One of these
One of these
I know that gay kobolds are a (forced, by you) meme, but four pictures per column is disgusting shit.
If you can't communicate this meme through three funny pictures, you're doing it wrong.
you mean yet another stealth furry thread the mods will ignore?
this is not comedy, idiot, it's softcore pornography
This should be self explanatory... I think.
Cutebolds are cancer.
Those aren't cutebolds, those are lizardbolds. Cutebold are little shitty puppy things. Lurk more newfag.
all kobolds are cancer.
Fuck off, reddit.
How many memes do you have per session?
Kobolds aren't furry. They don't have fur.
Quite a lot honestly, but if everyone has fun it's ok
Still one of the best games I've ever played.
A doomaid? What was your favourite moment?
This happens all the time in tabletop. You create a character who's not really your average adventurer terminator, but the whole game is combat after combat after combat.
So you have three choices
>Stay true to your concept, and die
>Stay true to your concept, and run and hide, earning ire of other players for not contributing
>Become a terminator
I was lately playing an accountant/trader type in Edge of the Empire game, and what to do you know, I was shooting people in the face at the second session.
Agreed: I have quite a few memes in the game I am in too, but we all have fun so it's k.
Can we also make it one of these threads too?
cutebolds came from Veeky Forums retard
the GM is promising, even if he is young.
Last one I played.
And the group I'm running for now.
I don't see why not.
Was not expecting a Legend of Dragoon image to pop up in the wild.
Doesn't seem right, does it?
A superhero who can teleport and blow enemies up?
Which game is on the left, Tactics? Also storytime please.
>Priest of the Sun
>DM thinks I'm some kind of druid
>Wind up saving and turning a red dragon from evil to neutral with good tendencies, we go on adventures together. He in turn has turned me more neutral, teaching me about the balance of all things (light casting shadows, night and day, shit like that)
I don't get the pinata picture.
The DM saw something with good enough HP to whack on
Not as much that... the GM saw a character which would be fun to mess with. And Boy did he!
He's a good GM, though.
Oh, man, that looks like it was a great game
It is!
I'm actually playing it right now. We lost our Imperial Fist due to scheduling and replaced him with a Tyrannic War Veteran Apothecary.
how many bones were broken by the end of the game on the player's side?
>gay furry attention whore is also the kind of person who makes these retarded attention whore everybody-posts-but-nobody-read threads
makes sense
Original content
The fact that it was my brother that made this one after one of the most amazing, balls to the wall sessions we've ever played makes it that much more special
Why would the DM think you were playing a turk
None. Vampires heal quick.
I'm hoping to get this kind of experience from Curse of Strahd when we run it in a few weeks.
I don't get it
>played bullywug monk
>named after the Toad of the Venom Mob
>only good aligned character in party of CN - evil teammates
>only sane man; party's plans retardedly convoluted
i'm not the user that posted the picture but i'm pretty sure that it's Bravely Default
was meant for the second one
Perfect height, amirite.
Why would you make that type of character in a fucking Star Wars game?
It's 4 Heroes of Light, not that that's what we were running, I just wanted a generic fantasy-type stand-in thing for the first column (which should not be read as a knock against 4 Heroes, which is a delightful game).
Regarding the campaign itself, not sure where to start exactly. I'm not running fantasy Blade Runner explicitly so much as I'm borrowing a lot of the same ideas and exploring them in a new venue, same with Soma (and FMA). The villain's master plan revolves around trying to transplant people's souls into new, "Perfect" containers, only he's not really transplanting them but making copies (while the originals are left to die), and even before that happens the containers themselves, called "Dolls" in-universe, are already starting to form their own senses of self separate from what the's trying to reprogram them with, and the party's all tied up in this plot.
You got it, user!
Nubby "The Nutcracker" of the Booteater tribe.
inb4 'Bootyeater'
Someone actually saved that?
Hell that was like... what two years ago?
more like two and a half.
Damn I feel old.
Glad someone got a chuckle out of it.
Pathfinder campaign. I was a brawler, and the DM was unprepared for the flexibility and violence I was capable of.
>DM expected patrician classic cartoons instead of weeb bullshit
You should probably tell him he's in the wrong system.
Not what I was going for, but it works.
So basically the DM was entirely correct.
I don't think he imagined The Bear Lord hugging his mama.
>They don't have fur.
>Kobolds aren't furry.
Question: how do you know what the DM saw? did you ask them?
Also I plan to have my players make a collab image of this after a few more sessions.
You DM'd SOMA in a fantasy setting? Holy shit.
If someone can pull it off, I'd play the fuck out of it.
you guestimate based off comments about the chacater during gameplay and out of gameplay when you are talking about the game
So the DM thought you were the 4th champion of Rajaat and the Sorcerer-King responsible for the mass extinction of the troll race? Those are some big boots to fill
Because I wanted to be Rock from the Black Lagoon
Currently in our game of CoS, I had a similar expectation as your, but plus Silent Hill. Although what I got was more Bloodborne mixed with DOOM, I became an absolute murderous horror that even caused monsters to be afraid of my character. Although this might be the result of the Dark Powers pampering my character to be their new prisoner
So nearly every VtM game ever?
Y'know...not...not too far off.
Slightly less retarded than VtM. Slightly.
And the game is still going, except the DM is planning on blowing up my pc with enough force to destroy a continent, so the race is on to complete the campaign before I go kaboom.
Shit didn't upload the picture.
>Slightly less retarded than VtM
No, that is exactly what every pnp game of VtM turns into, without exception, unless it's a Dark Ages game or a larp.
Uh...that seems like it would be a tad more retarded. I've only been to one myself, and it kinda creeped me out. Idk why.
Anyway, when I said 'slightly less than VtM', it is because it was VtR and didn't have the goofy, globe-spanning Vampire conspiracy Camarilla goofiness to it. The retardation was localized.
Though now I'm interesting in how Dark Ages Vampire usually runs, as it always struck me as leaning a tad to heavy towards DnD for what I was trying to do.
>nyway, when I said 'slightly less than VtM', it is because it was VtR
I apologize, then.
That said, VtR has a lot more roadblocks in place to prevent vampire superheroes from becoming the norm.
>my players fucked up so hard they had 2 werewolf packs declare a war of extermination on them, and the wolves didn't even start with rip+tear, they used their contacts to fuck them over first
Apologies for the image vomit
That interpretation and the Archie comic interpretation plus my own interpretation mixed into this character, but then it turned out to be much sadder than I thought it was.
Basically a Warforged Monk who was built as the first freethinking Warforged, but instead of him running away from his father, his father chooses innovation and the grants over him and sends him off to his own regret. He's built for long distance recon and light skirmishing so he's got self repairing mechanisms and is partly solar powered, but he's nearly destroyed and for 90 years he's under the sand before the pit collapses around him, allowing him to recharge and repair back to full in another few decades. Now he's the last of his Warforged kind that has free will looking for his city. I gave him the Darkest Dungeon stress symbol on his chest to indicate his emotion since you can't see his face through the visor (designed the head after the Archie version where he doesn't have a mouth). Very quiet, very old school, and to the point. He's real fun to play, but damn don't I feel like the Iron Giant when doing so.
Man, that was a damn good campaign. I usually hate premade campaigns, but god damn, that was a blast.
No doubt about it man, what is truly making it god tier right now is our DM's implementation of each of our character's backstories and his own personal touches that makes it feel unique.
>the GM saw a character which would be fun to mess with. And Boy did he!
Tell us more about the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of this heretofore anonymous archer of the Mantis clan.