Dont say I didn't warn you cucks. Load up now.
Dont say I didn't warn you cucks. Load up now
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Buying some now. I don't want to FOMO buy later.
With all these upfiring threads I put down 2k into some on cryptopia. who the fuck knows whats gonna happen. if this is gonna take off for real this much shilling is a good thing. then again it could all big some big bois wanting to dump their bags. worth losing some money if that 2k can turn into 10k
It's going to go a lot higher than 10k I will say that.
It was 20% cheaper yesterday damn, i won't miss the boat, i just bought some
I bought some on cryptopia, hope it grows quickly :D
ok pajeet
This legitimately has the chance to be the next big thing in torrenting. Holy shit. Read the whitepaper you faggots.
Already been priced in senpai
Went all in.
This shit better pan out or I'll fucking kill myself.
>tfw when I cashed in at 1600 and out at 1700
Don't be like me user, this is a HODL for sure
ufr not a biggie now, but with this risk and reward ratio im cozy.
no team listed, shills everywhere, generic ERC20, most likely a scam.
of course Veeky Forums goes all in kek
sounds like a fucking pajeet trying to speak english, DOA
Is nobody super fucking worried that there's no trace of the team anywhere?
Read the white paper you dumb faggots. It's going to the moon
They are active on Twitter Facebook and medium. What are you looking for, exactly?
Can you give me a link? Looks really promising but I held off cause I couldn't find anything.
Well, if it's basically TPB on the blockchain, I can understand them not wanting to get too much publicity. Other people already got their lifes ruined and thrown into jail for stuff like that.
there in discord trying to pump and dump this stop falling for it
buy now or pink wojaks in a month