Would your character turn themselves into a monster in order to save a lover, Veeky Forums?
Would your character turn themselves into a monster in order to save a lover, Veeky Forums?
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Literally or metaphorically?
possibly to save the world
joke's on you fag, I already play edgy monster characters whenever possible.
>Reg...do it
Why do you call it love, when it is lust?
Because you still love her even if she becomes a monster.
>"It's okay, I got a wizard friend with practically infinite wishes. brb"
No, he wouldn't.
You don't actually want to know about any of our characters, you just want to discuss the meme anime of the month on the wrong board.
It is exactly like posting a thread on /v/ like "What are some games where..." and I can see right through it.
No, never. However, he would turn himself into a monster for the sake of being a monster.
I would become a monster for a great many reasons, few of them good ones.
Of course not
If he becomes a monster, he would not be able to enjoy the love of his lover anymore
Shitty fetish
Thing is Veeky Forums doesn't talk about anime unless it's weeaboo fightan majik. Worst thing that will come out of this thread is people talking about their dicks and that travelling loli concubine circus greentext.
I'm out t of the loop, what's it called and is it a good meme show, ok, or just bad?
We talked about MIA extensively a couple months ago, with about a dozen threads hitting post limit.
You're the only one who brought up anime, paranoid idiot.
Anyways, yes I would, OP. I would do anything for the one I love.
Made in Abyss
pretty damn good if you don't mind the author's fetishism. the manga is basically softcore loli porn
Hello \v\! I understand you're new, but not every board is the off-topic cesspool of LOL thought that your home board is! In fact, they say that Veeky Forums did not become the best board there ever was by staying on topic.
It's essentially a more fucked up Etrian Odyssey in a way, at least from the premise. A lot of it is wilderness exploration and survival and dealing with the wildlife and shit.
It's a good watch, and probably the best anime from last season. It has some loli/shota bait and even furrybait, but even as someone not into loli/shota, I super enjoyed it.
Full disclosure that I've only seen the anime.
The manga is worse about the loli shit. Most of the characters are outright pedophiles in-universe, and there's watersports and guro shit. It's disgusting. Stick to the anime.
Your exaggerating. While pee is mentioned a bit it never gets worse than that bit where the mushrooms are being removed and the gore is universal to all organic things.
>tfw I'm the one dangling possible salvation
I also play your NPC gf
>Would your character turn themselves into a monster in order to save a lover, Veeky Forums?
Depends from what. Death? Fuck no.
There are fates worse than death and if love was not true then it is not worth it and if it was true then death is just temporary problem as they will meet again, while becoming monster condemns you to eternal suffering at hands of dark gods.
I mean, she's already a 108 year old undead abomination only alive because of her strong emotions (mainly rage) and force of will, so she's somewhat of a monster already.
There is like one person she actually cares for in the whole campaign, and she'd probably sacrifice herself for their sake, but she's basically past the point of monster now.
Yeah he would, he's arguably the only heroic character (and ironically enough the only that's not a chosen one).
I'm already a monster
do you have lust for your friends and family? love and lust are two different things you fucking autist.
you're exaggerating but if the anime made you uncomfortable then HOLY FUCK do not read the manga.
Shut your whore mouth, she is beautiful and sweet!
>implying I'm not already a demon
>Most of the characters are outright pedophiles in-universe
Pretty sure this isn't true. Though I think there was some ambiguity with Bonedrewd. I think the only characters to be really creepy around the children (besides Bonedrewd, obviously) were the ANCAP demons but they're pretty creepy about everything.
She's like 8 or 9 and wets the bed off screen. Cool your tits.
I mean yeah there's a good bit of gore but it's a pretty fucking brutal story. It's not like there are intestines flying everywhere, the author just doesn't pull punches on his injuries.
He's low-key resigned to this fate anyways, having been roped into the service of a nature-spirit-deity and finding out how that means you're more or less not allowed to die unless it wants you to.
free reincarnations into monsters to better serve the world, no matter how crushed your soul gets in the process. At least he isn't having to do the service as penance like the other guy, but most likely it will all end the same.
She's 12 and there was also that time she pissed herself due to excruciating pain while undergoing unanesthetized surgery.
No idea what's going on with Bondrewd though.
What's really perplexing about that is that Bonedrewd basically never takes off his clothes for [[reasons]]. My only guess is that she must have walked in on him going to the bathroom or some shit.
Besides being totally fucking bugnuts crazy, there wasn't really any indication that Bonedrewd had pedo tendencies.
There are two common theories the first being that he was trying to do normal parent stuff (by japanese standards) like bathing with your child, but that wouldn't explain why she only recognized what it was erect.
The second theory is that he was trying to teach her about human anatomy using himself as the model, but then she'd probably know it was called a penis.
He probably wasn't all that human under his clothes.
Shit I'd turn myself into a monster for less.
He most likely was human under the clothes. Major spoilers for anyone interested in the show/mango
The mask and clothes just mark which one of his disciples is acting as the main host for his soul control device. The original Bonedrewd killed himself a long time ago to craft his personal white whistle.
He'd do that to save his friends. Hell, he once did that to save the campaing villain from her own failed summoning.
He would kill every man, woman, child and animal in this world, for one more minute with his beloved.
That's not really the kind of sacrifice the OP is talking about.