>Go to tabletop night
>Every army bar 1 is an unpainted grey mess
>The one painted army is only undercoated black
Why the fuck does this happen? Do people seriously get into tabletop minis without the intention of painting?
>Go to tabletop night
>Every army bar 1 is an unpainted grey mess
>The one painted army is only undercoated black
Why the fuck does this happen? Do people seriously get into tabletop minis without the intention of painting?
Yes. They want to play a war game not do arts and crafts
the fact that warhammer mini's don't come painted is half the reason I'v never bought any
Because they are infidels OP, and should be shunned
like half of my army is not painted, between work and college i dont have a lot of time to paint even though i dont have a lot of money and my army is very small. So excusse me for not being a NEET and having all the time in the world to paint shitty plastic armys
>go to chess club
>every board bar 1 is a cheap plastic set
>the one that isn't is only a cheap glass set
>mfw I bring my ivory hand carved set
3 Colors and a dip. I know s guy that does napoleonics and American Civil War that dude can crank out passable units. Historical gamers won’t tolerate unpainted units. Unpainted units seem to be mostly punk ass kids playing 40k round here.
You people are human trash. Painting your minis is part of the hobby.
>killing elephants
It's because of all the tourny fags on youtube. They just want to treat wargaming like some net decking cardgame instead of like a fucking hobby
I use to be like them when I was 13. I use to play Magic too when it came out. I’m 38 now. I’ve given up on CCGs and paint all my minis. Even for D&D all terrain and minis are painted and what you see is what you get.
Never got this. Like, you spent money on the minis, and you've assembled them, but you somehow can't go that extra step to paint them? Why don't you just print out some paper minis, or use washers with unit names written on them or some other crap? It'd be a lot cheaper, involve a lot less effort, and folks would actually believe you when you said you were only in it for "MUH STRATEGY GAEM".
>Not an onyx and white sapphire set
It's like you don't even give a fuck
Do you paint your Monopoly pieces as well?
Can someone make a chad/pleb meme about this. I feel like there is meme potential here but I lack imagination.
>Virgins spend hundreds on minis they will never paint because they're only in it for the deep lore and sophisticated rules.
>Chads invest their money in high-quality paints so they can color absolutely everything in their collection. Minis, terrain, dice, monopoly pieces, trading cards, everything.
False equalivancy. Both are games but toy soldiers used for war games have traditionally been painted whereas purely board gaming pieces have not. Monopoly isn’t a very good board game but that’s beside the point.
This. Especially when there's (better) games that come with painted minis.
What? Which game is this?
You refute a false equivalency with and argument for tradition?
>he doesn't paint his boardgame pieces
Board game pieces aren’t wargame miniatures.
i have neuromuscular problems that prevent fine motor usage (i.e. painting little shit) without extreme muscle fatigue and soreness
more like
>The Virgin Hobbyist
>tries to present a beautiful game miniature collection that doubles as an art piece
>The Chad Wargamer
>has never seen a drop of paint in his life
My painting speed is honestly fucking glacial. Granted, I'm into the hobby more because of the collecting/painting than playing aspect, but I've been painting for like 6 years now and maybe 25 actually finished minis.
I like games and tabletop in general.
I am shit at painting and find no fun in it.
Deal with it.
>Even for D&D all terrain and minis are painted and what you see is what you get.
You're good people, user-kun. The people you play with don't deserve you.
Would you go to a wargaming store and pay to rent a well painted store army to play on their terrain ? Assuming their range of models is enough to play whatever list you has in mind.
Y-you dont?
>Chad Wargamer
I've got no problem with people who enjoy painting, but the second they decide that I should paint my shit as well is when I figure out they're fags.
Armies are too large in 40k and other shit. Takes too long to paint and most people don't have that much free time. Skirmish games are easier to get fully painted.
Says the person who is too selfish to field a finished army.
Remember guys, only by refusing to play unpainted armies can you improve things.
I feel it was my 2nd edition generation that ruined 40k. It was written as a skirmish game but we herohammered and played double the intended points, so GW literally halved points costs for 3rd.
2nd ed. was probably when playing with unpainted models became acceptable as well.
ITT: People who don't realise that unpainted models are much harder to identify across the table when you're not used to them
Also people in WMH and Infinity who don't put vision arcs on their dudes so they can claim "Oh no fuckboy #5296 was defs looking around that corner, see his torse is twisted backwards but his feet are still straight so that's where the arc is"
>Remember guys, only by refusing to play unpainted armies can you improve things.
I prefer bullying people into painting their stuff by setting a good example and making compliments that undermine their self-esteem and linger in the back of their minds until they can't bear the shame anymore.
It really is all our fault
Fuck no - you ever see that study on how many STDs there are in your average bowl of peanuts in a bar? Yeah, well imagine that but with the population of your local FLGS.
>not painting minis is selfish
Dear god you're an entitled little shit.
>Not ducking the entire problem and playing wargames that don't use minis at all.
Hex and chit masterrace reporting in.
>Imlying I do something as plebeian as assemble stuff I’ve bought
Big problem is you know Gw would triple the cost for painted minis. Citing all kinds of bullshit expenses for a 300% markup on top of already bloated pricing for a product that would look consistantly worse then some of the talented beards who post
>Be me
>Buy huge half built army on the cheap
>Slowly learning to paint well in free time instead of jumping in wholly and painting everything shittily
>Have little time to paint with grad school
>All attempts at making time to paint and share tips in person with friends fall through
>Go to play in FLGS on the rare night I have off
>Feel shame for having mostly just primed models on the board and no real color
>Go home and get frustrated on not being able to decide on good paint schemes
>Cycle of pain continues
My apologies to those who I battle, I wish it was painted as much as you do, but life goes on...
THe problem is you duckers fall for the Heavy Metal pro painters in GW books.
Here is how I paint to a reasonable tabletop standard. I can paint 10 guys in under 2 hours. I use Army painter.
1. Colored primer/base coat in the primary colour. Applied via aresol can or airbrush. Do this the day before. Base with Vallejo lava rock paste.
2. Assembly line style 2 or 3 additional colors. Touching up. Paint base and lava rock black. I do this for 1.5 hours or so while watching movie after work.
3. Dry brush base tops and heavy dark ink whole mini.
4. Spray with matte varnish. Start assembling next kit and prime for following day.
Coloured primer, ink wash, paint base black is lazy as fuck and would look 100% better than grey plastic Army.