Gamefinder or Game Finder edition
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Gamefinder or Game Finder edition
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Other urls found in this thread:
JUGGERNAUT (a Great War era adaptation of Stars Without Number)
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Session's on Saturday mornings, 1000-1400 EST
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 IC, Discord OOC
>Contact info
>Additional information
The players are a group of down-on-their-luck 'employees' hired by a mysterious benefactor and given a rickety airship in order to find the Fountain of Youth in not!Europe. The party includes an adacious thief with a stutter, a dashing mercenary airman, an Iberian refugee noblewoman, and a dorky young naturalist. The campaign is centered in not!France (Gaule) right now. So far, we've seen an exploding airship base, library investigations, and multiple altercations with Prussian spies. I'm looking for a player #5 for the group.
about to go to sleep but sent ya a invite
Never mind really sorry about that that time is way to early for me.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Fridays 20:00 GMT / 15:00 EST
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
Benign Condition#0407 on Discord.
>Additional information
Drumming up interest for this. If you're unfamiliar with the system, it's a game where you play as knights and their heirs in Uther/Arthur Pendragon's Britain, politicking, fighting Saxons and other monsters, and having rad adventures. The game's got a big courtly, social component to it and is heavy on story and personal arcs, so
>heavy roleplayers are preferred.
I've run before, but people's IRL issues got in the way of continuing one way or another, so this time, I want to see if we can make it through the campaign.
pls dont die
>another empty game finder
What went wrong?
Fuck, I've always wanted to play Pendragon. Already have a game this time though.
Not too picky, but I'd prefer to avoid any d20 games. I really like narrative RPs.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
After 6 pm Pacific time, weekdays.
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Skype: flash.gitz.waagh
Can use Roll20 too.
>Contact info
See Skype address above.
>Additional information
Not much to say. I've been the "Forever GM" as long as I can remember, I'm not sure what I'd be happy playing. lol
I'm will be running a weekly Apocalypse World 2nd Edition game on Saturdays from 2pm to 6 central time. Game will be Voice Chat over Discord with a dice roller bot.
Have 3 players in so far and I would like to get 1 or maybe 2 more players in.
Some familiarity with PbtA preferred but not required, as long as you are enthusiastic.
We are starting the first session tomorrow so contact me soon if you want to get in on it. Send me a message @mylakovich#6142
How much experience DMing do you have?
I'd like to join, but according to Discord, your name doesn't exist.
Just testing the waters here, anyone interested in a game of Valkyria Chronicles ? The game will take place in gallia during Second Europan war and players will either be Gallians or Mercenaries hired either by Gallia or Empire.
I am planning to run it in Only War.
Sounds pretty cool I played the first game but never really got to the end because I didn't like how the combat worked with the ranking. But having a game in that setting sounds pretty cool never played only war tho.
Mylakovich #6142
Discord was having server problems earlier tonight so maybe try again.
I've been DMing for 10 years playing D&D, Vampire, Fate, IKRPG.
Also I ran a tabletop Apocalypse WOrld 2 months ago and it worked out great, that's why I'm itching to try it again.
No real preference
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
PST 5pm
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Played only couple of games.
> DnDA in 12th grade
> DnD 5th couple months back
Assume I'm first time player.
Still have one slot left for Apocalypse World starting tomorrow, any takers let me know by tonight.
It is similiar to every 40k rp game ever.
The system is very easy to learn and pretty realistic unless you go way high on power levels.
Added some equipment and rule changes i designed before for those who are interested.
I'm very much interested if you are planning on running a game. Love the first game, and stuff Valkyria in general.
I've never played Only War, but I'm willing to learn it, so that shouldn't prove an issue.
Not expecting mch, but interested in a magical girl rp. Princess the hopedull or magical burst preferred since i know them but im open to others
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
12 noon to 12 midnight central standard time. Can't do Wednesdays though
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Anything text based. Not picky
>Contact info
Discord is Nicole.graf #1097
>Additional information
Nothing else needed
Savage Worlds
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Saturday 7 PM (PST)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Discord, possibly with dice bot.
>Contact info
>Additional information
Looking to run a short Savage World game set in a future Earth. Lets plan us a heist.
Would prefer something like Kamigakari or Ryuutama, but I'm interested in a campaign in almost any system.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Any day that's not Sunday or Wednesday. +1 GMT.
>Voice or Text
Text preferred, but voice is possible.
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Not picky. Roll20, Discord, whatever is fine.
>Contact info
>Additional information
Nothing in particular.
>>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>>Voice or Text
>>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Maptool with Discord voice
>>Contact info
Interviewing players via freenode IRC.
Connect to
>>Additional information
Running a GURPS Dungeon Fantasy campaign and need a dedicated ranger. Game's pretty laid back, so noobs are welcome. Expect standard fantasy tropes for the most part, with a great deal of combat with non-combat activities sprinkled throughout.
The players have just cleared a goblin tribe that was taking refuge inside of a cave.
Party consists of:
A Dwarf metal elementalist
A human spear fighter
A corpse eater rogue/bard
A human cleric
>GM or Player
3.5, pathfinder, 5e
>Time Availability
Literally whenever
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Cen#5462 on discord, Cenryil on roll20
>Additional Information
Was out of the tabletop loop for a while, did a fair amount of pathfinder and 3.5 and, DM'd two homebrews a few years back. Have learned 5e since I've been back and I'd (ideally) like to find a game for that, but whatever's good. I work from home so my schedule can be whatever fits game day. Can handle fine with voice for OOC but I'm a pleb who likes text for RP immersion sake.
well like the other guy say it seems you have a pretty good idea of what you want to run so if you ever looking for people down the line once you get things underway I would be down to play