Orc Thread!, Character art and Orc topics

None of that LOTR goblin trash,
None of this retarded calling this or that an elf.
No elf fags allowed. You can lurk, But no shit posting.
Also no Pig orcs. Because we dont want that weeb shit.

Topic id like to discus. In the 40K setting,Orks have this WAARG thing. Its some kind of telepathy that they use to empower themselves and their stuff, even to the point of painting something red will make it go faster. (correct me if im wrong on anything about 40K),
So, what if we introduced something like the WAARG into the standard fantasy setting? EXP: a lone orc gets into a massive fight in the middle of an elven city, he is outnumbered 50-1 but he is still kicking ass with rage passion. He would emit the "WAARG" subconsciously attracting the other orcs into the fight. How do we feel about this idea?


My folder is a mess so ill be spending some time cleaning that, Keep this Thread civil. RP is allowed within reason.



>None of that LOTR goblin trash
Fuck off WoW nu-orcs.
This is how I orc. This is the best orc. YOUR DOING IT WRONG.

even Tolkien said he was disappointed with his own orcs.
Also LOTR isnt that good. It was just first.
settings like War hammer and warcraft and more modern DnD has changed Orcs to be even more Traditional or more Orky.

also OP said no LOTR goblin trash, So cut that shit out of the thread.


Orcs are savage warriors with a certain since of Honor. (dosnt have to be the same concept of honor as humans have so one would be able to include more brutal orcs)
They almost take War as a sport.

Orcs are in original Tradition a Fae creature. They would represent the brutal aspects of nature, such as The Hunt, and the brutal strength and endurance one needs to strive in nature. This would be why they are in tune with the world and would have things like Shamans