Everyone shill the living fuck out of XLM, let's make it go past the moon today and make mad gains. Fuck "comfy" fuck "holding" let's make a Veeky Forums day trade pump. Shill the living shit out of this coin today everywhere and we will have a nice gain. I bet Veeky Forums will talk some shit ITT but cooperation goes a long way.

We pull out at 50 cents. Good luck and pass it on.

stop shilling

$1 EOY easily

fuck off pajeet, there is literally no need to shill this coin


This is why Veeky Forums is full of losers. They can't team together for a greater good. It's going to be the next XRP of the day and you're going to be a sad autistic faggot all alone

The talk of the weak.
Those with strong hands will see this coin to new hights.

I have 50% of my wealth in xlm but literally fuck off fucking pajeet.


>he thinks shilling almost 6b mcap coin on Veeky Forums actually does anything.
My bags are already full of XLM but these threads are annoying as fuck

max price by the dec 2018?

I want $10 pls.

>he thinks hype didn't push a SHIT COIN like Ripple to #2 in 24 hours

If everyone was like you guys, no one would win. You faggots keep to yourselves, probably don't post on twitter or shill to normies, and expect people to do it for you, but then you get upset when they do it at your secret club with 70,000,000 daily posters

You're an idiot. A retard. The entire point of /biz is to get good coins before the normies, we're patient, we're smarter than retards like you so we make better gains. You get on here and want to shill the fuck out of coins and make you're lowly 2x and get on with your day. It's a terrible strategy. Go back to plebbitl.

>Buy XLM
>hodl for 6-12 months

Best decision of my life, 2018 going to be hgue

Xlm has to be good! Took the pajeets so long to find it xD

show me your portfolio mister insider, surely you have at least 1M to be talking so highly


>making 2x is a terrible strategy
Jesus Christ millennials are the most entitled people in the world. We were lucky in our day to reach 20% returns a year.


literally and unironically just one (1)
$1M by eoy 2018

100% agreed. I just took my mortgage out for Stellar XLM lumens and am expecting 750,000,000,000% returns by EOTY 2018

Boomers will die and I'll be laughing

good choice, i've been selling parts of my liver for months in order to accumulate and planning on taking a second mortgage next week
anyone holding more than 100k xlm will be the next baron rothschild

>17 quadrillion market cap
pretty conservative estimate desu

stop shilling this coin

XLM will follow Ripple and hit over 3k In next 12hrs.

Why is biz so against hype? I made 75k on ripple momentum yesterday and when I promoted the pump, this exact thing happened to me OP.

XLM literally doesn't need to by shilled because its already a strong coin and will hit $50 billion+ market cap next year easily

And if shilled properly, meaning 24/7, XLM will hit a 100 billion+ market cap next year easily.

coins moving sideways is good.

It will surpass but it will be harder with shill fags like you. Go shill a shitcoin.


>Go shill a shitcoin.
this is my new favourite meme

go fuck yourself
just HODL and wait for it to moon by itself


we have to deal with exponential growth every since day, shut the fuck up

You guys had a very very lucky run the other day. This is the snake coin, your guys words. Know what my fucking snake does all day? Curl and sleep, This coin is known for going side ways for ages. Enjoy -

ok you can back from wherever you came from and join the FOMO ride mid-February

>I made 75k on ripple momentum yesterday and when I promoted the pump

wtf how delusional are you


Got 30% in. This will be great new year's gift.