How does Veeky Forums socialize?

How does Veeky Forums socialize?




Not good enough! Stories!

I'm in a new area and I absolutely cannot breach the local neckbeard social circles, and not for lack of trying. Don't want to spend all my time talking to friends from back home damnit

with a lot of asterisks and third person speech

That was quick.

by posting on Veeky Forums

Barely. I’m stuck out in the ghetto to stay close to my family and the gameshops keep closing down or relocating.
Online games are fun, at least.

Through interpretive dance

I used to go out a lot more doing normal fag shit like drink and hang out with multiple friend groups but the older I get the less I have the energy for it. Became kind of a shut in and hardly socialize, even playing something online with others makes me anxious as fuck. I want to play more Veeky Forums related games but that requires at the very least talking with a few others and I'm a fucking bitch and scared to RP or build a character w/out feeling like a fag.

I'm going out there and honestly I'm not really even sure how to get results. I like board games and wargaming, but I'm also into going out and doing stuff, and it's puts me into this strange limbo. My nerd friends don't want to go out and do random shit like putt putt or six flags or go to the beach, and the friends that want to do that aren't into nerd stuff at all.

I legit think the best thing I can do is just be this DM out of nowhere that, if I can get enough people together, can force them into conversation for a few hours that might become something significant. It's either that or pretend to enjoy 40k or MTG and play with the people who do that.

This. I just want to play D&D with some people and none of my friends do..I know roll20 but it's not the same.

what online games do you play?


By going out drinking and talking shit about games you don't like. Works for me, at least.

In game, like a retard, stumbling my way to failure.
Off game, like a normal human being, is not that hard.

I'm in a city with loads of gaming nerds but I have no idea how to socialize with any of them save for the wargaming ones.

Over drinks, like a normal person.


What is that?

very well, knowing the small talk nothing things to say goes a long way with making you seem normal, people are programmed to respond favorably when you haven't really said anything all
around people I know well, I say mostly what I want which has mixes results

>user why don't you have have a girlfriend?
>user why don't you go out more often?
>user I can't believe you don't have any children yet!

>knowing the small talk nothing things to say goes a long way with making you seem normal
>around people I know well, I say mostly what I want
I don't care if results are mixed, I say way too much of the bullshit nothings and not enough of what I want. Did you ever have that problem?

Got to agree with a lot of the other posters, my general tactic is to go out drinking with dudes, and slowly corrupt them into thnking spending a billion pounds on plastic soldiers and dnd shit is agood idea.

Soon I shall have a local pen and paper group of my own, this must be how vampire counts feel when they establish a successful coven.


yes but it is worth the price to be able to blend in and have a chill time I think, even if I could care less

How many years do you want to spend blending in? Just go for it and be a wierdo.

It hurts

all of them, hopefully
I don't need to impose muh true self on everyone to enjoy life