lascannons.
Have roughly the same toughness and wounds as a armored sentinel and for only 20 or so more points.
Is there any reason I shouldn't buy 3 of them for my Tallarn regiment.
Also If I buy them would it be appropriate to name them(written on their barrels of course):
Night on fire
Gas Gas Gas
Speed lover
>Also If I buy them would it be appropriate to name them(written on their barrels of course):
>Night on fire
>Gas Gas Gas
>Speed lover
None of those are appropriate for Tallarns
this recent regiment merger's been weird, I've been through no less than three body cavity searches from the new commissar, and one from one of the new privates
hey how come she gets better armor than I do?
What would be the best way to kitbash Tanith Ghosts?
Ironically the GW codex just shows Catachans with camo cloaks and other than the ripped arms it's pretty accurate.
You could go Victoria Lamb, she makes a squad that's perfectly set up to be them.
Essentially you want basic fatigues and a cape. Paint the fatigues black and make the camo cloak appropriate for whatever region they're in. Oh yeah and no helmets, lots of bare heads, beards, long hair, etc.
Yeah ofc.
Was planning on using Catachan and Marauder heads. Though idk what to do about cloaks.
>le elite gaunt ghosts
>don't wear helmet or cut their hair.
>regiment famed for being independent, stealthy, and not exactly working by the book
>being surprised they don't all have neat crew cuts and heavy body armor
Light infantry regiments and scout units have always been notorious for that kind of behavior.
>helmet is le ebin heavy armor
really maeks u think
I'm reading Straight Silver and just got to the part where (I think Larkin) is thinking about how none of them really wear their helmets and use them as bowls for food instead.
not sure if you've ever worn a helmet buddy, but they do distract you, clunk on things, and just in general are not something a stealth unit is going to find useful. In those kind of units you end up walking a long way and every pound counts. Especially since IG armor is notorious for not doing much, can't blame the guys for not bothering with helmets.
It's not that surprising really.
except that actual special forces use them all the time, they save your head from being dunked by shrapnel in a firefight and as such add to the aesthetics.
Abnett being a comic book writer forgot this part and made his ebin oc donut steel troopers too anime to wear helments.
modern special forces aren't fighting space demons, plasma technology, and pyschotic space terminators. Their helmets actually provide some protection in modern day times.
This is 40k. There are entire armies that don't even use artillery or use things that, and others where their equivalents would just eat through the helmet anyways. I can totally understand why a soldier in 40k may not bother wearing a helmet.
Hell if Space marines don't always bother with helmets that actually provide protection, I think that's reason enough to explain why guardsmen wouldn't care. Plus they're usually hot, uncomfortable, and just plain annoying to wear.
except space marines have iron halos. The entire shtick of the guardsmen is to be average joes using tactics and grit to fight space demons. Unless you come up with a reason saying every helmet in the sabbat sector gets possessed by demons randomly there is no reason for a dedicated combat unit to forgo some of the most crucial amount of protection that they can have.
dude it's 40k, all kinds of stupid shit is done solely for the rule of cool. Ignoring the fact that many space marines seen without helmets clearly don't have halos, like sergeants or even regular troopers, if you want to go down the logic route, why the fuck do we have
>chainsaw swords which anyone who has ever used a chainsaw would tell you is fucking insane to try due to kickback
>the entire abomination that is Imperial tank design
>the entire space marine chapter organization scheme
>the horrifically inefficient bearacracy and infighting of the Imperium
>no unified command structure with checks and balances even in the face of chaos
>etc etc
and that's just the Imperium. A guardsman not wearing a helmet is really fucking low on the scale of stupid shit you see in this game compared to entire regiments fighting each other over pride, space marines turning on each other for no good reason other than who gets bragging rights, and the fact that the Ecclesiarchy is allowed to get away with having sisters of battles because "Actually they're women so we're totally cool guys, don't worry."
Yeah other have said it before but manticores are the sexiest unit in the codex right now.
Why not? An Astartes chapter alone is literally worth a billion Imperial Guard soldiers. Don't know why the Emperor just didn't convert all humans into Astrartes when humanity in 40k is literally at the bottom of power levels.
stupidly expensive and wasteful for any type of attrition fighting. There's a reason why in 30k the Imperium slowly relied more and more on the Imperial Army to not only garrison conquered planets but to conquer new ones.
You're basically asking why the Germans didn't just build more Tigers and Me 262's in WWII.
>most crucial
That must be why all special operatives wear them all the time right? Even in the US the only operatives that regularly wear them are army SF, CAG, and DEVGRU. They are optional components for literally everyone else and are not common amongst Green Berets, SAD/POO, or scout sniper teams because they are heavy and hot during multi-day humps, limit field of vision and a helmeted silhouette immediately IDs them as soldiers. These units dont see heavy direct combat so they are not as necessary and left to their discretion.
except gaunt's ghosts are fighting in relatively close quarters all the fucking time, oftentimes in full engagements and firefights against soldiers of the blood pact. Them being identified is a moot point because they are already engaging the enemy and often at close enough ranges that the officers go full anime with their swords.
Saying that a helmet will slow them down when they are in full on pitched battles is extreme generalising.
This is 40K man, I don't know what else to tell you.
Pic related is not only seen as a viable tactic, but a totally reasonable expenditure of resources. Not just on the planets these guys hail from, but they're perfectly willing to shove a bunch of horses on a ship and cart them halfway across the fucking galaxy to charge someone with a stick with some dynamite on the end. And he's not wearing a helmet.
Trust me I get the whole realism bit but 40k is not the game to try and make this argument. There are perfectly valid reasons to not bother with a helmet even in real life so if you're wanting stuff to bitch about I have no idea why you've chosen it to be helmets of all fucking things. Why not Rough Riders, Leman Russ tanks, the chimera, or chainswords, or any number of things. Why is guardsmen deciding that maybe they don't want to wear their helmets that surprising to you?
Soldiers are often superstitious or even just believe in urban legend far more than they ought to in real life, not just in 40k. In WWII GI's wouldn't buckle their chinstraps for example because they were afraid bullets or shrapnel would hit the helmet so hard it would snap their neck. If some GI's can believe something as dumb as that I think its reasonable for a regiment of guardsmen to feel like their helmets really aren't useful for much besides part of their messkit.
unless this is master crafted bait, which I'm pretty sure it is
Ciaphas Cain: Hero of The Imperium.
The best part about the IG is how often I can reference Generation Kill in any given conversation.
I really need to watch this movie, if only to figure what the fuck that guy's accent is supposed to be. I thought he was british at first, it sure as hell aint a typical American accent.
The Cain series is effectively over. Mitchel has moved onto other things. Not to say he'll never be back, but no more trilogies seems pretty much expected now.
Over the years i have bought IG models from friends and some good deals and ended up with
>13 Catachans
>harker conversion(sucks)
>catachan scout sentinel
>catachan chimera
>44 cadian guardsmen
>3 cadian autocannon teams
>cadian sentinel
>cadian leman russ battle tank
>cadian basilisk
>old basilisk still in sprues(no instructions fuck me)
>cadian command squad
>Krieg command squad
>Krieg quartermaster+pals
>20 Krieg guardsmen
what should i try to get my hands on next?
pick a theme and run with it, you have a ton of bits and pieces but no real core your list is built around. Best bet to start with would either be more leman russes for a tank company or perhaps more cadians to use as the basis for an infantry company. Because as it sits you don't really have enough of anything else to make a solid little core to build off of.
I was thinking of buying 1 more chimera and russ and then maybe a hellhound and some special units like bullgryns
You did not get the joke. (eurobeat music and drifting intensifies)
>Space marines hide behind power armor and genetic enhancements
>Besides the Salamanders most don't care about what happen to civilians and will allow millions to die in their own quest for glory
>Rush into battle against the most formidable demons full of pride trying to inflate their egos.
>Guardsman wear what they're given and it will most likely not be enough
>Fight to their last breath to protect the human race even at the cost of their own life
>Will shit themselves at the sight of a daemon or tyranid horde but still find the courage to raise their gun and fight to the very end.
How is it even a competition?
>Besides the Salamanders most don't care about what happen to civilians and will allow millions to die in their own quest for glory
>Rush into battle against the most formidable demons full of pride trying to inflate their egos.
>completely ignores the Lamenters
It's not a movie. It's a 7 part mini-series. Going to cost you about 5 hours of your life. BUT, it gives you a pretty unique look at the life of a Force Recon Company during the invasion.
Obviously soldiers had different experiences depending on their level of expertise, but in this case its a Marine Force Recon unit so damn OPPLSNERF they basically went the whole war without a single casualty. That includes the time a freaking AA gun ambushed their convoy...and failed to do more than inconvenience them for a few minutes.
>completely ignores the Lamenters
You act surprised user, that's the Lamenter's bit
What, seeking glory? Heh, they turn it down. Hell, they turned down Iron Halos 'cause they didn't do a good enough job saving civies.
'tis, they endure what the story writers try to murder them with. Embodiment of the motto Dulcius Ex Asperis.
That could be due to the sheer levels of incompetence of the enemy at hand. Even more so when one of the marines was standing up to check range on the AA gun, and somehow did not get shot for something by all rights would be a really stupid thing to do.
Write those names but in arabic
None of the infiltrators are aware of the other infiltrators
Also would it be in bad taste to make imperial guard suicide bombers as replacements for cyclops demolition vehicles?
Just got together my first list for 8th Ed, hows it looking lads?
Got 900 points of it painted so far.