What's his Daemon Prince form like?
What's his Daemon Prince form like?
minus the stache
I bet it's really really cool
Everything got huge except for his head.
Megatron, but he turns into a Predator.
bigger frowny face ):
>It's even got a lopsided smirk on it
I really want to know.
I believe it would be some kind of ultra muscled guy with insanely broad shoulders and some horns.
Are those combi combi bolters?
More like wrist mounted autocannons
He'll never get one
He's not really aligned to a chaos god unless you count Malal
He's a daemon prince. It's in the canon
t. perturabo
All the living traitor Primarchs are daemons except Lion.
>believing Alpharus is dead
>He doesn’t have one.
Hopefully, his being a demon prince will be errata’d. The HH lore establishes repeatedly that he doesn’t give a fuck about the warp and is disgusted by what it does to people.
That's one thing about the Iron Warriors I love, the guys are just straight up Empire evil from Star Wars in a sense of them not being raging faggots but rather cold and efficient calculating evil forces. They use Chaos as a weapon rather than worship it, and seek to build their own empires rather than glorify the Chaos Gods. Add in the fact that they are Pragmatists who don't even like mutations or Chaos icons and favor bionics and you have a fucking awesome Traitor Legion.
Angel Exterminatus made them my favorite traitor legion. They just want to build shit. Pert’s whole reason for going traitor is that nobody looked at his legos. While Lorgar, Fulgrim, and the rest went around being lunatics, he just followed orders and tried to win respect and friends. They’d make their own version of Guilliman’s Five Hundred Words if they weren’t so autistic.
Pert going traitor is basically the warhammer version of a school shooting.
in stories of the chaos space marines book an iron warrior takes his head off and straps it to two dreadnoughts, which they themselves are strapped together and proceeds to crab walk about talking about how awesome and genius he is to all his underlings. How could pert beat that?
>implying the Lion is a traitor
Fuck you. Found the Death Guard poster.
Checked all the Megas. Does no one have HH42, the Garro anthology? I skipped it to read Ruinstorm l, but still need it.
>Implying Alpharius hasn't been hiding in plain sight by assuming the identity of a third tier daemon of no great significance riding on past glories whose only real talent is being unaligned but has suddenly become more and more significant by infiltrating inner circles and playing the long game
It's funny because the reasons for why you like them are bullshit. Iron Warriors dabble in Chaos as much as all the other legions- their fucking Primarch literally whored out his soul to all the Chaos gods at once and became a Daemon Prince.
"Iron Warriors don't worship Chaos!" is an exaggeration generated by the fanbase.
>Your looking at it.
>"Iron Warriors don't worship Chaos!" is an exaggeration generated by the fanbase
Not really. You're not going to see a IW praying before battle like the WB or WE would. Daemonhood can be reached even if you don't worship the gods.
>most interesting primarch(s) become(s) the least interesting daemon character
I guess it would certainly be a ruse.
Plus, having a non-daemon chaos primarch in 40k would be some tasty fluff. Darth Vader levels of regret and slim hopes of redemption drowned by planetary massacres and campaigning for a cause that failed long ago.
How did ferrus and perturabo get along?
Probably very well, considering that Perturabo is the Lord of Iron
Not particularly. Perturabo once asked Ferrus if he ever saw the warp like he did since Ferrus possessed silver eyes. Ferrus just sternly said no and Perturabo took it as if he had just admitted a flaw.
Not even in Warhammer Epic.
>forgetting he has a twin brother that looks exactly like him.
could it be perhaps? one part simply died???
>mortarion became a dark angel
Worshipping ==/== utilizing
Damn. If anyone could redeem perturabo, it would probably be one of them ferrus clones.
Daily reminder that imperial crisps are just faggots who follow orders of some crippy old psychos called lords of terra
They have to pay for what they have done to us
All hail the Hammer of Olympia!!
I need some help fellow Ironfags. I'm working on getting some units to bring my 30k Iron Warriors project over to 40k, and need some ideas for some Cultists. I'm thinking perhaps some of the Tech-Thralls with some sort of overseer as the sergeant, but I also want to avoid using the base Cultist model or any of the renegade IG ones. Any ideas?
>Supposedly greatest plotter in the galaxy
>killed by rocks
I bet you believe in Ork snipers too.
Here we can see, the mighty sandy vagina and bloody anus, the mystical demon prince Cucknack.
Begone iron-fag
fucking keen on that mate
A mass of congealed autism. And guns. A lot of em.
Either that or a fortress with a face.
Its probably a fortress being made of his homeworld rebuilt into some weird ass looking space station as a way to make the phalanx look pitiful in comparison.
Said fortress is as you said a mass of congealed autism with a lot of guns and his face plastered over it like the ork moons from the beast arises. All controlled by Pert at the center where he's hooked up to some kind of super computer chair.
>i didn't tho
>little help here guiz i'm kinda stuck
Really GW? That's it? How..boring. My man Perty deserves better. His demon form should be some kind of cybernetic nightmare death machine. Like this....
...or this. Anything other than "LOL my armor's got spikes an' shit now."
what fucking roblox catalog did you lift that from
This. He transforms into his tank in times of extreme danger and vrooms all around the place.
Truly horrifying.
Bayformer movie concept art.
That is fucking hilarious. I could actually see that shit happening.
Does he have a hatred for red and blue trucks?
The most powerful of Obliteraters with the ability to turn his entire body into any siege vehicle he wants.
>or a fortress with a face.