u ever get moments like this ??
U ever get moments like this ??
Anybody but the most severe autists learns not to bore people with their niche hobbies by the time they're 16.
Some impoverished Chinese boy died from mercury poisoning to get the scraps that eventually composed your computer OP. You have a technology built on the blood and death of 2000+ years of technological innovation and this is how you choose to use it.
Anyone who responds to this thread without sage is a shitposter, no exceptions
Yeah, couple times, back at primary school.
"Nerd culture" is cool now. So not really.
Tell that to a sports fan.
No. I’m both comfortable enough to discuss my hobbies with anyone that might be interested in such things and discretionary enough to know who wouldn’t.
Yes constantly, just not with roleplaying games. You're gonna get a similar response with any proposal though. If you're offered "to join" it's extremely rude to go and try to decide for yourself what the group is gonna do this weekend.
Once, long ago, I worked at a certain historical reenactment theatrical event. A (stunning redheaded) woman I just met asked if I was up to anything interesting that night.
>Not much, just meeting up with some friends for role-playing...
Her eyes got suddenly big and she started excitedly talking about how she just moved recently and hasn't met anyone else in "the local scene."
> (spaghetti is spilling out of my pockets at this point) Uh er, well, it's, like, this modified GURPS scifi campaign our friend has been running for a while...
She blinks a couple times, looks confused, then suddenly starts laughing. "Oh, I thought you meant... never mind! I'll see you tomorrow!"
>MFW finding out later that she's a professional dominatrix
Sports are the definition of mainstream user
No because I do not associate with normies.
I like interacting with people with whom I can have interesting discussions. Hell, a local Stalinist of my university is fantastic to talk with, even though I disagree with his political views. He doesn't have the typical bourgeois fucking social norms and rituals that make every discussion with those worthless normies a total bore.
You could have scored you fool.
you didn't carpe the diem, and now the regret will forever haunt you
Not if you're into slam ball
Source? Is this porn?
>Normal people mode
Most people these days recognize D&D, you autist. At worst they tell you they aren't interesting in ttrpgs.
not for free he wouldn't have
>professional dominatrix
Don't listen to these other fuckers. You dodged a bullet.
Why is red head a for lack of better words red flag?
>lol fedora
Don't project your murrican cultural artifacts to me, you disgusting anglomongrel.
Because males who have had only minor and fleeting encounters with women tend to downplay their own inadequacies and focus solely on external reasons for their continual failure.
Still can for $200
There's nothing ethnocentric about calling you a pretentious pseudointellectual dipshit
Sesquipedalian loquaciousness gets you nowhere.
>Sesquipedalian loquaciousness
Oh please, if my words were less fancy we'd be edging into "fuk u fagget" territory
Yes, normies, sheeple, fucking boring normalfags whose live revolves around what's on the tv and what they do at their McJobs.
Why would I associate willingly with them? They are sleepers who are so entrenched in the hypernormalized fake reality of our modern age, they cannot see past the mirage presented to us and discuss matters of actual intrigue and importance.
And yes I know that I sound like a pretentious fuckwit when I say this given that I am as well, mired in yet another fake reality that is presented to us, just one that is far less widely spread as the one in which the masses sleep. But at least I have the self awareness that I am in fact dreaming.
Neither does reading tvtropes.
Reading tvtropes got me to Veeky Forums 7 years ago.
I have been here ever since.
Help me.
>There's nothing racist about calling you a hoity-toity douchbag
There. Now it's fixed.
Go back to /r9k/, you don't belong here.
Get out, faggot.
I can't tell if you're serious or not, but I'm going to assume you are and point you to your containment board
I don't go there.
I am more of a /pol/ack.
>mfw all these fucking commies in my university.
What's that got to do with it? Fine, you're a hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophiliac.
>I am more of a /pol/ack.
Even worse
At least the robots realize they're human garbage
Fucking no one does. The comic is backhanded "I'm such a nerd LOL, people just don't *get* me" ego-stroking for its author and target audience. It's for people with just enough social awareness not to flat out say "I do not associate with normies."
Side note, why does this look like a knockoff Archie comic? I resent how Tumblr has made nearly every webcomic look exactly the same, but this is not the answer
Because they are fools who still cling to values of a society that has rejected them. If they had any sense in their heads, they would reject modern society and it's values entirely, and form a framework of morals and values that actually empowered them.
>it's a "/pol/tards need to talk about /pol/ on Veeky Forums" episode
I swear I already saw this one yesterday.
Not that user but,
>Going on Veeky Forums and not in some way agreeing with /pol/ on at least some things.
>I resent how Tumblr has made nearly every webcomic look exactly the same, but this is not the answer
It's not a webcomic, it's a syndicated newspaper comic
>penis in any orifice sex
Pick one and only one, unless you're into getting pegged and consider that sex (no judgement)
There is this fantasy among people who hate /pol/ that the denizens of /pol/ are some sort of separate population of posters from rest of Veeky Forums.
This of course, is entirely false, as cross boarding is the norm on this site. Moot himself advocated for cross boarding and rejected the notion that posters were exclusive to singular boards.
Sure, there probably are few people who post on only single board, and wast majority of people do not post on EVERY board. However, most denizens of Veeky Forums visit multiple different boards, frequenting some boards more than others, but still having a wide range of boards they do post on. There has never been any sort of wide spread board exclusivity on this site.
You are a faggot
/pol/ is right about a few things, but it's not because people like post there
There's a difference between posting/lurking /pol/ and "being a /pol/ack", though, because the latter implies some kind of identification with the common culture of the board, which has basically become pure cancer after all the stormfront and r/thedonald meddling.
We don't hate /pol/. We hate /pol/tards who treat all boards like /pol/ and double-down on shitposting when they're told not to post /pol/shit on other boards.
Imagine if someone who regularly posts on /hm/ came to Veeky Forums and posted explicit images of males engaged in homosexual penetrative sex along with every post they made, and then got upset when other posters told him to cut it out and reacted by spamming the thread with dick pics.
Well, I identify with /pol/ certainly more than with /r9k/ which was the place I was being directed to by the other poster, hence the usage of the term /pol/ack.
Veeky Forums used to be my main board for a long while, especially when stuff like evo games happened here. Too bad that stuff died.
>Veeky Forums used to be my main board for a long while, especially when stuff like evo games happened here. Too bad that stuff died.
Then go to /qst/ so they stop complaining about not having any players to us, and we don't have to deal with any roody-poo faggot who calls them-self a "/pol/ack".
I did go there at the start, but like questfags and evo game players quickly realized, I too came to the conclusion that the life was sucked out of those games by the separation. They relied on new blood coming from other Veeky Forums posters to keep them fresh. The new board just led to stagnation.
Besides, I collect 40k miniatures so it's not like Veeky Forums doesn't have stuff that interests me.
>"eh, I'm more from /pol/ than r9k"
You're right, that was super obnoxious and spammay and definitely 100% warranted you going all screaming toddler over the sitiation.
>you going all screaming toddler over the sitiation
lol ok /pol/tard
Just keep your shitposts off of Veeky Forums, huh?
/pol/tards go home, I want to talk about shitty nerd cringe, stop trying to escape your containment board.
on topic though, I had my boss overhear that I was going to spend my day off 'painting miniatures'. she's convinced now that I construct stuff like ships-in-bottles and other intricate artsy dioramas.
What does that have to do with red heads?
When people ask what I'm in college for, I tell them im after a degree in busness, when I specify to them it's to open a game shop I then have to clarify
1: it is not a video game shop
2: table top games do not mean board games only (they always ask oh like monolpoly)
Inevitably I have to explain the entire fucking minia ture gaming hobby to them every fucking time
user was probably once scolded by a red-haired woman, and now he automatically perceives every woman with similar features to be a big mean bitch. It's safer than actually interacting with them.
Oh, I was looking at it wrong, then again I'm used to assuming things are my fault and out of my control at the same time, on in a hot mess too
Boardgames are going to be an important factor in your business anyway mate.
True but I was trying to clarify my focus on war games
Eh, not really.
Actually 3 of my "normie" friends from uni came to me one day asking
>Hey user, I heard you talking about TRPG with the other day. You think you could include us in a game one of these days ?
We did that game last saturday with me as GM and turns out they really were into it and active even though none of them even touched something close to a TRPG in their life.
It's hilarious how delusional you guys are about not using a containment board
>people browse Veeky Forums and /d/ because they want to wank occasionally
>therefore all anons are goosestepping Nazis and must secretly agree with me!
fuck off stormshitter
Posting /pol/ nonsense on better boards is never shitposting, because everything is inherently political~
Go away Tumblr
I'm sorry the faggot numale SJW mods keep deleting your quality posts, user.
You fucked up
Nice strawman you created there.
Black people, am i right guys?
Wow, this thread shit itself pretty spectacularly.
No, you be made a pretty clear mistake.
I'm not quite convinced that blacks are inferior to whites yet, user.
Do you have any helpful infographs about nigger IQ scores handy that you can post on Veeky Forums? If you don't have any handy, it's fine but I assume you do :>
I don't, actually, since I'm a Liberal Tears myself.
I have some very Veeky Forums memes but very few of them are so much racist as just non-discriminatory in making fun of retards. I'm an oldfag, so race is a nonissue for me.
>You fucked up
Nah, she ended up playing Call of Cthulhu with us later on.
has anyone actually tried combining TTRPGs with BDSM?
sounds like a match made in heaven
Sounds like you dodged a bullet there
I've never encountered a black woman who plays D&D, no.