Hello, The local adventuring guild told me you might need some help. May I join you?
Hello, The local adventuring guild told me you might need some help. May I join you?
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>Adventuring guild
>That's a big toy for a big boy, how bout you show me if you really know how to use it.
It turns out the Adventuring Guild was a couple blocks down.
Why don't you, uh, get out of that jabroni outfit
I'll show you who's the boss of this Guild.
It’s a conspiracy you guys. The guild uses it meaningless rankings and promises of adventure to lure young and able bodied people to join them. This leaves their original villages lacking in workforce. Then they send said able bodied youth back to similar, but not the same villages, to do jobs they would have done for free for family or at a cheaper price. They guilds then take a portion of the fees for their own sake even though they’re the reason the villages couldn’t handle those jobs to begin with.
>tfw a tiefling wizard is gonna join the party's guild in my next session
My current game is like everything Veeky Forums hates condensed into one.
The who? Never heard of such a thing.
Adventurers are freebooters, not guildsmen.
I've got a free boot to shove up your ass.
>caring about what bitter nerds think
Sign here and you're part of the company. Rumrunners split for any treasure; two shares to me for captain, one for emergencies.
Any questions?
When will I get to Scandium class?
I dislike the overwhelming otherworldly look of modern tieflings. I prefer the classic oldschool ones.
Why would you want to be classified as some sort of rare reagent?
Because it's higher than my current rank.
Am I on the wrong layer of irony? What's wrong with Tieflings?
What's your forte? what languages do you know? studies? do you have people skills? how do you fare in the wilderness?
Sorry we have a humans only rule. We can't trust you.
As her ladyship Earl Kendra's chief political and economic adviser, I don't recall sanctioning the incorporation of an adventuring guild...
Linking to my case for justifying Adventurer's Guilds in a thread awhile back that turned into a decent enough discussion
This one and the two big greentext walls following it
Am I a bigger fag for liking Aasimar?
reminder that 3.5 is the only edition where planetouched where any good. When your tieflings and aasimar could look like just about anything and genasi where just vaguely odd looking. None of this generic red demon-man bullshit
No. They are equaly as faggy
Get on the casting couch.
I hope you have fun user
That's all that matters in the end.
Good, Veeky Forums has shit taste.
>Playing a Tiefling Warlock
>Full chaotic party
>Women in the game, one is the GM
>Her boyfriend is one of the players
>We're all having fun
When will the series be finished
>Adventuring Guild
>not just the Thieves Guild's legitimate front
she did it without telling you two weeks ago
Why is he wearing Loki's outfit from Avengers?
Same tailor
When I become a millionaire and comission it. So basically never.
They weren't a default player race in the edition of D&D I grew up with, therefore they're snowflakes.
Also, to be perfectly fair, they're an attempt to make an otherwordly thing mundane. That's gonna rustle a few jimmies for fairly legitimate reasons.
Do they have special tailors for Tieflings or do they literally just cut a hole in the human trousers?
Depends how common they are, I guess.
Want to really work out something? How do they get their shirts on over those horns? Especially when they've just woken up or are drunk or something.
Who needs shirts?
Horn Bowl.
They put it on their head, slip on their shirt, then take the horn bowl back on again.
Tails cause all sorts of problems in day to day life
>Slamming it in doors
>People stepping on it
>People tripping over it
>Getting dirty from accidentally dragging it in the street
>Trying to wipe your ass with that thing in the way
>Sitting in a normal chair
>Dogs and cats getting playful with it
>>Trying to wipe your ass with that thing in the way
I find this terribly disconcerting.
only wear button down shirts or shirts with really large collars that you lace closed.
Animals tails don't get In their way, and tieflings tails are prehensile
I rolled for warlock traits in xanathars and got a second tail, my character is strictly a robes kind of person.
Animals don't shit in outhouses or either, nor do they wipe. Gotta reach up and under. I'm probably putting too much thought into this.
>Trying to wipe your ass with that thing
>Tails cause all sorts of problems
>Like cats playing with it
Do you hate animals or something?
Do like hell boy and cut it off.
>Be a big badass tiefling warlock
>Dress in all super edgy blacks and red, carrying serrated blades from the nightmares of children
>Special magical aura that sucks in all light from around you
>have kittens crawling up your tail all day
Cute and funny
It's like a gentle giant senairo.
Ever had a cat really want to play with your toes while you're trying to sleep?
Christ, what a retarded outfit. The fucker already has horns, why not leave it at that?
Effective immediately, this is canon in my setting.
>you find an ornate shallow silver bowl
>the rest of the party is trying to figure out what it's for
>the tiefling looks a bit embarrassed and meekly asks to have it
If you actually gave a shit what Veeky Forums thought, like some other retards here, you wouldn't admit to playing D&D, stop baiting.
Sure we could use the help and the next mission is taking out a bunch of cultists, do you have any paranormal expertise?
shirts with adjustable collar lacing or buttoning, like you know, middle ages shirts and tunics had?
What the hell did you do to have them send you to us? As far as I know, the adventuring guild had us banned from use of their services for being too adventurous.
>adventuring guild
I dont do union work, sod off
>Halfway through the dungeon
>Guild boy stops dead in his tracks, sits down, and starts digging through his pack.
"What this about?"
>"My guild contract explicitly states that I get an hour for a short rest after six hours of adventuring."
"What? But we already took a short rest not too long ago!"
>"Yes, that was my fifteen minute break that I get after 3 hours of adventuring. After six, I get my hour."
"But we're in a dangerous dungeon, we can't just stop for an hour."
>"Are you saying you want to increase my share of loot above my guaranteed twenty percent?"
"Why do I have to pay your more to do the same work as everybody else?"
>"Take it up with the guild, not me."
You made the smart choice.
>magic hating anti-intellectual half orc half Ogre barbarian orc supremacist
>fire obsessed jewel hoarding magpie like half elf paladin of the god of fire and masochism (hail kossuth)
>narcissistic grenade fetishist rogue
>megalomaniac Dwarven necromancer who has sworn "show them all, the fools!"
Yeah you'll fit right in, hell being a demon spawn might get you some respect even.
... no pun intended.
>orc supremacist
>"we wallow in our shit better than any other race out there!"
thats when you kill him and claim it was a monster who did it
dont make an ass of yourself when you rely on the assistance of others to survive
But I'm not a member of the adventurers guild. I'm taking advantage of the Hunters' Club's free trial to get the perks of a temporary member while my application to the Heroes Union is pending.
Pretty explicitly actually. He worships the god of loyalty, strength, and stupidity.
The player intentionally make hypocritical arguments because the pc believes that self reflection and deep thought lead to deviancy and mental perversion.
His way is right, because it is. All other ways are wrong, because they are.
He'd be infuriating if he wasn't both amusing and liked killing men by throwing bear at them.
No reason they couldn't just pay a regular tailor to cut a tail hole
And have to fill out all the paperwork that comes with that? The guild will probably still demand his 20% share "to go to his family" or some shit like that.
What's so bad about a tiefling warlock? I role an NG illusionist. My patron is demonic and I choose pact of the blade cos I'm not too fond of gay ass shit fey and lovecraft ayylmaos. I choose pact of the blade because I like the idea of a spear weilding half-demon.
Apart from that, my character is almost all illusion magic and trickery shit. He's NG cos albeit being a liar he looks up to liberty and the protection of all beings's will as long as it doesn't fucks his concept of balance too much.
>Why not elven?
Elven are fucking gay mane
>Hey, guys, it's a walking and talking bait, look!
What is that icon from and why is it the Shadowmoor set symbol?
>actually giving 20%
>not employing tax loopholes via elven burial law to swindle any profitable loot in advance
what, was INT your dump stat?
I can't help but imagine an inventor/entrepreneur in an urban fantasy setting becoming an overnight millionaire when one of his friends asks what the fuck he's doing with a bowl on his head.
>'Modern Day Prometheus solves greatest problem plaguing Tiefling Society'
>Not playing a NG or CG Tiefling Warlock
>Outcast from society because of your looks or traits
>Trying to get on through the world
>Keep doing good acts in the hope that someone will finally recognize you and welcome you
That's literally my tiefling warlock
Isn't that also literally Nightcrawler?
Yeah, but blue. Nightcrawler is my favourite mutant.
There's plenty of the concept being mocked there.
You've got good taste my dude. The fuzzy blue elf is the best.
>if new player is at the table
About time we got some help from those daywasters! Welcome aboard friend, what gear you bringing for the road? Hope you can heal wounds, 'cause we're gonna need a lot of that. Where you from?
>if no new players is present
We're fine on our own and we'll manage even this arduous task. We sadly must reject your helping hand, give our regards to the guild.