Only marry at the exact point in your life that you want kids. NO EXCEPTIONS!
>with girlfriend for two years >same income, very compatible in every way >we decide to marry for tax benefits >that was five years ago >our incomes still are pretty much the same >we both contribute the same amount of money and do whatever the fuck that we want with what is left >we finished paying for our house this year >I am a pretty minimalist guy >she enjoys buying all kinds of shit that attentions whore enjoy >been investing a good chunk of my leftover money in crypto >thanks to ETH and BTC my crypto portfolio is around $500K by October >did not share that information with her >decided that I wanted to quit my job for a while and just relax for a year while I figure life out >wife freaks out >I tell her to chill and that I got enough stashed to pay my half >she gets envious as fuck that I get to relax at home >starts being bossy >somehow gets into her mind that I am going to burn all my money and then start leeching >divorce is filed >no conversation, no dialogue, just fucking papers served at my face >everything seemed perfect in September >she is a lawyer >basically agree to have her mother buy my half of the house and the car and that is it >uncontested divorce, this shit blitzkrieg >everything finished one week ago >decide to move my portfolio into cold storage and take a trip to South America because I heard that it was cheap >yesterday took a picture with a local cutie on the beach >post on facebook >that somehow triggers ex >she somehow finds out that I was dabbling in crypto >threatens to take all my shit >this whole time I literally did no wrong Well, I guess that that is it, I am never returning to the USA again, portfolio around $700K, will try my luck around here or who knows, maybe just move to Thailand. Just wanted to share my experience with anons that might get tricked into that scheme.
Asher Rogers
>she somehow finds out that I was dabbling in crypto >threatens to take all my shit
What did she say? Imma take all your gains? Wtf? I'm not surprised but I am disgusted
Dylan Williams
Post a live video to facebook rawdoggin' some local pussy. That'll rustle her jimmies
Adam Butler
She said that I was not honest with her and blah blah blah. The thing is, once we got married, we all agreed that there would be a portion of our income that was "untouchable and unwhinnable" by the other party. I never said jackshit when she spent $10k in a fucking handbag, but she believes herself entitled to the earnings of my hobby.
Asher Williams
What earnings? You lost all your private keys. What a shame, oh well.
Jaxon Morales
oh boy it's another "i hate women" beta rage post disguised as financial advice.
Michael Hill
That might be a good idea, but I don't feel like I have to do anything so explicit, I am in a pretty cool hostel and there will be a pool party tonight, will just take some weird local shots and take pictures having fun surrounded by tanned girls. After some quick calculations, I could probably retired while living in hostels, $20 per day with breakfast included is a fucking bargain.
That could work, but with no property back home and no need to return, who knows if I will even need it.
Staying single before you hit 40 might be the best financial advice that you will get, senpai.
Lincoln Mitchell
post the triggering pic
Jaxson Taylor
Guess he shouldn't have invested in Confido...
Wyatt Rodriguez
Come to uruguay dude, you'll love it here Chill as fuck You can get some land and live like a true capitalist king
Zachary Hernandez
right on breh. fk bitches acquire crypto. i might do the same and leave the states aswell
Christian Flores
Eh, I am not drunk enough.
Is it cheaper than Brazil? I am in Fortaleza right now. Plan to keep following the beach line towards the south.
Isaac Davis
getting married is for cucks. its an outdated ritual that only benefits women. you can have a kid and not be married its 2018 nobody gives a fuck
Aiden Rivera
Dude you won, you can just stake your ETH and live off that. When is staking happening anyways. Fuck that greedy roastie though, make sure your shit is secure.
Charles Morales
It is really expensive to be a father with sole custody in the US and the kid still needs his mother for two years.
Nathan Lee
>having kids kek enjoy a parasite that will leech off you for 18 years minimum
Nathaniel Torres
Dont think its cheaper but uts the price you pay for lame political stability "The Swiss of the South"
David Turner
nice larp I just went through a divorce if she already signed the papers and they went through she isn't entitled to a fucking thing user
Anthony Carter
Also: Reach show off ->punta de del este Beach and tranquility -> rocha department
Pic related
Blake Perez
why would you even want kids anyway? i got a vasectomy years ago, best decision i ever made
Lincoln Rodriguez
>uruguay over brazil
lmao fuck off
Mason Phillips
If she didnt block you she didnt love you, congrats you dodged a bullet there
Jack Jenkins
post a pic of your ex
Juan Brown
serves you right, normie
remember, anons: stay away from 3D women
Jason Reyes
Adam Hall
Yo, come in Eastern Europe and you can live like a king. I earn like 230 Euros a month part time, with 500k you can buy a house, car, invest and live off those earnings. Girls are cute too
Adrian Rogers
You got grazed by a big calliber bullet son, let’s raise the glass, Gods looking over you after all
Elijah Bailey
Nigga have a fist bump - punch that lawyer cunt in the cunt.
Carter Hall
How much per acre? What's your place like? is there mountains/rivers?
Isaac Walker
>he doesn't have enough crypto funds to pay for raising a kid like it was nothing
Brandon Martinez
no mountains, lots of rivers
Lincoln Mitchell
just convert it to "an undisclosed amount" of Monero OP
Connor King
Women are children, water is wet. Took you long enough to learn this.
Ethan Gray
>mfw gf of over 5 years works 40 hours a week to pump money into my autistic crypto trading
Jace Cruz
Tragic boating accident off the coast of Chile. All the keys sunk to the bottom of the ocean :(
Bentley Morgan
So you have a 700k portfolio AND half the house that the mother bought out your half?
Ian James
How did she find out you were invested into Crypto? Who did you tell?
Alexander Johnson
February 29th 2020 - I will be asking your hand in marriage OP
Jayden Ward
Michael Gonzalez
FUCK that! Get alimony from me in Hong Kong, bitch!
Robert James
she's legally entitled to 50% of your gains and you will lose in court if you ever return since you withheld it
Parker Brooks
dont have kids unless you are white or japanese
Gavin Howard
better buy another citizenship cause your passport could be toast
Aaron Gonzalez
David Butler
OP will you marry me? I am hetero man.
Aiden Ortiz
Well played user...well played..
Logan Cooper
Fake fucking jew thread. Stop larping and Kys OP
Brandon Flores
For how long can you make it living in Thailand with 700k? If I wanted to take 2 mil over then and fuck around how long could I last?
Noah Cruz
A average thai citizen makes a $8200 worth of thai baht a year. 700k usd turns into 22764227.64 thai baht