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How are orcs treated in your games?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
How are orcs treated in your games?
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What the fuck man.
Badly. Most are dead, broken and liked by the goodly peoples of the world, who united to defeat the greatest horde ever seen. Now the survivors are ragged, despised wanderers, used and abused by the unscrupulous, perhaps, but ultimately marginalized and hated for the wicked deeds of their fathers.
Who's your favorite out of all the games?
Which one would you fuck?
Would armor spikes be counted as a wielded weapon? Could they be used with a Magus' spellstrike for the purpose of grappling?
What's the best way to handle a four-legged PC, like an awakened dog or horse? I'm doing a homebrew setting and I'm drawing blanks on the stats for one, but I wanna include them just in case a player decides to want to play one.
There kill on sight for Elves and Dwarves. Humans under Elven or Dwarven influence likewise. The feeling is mutual for Orcs, though some particular cruel Orcs will force an Elf to work to death building dangerous machines to destroy a conquered forest or tie them to a shredder.
Human that trade with them for tech or engage Human groups Psionic arts are fine with them though, for the most part.
I can't tell if I have time to play in any of these games, yet I want to play something.Then again none of them really interest me.
This is hard, /pfg/
Don't bother. Anyone who wants to play something as fucking stupid and random as an awakened animal PC wouldn't be fun to play with.
Buddy it wasn't exactly an awakened animal, it's more like "intelligent four-legged race". Shit dude they could even be mini-dragons or whatever.
What’s the best way to kill a wizard?
Prevent her from casting her spells.
>Assuming gender
What kind of character do you want to play?
>I don't have the time to play these games
>I don't have any interest in any of these games
>Should I join one of these games?
It’s cool; we’ll run with it.
What are the best ways to do this? Just good old night attacks? Creeping on a sleeper and mission impossible-ing last alarms?
Stuffing her mouth so she can’t cast?
Is there any way a non-9th level caster can get access to form of the dragon 3?
The only ways I've found to get FotD goes to 2 (eg bloodrager with draconic bloodline, dragon disciple)
I played an Awakened Dire Corgi once for a one-shot it was a lot of fun.
It’s not cool, you’re trying to brush off something thousands of people suffer from every day.
That’s a good point.
Fuck you, ya piece of shit
Even if you don't have time, there must be some apps to shitpost about.
don't care desu, their fault for getting offended at something a grand majority of mankind does
Just fucking stab them.
DHB's character is the only one that actually reads like an anime character.
Well this game already had someone bite on the waiting room RP.
Anyone else going to do it?
What works better as a conversion of a campaign set in a city, a sprawling high school or a university? Buffy, or Scream Queens/Big Wolf On Campus?
Yeah I'm gonna jump in with my Fighter who fights using poop and farts
what is even up with all the drama club hacks, and why are they attracted to /pfg/ of all places
What is a good way for Mesmerist to trick his own painful stare?
Alchemist's fire? Acid splash (via trait)?
My money's on it being Nightfall or whatever his name is. It's too obvious to be somebody in the Cabal.
probably IKiD trying to make us all suffer the burden of his choice to major in social studies
Can a Vampire become a ghost? Or does the destruciton of a vampire's body also waste their soul?
Does the PF lore have anything to say on this extent? And/or are there any IRL 'lore' examples of vampire myths where the vampire came back as a g-g-g-g-g-g-phantom?
Both the vampire and ghost templates can only be applied to living creatures. If you somehow created undead that were considered living, then sure.
I assume they meant more fluff-wise. Presumably they would just apply the Ghost template to the stat sheet of the Vampire prior to its becoming a Vampire.
>I came for the title reference and stayed for the comfy game premise. I know enough pathfinder to make a human commoner almost viable, and Runescape taught me how to type fast and proper. I do my best to bring a good attitude to every game and be an agreeable person. I take pride in my storywriting ability, so I can only hope my character isn't overdone!
>Runescape taught me how to type fast and proper
>learned to type from Runescape
Is this Rory?
wc level?
>Playing an artistic character instead of an alpha-personality big damage dealer
what magus spells would be good to put on a staff? I'm thinking glitterdust would definitely be useful but don't know what else.
Well, Aura spells, Touch spells, or Movement enhancers/utility type spells are the three big ones. Greater Magic Weapon on a staff is handy, especially if you use two charges at the same action to affect both ends of the staff.
see I was thinking it would be better to have more situational spells that I wouldn't be preparing everyday. I'm playing a regular magus, not the staff magus archetype.
Then see invisibility, glitterdust, swift girding, and adjustable polymorph work well.
Yes, they're a martial weapon and can be used in conjunction with Spellstrike. Just take 5 seconds and read the weapon description.
No, not with a grapple as those occupy both of your hands.
Unless you take Grabbing Style, in which case you can grapple with one hand.
Isn't that literally what Black Coaches in Warhams are?
Apparently you can thank one John Compton for the Gun Chemist
What challange rating monster would you guys recommend for a single lvl 5 character?
What 1PP would you say is the most complex, most obtuse, most difficult for a new player to grasp? I think it must be the Occultist. Not only does the player have to learn how spellcasting work (even players that aren't new seem to have trouble adjusting to psychic casting), but I think the whole systems with implements just seems complicated.
>even players that aren't new seem to have trouble adjusting to psychic casting
What the fuck is complicated about it.
It's just "you use emotional and thought components instead of verbal and somatic" that is literally it.
In the case of players that are already familiar with other kinds of magic, I think it's just getting use to and remembering the new components and how they work, I.E. when you have to concentrate and what D.C. and how emotion effects work. It's not much but I have seen players trip up over it.
>when you have to concentrate
Isn't it just same as actual spellcasting with like a +X for it.
Shit man, if a Spellcaster is doing their fucking job right they shouldn't be needing to roll concentration in the first place.
Depends, you're going to have to use your thinker and take into account what class they are and what abilities the monster is going to throw at them. A Shadow is CR 3 but it'll fuck up plenty of martials, so you wouldn't want to toss one at a rogue or a fighter.
I treat orcs like they should be treated. They are violent, trible, stupid, but increadbly strong and hard to kill. They are complety incopatable with civalized sociaty save for a few that break the mold.
Last week I posted here a question regarding how my players wasted lot of time micromanaging their actions and teamwork. Your tips were very helpful. I ended up adding a subtle timer to limit their planning (the dungeon started collapsing) and divided the group (corridor ceiling falling) into two groups to fasten group decisions. They loved it.
Thanks guys!
Don't hide it from me, /pfg/.
Tell me about the last time you ran into an ooze.
Rise of the Runelords, Fiendish advanced Mustard Jelly. Never has our party had our asses handed to us that badly by a random non-boss encounter. Hell, the boss encounters didn't manhandle us that bad.
Imagine you have dimensional charge and pummeling charge, I understand you can use both and charge and make a full attack. Ok, now my question, the charge has to be in straight line or can you "teleport behind you, nothing personel"?
Last time I ran into a gel, my Evoker Wizard giggled with glee. Spamming reflex save spells on something with a reflex save of 0 felt damn good.
I want to encounter a succubed!
Has the shifter hot fix hit yet?
I searched in the troves and I could not find this book:
Does Anyone have? I'll be most grateful.
It's not as unlikely as you think
Does brown mold count? Because my tiefling just got volunteered to recover a body from some.
Meanwhile in the other game I DM, the party might encounter some icy oozes on their way to the next location they need to explore.
Does the Form of the Dragon Revelation for Dragon Mystery Oracles qualify for use with ring of continuation? The ring states it works with spells only, and the revelation is considered a supernatural ability that works as the chosen form of the X spell.
They're in PLD, though. Vult killed off and kicked out the only provably male player in the game.
Killed off the character I mean, but Vult would kill a player for MUH STORY if he could, don't pretend he wouldn't.
I am pretty sure Lysander's player is male. Also, how is Slow "provably male"?
One-half of our group's Betrothed Avowed decided it'd be a fun time to go messing around with a jeweler's tools and released an ooze they used to clean off uncut stones.
The only way they escaped being stripped/eaten by it was to essentially commit temporary suicide.
What are you talking about? Stop talking about this guy, Jesus Christ.
Talk about the fucking game instead, not your hate crush.
>how is Slow "provably male"?
The only guy who rolled a masculine male character instead of a slender animu fuccboi.
Asking this again: I've got a DM whose willing to let me use the pre-errata'd Scarred Witch Doctor. Since the archetype's so CON-focused, I was thinking it might be good for a frontline Hex Strike build. What're some good ways to go about this? I'd considered the Prehensile Hair hex and using Feral Combat Training to get CON-to-hit, but I dunno.
Or would I be better off forgetting Hex Strike and play SWD some other way?
So, how would you two build a kobold cleric (evangelist archetype)?
So is Vult a cute girl by this logic?
I'm not sure Hex Strike would really be rewarding. Your BAB as a Witch is still going to be in the garbage, so unless you multiclass into UC Monk or Warder or something, you're better off using your hexes alone.
More like a man with severe gender dysphoria.
But user, we have a spicy new meme app from Vult to Gallows now!
But in all seriousness, are there any clues I should be giving my players that half the magic they are seeing is just the enemies gating open demi-planes?
Is this just a meme or did one of the memelord games actually put the succubed into the game?
the meme is spreading, smug slimes are reaching games all over
Yeah, I thought about a dip in UC Monk, maybe Brawler for IUS, but you're right that my BAB would still be pitiful even when I can focus more on STR/CON. It might be alright at early levels, but further down the line...
I know of two DMs that have used it already, and I'm sure there are others
Which ones?
>not including Fields of Asphodel
Get it together man.
A real memester and a legendary villain
So either Vult, Broodie, or Rory.
>No specifics
The bullshit detector is firing on all cylinders
I think he means two different people, not a real memester who is also a legendary villain.
I wouldn't be surprised if Overlewd actually made succubed canon.
>butchering axe is banned
In what?
Yeah, one legendary villain, and also a real memester.
Good riddance.
Fuck off, you size-increasing piece of shit
welp. only north high left then. what memes should i bring with me to school?
Daddy memes.
Be the teacher you want to see in the class.
Be a Big Dick Transfer Student that cucks all the local boys.
The NTR meta needs to take flight
So made a new dumb homebrew thing: the Genealogist Fighter, who channels the power of his heritage to fight. Allowing whoever takes it to become a half-human half-elf half-orc half-dwarf half-goblin half-troll half-triaxian half-kobold half-drow.
I chickened out of applying/realized my schedule doesn't allow for it, but before that happened I confirmed with the DM that he appreciated delinquent memes, maybe try that?
How about you wait until you find a player that decides to play one?