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How does one topple the Magedom?
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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With faith in our Lord Jesus Christ
By Storytelling something other than Mage and when players ask about spellcasters gently tell them that highest form of awakening at your table is hedge magic.
>How does one topple the Magedom?
Accuse Rich and Dave of sexual assault, and then hope the new owners of the IP and developer of Mage massively change the CofD setting?
Do you think rape is funny?
You stop making threads and you join the Discord and leave the shitposters here to stew in their own filth.
the discord is fucking gay
Still better than this place.
You don't? Maybe you'd be happier back somewhere safer, like reddit.
>How does one topple the Magedom?
By knoting their boipuccis
Yeah, its much easier to follow threads of conversation here.
How does a pleasurable experience topple anything
why is the pumpkin angry
There's conversation here?
We are so cucked
GOD you are SUCH a FAG
so what happens if a vampire tries embracing a Dhampyr? or even attempting to ghoul them
What might/would happen if a Dhampyr was successfully embraced?
Dhampyrs are basically just less creepy revenants, right?
why are revenants creepy?
Frequently, yes
>How does one topple the Magedom?
By exposing their constant lies
Don't use Mages.
The incest?
If you count shitposting as conversation, I suppose.
>Do you think rape is funny?
No, but I certainly recognize the irony that the people who support the notion that an accusation of sexual assault by a woman is the same as actual proof of rape, like most SJW OPP authors and developers, are now victims of their own politics.
Mage is a horror game.
Who is this girl, what's her splat, what's her clan/auspice/seeming/etc, what's her sect/tribe/kith/etc, what are her disciplines/gifts/contracts/etc, what's her life been like since becoming a monster?
What specifically would it take for an oWoD mage to bring someone back from the dead? Not like, recreate a person or raise their corpse as a mindless thrall, just literally bring the original back to life.
As in Kindred of the East Dhampyr? No idea. But if you're talking about VtM Dhampir then it's no longer possible to ghoul them as of Beckett's Jyhad Diary (though they can canonically become Imbued now).
Oh to bathe in the blood of others.
Fuck Beckett's Jyhad Diary and fuck all white people
It's still not cool to make a rape joke because of it, let alone an unfunny one.
I think Life 5/Mind 5/Spirit 5/Prime 2
are bogie men in CtL True Fae or evil Changelings?
>It's still not cool to make a rape joke because of it, let alone an unfunny one.
I think you're confusing /wodg/ with
It's not like it'd offer them much anyway. Mechanically speaking, Dhampir are basically just way better Revenants as is. You might as well just blood bond a thin-blood.
>blood bond a thin-blood.
You can't trust thin bloods, they're bad luck.
Or just be funny next time.
Our blood enhances. Our blood preserves. Our blood heals. For the blood is the life.
Still ooking for people interested in playing a 1e CtL game Set in the Appalachian region of Virginia. Weekly meeting times around 4PM EDT. Preferably, we'd have a "session zero" on the 19th or so, with the precise meeting day for weekly sessions negotiable. Contact me on Discord @ArmyofWaifu#4449 if interested. Interest in the regional mythology and a love of role-playing big pluses.
Already have two players!
[spoilers]Seriously, does no one play this game here?[/spoilers]
The blood of ages flows so sweet. Come, drink from us.
>still ooking
All Beast monkey party ?
Then why would you trust their progeny?
Because you have a sick need to experiment probably.
How do we solve the cuck problem?
In CofD? Its unfixable.
In OWoD? It looks unfixable because Swedracula is probably a cuck.
Shadows make me think of Lasombra obviously, but no self-respecting Lazzie would ever be caught looking so rural. Instead I propose:
Werewolf (Forsaken)
Bone Shadows
Shadow Flesh, Running Shadow, Distractions, Slip Away, Sense Weakness, Double Back, Sense Malice, Sand in the Eyes, Death Sight
>Supernatural Life
She'd been homeless for a fair bit of time before the First Change bit, and shares very little of her life before that. Life on the outskirts of the city has given her a knack for knowing when to bolt and when to brave the odds, and she's always been good at getting a read on folks, a skill that has transferred over into dealing with spirits. She doesn't cut the most imposing silhouette, even in Dalu, but she's shifty as hell and has made a name for herself as a consummate spy, larcenist, and spirit-tracker. She seems to have developed an interest in ghosts since learning about them and spends a lot of her free time on that - she won't say why, and even after finding a pack that suits her, it often seems as though she keeps other werewolves at arm's length. A few of her packmates worry that she spends too much time in the Hisil.
So I was told I could write the Chosen Undead from Dark Souls (or a specific interpetation of them) as a Horror (the ones that use Potency and Dread Powers), so I gave it a shot. Anybody want to see it?
I'm interested but I'm not sure about my schedule. In particular, I have a hospital appointment that could turn into a brief stay on the 19th, so it that's sort of awkward.
I may get in touch when I have a clearer view of my immediate future.
vampire traps for whatever the vampire parent's clan is, basically if a mehket makes one any mehket who drinks from it will die, but they'll also want to drink from it.
VtR, never knew they could exist at all in VtM
Why are Tremere called the Trembling Ones?
Shit. I think I want fug this surly, withdrawn werewolf.
Lasombra is Ventrue with an inferiority complex?
>Why are Tremere called the Trembling Ones?
Origins of words.
Tremare means tremble.
But why are they trembling?
they're shaking in their boots
they got cucked by vampires
Splat: Vampire
Clan: Gangrel
Sect: Anarch
Disciplines: Protean (3), Fortitude (2), Obtenebration (2), Animalism (1)
Embraced relatively freshly, she has seen her Sire very little in recent years, the elder vampire subscribing to the old Gangrel ways of teaching his childer to be self sufficient and letting them roam. After blowing into San Fransisco by night, she kicked up something of a fuss with the local Sabbat, before being taken under the wing of the domain's Anarch Enforcer, a much older Lasombra antitribu. Her temper has cooled somewhat since then, and she's picked up a few of his tricks.
but they were called that before they became vampires
Ventrue are Ventrue with an inferiority complex.
Feedback requested on a story seed for Hunter The Vigil.
The Chronicler is this legendary figure among the Aegis Kai Doru, who has contributed immensely to that Conspiracy and others with his unmatched genius and love of adventure. But one day, he vanished along with his magnificent ship under mysterious circumstances, leaving only behind a cryptic message about "righting the wrong of my ancestors".
Two decades later, he returns to reclaim his position in the AKD, but seem no worse for wear and has developed strange new abilities and ideas. And to make things even more suspicious, he is using his vast wealth to hire a crew of expert Hunters for a treasure hunt the likes of which the AKD has never seen before. He promises to divide whatever profits are made equally among the team members, with all living expenses paid, but he insists with uncharateristic seriousness that a certain Relic is his and his alone. Why is he so obsessed with this Relic? What dangers might be lurking in the abandoned temples, wild jungles and mysterious islands? And are your team mates and leader even to be trusted?
(Imagine this story seed as something like Duck Tales + Indiane Jones + Disney's Atlantis)
Some of the shit in M20 convinces me that we live in a World of Darkness IRL. At least the merits and flaws he crammed away in Book of Secrets are cool I guess...
sounds like Eberron ;)
serious answer time: it seems like a cool idea
This could be great. That said, it's less Hunter: The Vigil than Raider: The Uncharted. Which is fine.
are there any tv shows that could give me the feel of WoD/CofD
Underworld got (successfully) sued by White Wolf for plagiarism, so you could always watch those movies given they're a copy-and-paste of the World of Darkness.
funny, nothing about the movies really made me think of WoD, just that they have vampires and werewolves
actually I had Changeling in mind
Kindred the Embraced
I'm too old for this shit
Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy II... not much else. Movies don't often mix fey and horror. I guess Over the Garden Wall could almost be a trip through the Hedge if you squint.
Man, a C:tL series or movie would be so sweet. It's such a great concept for either format.
Dreaming or Lost? They're very different in tone, themes, and lore. I suppose the easiest place to look for inspiration that'd apply to both would be Grimm fairytales or something along those lines, but it'd be much simpler and effective to narrow it down.
>a wod tv show
In our decade? It would be absolutely atrocious. Half of it would consist of ham fisted political correctness.
I'm asking for shows, not movies
Just give it to Netflix.
Over the Garden Wall is a show.
Is the Corpus Hermeticum relevant to the Order of Hermes?
Why does no one ever care about Hunter?
Someone just shared a plot idea for Hunter, dude.
Gargoyles, it even has a OWOD fan splat.
Imagine that you were the Count of a castle, ruling over 1020 people and 14 villages.
You're rich as fuck and shit is going good, but you're getting old.
You manage to get your hands on eternal life through vampirism.
The problem is that everyone in the castle, all 1020 people and the Emperor of the land are all religious Zealots that HATE THE SHIT out of anything magic.
This is my problem as a player in my current campaign.
How do I convert everyone and not have them go insane/sell me out/turn on me?
Awww yeah. I would totally play a lost, disenfranchised lucifuge for this.
Where is your game actually set user?
Also most vampires just keep their vampirism on the down low.
Probably because its fanbase consists solely of delusional turds
But Mage tho
Oh boy!
I've never watched it, but does American Horror Story have any WoD elements?
The game is set in the fictional world of "Mundana".
The land itself is called "Jargia" and is basicly Roman/Byzantine empire-ish.
I've never played a Vampire before (which is why I asked here).
>Also most vampires just keep their vampirism on the down low.
I would like to stay low for as long as possible, but the church can feel magic and my crazy bro-player is one Shaman ritual away from turning into a Lich.
those elements mixed together is definitely like a sauce
Is it the most significant piece of writing on Hemeticism or are there more important writings? (but not going to far bar into precursors in egypt or anything)
The important thing to keep in mind is that the Order of Hermes is not a single philosophy, but rather contains the entirety of western esotericism.
So you'd be good skimming some wikipedia articles on Platonism, Aristolean philosophy, and other things if you want to get a hold of their philosophical background.
Not that its strictly necessary to PLAY as a Hermetic. I have a guy in my group who knows next to none of their philosophy, and just surfs by on the AESTHETIC of Hermetic magic.
>quoting within a quote