So, what do we think now?
Still looks like a bad conversion for a game that isn't 40k.
G.I. Joooooooe!
Is it a combiner?
>Mammoth tank assembled
I agree with It has nothing new to offer, it's just a big tank with a lot of guns, and it looks shit.
Imperium + hover technology is bullshit. Imperium should be about smoke belsching steel behemoth boxy tanks crushing heretics under their mighty threads. This is some anime bullshit.
I normally can enjoy pretty much everything, but this one is really too much. There's not any sense to it. the fact that it's resin and overpriced as fuck means it won't sell shit.
Just like the Thunderhawk. Dumb cunts still haven't understood that resin always sells less than plastic.
>Unusually, the design does not originate directly from the work of Archmagos Dominus Cawl’s Repulsor transports designs, but instead blends his innovations with STC technology supposedly recovered by the Minotaurs Chapter during the so-called Perun Cross Incident, a battle whose records are sealed to all but the higher echelons of the Inquisition. As such, production of these vehicles is focused among the more distant Forge Worlds, primarily the fortress-forge of Mezoa, where the gaze of Mars cannot so easily pry.
That's more interesting than the tank itself honestly. It gives another side to the Minotaurs. Instead of the usual begging/intimidating/begging to Chapter Masters for help, the High Lords can just order the Minotaurs around to go and get technology, possibly to circumvent Mars.
It's basically a Land Raider with a twin macro-accelerator cannon and no transport capacity in terms of loadout. They could have made it a lot smaller, the big boxes make it look like a transport that it's not. Maybe if they squeezed the hull enough to have the turret be right behind the cockpit?
Honestly it's basically a more expensive flying baneblade with an invul save. It looks good against armies that take lots of strong big units like Tyranids, but meh against everything else.
Don't you compare the Mammoth to that Tonka truck looking disaster.
I ain't saying it's not useful. I am saying it is not adding anything new. Chaos only had tanks once and then BAM! Heldrake! It changed everything about their tactics even after it was nerfed, because it was a close range combat flayer. It was cool and fresh. And OP.
Astreus is just a big ass tank with an neat bot utterly non-fitting design.
I can respect fans making their own custom models but they do tend to look like ass more often than not.
Seems kinda dull. It doesn't seem to really add much to 40k that didn't exist already.
Kinda like it, but I feel like its needs more gun for its size.
I'd replace that front twin HB with something bigger, like a demolisher cannon say.
Dude, if they make it small, they're not chadmarines anymore.
>Astreus is just a big ass tank with an neat bot utterly non-fitting design
Personally I dissagree. I think they've nailed the boxy, lumbering behemoth look distinctive of imperial tanks.
Real american hero's! somthing somthing? Corbra!!!!!
>Imperium + hover technology is bullshit. Imperium should be about smoke belsching steel behemoth boxy tanks crushing heretics under their mighty threads. This is some anime bullshit.
>What is Land Speeder
>What is Custodes flying rhinos
>What is the Rad Deotanks from the Rogue Traders
user, you are as disgusting as a nurglite stuffed with pusscookies made from shits of all neckbeard swimming in a 19th century Thames.
Hover tech are already been part of imperium for 10 millenium, AdMech just got retarded as the time goes. They got their shit together at 42 M but their departement of product design are still retarded for some reasons.
Don't forget about:
>4e IG codex that talks about Crusade era Army regiment with exotic weapons and hover tanks
Personally I want to see aliens, other than orks, with non-hovering tanks. It's a tired old trope that humans got the big stonk tonks and non-humans got the gliding hover tanks with energy weapons.
I ain't talking abour fluff reasons man. I know there is Imperial hover tech. I know about the penisbikes and all that. All I'm saying is you go 40k instead of Infinity because tanks are supposed to be smoke belching brutal tractors of death, not smoothe slick hover shit like Astreus.
If somebody digs it cool, to each his own, but I say it goes against the universal aesthetics.
RT, fluff was retconed in 2ed. you are a fag if your trying to base your arguments on that material. Landspeeders are suppose to be super rare, and the new flying custodes rhino is the child of the retarded new fluff and design team. If it wasn't there when Chambers and Pete wrote the rules, it should not exist.
>don't bring that old fluff into this, that shit's been retconned
>and don't bring that new fluff into this, that shit's not the old fluff I like
Back to your containment thread 40kites.
What is with FW and putting the turret on the back end of all their tanks? It looks bad.
damn straight
Is it my late-night reading comprehension or did they leave out some explanation of the Void Shield. How are you supposed to achieve a roll of 7?
this thing shits on both lineages
>How are you supposed to achieve a roll of 7?
you aren't unless something increase the invul save or they added the 6+ then 4+ mechanic and i don't think they did.
7+ they added for like the pox walkers or sommit
That isnt even a proper mammoth tank, faggot.
basically it's just showing the void shield goes offline on the lowest damage setting. However, there are pyschic powers and strategems that can affect a unit's saves, so theoretically it could still pop back up even at the lowest rating.
it's generally fine for artillery and anti-aircraft, but you're fucked if you need some gun depression for aiming at something below your tank