/bgg/ Board Game General - we're experts on everything here edition

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Ok let's hear some advice /bgg/? What tips/tricks can you give your fellow anons on gaming, purchases, organization, inserts, rules variants, sewing up stab wounds? Also let's get some more suggestions on next-step games, we always talk gateway, what do you send people to after they're introduced to the hobby?

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Just gonna repost my question before answering you, op

hey /tg, I need your help on storage stuff.
So I have everything there currently is for pic related, and I actually managed to fit everything in the box. Sorta.
I cut the core game's insert up and turned it upside down, so it made two lanes for the cards and one in the middle for the tokens. But now putting all the tablets for players and nemeses doesn't let me close the lid fully and it sticks out like a sore thumb on my shelf.

I can provide a picture of how I've put everything together so far. Really hope you guys have an idea.

>next-step games
Probably something meatier without being overly complex. Seaons seems good, because it allows players to build their own sort-of engines. Maybe something like Relic/Talisman, if you would not consider that more on the gateway side.

>other suggestions
If you get the opportunity, work for a publisher at a con. It was a ton of fun at Essen and I got lots of games to boot. Sure, it pays like shit in comparison to a real job, but you basically whore yourself out for the thing you love.

You were why I decided to ask for tips/tricks, I was hoping we'd get some anons who do inserts posting. I only ever do small games so I can't help ya this time

Check out bgg for foamcore insert ideas. I do inserts of my own but I usually prioritize convenience not storage space so my boxes usually don't fully close after I'm done.

Decided to do my regularly Kickstarter check and found this pile of mess.

>>Miniatures, most of them are exclusive miniatures
>>Stretchgoals for 2 new cards
>>Nostalgia characters, just because it might get someone to buy this.

And reading the comments is a blast, everyone is arguing that they should put the Supernatural brothers as a stretchgoal so girls will buy the game, but my "immersion" will be broken if they are added.
For fucks sake they have Machete, Ripley, The underworld woman and many others but I draw the line at the Supernatural.
Also they are taking Baguette, so everyone is getting lost in translation.

I highly recommend checking this one out for shits and giggles.

I'm not offended by the theme, I have a soft spot for schlock horror. I'm also not offended by the stretch goals, honestly that's better than some I've seen recently. I even like Ankama a bit as I enjoy some rounds of Krosmaster from time to time as a fan of the show. Looking into the gameplay just looks so boring though. Walk up to people and roll the dice hoping you hit. I'm oversimplifying it a good deal, but I really can't see any interesting decisions to be made.

You are a saint, user.

Yeah, I think I'll probably just deal with it. The problem is that is just is too much stuff for the box I think.

Basically what I thought about it

The only thing surprising me here is the absence of weapons-grade hips.

Seconding, cwitpan (iirc) has some GORGEOUS inserts, no plans, but great for stealing ideas from.

Tell that to STEEV, I'm still trying to convince him not to murder me after that whole "TI3 is just re-themed for pvp XCOM but weaker" incident

>on gaming, purchases, organization, inserts, rules variants, sewing up stab wounds?
try with someone elses before your own
>rules variants
>sewing stab wounds
yep. all better if it's somebody else's the first few times

> what do you send people to after they're introduced to the hobby?
honestly don't know, we seem to be stuck in a perpetual mid-tier cycle. Village and 51st state are the most hardcore games I own, I'm hoping Clans of Caldonia gets here and some of my Christmas picks will elevate our shit. I mean we already have people backing out of games because they're too much, and that's like Castle Dice. I need more of that in my gaming life (the TtR people going back to their table)

GWT is probably the crunchiest thing I've played and I've never gotten to do a full game.

pics please

I'll look for or snap new ones of my homemaked shitbaked inserts in a bit

fuck off shillfag

>inb3 I was only posting it ironically

>Monster Slaughter
Did we finally find a game with a shittier name than KD:M?

Betrayal Legacy is coming out.


Have we done it? Have we achieved the most hatable game ever made? I have to re-evaluate my interest in boardgames after this.

Betrayal at Munchkn: Legacy

No Interaction Edition

We can go further
>Betrayal at Munchkin CCG Legacy

Alright Veeky Forums. I got a kickstarter idea and you guys know whats good. Dont be afraid to give it to me straight

>Title: Bloody world conquer war monster god death war
>play as powerful factions, each with their own powerful pantheon
>play as the english and fight the french and start an empire
>play as the french and conquer europe while fighting the english
>play as spain and start world trade with colonists, which are all people of color that love to pick cotton and tobacco
>play as the ancient greeks with their greek gods
>play as the romans, they dont have a strong pantheon until they crunch the greeks
>play as the ancient egyptians with their inclusive nubian warriors
>play as the persians for that sweet oriental look
>play as the japanese with their kami from shinto
>play as the vikings because those sell well...I mean, have cool gods

>the goal is to conquer the world, each faction has their own sworn enemy at the start, defeat them and then reach into the bigger world
>worker placement
>card drafting
>more minis
>deck building

>starting fee, 999$
>put in 200$ extra for more moderately dressed women with smaller boobs so your imaginary female players dont feel bad about themselves
>2/3 is kickstarter exclusive so dont forget to get in early
>stretch goal at 100M$, if this doesnt get reached all the people of color are referred to as slaves, so make sure you put in extra money or youre a bigot

you forgot
>pre-painted minis

Only for a fee, of course!

>pre-painted minis
what are these pray-pay-nutted minis you speek of?

did someone actually sell that monstrosity to people?

Dunno, might be some user showing you you should THIN YOUR FUCKING PAINTS. But some terrible shit did get shipped

>that Saber

>No strech goal to only include male minis that is lower than the lowest pledge amount

I have an uncomfortable question to ask you, /bgg/


My vote goes for Efka of No Pun Included

I have no clue who the fuck that guy is and that makes me happy

What is a "kek"

He's a nice guy. I rode back from Spiel 2017 to the airport in a shuttlebus before he was making his videos. Pretty down to Earth guy. As for the biggest cucks, the answer is of course shut up and sit down.

he got word filtered. You should know by now, its been there for a couple of years now

He seems like the kind of guy who knows his wife is gettting railed by other men in their hotel room while he's standing in line sweating at conventions so he can buy her games and collectibles. But, as pointed out, still not as big of a cuck as SUSD.

That's not Wil Wheaton

WW isn't a cuck, he's a genius who found a way to milk a shit personality and a small amount of fame into a career. I hate the guy, but I have a lot of respect for how he parlayed being a useless human into a consistent flow of money.

Honestly a hard choice between those two. They might all be nice guys (and I think they are), but so intensly focussed on inclusion, trigger warnings etc. that I HAVE to go with NPI
Just looked at their spiel 2017 video just to see if I'd been too much of an arsehole and they talk about how a game that takes place in india is insensitive and uncomfortable...because the first player is determined by asking who ate indian takeaway most recently

I didn't notice there was a worldfilter, never actually typed the word until now

baka desu senpai

I can only admire his business skills but that doesn't make him less of a cuck. How he treats Felicia Day or how he presents himself and his wife and his general demeanor does that. I mean you can get rich by pimping your wife, that doesn't make you not a cuckold

Decent point, he's done well whoring himself out during this "geek chic" fad; he's also flaming out spectacularly in the last year, which is good popcorn entertainment

kinda sad, he seems like a decently entertaining guy, but I guess you cannot get far with a decent production values boardgame review scene without cucking your shit up

It does if you married her but don't give a fuck about her as anything but another way to increase your cash flow by pimpin her. How do you know he's not slammin other puss at the same time? Any girl who posts pics online with the caption "geek" would eat his asshole.

Oh ya the crash and burn has only begun and I'm excited to see what the future brings.

SUSD started the cuck trend in reviewers with their slaves in five tribes bullshit and conan MUHsogany review.

>watch the 5tribes review
>they talk about how they are not going to talk about the slaves
>think its a joke about how shit is very sensitive right now and by talking on how they are going to avoid it they still mention it and its like meta irony shit
>they go full cuck later
>realize they werent clever

So, Hasbro and Daviau are at it again.

Coming Soon™: Betrayal on the House on the Hill: Legacy.

How does this make you feel Veeky Forums?


Honestly will probably be better than base betrayal, not that I'll ever own either.

>too dumb to ctrl+f
you're right

He always seemed like such a fake. I did however watch the first season of his stupid show.

I think I remember something from much earlier, where they talked about Archipelago making everyone feel uncomfortable for using white meeples for the colonialists and black ones for the natives.

...I mean, how is that racist/triggering in any way? If the meeples would've been the same colour they'd probably talked about how it is a shame that white people hide their guilt by pretending nothing happend.

Indifferent. Played Pandemic Season 1 after every reviewer talked about it being the best game ever. Played it, found it to be very average (I do NOT know why people like pandemic so much, really) and kind of parted with the idea of legacy games being worth the price. Don't mind the products though.

>Indifferent. Played Pandemic Season 1 after every reviewer talked about it being the best game ever. Played it, found it to be very average (I do NOT know why people like pandemic so much, really) and kind of parted with the idea of legacy games being worth the price. Don't mind the products though.

Man that reminds me. We play pandemic once in a while and when legacy hit #1 everyone was on the fence. Then one guy told us about how he got it and played it with his girlfriend. A few months later we asked about it and he was like
>yeah we dropped it

The Five Tribes thing started with Rahdo, then SUSD, then Tabletop. If you missed the first act of the RRT youtube comments, you missed a good one.

I got the final solution for legacies.

>make 500$ plastic pusher kickstarter
>year after release make a legacy edition
>dont say whats in it because spoilers
>it contains a hammer which people need to use to smash their favorite minis

Same with me. Finished october like half a year ago and noone of the guys I play with felt like playing it.
Really cannot figure out what caused this insane hype. I'm not one of the people who hate on legacy games because of MUH REPLAYABILITY, I've just not encountered a good legacy game. Not that making such a game wouldn't be very hard. I wonder if I'd like Gloomhaven, but >100 bucks is too much

Legacies will go out when someone creates a smaller module campaign game. Compare how Time Stories while still popular is flaring out compared to the $10 Exit/Unlock/Deckscape puzzle games.

I'd back it if it included a sprice insanely detailed sprues which only had pieces that can in no possible way fit together

I can see the appeal of getting a boardgame that changes itself, but one of the appeals of boardgames I feel is that you can get a full experience every time you play it. No overarching stuff.

>extremely detailed and pretty models
>half of the pieces are not used

People will flock to it because destroying $100 of minis will give them "an unprecedented feeling that their actions have consequences"

>a hammer to smash minis with
Was CharDeeMacDennis the most influential legacy game?

>extremely detailed and pretty models
>half of the pieces are not used

I think miniature autism just needa the minis to be assembled and there
Remember how many people shilled that Joan of Arc game saying "the game looks boring but I'm buying it for the minis anyway"?

I meant "pieces" as in the parts that together make the model, not the models themselves

Good game to hook normie colleagues to the world of /bgg ?

Have they displayed any interest?

If not you can either do the usual carcasonne/ticket to ride. Otherwise if the game they eyed isnt too difficult just use that. Make sure you get some beer to make it more of a social fare with a boardgame in the middle that way they can disengage and drink beer as soon as they start to lose/feel too much like a nerd.

social deduction and bluffing games are your best bet
try a game with an objective though, it feels a lot more engaging when your pretending to be a spy for a cause rather than for points

Are we hooking them at work, a bar, or someone's home?

>try a game with an objective though
This is the biggest thing I've found in hooking people; if you give people a game like Concept (very fun, but more activity than game) they end up saying "well but we could just play CAH" often enough you want to hammer railroad spikes through their brains. That said, depending who's teaching it you can take a game like Escape and make it wholly unthematic, or it could be that opening temple escape from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Hey BGG, why was the Dune board game not updated and reprinted?

Red Dragon Inn 4 user here. I tried it with one of my groups yesterday and it went over well with the people I played with. While they weren't raring to go another round immediately (and I doubt there are many games where you would, even the great ones), I think they'd be ok with playing it in the future, especially by using the more advanced character decks next time. Since I was just introducing the game to them and gauging their reception to it, I only made us use the 4 decks in the starter since 3 of them don't have additional gimmicks to distract new players with, which allows the core of the game to stand on its own. I hope this gets at least the same reception with my other group, but the variance while be higher there because the composition of the crowd has much more variety in terms of tastes.

As for the session itself, I got eliminated first really early by running out of gold. I was surprised at how much easier it was to run out of gold than to get anywhere close to passing out via fortitude/alcohol. The guy playing Tara the navigator who can see the future, kept initiating gambling and winning the round, slowly depleting me of gold. The other players did as well but only once or twice before I went out. Tara then finished me off with the card that forces me to pay 1 gold to which I had no counter card to.


TI is the remake.

much more variety in terms of tastes, so some of them are more euro players. I might try to avoid introducing it to those few people in the group and seek out the ones in the group that would be more positive about this kind of game.*

Frank Herbert's estate wanted shit loads of money from FFG (this was before they shit gold with the Star Wars license) and Petersen couldn't pay out. He rethemed it in the TI universe as Rex with fixes/updates.


I realized too late that I should be more aggressive with cycling cards to get a mix of gambling and regular cards so I am not completely option-less in either situation. I'd even say I'd prioritize getting gambling cards first because that initial 10 gold you start with goes down really quick. I could have had more chances to recover my gold and stayed in the game a little longer.

I only minded getting eliminated quickly because I still wanted to keep playing but at the same time, I was more fine with it because it was better that I got eliminated first so I could focus more on answering any rule, timing, and card questions they had and watching the game unfold.

The next person to get eliminated, to my surprise, was the one playing Tara. She had a huge stockpile of gold, like half the gold in the game, but the dude playing Bryn played "I don't like the cut of your jib!" on Tara, making her lose 3 fortitude when she didn't have a counter to it. Compared to the other 2 players though, his deck was down to maybe, 3 or less cards, which really shows how much faster he burned through it. The other two still had, more or less, half their decks.

Soon after, it came down to the wire where Captain Whitehawk and Bryn were more or else the same on remaining Fortitude/Alcohol spaces. Bryn played a fortitude loss card on the Captain, but he reacted to it with "Challenge Accepted!" and made Bryn lose Fortitude too, but a higher amount of it, taking her out.

From the time I got eliminated to the time the game ended, it didn't feel long for me, but I wasn't really timing it so I have no idea how long it was. I also suspect it helped that I was still involved in the game as a guide and as someone gauging the players' enjoyment. I still have to see what happens if a regular player gets eliminated first. I assume they wouldn't enjoy watching as much but at least they could move on to another game or fiddle with their phone.

How do I buy Gloomhaven from a legit source? will it be out soon or what? I've seen some decent prices at ebay, but it's at 200 something on amazon. Too much.

>everyone and their mother around me has received their copy Gloomhaven from the KS
>my package is amongst the ones that were delayed at the distributor

>Buying a legacy game from a Kickstarter
How do we burn the faggots that have taken over this hobby? Will we ever have real games again?

>eurocuck mad that not everyone enjoys pushing cubes to simulate the incredibly exciting job of commodity trading for two hours

>I do NOT know why people like pandemic so much, really
It's one of the first true cooperative boardgames ever published. Much like Heroquest, Dominion or Shadows over Camelot, people will always treat it as the standard and look at it with rose-tinted nostalgia glasses.

Ameritrasher here
You sure can play a lot of decent games rich in direct conflict, interaction and theme without spending hundreds of shekelbucks on Kikestarter for literally a full trolley of plastic, especially if they are coming with a game you have to mutilate for that true legacy experience

Your what

you have all your non-legacy poorfag games to play forever, y u mad

>trolley of plastic
It has less than 20 miniatures.


thats a big box

Thinking about backing D Day Dice
Anyone here have experience with it?

Holy shiz! If only we'd have know that Gloom Haven comes with a copy of Puerto Rico....

>comes with a copy of Puerto Rico....
No wonder people have been rating Gloomhaven so highly!

>co-op gay

>/bgg/ hates co-ops because muh puzzles alpha player
>/bgg/ hates euros because muh multiplayer solitaire
>/bgg/ hates ameritrash because muh overpriced toys
Is there any genre /bgg/ actually likes?

Old school euros and hybrid designs?

KD:M does too.

>Is there any genre /bgg/ actually likes?

>Is there any genre /bgg/ actually likes?

Pic related...

for you


I mean I used to like Levis but the whole red tag orange tag shit, well they pissed away their quality and I just stopped buying them.

So what kind of sales are we expecting? This is my first boardgame woke holiday. Specifically will flashpoint go on sale? Is there anything other than Assmode that will be on big clearance, what and when, or do we just wait until something shows up?

All I know for certian is that Miniature Market is doing some sort of clear out sale, check out their website because they have an overview video and some previews of the games that are going on sale

when tho


Amazon will likely do similar to prime day, 10-30% off pretty much every game; individual sellers who knows. CSI tends to be more disappointing, the MM guys do big sales better, CSI has fallen into the trap of constantly running a sale (new one every week) so when it's time to run a REAL sale they don't really do much. If you really want to keep up to date on it, get your BGG account set up so the front page buying/selling module is front and center and tab through the hot deals pages every 5 minutes. Those guys are fast

Sup dude. I got all the stuff from the AE: War Eternal crowdfunding campaign, and also got the Broken Token insert and it's perfect.
Dunno if the code still works, but here: AEONSEND5
Also, if you leave stuff in your cart for a while, Broken Token will send you a discount code.

/bgg/ isn't a thing that can "like" something because it's actually a discussion forum frequented by people who hate each other.


I'm an eurogame fag and I fucking hate Kemet and its direct conflict, but I like its upgrade market thing. LeHavre and Caverna do this well, love them both.
Are there any other games with open market upgrades?

>Hating direct conflict