Did I do good Veeky Forums?
What did anyone else pull?
Did I do good Veeky Forums?
What did anyone else pull?
Also, Thune, 1 Bloodghast, Lightning Helix, and the Senguine Bond are all foil.
how many packs?
A box. 24 packs.
Also, current value of the cards shown are ~$165 on tcgplayer and I only paid $200 for the box itself.
>have money but dumb
>preorder two (2) boxes
>LGS gives me 40 bucks back when I pick it up because it's tanking
>open boxes
>wow it's nothing
>open buy a box promos
>worth more than entire second box
I am such a casual player that I don't care and will find a use for damn near everything but this set really is endless trash
If the prices are tanking and the set is full of staples then isn't the set good?
>iconic masters got stuck at the customs
>I can't draft it and open literally nothing like in MM3 I didn't open anything worth the pack itself in 3 drafts, 1st place in all of them too
As I said I am a casual baby, ARE there a lot of staples at such a rarity as to lower prices? I noticed Mishra's Bauble was one people talked about and I appreciate how its price crashed.
The price of the cards is eventually going to go up, like what happened to every other card printed in MM sets.
Eventually. But, not too much. The fouls of staples will go up hard though. Lightning Helix foil is already $8.
Not too bad
yeesh an entire box for that
No it won't. Neaqrly ahlf the playerbase quit. There's no demand for this shit anymore. Distributors are drowning in these boxes.
>Did I do good Veeky Forums?
No, you cracked packs. I'm spending money on the singles that have dropped in price dramatically that I am actually interested in owning, not wasting money on a box.
how much are packs from masters sets? tenner per or thereabouts?
Yessir, however someone at target mispriced them to twenty for 3 and they have a discount on toys and games so if you might've wanted a few packs you might'dt be interested in stopping by and snagging a peek.
unfortunately i'm not american, so i'd never get prices like that.
and I own most of the good shit from the set already - it's the one thing that kills the masters sets for me.
ken is this you
I pulled a foil Magus of the Moon. Also a Cryptic, Ancestral Vision, and Grove of the Burnwillows, and a Regular Magus. Both Maguses in the same pack no less.
Likewise, however I like the new art on many of the cards and am putting those in my cube. And cards like aether Vial which went to 43 dollars recently I sold and now I can buy them again at 18$ a piece.
Green Praetor, Thoughtseize and foil Thoughtseize (in the same pack no less), Mana Drain, Fluster Storm were probably the tops.
I did a sealed and opening the packs was the most frustrating experience I’ve had with a ‘masters’ set. The whole lot was complete garbage.
It says ‘iconic’ and ‘masters’ on the front. What did I get? The employees at wizards who think Sphinx of Uthuun belongs in this set, let alone the rare slot, are cruel fucks. What an absolute joke. It seems beyond their comprehension that players want something that isn’t either a recent standard printing or complete shite, when paying £9 a pack. To go with this I had Charmbreaker Devils, Crucible of Fire and Anger of the Gods. I though Keiga and Firemane Angel, were at least sort of fun in limited.
In summery, ‘Iconic Masters’ was the most miserable limited experience I’ve had playing magic, and that’s saying something.
>there are people who will still buy boxes to crack packs in the year of our lord 2017
Literally how are you people so fucking stupid. Do you buy lootboxes in your video games, too? It's a scam to get your money.
What is that? About 120$ worth? for 250$?
>80 dollaridoos plus Vial and Command post- price correction.
Not really because it means stores will lose money and recoup by driving the prices of whatever didn't get printed way back up.
You win just for having a picture that's not a blurry fucking mess. Well done.
I snagged a dozen of 3 pack blisters for $4.99 at Wal Mart yesterday. Got Elesh, Kokusho, 2x Ancestral Visions, 2x Magus of the Moon, 2x Auriok Champion, 2x Bloodghast and 9 Lightning Helix.
I like cracking packs. It’s fun and that gorgeous scent of newly opened cards is great. Also, like I pointed out, I spent $200 on the box and those cards alone netted me $165 in value. The rest of the box is easily worth more than $35.
Sorry to hear than user. Bad beats.
$165. The rest of the lot is worth more than $35. And I bought the box for $200.
Why thank you. The hard hit to the nuts to people who are sticklers for brands about my camera? The pic was taken with an iPhone 6S. The camera can take photos and video in 4K. Which doesn’t upload as well quality on the imageboard, but it still looks significantly better than most uploaded pics.
Why don’t you take your time and draft out the box with friends?
Because I enjoy opening boosters. I’m not poor and it’s fun to see what I pull and what I can use. Also, I like seeing all of the cards and seeing things I’ve never seen before or didn’t notice existed. That way I can have new cards to shove into decks or even build decks out of the cards that I pulled.
Upon release, I always buy two boxes of each standard set and a single box of the other expansions. I do block constructed decks out of the pulls for a lot of the boxes. Which I enjoy doing quite a bit.
That a foil Mana Drain? You did well, user.
You win the booster box game.
Value depends on where you buy your boxes. If you buy a box at full retail you're likely going to lose money. My card shop was awesome and was offering a big discount for the first few people who pre-ordered a box. I got mine for $165 and pulled $190 in value. Cost me less than that, since I traded in some standard stuff that wouldn't keep value after the next rotation.
Two drains, a vial, horizon, and fluster? God. Damn that's a hot box. Not sure why you're showing off Ryusie and Nimbus Maze, those things are bulk rares now.
Sell that stuff ASAP. Before more boxes being opened drives the price down.
I was just trying to organize the pile of rares and mythics. The only I knew was worth shit was the two mana drains
Drains, Flusterstorm, Horizon Canopy, and Aethervial are the big money makes. There's a short list of things above the $10 value of the pack, which Magus, the Ghasts, Kiki, Glimpse, Thoughtseize, and I think the Ascendant and Kokopuffs are a part of. The command, O-stone, and the Voice of Hunger would be value if you pulled them from a regular pack.
But for real, the only value you card you didn't pull was a Cryptic Command, but you can't buck Drains, those are still $90 cards. If one's foil that's fat cash right there.
How cheap are Grove of the Burnwillows right now?
>I enjoy opening boosters
>Upon release, I always buy two boxes of each standard set
>a single box of the other expansions
When you come to the realization that turbo-casuals like this with no business sense are what's keeping magic afloat.
so a draft. I got Jin Gitaxias, Grove of the burnwillows, and thran dynamo
scrubbed out though
> turbo casuals
Bitch, I’ve been playing MtG since 97 and build obscure decks. Casuals just play on their kitchen tables or stick to standard FNMs. Get out of here with that shit. Also, I’m not a poorfag and like supporting the products that I like.
Not bad pulls for a draft though.
I have been cracking Fallen Empires and other miscellaneous garbage such as Iconic Masters for over 14 years now and nothing you say can stop me.
Bought 5 packs
1x Thoughtseize 1x Serra Ascendant (foil) 1x Bloodghast 1x Channel 1x Auriok Champion 1x Mishra 1x Rift bolt
Should I wait to buy up all the cheap Thoughtseizes?
What is this meme the playerbase is fucking fine
>buy a 3-pack draft pack from the grocery store for shits and giggles
>pull a Thoughsieze, Magus of the Moon, and Sheoldred
I'm okay with this
Are you saying some Walmarts and Targets are getting Masters packs? How the actual fuck?
WotC tracks players in two ways:
>Active players
>Total players
Total players are basically everyone who has shown interest in Magic in the past and are at least partially invested, owning some amount of cards, but aren't necessarily playing at the moment or keeping up with new products.
Active players are the ones buying cards and attending events.
The estimate for total players is around 20 million and the estimate for active players is around 12 million. Someone read that WotC employees said there were 20 million players and then later on said there were 12 million players and they thought "Holy shit, Magic lost 8 million players, ded game", when really it was just a misunderstanding about the different metrics being used.
No one really cares what people over exaggerate on.
Thank you user, I had a feeling it was something like that
>tfw bought box for $160
Looking forward to what I get, still waiting for it in the mail though.
Master Sets are trash with a few bait cards thrown in. They are never worth it.
A guy at my LGS bought a box + 8 boosters.
He opened two mana drains, four cryptics, a vial, two burnwillows, two horizon canopies, thoughtseize and a bunch of other $5-15 stuff.
And ONE bauble.
There was more than $500 worth of cards. Most insane box I've seen of this set.
Know the best part? He barely made his money back, he paid around $460 for the box and boosters.
Iconic is particularly bad, though.
I don't think Iconic Masters would have been even remotely as big of a flop if they had named it something like Tribal Masters
>Buying reprint garbage
You're why magic is failing.
There's hardly any tribal focus though outside of Dragons and maybe Angels. Demons got a few good reprints, and Sphinxes got fucking Consecrated Sphinx, but Hydras got shafted hard.
>Set described as being the best of Magic's big Creatures
>Each color gets a mythic creature of their creature type except green, which gets Primeval Titan (A card that's banned in the only format anyone would play it in) instead of a hydra.
>The only other Hydras are two cheap rares (One of which is reprinted at uncommon) and Savageborn Hydra (A decent one but nothing to write home about)
>Overlooking the chance to reprint Khalini Hydra or Primordial Hydra, hell even Kalonian Hydra would've been fine even though it got a reprint a year ago)
>There are more Praetors in the set than Hydras
>I only threw $35 into a fire, pretty good outcome
Pack openers will never cease to amaze me
Good to know. Thanks for the warning.
Iconic is in a weird spot where it's actually great to have been printed, but not so great to buy. They put around the same value total in the set as they did in MM17, but it's spread around the rares and Mishra's Bauble instead of being a Mythic Lottery. The good thing about that is also the bad, in that it means the valuable cards are easy to get, which also means they're going to easily become less valuable very quickly. The set is its own rebuttal, the biggest thing driving down the value of it is itself.
>primeval titan
>banned in only format it would see play
Except it sees a fucking shitload of play in modern
>Sheoldred worth so much now
When NPH came out I remember finding the promos in literal dollar bins
Is it normal I only get one mythic card in a box?
Iconic masters is pretty irregular.
There are reporting of people getting just one mythic card when the rule is 1 mythic per 8 packs, meaning there must be 3 mythics at least.
> spending money on the product to support the manufacturer
> this is why Magic is failing
Your logic is that of a 5 year old with Down’s syndrome.
Neah. The chaft is still shit I can use in decks. I did good. Stop being a poorfag and only counting the chases. There are a lot of Commander worthy cards in the chaft of this set.
No. That’s bad beats.
All booster boxes are like this though. There is a rare chance that a box could net only one mythic while another box net up to six mythics not including foils.