why are stands the best superpowers for a TTRPG character?
Why are stands the best superpowers for a TTRPG character?
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That is very subjective and not necessarily true.
If a player wants a power up or pull off an ability from their asses they have to find an arrow first
Because instead of giving flat buffs to mechanical strength they can be used in and out of combat to broaden the possibilities of a character to solve problems in a way that is completely unique to and wholly representative of them which is pretty on par with the spirit of rpgs.
Every time I start thinking about reading JJBA, fags like OP come along and remind me why I don't.
They look awesome, and have really unique powers.
>better not read this thing because people like it
But user, what about muh supar secreet speshiul club?
If people like it, then I can't!
Who blames him though?
Nu-jojofags are annoying and cancerous as shit
I think that just comes with the increase in fans. more people = more jerks.
I don’t think OP’s question is that bad, stands are really cool looking and have abilities which play more off of using skills than being stronger.
I’d rather have creative powers than various degrees of superstrength and energy blasts.
Problem solving doesn't rely on strenght alone
Because they depend on your ability to bullshit the DM into accepting that your super specific power ACTUALLY has a shit ton of uses. You gotta be clever and roleplay.
what if they pull said arrow from their asses?
It appeals to both the murderhobo and the roleplayer. A regular dice-crunching player can be satisfied with a Star Platinum clone while the more creative player gets to think up a unique ability inspired by some of the most ingenious superpower concepts in current media.
A stand is an extremely flexible concept and can be designed to do just about anything you want it to. I personally like how other abilities are essentially pathways to stands. It's a shame that we will never see the final iteration of Hamon like we did with The Spin, though.
It gives you so many options of both rolepaying and abilities
Any decent GM wouldn't give an arrow that easily
>I think that just comes with the increase in fans. more people = more jerks.
While that's true, there's also fanbases that are just inherently garbage. For example, HxH's actual fanbase is relatively, but 90% of them are completely obnoxious about it.
Jojos isn’t that bad.
Yea, there are some idiots but we haven’t reached undertale or SU levels of bad yet.
They easily satisfy both the number crunching power gamers and the narrative focused roleplayers and their designs are distinctive and unique.
Take ZA WARUDO over there, he's supposed to be the final boss stand of Part 3 and everything about him looks imposing even before you learn what its true stand ability was.
And DIO even said at the beginning his Stand’s power changed and shifted as time went on, going through multiple different effects until it stopped and solidified as time stopping
Hell, we even see Star Platinum grow and develop over the course of Part 3, as well as Jotaro learning better ways to utilize it beyond punching, such as the Poker game with D'arby, him using it to draw an accurate picture of a fly, or him using SP to stop his own heart to throw DIO off his trail.
I don't remember that, but Araki's original intent is The World would have all the main cast's abilities, that's why DIO uses not-Hermit Purple and his hair tentacles resemble Hierophant Green, but Araki decided something unique would be cooler and we got time stop. He could only stop time for a mere instant at first, but as his neck wound healed, that power increased.
>having a smart user can make or break their abilities
>can go as weird as you want
>look awesome
>can be sentient
>can be incredibly powerful if you use them creatively
>give users abilities they need, not ones they want
>people have to have a fighting spirit to use them, no wimps allowed
Truly, the chad of superpowers
>people have to have a fighting spirit to use them
Yeah like those ginkgo trees in jojolion.
Man, Holly was a loser.
I think the final iteration of Hamon will probably be something like Hermit Purple. Tonpeti used to predict the future by training his Hamon skills after all.
>Man, Holly was a loser.
To be fair, she was literally too nice for her own good. I mean, you'd think that she'd have a problem with her own son calling her a bitch every other minute or bringing a half-dead cherry boy home and shit like that.
Plus, Josuke was going through the same shit when he was a child so it might be a Joestar thing.
Hermit Purple is probably the final iteration of Hamon when you consider that Joseph, Jonathan's body, and Holly all had similar stands as one another.
I was hoping for something more along the lines of a power stand called「Thunderstruck」
Hermit Purple is already a pretty awesome stand when you think about it.
>Allows you to take spirit photos of anyone you can think of.
>Allows you to turn dirt into a detailed map.
>Can track down moving targets.
>Can use a TV to make predictions at will.
>Can also use a TV to look at any area you want, including the inside of your own body.
>Strong enough to support your weight, allowing you to swing around like Spiderman.
>Allows you to transfer Hamon through it for a ranged Hamon strike or wrap it around yourself as a defense.
>Theoretically allows you to touch stands with your bare hands as well, which is great if you're dealing with with shitty durability.
It only gets overshadowed when compared against shit like Star Platinum.
Exactly, you don't want the player to become pic related in terms of power
Giorno only became as powerful as he did because it was the only way to kill King Crimson.
KC was a stand that removed cause while GER was a stand that removed effect.
One of the theories is that Johnathan's Stand gives him every Stand of his descendants, meaning the The World was Johnathan's.
Keep in mind that Dio literally had to keep The World from going on a murder spree every minute via raw willpower.
Actually, Jonathan's stand resembles Hermit Purple, DIO even uses spirit photography to keep tabs on the Crusaders in Part 3.
>Not reading everything I said.
I did and I'm telling you that your theory is wrong.
I prefer the theory that World symbolizes his fear of water after his 100 years at the bottom of the ocean. The World looks like a scuba diver. Also that one time he was setting up a model boat to look like a shipwreck.
Would you allow a player's stand to have ANY ability he wants or would you put some restrictions?
Depends on the ability in question.
but what kind of lame power is "softening" anyways? So you can turn the ground into a comfy bed, kind of a lame power.
I'd allow them to have any power they want but I'd also set up a system where they can only have like one stat be A, one stat is B, one stat is C, one stat is D, one stat is E, and Potential starts off at A.
That way, if you want to be able to disintegrate a dude and have great power and speed, you'd need to choose whether its range, durability, or precision will be dog shit and you coming up with new and exciting ways to use the stand will affect your potential with the stand.
Considering she managed to save the group from Notorious B.I.G. and its powers allowed them to survive a plane crash, it's pretty useful.
Most of the joestar villains are chads. Dio especially.
But only Jonathan and Joesph are chads.
>go basejumping and skydiving without fear of death
>save fall-induced suicides/homicides/accidents
Be a firefighter or something. Imagine if, at 9/11, the entire population of the towers just jumped out all at once because Spice Girl was on the case
The only Joestar who isn't Chads is Holly.
i wouldn't use the stand power charts because they provide very little information.
It's all pretty self-explanatory save for development potential.
I like to think development is stand intelligence. But that can be false.
it is but it's pretty vague, it never says exactly how much power or speed the stand has nor how durable it is for example
Can't be useful for fighting unless you're pillow fighting.
Softening things sure.
Can you imagine a stand that alters hardness?
Punch through a concrete wall, kill someone with a pillow.
>what kind of lame power is "softening" anyways?
The way she used it to counter any physical attack was pretty cool. Depending on the limits I see it as pretty good potential for a main character stand.
I'd probably custom-tailor a restriction that makes sense with the power.
For example, I have a player with the stand「One Republic」that can reverse the physical properties of things. The caveat being is he has to understand what exactly he's changing about it. Like he can't just go "I make this rock soft." Is he loosening the materials it's made of to cause the rock to get soft? Maybe he makes it a gel or some sort? As long as he can reasonably explain what he's changing I give the go ahead.
I have a Remix world in the setting, which is basically Heroes are Evil and Villains are Good world. 「One Republic Remix」 is basically an assassin for hire that kills people in cruel and painful ways, like turning their bones to jelly, turning their blood into a solid, or on one occasion turning someone's body inside out.
Stands have to have a weakness.
Dios only lasts 9 seconds, Pucci gets oxygen poisoning.
You can’t fight with Pearl Jam but it’s a great Stand
What was D4C’s weakness?
We know that C is "around human level" at least, and considering that Star Platinum is tough enough to punch through diamond teeth and fast/precise enough to catch a bullet, I think we can infer that A is like Superhuman level.
Stands don't really have weaknesses honestly. I mean, some have conditions that have to be fulfilled like Killer Queen needing to touch the side of his hand with his thumb to create the explosion or mandem needing to manually rewind time on the watch but I think those are just mental quirks that the user imposes upon the stands to get them to work.
It needed you to be between two solid planes to be sent to another dimension?
The system I'm using has a system where the more powerful the ability is, the more points it costs.
Beyond that though, we generally agree that an ability has to work for a player character, and the criteria for that is "Is this a stand that a protagonist would have?"
For example, one stand I came up with was 「I W a n t T o B r e a k F r e e 」, an extremely close range humanoid stand whose ability was basically juggernaut powers. Nothing could move it or stop it from moving, unless it wanted to. This was obviously a very very powerful stand, albeit with some exploitable weaknesses. The issue is, while there were some very interesting, creative applications for this power, it would almost always make the fight be about the antagonist overcoming 「I W a n t T o B r e a k F r e e 」's power, not the other way around. It required more creativity on the part of the NPC/antagonist than on the player/protagonist, which shouldn't be how Jojo works. Player stands should have versatile application that can be used creativity, and no one super exploitable weakness, while villain stands should require more creativity to defeat, even if it means there's pretty much only one way to defeat them, it doesn't matter since you only have to beat them once.
I think The World copying Joestar stand powers makes more sense.
>Time Stop is Jotaro's power,that's why he learned how to use it so fast
>Dio healed Pucci's foot with Giorno's ability.
>Dio used The World(copying HP) to guide his assassins.How else would Empress find the crusaders in a fucking submarine?
>It fits Dio's personality;an envious thief who wants everything the joestars have..
I've mentioned it back when Super Stand Sundays were a thing, but I had a Stand that was a lot like this, though more on the thief aspect.
「Better Than You」was a stand resembling a plain white clothing store mannequin. His features nonexistent save for his face, which was always twisted into a sneer, and his eyes were raised slightly on his head so he was always looking down at his opponent, no matter the angle. His user was a spoiled rich kid believing his status in life gives him the right to do whatever he wants. of course HE should have the most powerful stand, it only makes sense of course.
And then he finds out his stand is super strong, but the others all have unique abilities that 「Better Than You」doesn't. He's enraged, because he's the best, and he can't just throw money at this problem to solve it. He later discovers he can temporarily steal Stand powers from other users. He only gains them at half-power, leaving the original user also with half power. For example, if he stole 「The World」's time stop, he could stop it for about 2.5 seconds, and Dio could also only stop for 2.5 seconds as long as 「Better Than You」held his power. The theft only lasts an hour.
However, if a Stand user dies while 「Better Than You」 is stealing it's power, he gains that power permanently, and is able to steal another power on top of that. It's always half-power though, but if he starts getting a lot of them then that doesn't matter too much.
Basically a recurring villain Stand by design. Assuming the players don't just straight up kill him of course, but my players LOVE recurring rival characters, so I think he's pretty safe in that respect.
Dio is actually the most important character in JJBA. He’s basically the main character.
Because for some reason you want to start a Jojo thread on Veeky Forums so you'll say any shitty excuse to do so
He also said it'd be too powerful if it had all Stand abilities. He couldn't think of a good way to beat it because it'd be too OP.
>soften their attacks
>soften the ground beneath their feet to trip them up
>fill a pillowcase with bricks, make them soft, trick the enemy into thinking it's just a regular pillow, remove the soften effect and swing the sack at them
>soften the working parts of a machine so that it can't properly function
>soften the supports of a building to bring it crumbling down
No imagination.
So does that mean the Flesh Buds were from Holly's Stand?
Vampire cells.
Or Purple Haze, who was so powerful he had to write the character out of the story. (Though he does show up again in Purple Haze Feedback, which is - to my mind - an excellent story.)
KQ BtD still had a weakness, if it was sent out, and Kira got attacked, he'd need to call it back to defend himself. That's why Rohan doesn't blow up a fourth time.
Mandom didn’t actually work like that. Ringo just used it as a ploy to fool someone into trying to keep him from rewinding the watch, then shooting them at point blank
that's their appeal for me, plus the over-the-top aesthetic.
I suppose there are still broad mechanical limitations imposed on them - like automatic stands, range of stands, vaguely however the stand stats are depicted, ect. - but the personal nature of the powers and their utilization by the user are what makes it interesting.
I'd try to think of an ability that would suit their character, then ask them what ability they'd want the Stand to have, and also what they want it to be called. Then I'd possibly change the ability based on their input, and finally give the Stand it's stats based on the ability, and how each stat would synergise well with the character and party.
No, Mandom didn't need Ringo to wind his watch, but it acted as a mental trigger to activate the ability. He could rewind time without it easily, but the mental compulsion made him feel like he needed to. Like how a character probably doesn't need to shout the name of their attack when they use it, but they do it anyway.
Holly basically had no confidence. It’s why she could deal with Jotero insulting her.
Contrast that with Dio and Jotero who are basically confidence personified.
Sounds like someone who'd get defeated when he's tricked into using a Stand power that's somehow dangerous at half strength. E.g.
>Thief: "I stole half your power to teleport 10 meters!"
>Protagonist: "Ha, I can still teleport 10 meters! Look, I'll show you!" *runs around the corner then appears from another corner*
>Thief: "Impossible! Then I'll teleport 10 meters too!"
>Protagonist: "Awesome. Except..." *shapeshifts into Deuteragonist* "I'm not Protagonist."
>Thief: "Oh n-" *teleports half of body 10 meters, cutting self in half*
I feel like "half power" wouldn't work quite like that, but tricking him by throwing a harmful stand power to him is also an idea. I had a few other stands I considered the possibilities that would happen if he got them.
In particular a sentient mushroom stand that can turn people into zombies that killed it's user because they were holding him back and wears his zombie-body around like a flesh-suit. Should Better Than You ever get a hold of that, the results would be very bad for his user.
R8 my stand
[One Life]
One Life appears as a red gem about 3 cm tall. It lacks any markings.
It has an A in learning ability, C’s in the rest although it is unable to capitalize on those.
One Life is able to generate a statue which has no face or hair, and looks to be made of marble. The statue can move around as well as a normal human, and can be 30m away from One Life.
When this statue is destroyed in combat, it is able to be remade by One Life. The destruction of the statue doesn’t hurt the user. When One Life regenerates the statue, it comes back but one of its stats is raised from C to B. For Example, if the statue was punched to death by Star Platnum it would come back with a B in durability. If it was destroyed by The World it would come back faster.
It cannot come back with abilities, only higher stats. It can go too A’s in stats, though range and learning ability serve no purpose.
When facing a noncombat challenge, the user can suicide the Statue to raise its abilities, but doing so tires the user. He can do this in combat as well, but it’s not a wise idea.
sounds like it can become OP very easily
I forgot to mention that it returns to all C’s when the user falls asleep, and repeated forced suicides cause the User to faint which resets the stand.
>people liking a cool thing
jesus christ how horrifying
shitty excuses such as discussing a presented question relevant to the board's subject matter
what a stupid ability. nobody would ever make a stand like that.
i love how unintentionally lewd this panel is
Do you think anyone has fallen in love with a stand?
Kinda rusty on my JJBA so I might be missing a dude.
That creepy dude in part 4 tried to turn Surface into a girl he liked so he could fuck it, but it ended up just laughing at his dick and he couldn't get it up.
>Literally being cucked by your own stand
Man, is there a more pathetic excuse for a human being?
>Jojolions about to end with all these unsolved plot threads
At least it's getting close to the chapter count where SBR ended, right? Man, what's Araki gonna do? Where's Kaato?
I personally like the way a certain magical index does esper powers.
>You get one power, that's it
>Can use your power in varied ways (eg. electromagnetism to shoot electricity, attach yourself to metal objects, or shoot a metal object like a railgun)
>Power is a simple 1-5 system with level 6 essentially making you a god
>Magic is a wholly different system and if an esper uses it they destroy their own body in the process
Could be an interesting system to implement.
>List of powers
>Pick one and only one ever
>Secondary abilities are like skills in Unknown Armies, there are some suggestions, but for anything else if you can justify it to the GM you can use it
>Jojolions about to end with all these unsolved plot threads
You've been with Araki for 7 parts already user. You knew what to expect going in when he said he wants to write a mystery.
*deleted/reposted for errors
Wondering if this would work as a sorta one off villain stand. Input is welcome. The idea is basically for the stand to be a trap and a way to guide and force people's movement.
Appearance: : 「 WONDER WALL 」 takes the form of an ordinary piece of yellow chalk, though one may notice that it never runs out.
Effect: 「 WONDER WALL 」 can move and work by itself or be held and used by the stand user personally. Once a closed shape is drawn with 「 WONDER WALL 」, no living beings (or the stands they possess) besides the user may cross the chalk lines to enter in or out of it. This is not a physical barrier, but a subconscious mental command to not cross the line. Because it is subconscious, people are generally not aware that they're under the effect of the stand unless they've gradually pieced it together themselves or already have knowledge of the stand. However, being aware of the effect doesn't make you immune. Non-living things (excluding stands) or unconscious bodies can freely pass the line. So there's nothing stopping a stand from throwing something across the line or say, a regular Joe from firing a gun at somebody past the line.
Wait what? I haven't caught up on the last 8-9 chapters but I didn't expect it to start to end so soon.
The random stand generator is awesome.
Stand Name: I Feel Better
Stand Ability: [Light Empowerment](powerlisting.wikia.com
Power - A
Speed - B
Range - A
Durability - B
Precision - C
Potential - E
Description: The power to be empowered in the light or by luminescence. Technique of Light Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Empowerment. Opposite of Darkness Empowerment. User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come into contact with light, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the light or even slow or stop aging. This can make either the user, their objects, their allies...
Stand Name: End of the Innocence
Power- C
Speed- E
Range- A
Durability- B
Precision- A
Potential- E
Those within the Stand's range slowly become overwhelmed by the guilt of their past sins, even if they would not normally feel guilty. This renders them catatonic over long periods of time. The only recourse they have is to confess their sins to someone they trust. If they are truly apologetic for their behavior, the effect of the Stand ends.