How much longer before everyone just 3D prints their miniatures and games workshop is bankrupt?
How much longer before everyone just 3D prints their miniatures and games workshop is bankrupt?
3d printing isnt high quality enough, cheap enough and widespread enough yet to pose a serious threat. So until those criteria are met GW is fairly safe.
And eve then I doubt model companies will go out. Tons of media is available for free on the internet via piracy but enough people still buy them to sustain them.
5-10y, I wont bother unless the machine will be under 300$ and of comperable quality.
Than there is whole problem how much will retards want for files and templates for printing.
Will it be one use only ect ect.
For now its still too expensive. But I see future in this for things other than minis.
Mass production will always be cheaper than printing one-offs.
ive seen a 3d printed dreadnought on reddit within the last week that was basically indistinguishable from 3 official ones beside it. I think the point where its more regular to have consumer grade ones print that well is coming preeettty damn soon
now if you want. however GW is already diversifying themselves in prep for this.
check out SLA.
Post proofs.
If the guy printed it on some industrial printer, it means nothing.
FDMs are pretty good for terrain. None of the different technologies are particularly speed efficient though.
>on reddit
>how much longer till everyone just uses mods to make their own videogames and Nintendo goes bankrupt?
Good analogy.
Games workshop makes shitty models, so probably pretty soon. Wyrd and CB will be around for a while though, as their design is much better and much harder to replicate with a lower quality 3d printer.
Never. Read some economics, specifically on Economies of Scale.
GWs Prices will come down but thats about it.
Probably never, we can bake our own bread but most people are happy to pay the extra and have someone else do it.
>their design is much better
>sounds of vomiting in the distance
Malifaux "steam punk and gross makes us cool, rite guyz?"
Infinity "literally just Imperial Guard and weeb power armor but overdesigned as fuck"
About 12 years ago according to the internet
This user speaks the truth
if you think that was in any way cheap even excluding the substantial cost of the printer you are in for a shock
heh use 3d print to play Epic. You would use less materials and you can print a force depending on the size of your printer and some editing skills.
I want to try out Epic 40k, it looks cool.
No you can't. You cannot just download the bread instructions, and leave your computer make good bread.
With 3d printing and models, you can.
First requires baking skills, oven, individual ingredients and time, the second requires PC, 3d printer, and ability to read English.
I haven't bought a book in years. Every single book I have ever wanted is available to be pirated. And all you need to get them is a device capable of going to piratebay.
But the book retailers aren't going out of business. According to them less than 20% of people pirate. So do you really think that GW is going to have even higher rates when you have to buy an expensive niche technical piece of hardware to do so?
Moreover, you have to remember that GW's target market is impulse buying 12-year olds.
To be fair though, nobody reads anymore unless they have to
Then replace book sales with literally any other thing. I can pirate video games, movies, music, tv shows, anime, whatever. None of those industries are dying.
youre a fucking moron
>implying usual 3d printing wont be banned
PS: I bet it will be:
>oh no some people use 3d printing to make guns, so we must ban 3d printing to everyone
GW can adapt and sell the official files for your printer as well.
>GW can adapt
Have you ever actually used a 3d printer user?
Believe me, the tech is not where people think it is and a lot of the hype behind the tech is mostly buzzwords and marketing. The only printers that could get anywhere near injection molding in terms of quality and detail cost way more than anyone would be willing to put down for vs just buying an army. Even the "industrial" 3d printers that you can buy for 5k-10k are garbage compared to really expensive ones. Every fucking nerd on the internet really likes the idea of being able to buy a $500 MakerBot and having it print all their D&D figures and shit but no one ever takes the time to actually research the tech and realize it's not as great as marketing makes it to be.
You don't own any CNC equipment do you?
When was the last time you put a mill back into tram or levelled a 3D printer build surface?
Just like how home printers killed paper books. Oh wait
Have you never heard of a bread machine kid? They are like $100
As printing costs get cheaper for home users, they'll get even cheaper for commercial users
I work at a 3D printer manufacturer. Long story short, people who don't care about having hobby-grade minis to show off already do this using low poly proxies, which come out looking okay. People who do care about hobby-grade? Wait five years and I think you'll be hard-pressed to justify traditional prices. Part of the hobby is preparing the mini by hand, and if you're willing to do more than just paint you can already get some fantastic results with 3D printing.
Also keep in mind that you don't have to actually own the printer or print it yourself, tons of schools, libraries and private owners take commissions.
>ban assault printers
That's probably why OP asked how much longer it will be until 3D printing miniatures at home is viable, not why it isn't happening right now.
I doubt we'll see much in the way of home products but a much larger rise in 3rd party products.
Never, unless 3d printers become something commonly owned by everyone for reasons other than gaming.
Dropping a few thousand on a printer just for Veeky Forums stuff will use up all of the savings you'd get from not buying from GW.
They might start cropping up as a service, which will change the miniatures game pretty heavily.
>GW is the only wargaming mini company in the market
I need to kindly ask you to kill yourself, 40kid
There’s already a few places 3D printing miniatures (Hero Forge comes to mind) so most likely sooner rather than later. The tech is constantly growing and many major fields- tech, medicine, etc.- are enthusiastic about it’s potential and investing millions into it. Give it a decade and it’ll be considered the norm.
So much this,
And for those concerned about the price of the unit, we already have recasters. We will 3d printing chinamans in the future.
They could also change their market and sell the model for printing, couldn’t they? It would make them a lot less money but would probably cost less and make up on volume, specially in countries they don’t have reach.
GW is literaly on teh clock due to 3d printing.
The moment commercially available printers reach the quality of the current minis gw will go bankrupt.
Those who dont have access to 33d printers will buy from those who print and sell it, like recasters do.
Difference being while recasting is hard work that needs experience and experimentation with different formulas 3d printing is just having teh file , adding materials to the device than pushing a button and filling yourself a mug of hot coffee.
>The moment commercially available printers reach the quality of the current minis gw will go bankrupt.
So like, 50 years?
you're pretty fucking ignorant on how bread works.
and why do you think 3d printing doesn't have ingredients?
Soon, yet never gana happen.
Jesus Christ user, do yourself a favor and take two fucking seconds to proofread what you wrote before clicking "Post."
>Have you never heard of a bread machine kid? They are like $100
Dude you can get them for like $40 these days.
go back
> being this fucking retarded
That is literally the end game of 3d printing, you dumbfuck.
Read about 3d printing, you cock end
The evidence of that is abundant in this very thread.
> projecting this hard
Where did OP say that, exactly? They're talking specifically about GW, likely because they are the most infamously over priced manufacturer in the market.
I was not joking
I love how you retards panic REEE every time somebody even mentions le reddit, like it's some badge of honor to only get your information from a Mongolian basket weaving board full of incels, repressed homosexuals and racists.
This is only a matter of time, when the inkjet printer was the novelty, I remember people marveling at the ability to print 30 pages in 2 hours
Sign up to GW army subscriptions for physibles.
Buy official GW filament & paints
GW announce an official forge world home printer
The stores have a metal powder printer at higher resolutions for "collection quality" models.
You know, that's not even a terrible way to develop and evolve the busness modle
How many of you guys that are just dying to buy a 3d printer to print minis own a CNC laser for making scenery or a CNC mill for making just about anything?
Why not?
The people who would pirate their miniatures and 3D print them are already buying recasts or used. GW doesn't care that they exist now and it won't care in the future.
>repressed homosexuals
Bitch, this site is gay as fuck.
OP, your image makes no sense
Who would build a full-size cathedral on top of a giant quarter in the middle of a placid black lake? And why?
And how does it have anything to do with 3D printing?
only towards faulty people
>"How much longer until X?"
True, but you're forgetting about retail markups