Are the Powerpuff Girls homunculi?
Are the Powerpuff Girls homunculi?
Do they have souls?
I am guessing so since the devil likes fucking with em.
The real question is why the professor wanted to make 3 little girls for himself.
Sometimes the dad instincts are really, really strong.
Yep. Men can get baby crazy sometimes, too.
My experience on Veeky Forums would have rather suspected that he wanted a bunch of lolis to fuck.
Because they are cute and malleable and you can raise them to your own image?
>mfw I have come to realize that I will never have children of my own.
The only role a man without a wife and kids has in a society is to be part of the armed forces and defend his other relatives, or be among the few exceptional individuals who somehow benefit the tribe in other ways.
I have neither option, so I might as well die.
>young girl
user no
It was either that or Teaching Feeling...
If you think about it, if you were to make an artifical human, that age would be the best
They are past the age of babies where they would be nothing but problems (especially with super powers) but still young enough where you can teach and influence them, so they develop into healthy adults.
>tfw started having desires to be a father in the first half of puberty
we're going to do it, lads
Just get sufficiently rich and girls half your age would stand in line to get barebacked.
Alternatively, just pick stray kid off the streets and raise them to be decent people.
I have no clue how to get rich.
And raising another man's spawn is not the same as having your own kids.
All my characters wind up being the party dad. Freeform, D&D, homebrew, or otherwise. At first it was a funny coincidence but I'm started to get worried.
Time travel shenanigans.
Not anymore, now they can just say you raped them and get a lawyer to take all your shit for themselves.
...or you can do whatever you want?
You have self awareness and sapience for a reason user. There are plenty things to feel satisfaction over in this world.
If you really want a kid then adopt. People put genes on a pedestal than memes matter much more. If the kid loves you and think of you as the father then you are the father.
Just call it culture.
How to not be a poor shit for your entire life:
Graduate high school at least.
Get a job. Engage with it and try to do what you can to make it better
Save money and get training for better jobs. Right now in the USA there's a crunch for skilled blue collar tradesmen like welders, plumbers, electricians, etc.
Don't blow it all on gambling, nerd crack or drugs
Enjoy your new prosperous semi-middle class life
Just adopt if you have the money.
We have tons of kids that don’t get good homes and you can solve that.
Obligatory mention of networking and nepotism. Half the jobs I ever got were acquired through friend-of-a-friend or distant relative. The better half.
Can confirm, am a welder, get paid 22/hr right out of my half-year certification training course and get like 10-15 hours of 33/hr overtime. Shits comfy as fuck.
Isn't that like 50 hours a week?
I was about to say that sounds kinda brutal but then I'm working 48 for $13.25 so it wouldn't be that different.
>60 hours a week at equivalent of 5 dolaridoos per
>this makes me middle class
Such is life in slavlands.
Yeah but its 7-3, with days where we stay and finish up hot orders for an hour or two and then a five hour day on saturday for overtime. All voluntary but that's how I usually go because making a grand a week after taxes is real nice. I have a lot of evening time to do what I please.
Welcome to the real world; i'm a printer, 50 hrs/wk is pretty normal. You leave the job when the job's done.
That does sound pretty nice. I'm stuck on 4-3 doing 12 hour shifts. The first six are fine but after hour eight you really start to hate life.
If you get a bachelors you can teach highschool, that pays reasonably well.
Dude, I've been to high school.
Fuck that.
Rough life, I used to pull 11-1 in warehousing before I said fuck this shit and went through training to be a welder. Really good life choice.
>...or you can do whatever you want?
But I want a family.
There is no reason to exist other than the people who love you, and my parents will die eventually, thus I gotta get a family of my own.
And adoption is not the same thing. I want a child that is a continuation of my own lineage, so that all the sacrifices my forefathers made to ensure that their own children can prosper, were not in vain.
Isn't the american system also a complete nightmare for teachers where they have to force children to achieve arbitrary performance goals or get their pay deducted? Sounds like a pain to me, but then I get like three bucks the hour for the privilege of technically not having to work overtime. So I guess lazily destroying children's future isn't that much worse.
Fuck that. Meme is a legitimate term that has been misused.
>implying that a single man can adopt a child in western world.
>implying I want to raise another man's spawn.
You're retarded if you don't think you can MAKE your own family. Friends are your family, too. This is going to sound a little retarded, but I adopted a baby boy two years ago and my wife and I just had another boy in August. We love them both, unendingly. If you want family, if you want people who love you, you make it happen.
It’s not nearly as bad for teachers.
Just jump through the hoops and stay away from the students and you’ll be fine.
I guess my biggest advice is to get a medical degree. Spent ~12 years of my life on schooling but now I work of hours and get paid a butt-ton. Just specialize instead of becoming a general practitioner.
>another man spawn
>muh proud linage
you sound like such a bitch, lol
forget anything I said, you deserve a lonely life
>caring about the continuation of your family is retarded
This is your brain on modernity.
can I ask you some questions? Adoption is always very interesting to me.
Did you tell the kid he's adopted? Are you planning on doing that?
>having to rely on your linage for a sense of self
>unable to make a mere child into your own because you feel too threatened by the scary genes of another man
it's okay to be weak user, but don't pretend that it's something to be proud of
He was barely a year old when we got him. He's 3 now, and we haven't told him yet, but we're planning to once we think he can fully understand (so, probably in a few more years). The big reason I want to tell him is that I just have a problem systematically lying to my son, and ommission of the truth is still a lie.
In parenting I must stress the “spare the rod” mentality.
If you don’t do that your kids will grow up crappily.
We are tied to our forefathers. If not for the deeds of my parents, I would not have been born in the position in society I got to enjoy in my childhood. I am part of the first generation in my family line to be actually born into middle class. All of my forefathers were poor peasants, and even my parents were born into that condition. I owe everything in my being to my parents, as they owe to their own parents, and so on.
It is nothing but delusion to think we can separate ourselves from our ancestors fully.
Also, how exactly is it a showcase of strength to sacrifice your own resources for the sake of another man's child, instead of aspiring to raise your own biological child and continuing your lineage? I want to ensure that my own children get to enjoy as good of a life as I have, and that alone will require tremendous sacrifices. I can hardly spare resources for people who are not my kin.
Also, yelling is not a punishment.
My uncles kid kept splashing people with an oar, and my uncle kept yelling at him. 3 hours later he still had the oar, and was still splashing people.
If I had been in charge I would have taken it from him.
Interesting. If I was in that situation I would definitely not tell him. Especially since there is a second child who isn't adopted. I suppose there is no definite right answer here but I'd suggest to think real long before you tell him. Heck, give it a couple years and you guys might start to forget he's adopted.
Okay, real talk for a second. If your parents said to you right now, "You're adopted", how would you feel? Do you even have friends, or since they're not blood-related, do you just live like a hermit? Do you realize that literally everything around you was created by someone else and that you're benefiting from other people not your kin literally every day? How are you even a functioning member of society?
I do not have many friends. They number around 5 maybe. And I got zero reason to expect that I am adopted, seeing how I am a striking image of my own grandfather when he was young and resemble both of my parents in multitude of different ways.
And yes, I live a quite hermit like life. My only major social contacts are my family members and the few friends I have. I do not really consider the acquaintances I have from university etc to be my friends, even though I spend time with them occasionally, because I do not really trust them.
I only trust my own family.
Fucking textbook example of why this garbage traditionalist redpill is brainrot.
Go look up kin selection if it's so important to you. Your forefathers did plenty defending the 'bloodlines' (Jesus christ) of cool little kids who need parents.
Good luck finding a wife then. Hope you have many cousins!
>muh lineage
They may have done so, but not at the fucking expense of their own progeny, otherwise I would not fucking exist, you moron.
Ensuring the continuation of my own lineage is far more important than taking care for other people's kids.
I am trying to socialize to the best of my abilities. I am however, a creation of the conditions in which I grew. Most of my childhood was spent living in remote countryside, far away from my school friends, thus socialization outside of my family on my free time, was something I never quite learned to do.
Heaps of your 'forefathers' were adopted, you nong. And/or raised by their village. Or got by as an orphan. Your DNA is unbroken but the people who raised them isn't.
But you seem dedicated to being a weird loner so you do you
>I don't have many friends
Big shocker.
>And I got zero reason to expect that I am adopted
That wasn't my question. I want to know how you would deal with being told you were adopted. Because, quite honestly, I think that would break you.
>I only trust my own family
Yeah, so you're not a functioning member of society at all. I guess you can stop worrying about raising any kid whatsoever.
Holy shit, I thought you had died Lovecraft
>muh individualism
I am not against fucking adoption in principle you moron. I am against adoption as it being solution to my childlessness. If I had kids of my own, I would be fine with adopting some parentless kid. But only after ensuring that my own bloodline doesn't fucking die with me.
>I want to know how you would deal with being told you were adopted.
I'd kill myself given that in that case, the last thread of reason for my existence would be gone, and my entire lie would have been built on a lie.
Why exist at that point, when even the closest bonds I have were formulated upon a lie?
Okay, I was going to just troll you for a while user, but let's level.
I fail to see how passing on your legacy has anything to do with your child having a portion of genes same as yours: genatic make up minus genes common to all humans minus your partner genes minus all regressive genes on your side = your proud heritage
2.The family, the relationship, the lessons you teach and the care you put - those are the things that matter when passing on your legacy. If you don't care about your children then it doesn't matter that they have your genes, because those genes that you are so proud of will go on to be a pornstar, shoot up drugs and die in a ditch somewhere.
3.Think about it this way, if your parents told you, you were adopted - does it mean your legacy just disappears now? I don't think so. True family and true kin are stronger than blood.
But honestly that's besides the point. This is my belief but you can have your own. So what's the problem user? Why can't you just have kids?
You are actually unironically
>I have no actual self worth, I need to rely muh ancestors
Wow. You should probably do yourself a favor and just end it right now, seeing as how you'll have to socialize with someone not blood-related, and I don't think a woman will ever want to sleep with an untrusting sociopath.
>I fail to see how passing on your legacy has anything to do with your child having a portion of genes same as yours:
My worldview is entirely shaped by evolution, and I see a situation in which I fail to reproduce as nothing short of cosmic failure of my own being, as everyone who came before me was able to reproduce. Being unable to reproduce also ensures that all of the people who could descend from me and my children, will never exist, which I view as a tragedy. Every man and a woman have the capacity to be the progenitors of entire nations. To miss out on that change, is perhaps the greatest failure any human being can experience.
Cultures change whatever lessons and traditions I might be able to pass on will fade away, but the blood will remain, as long as I pass on my own genes. And no, there can not be true family and kin without the blood bond.
No human being has any inherent self worth. Especially not young ones like I, who are still entirely creations of our parents. What should I have at 24 years of age to be proud of? It's not long since I moved out on my own, and I have done basically nothing yet. For what, should I be proud of? Just for my existence? Why? There is no value in just existing.
And fail my parents and cause the only people who care about me tremendous emotional pain? No. I cannot do so. I actually veered close to suicide in the past, and it was the love I have for my parents that stopped me. I realized that I couldn't bring myself to cause such pain in my parents, who had sacrificed so much for my sake. It would be the most selfish deed I could imagine.
>muh egoism
Fuck off.
Stirner was a hypocritical faggot who never actually acted out his "belief system" in real life because even he relied on the "spooks" of societal norms.
Holy crap. I lurk /vp/ pretty much every day, and I haven't seen anyone half as autistic as you. I wish I had an award to give you.
Homeculuses are made from their creators. The PPG are suger spice everything nice and chemical X
>lol you are autistic
That word means nothing anymore. If you want to insult me try at least to be original. Or better yet, provide an actual argument and explain why you object to my views.
>Cultures change whatever lessons and traditions I might be able to pass on will fade away, but the blood will remain
Wut. Why can't your blood faid away with time, any single war and a couple lonely fucks like you will do the trick. Your linage isn't immortal user.
Also, I think I figured out your problem my friend - you think you are way more important than you are. Which is a symptom of a lack of self awareness that is probably the thing that doesn't allow you to socialize.
If you want to improve - start thinking about yourself outside yourself. And search online for some exercises on that topic. Good luck, you big weirdo I'm sure you'll find a woman that will accept your noble seed and produce the offspring that you dream about.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the wombs.
Family is the people who raised you and who you grew up with, who you share loyalty to and who show loyalty back to you. Blood doesn't mean fucking shit when y'ah got love.
There's no reason to argue, because you won't change your deluded views. I could tell at you all day, but it ultimately won't change anything. You're going to continue to be a secluded moron who will probably never fully understand why he's alone, coast through life (on the backs of other people) do nothing meaningful until you die.
I know that my lineage isn't immortal, but it sure as hell won't survive if I fail to reproduce myself.
And I don't view myself as important at all. I fucking despise myself and see myself as utterly insignificant, hence I am content with the dream of just having a family of my own and reproducing. I cannot conceive of being able to do anything grander than that.
You know just because you have children doesn't ensure that your bloodline won't immediately end right after you die.
Nice strawman you have built there.
>A simple question about the Powerpuff Girls turns into a clearly depressed sperg ranting about lineage and bloodlines
I don't know what's going on anymore.
>I fucking despise myself and see myself as utterly insignificant
and that returns us to my first post to you
it's okay to be weak user, but don't pretend there is something to be proud of
let's talk user.
Look, your views reveal a much deeper issue that you have, that might be a part of your social block
You want family, but you fail to understand what family means. I'm afraid even if you started one, it would not work out. I can also tell you that just spreading your genes would not bring you the satisfaction that you think it would, but that's like telling a moth that he shouldn't fly to the flame.
Try to understand human relationships user, that is the key to improving your life right now
It's another /pol/ thread, what did you expect
There is no pride in weakness and at no point did I pretend so. Why do you think that I despise myself? I have no power over anything, not even myself, the only reason why I don't kill myself is my obligation to my parents. There's a reason why I posted this in the first place
He's role-playing as professor Utonium
How the fuck is this a /pol/ thread???
I can’t help but feel this thread could have been better.
Homunculuses are really cool and underused.
Shame one dude had to go and ruin it.
>Shame one dude had to go and ruin it.
The dirge of Veeky Forums
>There is no pride in weakness
What is Flight response of the Fight or Flight reaction which saves peoples and other animals lives a lot of time.
>I have no power over myself.
>Proceeds to argue about how he doesn't have power over himself on an image board demonstrating that he has power over himself and his life by bitching about it instead of not being a fucking pussy.
I'm actually re watching FMAB right now, those guys are really fun
It takes two people to argue.
>"And this is my masturbation hand!"
As much as I love FMA in general, the series has seriously skewed what I imagine when I hear Homunculus. I'd love to play in a FMA game as a homunculus struggling with their identity and sense of self.
I forget now, did they personalities actually came from the Father separating his sins and putting it into them, or were they just made like that?
Homunculi are good servants stick a bunch of your biological material in a pot, wait a few weeks, boom instant servant.
You can't flee all your life
God, I would love to play in FMA setting in general. Homunculi, living armors, human chimeras, monsters,tanks, magic/gun/sword fights, fucking robot arms. It has everything I love
If Greed/Lin-Greed is anything to go off of, they have a sort of "base" personality that almost purely embodies the sin, but then develop personality beyond that over time.
>The real question is why the professor wanted to make 3 little girls for himself.
Would it be less creepy if he wanted to make 3 little boys?
>Isn't that like 50 hours a week?
Most jobs are 50 hours a week. if you're not in a job that has overtime then you're in a job that requires you to take your work home or be on call or something.
A job where you clock in at 8, work, take lunch, clock out at 5, get every weekend/holiday off and never worry about it other tan during work hours is not a job that pays decent money.
Not in the US at least.
Just goes to show you what a good boss Dio would be
>if I die use my fingerbone to make a new me, and it will make your stand stupid strong.
not on Veeky Forums it doesn't
>I forget now, did they personalities actually came from the Father separating his sins and putting it into them, or were they just made like that?
He wanted to rid himself of "weak human emotions" so he put aspects of his personality into all of them, but they're their own people-0 just primarily driven by the emotion that spawned them.
And it's not a perfect process, as Father still contains some aspect of the "sins" he believes to have rid himself, which makes him not as perfect and above others as he thinks himself to be.
How is getting yourself out of danger a weakness?
I swear, I can't tell how many pictures I've seen of grown-up Powerpuffs.
It's only a failure if you're an only child.