Pic related has now appeared within your setting, and is now just silently moving towards the largest population center therein. How screwed is everything?
Pic related has now appeared within your setting...
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You guys are worse than Pratchettfags at this point. At least they forget to make the daily threads sometimes.
We haven't had a Night Land thread in like, we'll over a week friendo. Calm down there.
We deal with it easily enough. They moved at a speed somewhere between glacier and continental drift.
So it could take several times the lifespan of most empires for it it cover any noticeable ground.
They could kill you by looking at you too hard but it's undetermined how many things they could concentrate on at once or how fast they could acquire new targets.
Basically we can go from late neolithic/early bronze age first kingdoms to technologically sophisticated global super power by the time it starts to become an evident threat to the ancestral capital city.
By that time we are no longer going to be firing flint tipped arrows at it. Should it continue to be a threat we just move the city out of it's path a few miles down the river and buy a few more thousand years. Should it follow the city down to the sea down the long march of the millenniums then we just relocate it back upstream.
It's going to spend the rest of eternity wandering up and down that river as society marches on around it, the climate shifts like season, mountains form and are ground down, the river wriggles around like a sidewinder around it's feet and after millions of years when children of The Fist of the First Ones are settling their first extra-galactic colony IT WILL STILL NOT HAVE MANAGED TO CATCH THAT FUCKING CITY.
Assuming that for all that long time people are more amused than annoyed by it. If it becomes too much of a burden it gets slapped in the face with a magnetic rail gun and if that doesn't work we get inventive. Somethings so slow and heavy can have a pit trap dug under it mid stride.
Weren't the Watchers capable of Assuming Direct Control over various monsters in order to target things that they were too slow to catach, or tihngs that were out of range of their "You Cease Here" ability? So it could just take control over the native monsters and beasts of the world and have them swarm the local capitals
Good fucking look with that. It's a low/probably no magic setting. The most dangerous thing are other people with the possible exception of the mundane wildlife.
The city is not!Uruk. The party and certainly the city can handle a few bears and wolves.
I have no idea what this creature is, but this sort of thing is par for the course for my current setting. Rest assured, the Hunters will find a way.
It's a malevolent entity from beyond time and space the size of a hill that kills you so hard as to destroy the soul if get too close of if it notices you and notices you personally.
They also move a few feet a decade.
In the book they were closing in on the Last Redoubt (an arcology before the concept was really invented) and had been for several million years because they appeared some distance away.
We are playing Bronze Age IN SPACE. 4000 years into the future will all the posthuman craziness. They will either move the Dyson Sphere somewhere else or lift the entire erea in which that creature is sitting and hurl it into a sun.
He probably means
>another thing of of ridiculously high powerlevel appears in your setting, please wank it more by describing things getting fucked
or another thread of
>so cthulhu, much eldritch, such sothottery
What is that Boogilie supposed to be exactly?
Elaborate and I'll play along.
It's a Watcher from Night Land. Giant, godlike Demons that are a part of the various Powers of Night that have almost completely devoured the souls of everything in the universe, with Earth being the last place with any (normal) life on it whatsoever. They intend to rectify this as soon as possible. Which ,ay take a couple millenia or so, all said.
Can confirm, I began the last thread last week.
I tried listening to the audio book of this, holy shit, TERRIBLE IDEA.
This was not written in audibly presentable prose.
Retold is better version.
I don't have it.
It wasn't written in TEXTUALLY presentable prose.
It's strange how such a fantastic book can simultaneously be so terribly written.
>At least they forget
You're not wrong. The author's imagination was incredible, but his awful attempt at copying a 17th century romantic style sours the novel a fair bit. The most intolerable part was how he spent half the novel on pointless nonsense with the maid when there were far more interesting things in the setting which begged for answers or further exploration.
I guess I'm not really sure what the Watchers are, or what their capabilities are. The book confirms:
-they're enormous, dwarfing most kaiju in contemporary media
-they can fry most people's brains, but they do have a distance limit it seems and they are not omniscient in their sphere of influence.
-they move very slowly, but they can and will react physically to nearby stimuli (NE Watcher turns it's head slightly to look at the main character) so they can move faster then imperceptibly slow if they want to. Not saying much, but it is something.
-They can summon Evil Forces as well as run-of-the-mill mutants and monsters.
-they can tank the strongest weapons the Redoubt can turn against them, which are implied to be incredibly powerful but are not well quantified.
For all we know, they might be waiting until the Earth Current dies and suddenly they will spring forward and rip the doors of the Redoubt open. Or they just might mind control the inhabitants as was done with the lesser pyramid.
Their abilities are mostly unquantified, but I don't think having one show up would be good in any way.
>For all we know, they might be waiting until the Earth Current dies and suddenly they will spring forward and rip the doors of the Redoubt open.
Good God, that sounds terrifying.
Why is he holding a giant pizza cutter?
Delet this!
It's one of these as a power weapon, effectively: youtu.be
Pretty cool sci-fi weapon, given that it was written in 1912.
So I tried reading the original a short while back, and just how long exactly does the prologue with the guy and his waifu last? I was expecting monstrous visions of a nightmare future.
The League will continue its work even when nights of the hunt become eternal
It's just the first chapter.
It's never returned to later, either. It's just a prologue framing narrative.
That actually seems to be a common thing in early 20th century fantasy stories. Almost exactly the same thing occurs in The Worm Ouroboros and A Voyage to Arcturus.
>It's never returned to later, either. It's just a prologue framing narrative.
Thank God, now I can read it
We'really nothing like these bastards
>Pic related has now appeared within your setting, and is now just silently moving towards the largest population center therein. How screwed is everything?
Given how slow the fucker is and how beatable most of the lesser evils it could alert ar for the live and vibrant setting it finds itself in? It eats several generations of legendary heroes. People relocate. Demon shit on the rise. Things slowly get worse and worse but it is really slow, and unlike in the Land itself the light can still win noticable victories. The Watcher is still fucking invincible but when people accept and the powerful both in politics and magic put their heads together, that's when the interesting shit happens... not a zany scheme to defeat the Watcher, those came earlier, no, I'm talking about the interdimensional refugee crisis that occurs when the residents of the setting start marching through Gate spells to the most convenient alternate Prime.
Good luck. Even ignoring that part, it's still a pain in the arse to read.
M8's, you have shit taste, that was beautiful and if I was a weaker man it would've brought me to tears.
If people start jumping to alternate planes, then they better make sure they batten down the hatches first. The Watcher can (and *will) proceed to follow them into the new reality if something isn't down to distract it or bind it long enough for everyone to be safely transported out.
I'm sorry my man but I came here for monsters.
It seems kinda outclassed by the last game I ran (TSAB magical girl game). Spacecraft and weapons that rip a hole in the fabric of spacetime to just delete an object from existence seems a step above comically slow Death Ray creature.
Sell me on Retold. I'm wary of what I imagine to be a slight step above fanfiction. I think the original, while not exactly pleasant reading, is readable nonetheless.
The moment a soul goes pop is the moment it ceases to be as the owner of the galaxy it spawns in puts it at the top of the priority list and barrages it with multiple dyson spheres worth of magical and conventional ordinance.
The entities in my setting are barbarous and amoral despite their technological advancement, but if there is one thing that will still universally rile them up regardless of the cruelties they inflict on one another, its destroying souls or otherwise inflicting permanent suffering upon them.
Some went through the book and undid the faux ye olde speak. They left more or less everything else intact.
I think it was Revisited that took out the wife beating but I may be mixing the two up.
Would copious nuclear ordnance be enough to neutralize the threat?
eh, its more of what already exists there
Doubtful. Watchers are implied to be capable of tanking even the best weapons that the Last Redoubt can throw at them (which, as Awake In the night Land shows, are pretty damn powerful), so it's unlikely that mere nukes, not infused with something similar to the Earth-Current, would be able to even do anything that would draw their attentions in the slightest.
Hmm, that's... unfortunate.
The Alhoon who rules the country will doubtless require a seat from which to watch the carnage, after which the cyclopean beast will likely be killed, reanimated, and stored for later amusement.
>after which the cyclopean beast will likely be killed, reanimated, and stored for later amusement.
I don't think Watchers really count as "living", actually. They're more like giant masses of raw condensed Evil more than anything else. And if they're anything like the other Dark Powers, they likely aren't truly physical entities and are more just projected manifestations.
How do they handle what amounts to mana-based radiation?
>How screwed is everything?
Not very. Well, no more than usual, anyway.
I’m not a hundred percent sure I get the night land setting but from what I’ve read my setting will be fine, because this monster of the dark has walked straight out of the grim darkness of the far future into the height of power of the forces of light. This isn’t the far future where the sun has gone out and even the basic laws of nature are falling apart as the universe comes to a close.
>Powers Of Good: Hahahahaha, NO.
>Watcher: *Screeches in Eldritch*.
why did the forces of good become weak?
That’s my understanding of it, but I haven’t finished the book and am mostly working from the summaries I can find online.
Actually his form of Alzheimer's wasn't associated with memory loss.
Depends how cosmic horror we’re going. Either the forces of good were powerful enough to fight back the forces of night once but aren’t anymore or they were never powerful enough to do it and all the happy times are the result of the powers of good slowing the night down long enough for entire generations to live and die long before the forces of night reached humanity.
From what I can tell, the Forces of Good are pretty much the only reason why the Sun snd other celestial bodies lived as long as they did, and why humanity managed to develop and grow for many millenia after the Sun started to show signs of dieing. In fact, Pneumavores and other Infernal Forces didn't start to manifest until the time that the story "The Wreck of the Aetherwing" took place, which was many, many, many millenia after all of the Road Makers had passed on, and experiments were started to try and push into the Outer Realms.
I've always had a bone to pick with these "Pneumavore" images. They're pretty cool digital manipulations, playing with fractals and curves, but very few of them ever manage to communicate the concept. They look like otherworldly auroras which, okay, in some cntexts actually works: the forms of the pneumavores aren't bound by anything resembling physical law so a lot of them wouldn't look "alive" to us... but the damn thing takes up the whole field and doesn't even manage to hint at the supposed infinite depths of evil that the subject represents. There's no menace or malice or sense of scale unless you are primed and told ahead of time that "This image represents an otherworldly, soul-eating entity of fathomless evil whose existence is alien to the laws of the universe as we know it". It's the problem with modern art in a microcosm.
A couple images in that vein actually manage to contextualize the Pneumavore, and thus create a better impression. Pic related, for instance, uses the same style to create the creature, but them puts it into a context where, with some real world to see, we can get a sense, at least a vague impression, of form and action. There's a way in which the fractal mass resembles a snake gulping down its prey, and you don't require priming to get that there's SOME threat in it, even if the un-Prepared don't recognize that shape as an entity.
I also dislike how people seem to find an inability to truly present Pneumavores as being the pure Evil that everyone in story refers to them as. And it doesn't help that there are still few images depicting the things or other Dark forces of the Night. And the Pneumavores are essentially the most basic of the Evil Powers, so it shouldn't be *that* hard to depict them properly. I suspect that it would be *much* harder to depict the "Dragons" that birthed them for instance.
Sorta depends, if they can kill anything just by focusing on it than the whole setting can just end right their.
Problem is that the sun is a god named Heliothon so all the watcher would have to do is focus on the sun and then the setting just sorta becomes The Night Lands without the earth current.
If the watcher can't kill Heliothon than I reckon the setting can be saved through the combined effort of the gods as has been done multiple times through it's history.
How would you stat a Diskos in GURPS 4e? Would it be more like a power axe due to it being a cutty thing on the end of a stick? or more like a chainsaw because it cuts things via spinning and Geo-thermal lasers?
H'okay so what we're gonna do is gather up all the wizards and clerics we can, rip open the biggest portal to the plane of energy we can, and then jam so much holy light up it's ass that for a brief moment, the inhabitants of the world will think we've accidentally teleported the sun on top of it.
Will that work?
Man, it must suck to know that people are out there liking things that you don't.
At least you hate everything, so you'll never have to worry about causing anyone else the pain you must go through daily, eh?
Yeah, there's two versions - one's a fan-project, just making the writing style a bit more accessible.
The other was a professional author going through, changing the writing style, adding in dialogue, and removing the casual woman-slapping.
I fully agree. These threads are 50% pictures of "Oh, cool statue monster" and 50% of "Oh, cool random fractal desktop background", your pic is definitely the best I've seen. The unknowable is only terrifying when contrasted with the familiar.
The largest population center is protected by Innangard, a living and caring wall whose bismuth blocks can shape themselves into a titanic humanoid.
Can't say who'll win, but shit's gonna be epic user, Pacific Rim X magitech colossus X Cthulhu. The Wall loves its city very much, but will that be enough?
Was thinking about reading the night land. Should I go for the original or a story retold?
I've heard people plug the original, but I think that Retold is better for somebody who has a casual interest. If you like it enough, you can check out the original later on.
Coolio friend thanks for the advice.
the original without doubt. you get used to the odd style after twenty pages or so and it's not that long of a book anyway.
Well, I guess in that case the only thing that'd be able to stop it is a literal Deus Ex Machina.
And by that I mean: getting down on your hands and knees, praying open a GM-ticket, and prostrating yourself before the first and last God (with a capital G) DEATH to come out from the pit to pop that sucker like a bad zit.
Which, I could see her getting to sooner than later as if it's true what the book says and these creatures are manifest entropy- supposedly even going so far as to 'destroy' souls- then she'd take great offense to their presence and wouldn't hesitate to immediately rectify the damage they're doing to her 'perfect' cycle. Death is VERY sensitive about this kind of thing, since her conception at the dawn of time she's dreaded the notion of entropy as she's well aware that once she's reaped everything and the heat death of her reality sets in she will be the LAST AND ONLY THING TO EXIST. FOREVER. ALONE. So, yeah, I think she'd get right on that Watcher.
Sans Death, though, there isn't anything capable of stopping a Watcher in the setting.
Cosmic Horror is truly the most cancerous genre.
Well now I'm confused. I'll probably just flip a coin.
In setting capital G God could it seemed only slow things down.
Probably gets teleported into deep space and forgotten about. Having a physical form is an extreme liability for the godlike beings of this setting, if you can't dematerialize and move through time as easily as space, you're not a god at all.
>Leaving a Watcher in the depths of space.
Enjoy watching as all the stars in the night-sky die screaming, as the Watcher slowly but surely makes its way back to the world.
In which night land book do they jump between dimensions? I thought it was only set on Earth.
Expanded Canon from various other stories set in the "mythos" (mostly Awake In The Night Land). The Powers Of Night breach into universes and timelines where various civilizations weaken the dimensional barriers through "Unnatural Experiments" and other suspicious shit. They then proceed to devour those realities and timelines before moving on to the next. In fact, near the end of "Last Of All Suns", the Dark Powers intend to enter the new universe that the last remaining survivors hope to escape to since they've already killed the current one, and very, very, very nearly succeed. Until Capital G God comes around to dick-punch them at the last moment.
And forsooth, I came myself upon the Board of Fourth, having just consulted the Master Monstruwacan who didst advised me not. And lo, myself hath found mine Beloved, a thread of The Night Land of William Hope Hodgson's mighty quill. That same William Hope Hodgson who died oh so young, depriving mine own of more upon more five-hundred and eighty-three paged tomes of august words the world hath never known before or since. And mine spirit rose upon seeing this thread dedicated to mine Beloved wherein the virtues of that most ancient of tomes was expounded upon. But aghast, there does lie an most unscrupulous Poster of Excretion who darest claim The Night Land of William Hope Hodgson and the accompanying fans of said grimoire are of an annoying and petty sort. Darest they brave reading the acclaimed and praised book and darest they make a subpar Dungeons and Dragons adventuring campaign based on such? I think nay.
I want a Dark Souls style video game set in the Nightland so badly.
To be fair though this just means God is weaker than these beings in that setting, which means in turn he's not really the capital G God. So his powerlevel is kinda meaningless as a point of comparison.
Shiva-expy #25284 glances in it's direction.
It ceases to exist.
Shiva-expy #25284 goes back to the cosmic orgy in Heaven, blissfully ignoring the suffering of mortal kind.
what makes you even consider reading a rewritten version of a book? do you read film novelizations of films based on books, too? or the modern english shakespeare?
Really, you have to read modern English Shakespeare to actually get the true flavour of it. Life's too short for everyone to have to immerse themselves in pretending they're in another time. We should be paying those English majors for something, right?