Old Thread was archived edition
I dug around in the archives and wasn’t able to find the old thread, can someone else see to the links?
>thread Q
Favorite 2drop?
Old Thread was archived edition
I dug around in the archives and wasn’t able to find the old thread, can someone else see to the links?
>thread Q
Favorite 2drop?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Favorite 2drop?
> 2 drops in 2017
I prefer to go DRS into a 3 drop.
Favorite 2 drops is probably goyf, but I don't play him anymore because he's bad.
people like you are why i maindeck orzhov pontiff
>muh turn 2 nemesis
whoops looks like you've got a 2/-1 there friend.
Griselbrand isn't going to come back by himself.
Even thought it's shit right now, it'll always be my favorite. RIP in peace little buddy, you're just not playable anymore.
How is it unplayable? The only popular deck that its horrible against is lands.
Is that why landstill is putting up big results? lol
I don't know if I would call still unplayable, but it is certainly not that playable.
better check that math
This 2-drop can turn into a 4-drop!
>I hate this game and I hate you
Very intricate card and Lands esque strategies have always been my favorite
Forgot pic
I'm thinking of getting into MtG for cheap. Can anyone help an user choose which lot to get? All lots are leftovers after drafts in game shops.
Lot 1 (7$):
800 commons (including 20x5 lands) standard format
Hour of Devastation
Aether Revolt
Lot 2 (7$):
600 commons
Khans of Tarkir - 230 cards
Dragons of Tarkir - 140 cards
Fate Reforged - 230 cards
Lot 3 (5$):
850 commons
8th Edition or newer
no other info
They're all shit desu. Borrow decks at your LGS til you find one you like and then build it by buying singles instead of boosters.
buy lot 3 if you cant contain yourself.
Thanks man.
Thing is, I just want to play with my 3 buddies, not in a shop or anything. I know nothing about the game. We will probably build some shit decks and just play against each other.
In that case just buy all the lots
Lot 3 will likely have more interesting stuff but you'll build the most coherent decks from 2. All of them are shit though
>tfw can't choose what deck to build next
On one hand Nu-miracles is probably more competitive and a better use of my money. But on the other hand Punishing Maverick/Zoo seems really fun even if it is bad. For the record I have UB and BR reanimator.
>Active Legacy Forums
>Current Legacy Metagame
>Find/Browse basic lands by their art, by sets, by artists, and more
> Budget lists for newer players
>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)
>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)
Deck Database
Budget Decks Version 5.0
>thread q
>forgets the links again
You can stop making threads anytime my man, there's a reason why these threads have "x edition"
i did say i wasnt able to find the old thread, but the links are up
>thread still in native Veeky Forums archive
>threads are easily found on 3rd party archives
There's really no excuse
My favourite 2 drop? Chalice on 1.
You could build Storm. The only expensive cards you don't have already are LEDs. It definitely plays very differently, too, so if you're looking to use familiar cards but still want a change of pace, it's a good choice.
Slowly building 4 color Loam, pimped ofc. So far have OG foil Tranquil Thicket, Barren Moor, Cabal Pit, Scooze, Dryad Arbor and Abrupt Decay along with og Legends Sylvan Library
>friend used to play this at the lunch table and thought it was a may ability
Fuck you Zack.
Holy. Shit. Standstill would be completely busted if it was optional to crack it; You play spells like normal while your opponent either does nothing or gives you pseudo Ancestrals.
I don't want another combo deck and storm is for gaybois.
Hypothetical for everyone:
Your opponent is able to successfully resolve Humility turn 4 against you (why would you allow that??). How easily can your mainboard deal with this and what deck are you running?
Depends on which of my decks I'm playing.
>Big Red
I'm pretty much boned, my only real option is trying to kill with Chanda: ToD.
Humility does literal nothing against me. I'll combo out as usual.
>UW Parfait
My deck plays Humility as well, so I guess slam Moat and turn off combat? It will often do nothing against Parfait and will sometimes actively help me.
Oh you run parfait as well? Mind posting your decklist?
No prob, this is what I've been running the last couple weeks.
Nice, I'm working on a WB variant since the land tax lets me get around chains of mephistopheles/anvil of bogardan's lockdown.
Any reason you favor orim's chant over say, silence? Is it because it's a better imprint on the scepter?
>I'm working on a WB variant since the land tax lets me get around chains of mephistopheles/anvil of bogardan's lockdown.
Do you have a list? The concept always seemed cool to me but I could never seem to make it work the way I wanted.
>Any reason you favor orim's chant over say, silence? Is it because it's a better imprint on the scepter?
Yep, that's it right there, lots of decks can't beat Scepter+Chant game one because it locks out combat. There's also some weird side cases where you use chant as a pseudo Timewalk to keep people from attacking to buy time to assemble a lock or combo off.