Why do you play as a zoomorph Veeky Forums?

>hey guys, wanna play some fantasy ttrpg?
>sure, I'll be a bird man so I can scout good
> yeah, and I'll be tiger man so I can hit hard and stealthily
>cool, this'll let me try out my gibbon man caster concept!
>*sigh* you guys maybe wanna play Mouseguard? then you can actually play as anima-
>LMAO NO user!, why would we want to do that?!?
why are zoomorphic characters one of the most immersion breaking elements of a fantasy ttrpg? where did it all go wrong Veeky Forums?


Just call furries for what they are. Furries.
It's not that hard.

>Classical.... races.... hero's......... journey....

if your idea of fun is pretending to be a manimal, there is a whole homosexual subculture waiting for you, please refer to


if someone creates a lizardfolk character because he thinks humanoid lizards are cool and you immediately start REEEEEing about magical realm, you have spent more time sexualizing lizardfolk than them.

Also, is pretending to be a dwarf gay? Elf (okay, okay, that one's gay)? What about official D&D beast races?

A dude I play with is a scaily and every character he plays as is a lizardman, dragonman, or dragon blood magic man and he always aims to become more dragon than caster

And some people only play fighters who want to be the best fighters in the world.
They might choose a different species everytime, but that still boils down to the same character as with your lizard guy, at least he Plays different classes.

As long as he doesn't hiss OOC or tries to mate with other players/npc's or lick their feet or goes on about how he swallows someone whole and can feel that person sliwly slidign down his throat and dissolving in his stomach, why care?
Let people play what they goddamn want as long as they're not being weird about it.

If he's cool and not weird about it, why do you care?

>>hey guys, wanna play some fantasy ttrpg?
>>sure, I'll be a bird man so I can scout good
>> yeah, and I'll be tiger man so I can hit hard and stealthily
>>cool, this'll let me try out my gibbon man caster concept!
I don't know, that sounds pretty interesting actually. It certainly beats party number 500 of 3 humans for the bonus feat and one gray elf for the int bonus.
Except wait, the last guy can't play either because everyone knows elves are magical realm bait. So just humans all the time?

As long as those races exist in the setting and the players don't turn it into a poor excuse for furry rp the only one having a problem is you.
Maybe stop hanging out on Veeky Forums so much and you'll stop seeing the worst in everything.

It's narrative breaking than anything, several of the campaigns start in Dirtville Fantasyland, there's Ranger local hunter, Cleric/Paladin alterboy/nun, Fighter/Rouge local troublemaker. Then 6'8"lizard lady stomps into the ass end of nowhere. Why? because dats de way it is XDDD

Then don't allow those races, if you're the GM. Get a grip.
If you're not the GM, find a GM who won't allow those races.
Take control of your life. Stop trying to order other people to do things you know they won't do and DO SOMETHING that's within your control.


If you're playing in a setting where that's a legit char option, how is it narrative breaking.

Now that sounds like a more sound complain, why didn't you mention that before?
And also, again it doesn't have to anything to do with him playing a beastfolk character per se, but just playing something that doesn't fit the setting/campaign.
You know what i do with my peeps before we sit down and play?
We fucking talk to each other. If a player wants to play something that doesn't fit, we work together to make it fit or, if that just wont work, I'll ask him to play something different.
Like, if someone wanted to Play an orc in an area where orcs are usually killed on sight, but he insists on playing one, then I will try to find a way to fit him in, but he will mostly be kept as a pet/slave and treated very poorly by the locals.

Not that guy, but it's narrative breaking for shit GMs who cannot fathom that there could be significant non-human population in a setting.

>>shit Gms

Kind of the bigger problem there.

>Be Chinese rice farmer working in my paddy in the Middle Kingdom in 1650
>Suddenly see strange shiny thing on a horse come this way
>Fucking Winged Hussar rides on by and disappears in the distance
How can you say that's historically inaccurate since they both existed in the same time period?

what the fuck is a zoomorph

Is it a conglomeration of animals in cages that transforms into a giant robot?

Uh...because same time period is not equiv to same setting?

That does present an excellent start to an adventure though. Wtf is that thing & why is it here? Let's go find out.

Make the lizard/bird/cat man a slave in whatever dirt poor town you're living in. There has to be at least one rich fucker who can afford slaves, and what better slave than a strong 6'8 lizard who doesn't complain about working in the rain?

But Europe and Asia are on the same landmass, plus there are plenty of land and sea routes to get there? Who's to say a Polish Knight wouldn't fuck over to a backwater Chinese town?

because attacking other players for no reason is a great way to play tabletop games

Is this a reference to the floor tile guy?

>because attacking other players for no reason is a great way to play tabletop games
Why do you have to attack the guy if you both agree on him being a slave?

Heck, just make him manumitted, and then the giant lizard is just scaley chewbacca.

I don't think you understand, man. The DM's precious setting has been RUINED by the inclusion of a character who doesn't look like an extra from Game of Thrones.

>Rich enough to own rare/exotic slave
>lives in mudfarmer town instead of father's mansion
really gets them neurons a firin'

alternatively, good job trying to force your magic realm into everything

You're right! Every subsistence farming community is as diverse as DeviantArt's collection of Sonic and MLP OCs. There has never. in the history of ever, been even a single town, village, hamlet, or tribe that is full one one race and culture of people. And that certainly has never been the norm in the world.

>stop seeing the worst in everything.

This is really the best advice I could ever give.

My parties are generally a collection of a ton of different species, mostly of the 'demihuman' type but with plenty of centaurs, lizardfolk, fishfolk, dragonfolk and who knows what else.

It's fun, it's interesting, they each come from different cultures and have backstories that make sense and give meaning to the character.

But I guess I play with people who aren't twitchy, judgy pricks, who look at a player offering to play a heavy metal dragon man bard and understand it's fucking badass rather than bitching about 'furry shit'.

Why are Veeky Forums GMs constantly so rectal ruined over players wanting to play fantastic characters in their fantasy games?

It’s just trolls trolling trolls, but we all have to respond anyway because there is a very real possibility that someone will take it as gospel truth and ruin a game.

I think Veeky Forums is one of those boards with more credibility

I've played with a few GM's I met on Veeky Forums and 2/3 were totally uncaring about people playing beastfolk or similar races, and the remaining 1/3 were furries who were excited about it. All of them were pretty chill dudes who ran fun games.

Its called a furry, user.
Or an anthro if you're a faggot.

Anthropomorphic animals have been mythological staples for millennia.

If you can't divide that from some sexual subculture, the problem is on you.

If I have a sexual attraction to a non-sexual anthropomorphic character I make is it still magical realm?

No, you're just a furfag

Alright then.