Why everyone gotta ratchet the tragedy and atrocities in they backstory all the way up to eleven. Damn, y'all. There's a way to motivate your character that isn't outrageously dark. What's up with people?
Why everyone gotta ratchet the tragedy and atrocities in they backstory all the way up to eleven. Damn, y'all...
Have you tried not playing games on Roll20/Deviantart/Tumblr/DnD :^)
Almost exclusively
Well most player characters chose a life of constant danger, near death experiences, pain, injury, torture, fighting with ridiculously strong evil creatures, hardships, sleeping in cold and damp.
It's only logical that it was some traumatic shit that pushed them on this path.
M-my character was run over by a truck and reincarnated in the game world.
they are adventures op, they kill things for money. You don't get into that kind of life without having something that throws your morality out of wack.
Half thr poeple her on Veeky Forums think teiflings are a okay race. If only this was a tumbler/dnd issue.
They are though. If you think they aren't, you're probably the problem.
You need to go back.
>Complaining about Tieflings
>Not Dragonborn
>Not the 9001 different kinds of elves
>Not the extraneous gimmick races like gnomes
>Not the Volo's monster races
Ture but none of those are tageted to edge lords like OP said.
What's wrong with Dragonborn?
Dive for cover, everyone!
I mean, drow kinda are.
Yes. If there is a drow in your party. You have a shit gm and shit players.
Why are tieflings a bad race?
Assuming someone actually plays a regular dickass drow,but generally players choose to make a chaotic good or neutral one instead.
>"hi, Im Jon the human apple farmer who was pressed to leave is farm and become a hero."
>"hi, Dante(ironcily) Im literally the bastard son of satan who is now good because my dad never hugged me. Wanna see my no dachi?"
It's just burly humans reskinned into dragons
I ironically made a super edgy backstory for a half-drow. No regrets, he was an amazing character; basically abandoned his “destiny” in favor of dicking around and was a good foil for our super straight-laced sorceress.
>hating on volos
The mit edgy I ever went was my mother dting in child birth and me being raised by a priest, and that was just a logical part in my background as a Dhampire, which was thematic due to the tone of the game. My character was actually decently liked by the town she was in due to having helped it out over the years of her life
Sane, well-adjusted people with happy families don't make a career out of slaying dragons and fighting dark lords.
Being a hero is for people with nothing to lose.
>not playing Planescape
I guess if you think you're having fun...
What's with people disliking tragedy in PC background? If your only complain is that it's overused and generic, advocating for a more generic backstory is hypocritic.
>playing in a setting with drow instead of dark/night elves
>Playing in a setting with more than 1 race of elves at all.
>playing in a setting with non-human races
They’re inevitably just humans with one or two traits exaggerated. Elves are just arrogant and condescending humans.
Agreed, all-human settings are the best, but few players seem to like them.
>playing in a setting with human races
If you are going to just Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V reality, then just play in the normal world.
Depends on what said tragedy is. If it's "my family/friends/SO/village was slaughtered" then yeah, fuck off, but there's plenty of others that I find pretty interesting.
My character is a redneck that left his village because he likes helping people. Nothing dark about that.
*startled by a tractor, resulting in a heart attack.
I swear like half the shit here is misspelled.
Am I having a stroke or is the rest of Veeky Forums?
Made my character pretty young when the bad shit went down, so the wounds have mostly healed and aren't a major factor of his story.
I made it pretty rough to justify him being a nervous, neurotic wreck in his adult years
phone posters are cancer
>Woah there Dante, is that straw poking out from your sleeves?
That's because you're playing with children. Children always exaggerate everything to the max because they don't have the life experience to know how much even one death can hurt. Subtlety is learned as you grow.
That depends. Do you smell burning toast?
I use my computer to make toast, so I guess
If the player character's backstory cannot fit on a 3 by 5 index card I tell them to do it again.
The best backstories are the simplest.
A young farmboy who dreams of adventure.
pic fucking related
Tfw all my characters are motovated by boredom and dumb luck
>Always make my characters the blandest fuckboys of "uh he's a mercenary/ worked as a lumberjack/ just trying to make money, etc
>Decide I want to use an OC I made recently as a tabletop character
>Their backstory / motivation involves finding a cure for a friend who got cursed by
a dragon
>Worried involving something big and important like a dragon or curse will make a DM think I'm a mary sue
>Feel too guilty and probably wont be able to bring myself to play the character
I dont know how people make these crazy "entire village died / I had direct interaction with gods" or stuff like that
but his isn't a simple backstory in the slightest, you just ignored 99% of it and made one sentence.
I play a gnome druid named Donder Cracker. It's pretty cool. He doesn't have a crazy backstory, just wanted to get out and see the world.. Don't know what you have against gnomes
My favorite psychopomp. Sometime I want to play truckchan herself in a game.
>hi I'm merlin satanspawn
You are wrong of course.
Everything about him was revealed through the movies. In rpg terms his true history came out during play.
Yeah, but his entire adventure kinda started because his Aunt and Uncle got burned to death by some Storm Troopers. It's either an example of backstory violence or the GM killing off his family in game, which itself is the leading cause of 'My character is an orphan.' backstories.
What about an up beat happy bard drow?
>be first time DM
>New 4E campaign
>Groups ready
>Get everyone to introduce their character and a little backstory at the start
>My characters an orphan
>My character ran away from home
>My characters parents died when he was young
>My characters parents were killed infront of him
Fuck me were playing Oliver twist
By the time we got to the 6th player whose characters parents had also died she decided to ret-con it.. was fucking hilarious though.
>Make a new character, having a blast but the party is heading out of town the next morning and I haven't had a good reason to go adventuring yet.
>We do a tavern scene as the night winds down.
>Trying to show off, get a 23 on a performance check.
>Get EVERYONES attention swinging around my fancy sword and head home with some elf chick, cue fade to black.
>In-game mother knows Locate Object, have to shout for her and tell her I lost the fucking sword.
>Get told it's moving away from the city, down the road the party is gonna be moving.
>Race off before she can start lecturing me, end up managing to get the sword back, meet the party on the road as I start to return.
>Grand motivation for joining their adventure is "I don't want to get shouted at by my parents, so I'll stick with you guys till it blows over"