Well thank god we got that cleared up, Veeky Forums!
Now we know the most important things about the Avatar Setting.
Well thank god we got that cleared up, Veeky Forums!
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont like Avatar the last airbender as much anymore, Also >>>>
Avatar is so dead and buried, I'm surprised you're posting this out of /co/, the graveyard for forgotten failed things.
Either way, I thought Sozin was cool for being voiced by Ron Perlman, but now he's my favorite character.
>Now we know the most important things about the Avatar Setting.
You're acting like this is the centerpiece of the entire comics.
But then, that's the nerd way, I suppose. Focus on one small detail and blow it hugely out of proportion.
>but now he's my favorite character.
Although this doesn't help matters. Clearly the folks making Avatar are a progressive bunch. When you oppose Korra-Asami because you don't like the pairing and don't think it fits the narative, that's fine; but when you have to bring in bigoted slurs, of course the guys who made the series are going to double-down and respond to the challenge. That's just human nature.
Regardless, Legend of Korra will always get a pass from me because it showed actual technological progress happening. Do you know how rare that is in a fantasy setting?
By the way, I understand that the person I was referring to didn't actually use any bigoted slurs himself. But I'm allowing myself some presumptions about the user I responded to based on why Sozin is apparently now his favorite character.
People still talk about Avatar? What's next, the blue cats are coming back?
This. Screech more bitter fat nerds lmao
Kyoshi confirmed to not give a fuck about anything.
>if you outlaw degeneracy your nation becomesthe most powerful in the world
Ow who would ever have thought how redpill the creators of avatar are?
>a one-off gag making fun of how the show tried force a gay ending for no reason but to get attention or look good
>OP cries to Veeky Forums because he took the joke seriously and /co/ ignored him.
Maybe try /pol/ next, they might care more about your bait.
>The Air Nation is so good you guys look they support the gays and everything!
Of fucking course they do.
>You're acting like this is the centerpiece of the entire comics.
No no, not at all. Its such a minor detail that they made sure to mention in 4 times. Completely unrelated to anything.
But then again its the SJW way, pretend how focusing on sexuality in childrens cartoons is not a big deal and how no one else should care about gay propaganda aimed at children.
Although it doesn't help matters, clearly the folks watching Avatar dont care about gender-politics. When you force Korra-Asami on them because you think that this somehow needs to be in everything, that's fine; but when you have to bring in rampant faggotry and retcon shit how everyone was okay with faggots EXCEPT the bad guys, because disliking the gays makes you A BAD PERSON of course the guys who watched the series are going to double-down and respond to the challenge. That's just human nature.
Regardless, Legend of Korra will always get a pass from me because it panders do my liberal mind-set
>a one-off gag making fun of how the show tried force a gay ending for no reason but to get attention or look good
>mentions 4 times
Counting is hard for faux-progressives, isnt it?
Wasn't the Air Nomads separated by gender to decrease carnal desires?
>propaganda aimed at children.
What do you think education is? Why do you think we have schools?
I always wondered, and seeing as you're the prime example, maybe you can enlighten me, being some kind of caveman unable to function in the 21st century, how the fuck do you people figure out the internet?
>education = propaganda
Uneducated marxist fuckwit detected.
Not who youre replying to, but being against the idea that unnatural things and behaviors are totally okay and carry no repercussions being silver-plattered to children and young adults by way of conscious subversion in the media they consume does not make you a caveman. It is not regressive to take a stance against teaching falsehoods. that which is biologically incorrect should not be lauded in any way, merely tolerated.
>Implying homosexuality in mammals isn't a naturally occuring phenomenon that still benefits breeders in the long run
It's almost like offspring of altricial social animals can't benefit from having homosexual aunts, uncles, and cousins.
>std-spreaders benefitting anyone
Know what else occurs ”naturally” in mammals?
Mothers killing their children over anxiety.
Now go imbibe some natural hemlock.
Of course, education is propaganda apparently, which is why most of them hate vaccines and think the world is flat.
Well now they were separated by gender because they were all gay.
You're welcome.
Rape is also a naturally occurring phenomenon in nature but we still have laws saying you can't do it without consequence.
Soon as you kill your wife's kids from her last marriage, ya cuck!
>Look mom, I'm projecting!
You can fool yourself into believing whatever you want to be true, but the collective unconsciousness will always find a way to manifest the truth back into reality.
>It's unnatural! Only natural things are good! Down with the gays!
>Natural things are bad! Down with the gays!
>gay propaganda
"Sometimes two people of the same gender love each other, and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people think that there is, but there is no actual reason to treat it any different than how some people don't like peanut butter."
>When you force Korra-Asami
Korra had way more chemistry with Asami than with Bolin or...
...huh, I've actually forgotten the name of Bolin's brother. That's how little impact he left on me.
>std-spreaders benefitting anyone
I love this argument. Do you know why I love this argument? Because while it's true that gay sex spreads STDs at a somewhat higher rate than straight sex, LESBIAN sex spreads STDs less than either gay sex or straight sex.
So if you're going to use the STD logic, you must realize that you are implicitly encouraging lesbian sex and, therefore, Korrasami.
Checkmate, atheists.
You know, I know you're posting this to be a troll, but now I kind of like the idea that in Air Nomad culture, homosexuality was the norm for romantic relationships, with heterosexual couples existing mostly for procreation.
So does this mean we aren't gonna talk about Avatar?
bruh, he was just pointing out an obvious naturalistic fallacy
also the highest rates of domestic abuse for all types of couples
Nope, Korra ruined an otherwise flawless series and now you can't mention the show without SJW's and /pol/lacks shitposting.
I miss when M. Night was the worst thing to happen to Avatar.
You know here's a radical new idea. If you don't like a show because the creators of that show chose to write about something you don't like, you don't have to watch it. Contrary to popular belief, we live in a free country and you can choose to consume whatever media you like.
Would make sense if hadn't been the one committing naturalistic fallacy in the first place, in addition to displaying a stunning lack of education and understanding of all things scientific .
>What do you think education is?
What do YOU think education is? Your SJW-Worldview is really worrying if you think that feeding children propaganda is normal.
Also its exactly the same retarded shit you just said earlier.
>pushing gender politics into something unrelated sucks
>but user that's normal, you are the only one who has a problem with it!
>feeding children propaganda is awful
>but user that's normal, you are the only one who has a problem with it!
SJW Discussion skills at its best. He has no argument to counter, so he tries to pass of his view as an objective one and the other guy as irrational.
Isn't there some old saw about "if the story you're telling in your setting isn't the most interesting thing that happened in the setting, why are you telling it, and not the most interesting thing?"
So why are they telling me about gay rights right now? I'm all for gays getting married, but do I need to have the issue brougt up across multiple panels in my shonen anime (like) series about a master of the 4 classic greek elements?
Anyways, i really came here to inform you that amon was right, death to benders.
It was never my intent to imply homosexuality was good because it was natural. My intent was to deem it coukd because a small reduction in the proportion of breeding adults simultaneously slightly reduces competition between young and increases the pool of resources available to them. It's like the perfect occasional feature for an altricial species that still needs to pass on genes and multiply.
Sorry you can't into ecology 101 cuckbro
>No no, its normal an natural guys!
Again you make the very same point. Do you really have no arguments whatsoever?
>Unironically falling for the flatearther-meme
I have some bad news for you..
Is it really a meme when morons actually think it's true?
I wish we'd gotten to see more fire fights.
>also the highest rates of domestic abuse for all types of couples
How many incidents as a percentage of the lesbian population?
You cannot watch Season 3 of the Last Airbender and tell me it's flawless. It has some really good episodes, but it also has a lot of really bad, boring filler.
Not to disparage the series as a whole. Just, nothing is flawless, user.
Besides, like I said, Legend of Korra will always get a pass from me because if nothing else it showed a fantasy world where technology actually advanced at a fairly reasonable pace.
I will always regret we didn't get a 3rd series following the post-Korra Avatar, though. An Earthbender, I believe was next in line (and specifically I'd hope for a Sandbender). Mostly because due to the events in Korra, she'd be the only past Avatar available to talk to and guide this Avatar.
I like the idea of her kind of following him around as a ghost trying to constantly help him, which sometimes works but often doesn't due to her own limitations on her approach to matters - that is, direct and not opposed to violence when needed. And she hangs around him a LOT more than other Avatars hung out with their successors because she feels guilty about the fact that her screw-ups lead to the breaking of the Avatar's direct line to the predecessors.
Flatearthers are definitely real.
>If you don't like a show because the creators of that show chose to write about something you don't like, you don't have to watch it.
You have the children to think about too though. If you flood your child with too much SJW content, how do you think that will effect his worldview when he grows up? He could end up being one of those people that rely on victim complexes to rationalize their failures.
Young children are not very smart and usually just absorb whatever you throw in front of them.
>if you think that feeding children propaganda is normal
As opposed to what you want, one presumes, which is to enforce the idea that being homosexual is wrong. That's not propaganda at all.
>You cannot watch Season 3 of the Last Airbender and tell me it's flawless. It has some really good episodes, but it also has a lot of really bad, boring filler.
It's certainly better than the bulk of the bullshit that came after it.
>Besides, like I said, Legend of Korra will always get a pass from me because if nothing else it showed a fantasy world where technology actually advanced at a fairly reasonable pace.
It doesn't really matter how good a concept is when the execution is flawed beyond believe.
I wish we'd gotten to see more bender swat team operations. Like that one raid on the defenseless equalists just getting brochures. IIRC they casually murdered dozens of people by using earth bending to slam the walls of the house together.
A story set in republic city following a nonavatar bender on that swat team, coming to grips with the casual brutality and oppression that he has be perpetrating, and eventually switching to amon's side and waging a shadow war against tha man?
That'd be cool as fuck. Instead we got the lezzing of korra and a twilight tier romance plot across 4 seasons.
>It gets a pass because it manages to succeed at a single thing
Your standards are pretty low, user.
Fuck off asshole. Children are smarter than your dumb ass. They can be exposed to many different ideas and still develop their own. We were all children and grew into rational thinking adults, at least some of us did. The "for the children" argument is why we have a stupid fucking drug war and can't teach sex ed. Yet we still haven't done anything about climate change or low wages. So fuck the children right? All that matters is that they don't touch their peepees in the wrong way.
Not that user, but I am less concerned with whether homosexuality is right or wrong, but more concerned with how the prevailing worldview among SJW is that they are all helpless victims. These are very weak-willed people, no one should suffer to see their children grow up into mewling babies incapable of self-defense.
That is my main beef with these writers. They can point out, rightly, that certain groups were discriminated. But they should not encourage victim mentality.
17-45%, depending on the study's group. Hard to get a good report due to a number of factors. 30% report rape/sexual assault by another woman
>"Sometimes two people of the same gender love each other, and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people think that there is, but there is no actual reason to treat it any different than how some people don't like peanut butter."
If its natural and acceptable why does this statement need to be made? And why does it need to be made in a fictive world? Does every fictive world has to be the same?
Is the fiction worse off
>If I make fun of it I am right!
Next you will probably trying to pass off ITS CURRENT YEAR as some sort of argument.
>Korra had way more chemistry with Asami than with Bolin or...
Only if you didnt watch the show.
The biggest criticism of this Korra-Asami-Shit is that it was never properly set up, but already Ideology-Pushers like you are pretending that they totes had chemistry the 2 times they actually talked to each other!
> Because while it's true that gay sex spreads STDs at a somewhat higher rate than straight sex, LESBIAN sex spreads STDs less than either gay sex or straight sex.
So you saying that Gay-Sex between men is unnatural then?
Just like the other guy said it was?
>So if you're going to use the STD logic, you must realize that you are implicitly encouraging lesbian sex and, therefore, Korrasami.
Never before have I seen some reach SO far and be SO desperate while grasping straws.
>nut now I kind of like the idea
Of course you ar,e because you are an SJW as we have established right from the get go.
Don't forget how Korra fucked up the avatar cycle so we'll never see Aang, Roku, Kyoshi, or any of the other past avatars ever again.
God, Korra was the fucking worse, she makes the world progressively shittier with each passing season and never learns from her mistakes.
>We were all children and grew into rational thinking adults
Are you sure about that one chief? Because looking at the news, I'd say that most people are the furthest thing from rational.
>We were all children and grew into rational thinking adults, at least some of us did.
Are you seriously smugposting on a Veeky Forums Avatar thread?
You'd think they would be even more against homosexuality, given that they can't filter said temptation out with simple segregation. It would be more like a curse.
>Fuck off asshole. Children are smarter than your dumb ass. They can be exposed to many different ideas and still develop their own. We were all children and grew into rational thinking adults, at least some of us did. The "for the children" argument is why we have a stupid fucking drug war and can't teach sex ed. Yet we still haven't done anything about climate change or low wages. So fuck the children right? All that matters is that they don't touch their peepees in the wrong way.
So now you admit and agree that it is faggot-propaganda but now your argument is ITS OKAY BECAUSE THE CHILDREN CAN TELL.
user, do you know how child grooming works?
Read my other response (). Again, I am less concerned with whether touching peepees is right or wrong. Rather, I am more concerned with the "BBEG" and victim worldview that is prevalent amongst these people.
They aren't seriously driven by concerns about climate change or low wages. They are primarily driven by resentment or social signalling. I got shit from a guy a few weeks ago telling me that "he would gladly pay 50% taxes for healthcare." First of all, I pay +7% more taxes than his ass. Second of all, there is absolutely nothing stopping this guy from donating his money to people with high medical bills. He isn't truly concerned about helping people at all.
You want to talk about climate change, fucking more than half of these assholes are hypocrites. Their lifestyles do nothing for the environment or pollution. They just scream about stupid unrealistic solutions like wind mills and solar panels and carbon credit scams. They aren't driven by actual concern for the environment.
two rational people working with different biases and priorities can come to different conclusions, I don't honestly think anyone is irrational, just that the biases have grown more extreme resulting in rational people taking a wider range of views than normal
>Flat-earthers HAVE to be real because otherweise I am the moron!
The saddest people in this thread so far.
This, honestly. Rape is totally natural and allows for obvious reproductive advantages. If those are the only criteria for justifying gay = a-ok, there are a lot of unfortunate implications.
I don't know about that. Season 1 of Korra is great because of the worldbuilding that happened, and I loved Korra because it was very obvious what the writers were doing with her: Korra is the Avatar that would have been perfect had she only been around in Aang's time; while Korra's world is one in which Aang would have been the perfect Avatar to have around.
Season 2 is the only one I'd cal bad. Even then it gave us the Avatar/Bending Origin episode, which I loved from beginning to end.
Season 3 is kino. Zaheer and his anti-Gaang were great villains and I liked the fact that Korra finally underwent notable character development. It's also where the first serious hints at Korrasami are dropped if you're in the mood to go looking for them.
Season 4 was good because it actually managed to build directly off of Season 3 and weave a complete narrative out of Seasons 1-3. The realization that each Season was focused on showing off Avatar-world versions of different, failed political movements from the 20s-30s (communism, theocracy, anarchy, and fascism, respectively).
And, well, I like Korra. I like that she isn't perfect and that she fucks up, and I even like that even after she fucks up and realizes she fucks up, she might make the same mistake again later. People don't instantly change even when they know what their problems are.
And yes, I like Korrasami. Frankly I thought the whole thing was becoming increasingly obvious throughout Seasons 3 and 4, and towards the end of Season 4 I was basically certain of it being the endgame ship, I just didn't think they'd be brave enough to outright confirm it.
We live in literally the best era humankind has ever lived in, today. People all over the world are healthier and consume more than they did even 20 years ago. People are rational and smart, they solve problems and are mostly good people who wouldn't kill or maim someone if they didn't feel they had to. Sure there are problems, but most of the time we collectively address them in a rational way. We are smart as a species.
I fucking hate the right because a key point of their ideology is to basically ignore all of this. Everyone is out to get you, foreigners and people of other cultures are to be despised and mistrusted. It's an old way of thinking that doesn't fit with how the world is changing and I wish it would just die out already.
>Korra is the Avatar that would have been perfect had she only been around in Aang's time; while Korra's world is one in which Aang would have been the perfect Avatar to have around.
But... but the entire point was that Aang was right. Aang was absolutely correct in his convictions and motivations. Korra's flailing retardation would have sunk the entire planet into war.
>As opposed to what you want, one presumes, which is to enforce the idea that being homosexual is wrong.
How is it not wrong?
You clearly cannot procreate in an natural way while being homosexual, so there you have it.
Being a faggot is a fetish, but due to enough faggots whining about muh persecution western society is trying to pass it off as a legitimate sexual orientation.
Again, a truly rational person would be able to see that different opinions != an extremist who needs to be destroyed.
>Everyone is out to get you
As opposed to the Left, where only the white man is out of get you, ofc.
Did we strike a nerve? Sorry liberals aren't as smart and rational as you think they are.
Firelord "smoking the pole smokers" Sozin is now my favourite character
>We live in literally the best era humankind has ever lived in, today.
>I fucking hate the right because a key point of their ideology is to basically ignore all of this.
That's funny. The right argues that we do in fact live in the best era of humankind, but that the left want to tear it all down because the left believes we live in a super-oppressive authoritarian hellhole that must be eliminated.
That single thing is immensely rare, user. It's not unreasonable to treasure it when it happens.
>If its natural and acceptable why does this statement need to be made?
Because significant portions of the population are very vocal about their opposition to it. What needs to be stressed is that these people are as ridiculous as someone who says, in utter seriousness, that you're going to Hell because you ate peanut butter.
>The biggest criticism of this Korra-Asami-Shit is that it was never properly set up
I think you were never watching the show. When me and my friends were, almost every single scene with Asami and Korra together ended with us shouting "OH JUST KISS ALREADY!"
>So you saying that Gay-Sex between men is unnatural then?
No. I'm pointing out the inherent flaw in the argument-from-STDs angle: if your argument against homosexual sex is based on the idea that STDs propogate faster in the gay community than in the straight one, then the very same logic can be used in SUPPORT of lesbian sex since STDs propogate slowest amongst them. That is, it's flawed to use it in support of an exclusively heterosexual lifestyle when its logic supports an exclusively lesbian lifestyle BETTER.
My point is "use better arguments, because this one isn't doing what you think it's doing."
We actually can. Korra fucked up the direct connection the Avatar had, but their spirits are still in the spirit world. So it's harder to see them, but still possible.
The thing is, Aang was correct in staying to his convictions and was also a much more likeable protagonist to boot, even when he was flawed.
I mean, the whole plot even became a thing because Aang tried to run away from his problems.
Faggots aren't hurting anybody by fucking each other in the ass.
Why do you care so much if that's socially accepted or not? Why do you care about the distinction between "fetish" and "sexual orientation", the faggots are going to keep fucking each other in the ass regardless.
So... you got so upset about gay people that you made a thread about a comic about a cartoon... on the elfgames board?
I never watched this show, but now I have a new reaction image for after your thread gets deleted.
The gay uncle theory is retarded and in humans does nothing to increase resources for the family members that do have offspring because the vast majorly of homosexuals are narcissistic, depressed, abusers, serial fornicaters, manic, aids infested, or high on meth. Most, yes not all, only take resources from the family while contributing nothing. It would be more advantageous to have an asexual uncle than a gay one.
How exactly does society living in the best era refute the assertion that people aren't rational? Also, aren't the left the ones pushing for a political ideology that has led to the downfall of every civilization that used it?
>According to this user Pic related is rational
>sexualizing women is bad and sexist!
>sexualizing 12 year olds by gays is perfectly fine!
By "Aang's time", I mean before his 100-year slumber.
Korra would have embraced her Avatar nature, not run away from it; and then she would have gone up to Sozin (or whoever was Fire Lord by the time her training was complete), grabbed him by the balls, and told him to cut his shit out.
Aang was right in that killing Ozai shouldn't have been the only solution to the problem, but if Korra was around then the Fire Nation's invasion would never have fully gotten off the ground in the first place.
>You clearly cannot procreate in an natural way while being homosexual
Argument from procreation is flawed because there are men and women who for various reasons are biologically incapable of having children, yet I doubt you'd seriously oppose them having sex if they were married; nor adopting children.
GURPS fags pls go, no one asked for a system recommendation.
>Also, aren't the left the ones pushing for a political ideology that has led to the downfall of every civilization that used it?
Prepare for a whole lot of "that's not real communism"
I am physically disgusted.
Korra was bad
>great characters and character growth
>setting that fit the characters powers
>follows its own rules
>characters actually lose fights properly
>Korra actually managed to become more annoying
>this world with magical element karate would totally go down the path that America did in the 20’s
>”he can bloodbend without the moon”, “everyone can shoot lighting”,
>let’s make the avatar a force of cosmic Yin Yang, even though one of those exists, just so we can seperate Korra from the avatars
If I was to run a game of this, I would use Risus and have the characters take down a earthbender warlord based on gengis khan.
Truth be told, with all the rules Korra breaks I consider it crappy fanfiction
But I don't play GURPS? What's the scuseme guy have to do with GURPS? I thought that was the puffy frog.
>get trolled
>n-n-no I wasnt trolled at all!
>Korra would have embraced her Avatar nature, not run away from it; and then she would have gone up to Sozin (or whoever was Fire Lord by the time her training was complete), grabbed him by the balls, and told him to cut his shit out.
She doesn't even do that shit in her own series, the fuck?
The most she would've done is get herself killed and force some random earth bender to deal with the fire nation business in the midst of them taking over.
You are confusing "morally upright" with "too comfortable to act like animals" while also ignoring how people are currently acting like animals anyway. Look at the latest American presidential electoral aftermath. Are you honestly going to sit there and try to sell me the idea that most people aren't reactionary morons? Average IQ may have gone up, but the power weilded by the stupid-by-choice has never been greater. On top of that, said pseudo-utopia is highly unstable. One big economic collapse, one plague, one nuclear war and it's all fucked. Hell, we know that it's already unsustainable in its current form. You act like we've evolved, but the reality is that we just threw a bunch of pillows around and gotten comfy.
I love how you say that but then post a picture admitting that people actually believe in FE.
Meh. I never liked the Legend of Korra in the first place. I dropped it on the very first episode.
>Faggots aren't hurting anybody by fucking each other in the ass.
Except they are known for fucking children in the ass.
>Why do you care so much if that's socially accepted or not? Why do you care about the distinction between "fetish" and "sexual orientation", the faggots are going to keep fucking each other in the ass regardless.
WHY DO YOU CARE- is not an argument tho. Try again with a proper argument.
>Firelord "melt the fagma into magma" Sozin
>Firelord "if sodomites conspire then they'll feel the fire" Sozin
>Firelord "illuminate the streets after dark with a tied up dyke and a spark" Sozin
>Firelord "taste the meat, get the heat" Sozin
>Firelord "fuck ass, become ash" Sozin
>Firelord "Blaze the gays" Sozin
>Firelord "If you want man lovin', I'll kick you in the oven" Sozin
>Firelord "Sodomize Get Carbonized" Sozin
>Firelord "Pyrotechinics on the Pride Parade" Sozin
>Firelord "Burnt to glass if you take it up the ass" Sozin
Firelord "Don't like dames? You get the flames" Sozin
>She doesn't even do that shit in her own series
Yeah, because literally everyone is expecting her to, and pushing her to, follow in Aang's footsteps and a lockstep pace. They want her to be the great negotiator that he was when that really doesn't fit her style or personality, but because she's surrounded by Aang's family and friends and there's a giant statue of the guy RIGHT THERE she feels compelled to make the attempt anyway - and fails as a result.
She has more in common with Kyoshi than Aang and would have been better off without being told that her purpose in life wasn't just to be the Avatar, but to be a SPECIFIC Avatar.
>Firelord "Don't like dames? You get the flames" Sozin
But Korra does like dames.
Is this real or a shop?
Was there even a villain that she actually defeated aside from the S2 spirit guy? Because holy shit, even when she decides to say "fuck it" and fight, she gets her ass handed to her almost immediately.
>Argument from procreation is flawed because there are men and women who for various reasons are biologically incapable of having children
How is that an argument?
>Some people cant have kids
>Thus being gay is a-okay!
> various reasons are biologically incapable of having children
Which also isn't natural, no idea why you are trying to pass it of as being natural.
>et I doubt you'd seriously oppose them having sex if they were married; nor adopting children.
No in fact we have a whole industry to try and help and fix them.
See, if they make their kid look and wear something like they should be barred from adopting children.
You are not helping man, I did not need to know that people like this exist.
Lesbians don't exist user, they're just trying to get attention.