What is the absolute worst plot a DM has ever inflicted on you?

What is the absolute worst plot a DM has ever inflicted on you?

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I don't agree with your implications.

The DM tried to run us against a sympathetic villain but he kept murdering children for no raisin.

What about a sultana?
Fuck you ff13 was great, fight me

>Fuck you ff13 was great, fight me
Sure. I'll just keep hitting X, that's how it works, yeah?

>not using steering wheel controls

>paying for and playing a game that the developers already went out of their way to tell you was shit by having a female be the maim character

no one to blame but yourself

look at this cuck that can't DK bongos

I bet you can't into ouija board controls for darksouls

I beat Rhythm Heaven with my pacemaker, sonny. Git gud.

Fuck off back to /v/