"The OC must flow: He who controls the OC, controls the universe!"-edition
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"The OC must flow: He who controls the OC, controls the universe!"-edition
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Trips and I add a chakat knight
As usual, ideas and suggestions for characters / quests are welcome and appreciated
post something where I can romance a cute boy
the fucks a chakat?
>Trips and I add a chakat knight
So what does double dubs mean?
Where is Empire Revival?
Give me some fucking updates you cunt it's been over a month.
fuck, that was dangerously close
you don't wanna know
user, this is a christian CYOA
find me a character pic that makes sense in a fantasy setting, is clearly a futa and is not nsfw and i'll do it, a subtle bulge would be perfect
otherwise I might or might not add something like pic related
Do not speak the forbidden words, only misery and thread derails come of this.
In every subculture, there are outcasts. Even Furries. And that is where the Chakat come in.
The ultimate creation of deranged mental-patient Bernarde Doove, a notoriously bad writer whose books take place in a heavily-modified version of the Star Trek universe dubbed only Chakona Space, Chakats are a spacefaring genetically-engineered group of hermaphrodite Mary Sue Telepathic Space Cats that make your average Furry look as reasonable as Reasonable Daemonette. Widely mocked for their race being a group of flagrant Mary Sues, Chakats are an ideal example of a threat to every single internet subculture in existence; as despised by Furries as they are by fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls. Whilst they have roughly one-twelfth of one percent (and that's being generous) the exposure any other spacefaring subculture of any other existing universe, from Star Wars to the the 41st Millenium, fans, usergroups, and communities keep running into these fucking things, invariably with facepalm-worthy results.
How many companions is too many companions?
More than 10 if they have a lot of text, more than 20 if they don't have much text, more than 6 if they aren't waifus.
When people stop reading them, whether from samey-ness or from sheer length.
As much as you can write but not more
>graphic design of one section is complete
>start rewriting the content immideately
I'm never gonna finish this, am I?
You might very well be right, and thaft fact is just depressing.
Why is that depressing? Quantity != quality
to choose from or to have?
He's depressed that the attention span differs for watchable and non-waifuable characters.
Isn't that another ''Complaining about waifus'' hidden as advice anyways?
Waifu Wish
Randall Rex, Wrecking Ball (Power)
Final Fist Cannon, Instant Kill type
Secret Technique: Rocket Charge Driver, Unstoppable type
Preliminary: Cally Lynx
Quarterfinal: Diamond King
Semifinal: Donna Fence
Final Round: Mordecai Grant
Friendly Rival: Mordecai Grant
Preliminary: Victory
Quarterfinal: Stalemate into Victory (-1 Energy)
Semifinal: Victory
Final Round: Defeat into Victory (-2 Energy)
Reward: A New Battleground
that was p fun
So, while has an OK rule of thumb, I will say it also depends on how many choices you can make from the Companion section. has 19 or 20 companions with a lot of text each and they're a mixed bag at that, but the CYOA lets you pick as many as seven, so if there were only 10 it would be a bit claustrophobic.
In general, I feel like you should end up picking between 1/3 and 1/8 of available companions, so having four or six times as many as you have choices is a nice level.
I get it. Can you blame me for caring less about characters that aren't hot and I can't fuck?
Only YOU can prevent shitposting.
Dos Prompt. Hard to decide between Netscape and SimCity, but I think I'll take Netscape.
Dos promt and draw. Make anime girls real and travel the world.
know all the things
sell all the houses
>Corel draw
I will save the A E S T H E T I C S
What about spooks?
Is there a Doom/rip and tear themed CYOA?
Yes. By that Ordion guy or whatever.
Yep, I made one.
Working on something else for now though.
i know wildbow has started the sequel, but i couldnt even read the original and put this new one down before i finished the preview chapter. he has some interesting ideas but i cant say i like him as a writer.
Okay. Glad you shared with the show.
Spider Knight?
Anyone have the updated demonology cyoa? The one where you get a number of points to summon angels and trolls etc.
Simcity + Netscape
Fix the country's housing problem
Posting from my collection because wish fulfilments that consists of only
>pick a sex slave
>free house
>here's some endgame armour because why bother struggling
These threads are filled by 2 groups, age 30+ tired, lazy and lonely men who are depressed and don't even appreciate a choose your own adventure by making it just a retirement dream scenario. and the other are teenagers who only think about sex and being edgy.
Why can't these be fun anymore.
>This allow you to pick and choose the species of yor offspring
>yor offspring
But i wanna become a cute symbol of hope and justice how does that fit in any of those categories?
I don't think anyone here will ever not pick the trap
He seems like the kind of person I don't like. Cute is much better.
>not wanting to become a lewd symbol of hope and justice
Pleb af
are you the one that spams the anime catagories that have options on face features, butt and tits? because you're the problem.
These should be adventures, how is choosing a face and a girlfriend/boyfriend an adventure when the author implies that they have no free will and will love you "unconditionally" simply because you're reading the options.
These pick a spouse CYOA are shit and boring. it should be mandated that everyone who posts in a CYOA thread jerk off before posting because this has gone past the point of no return. It's obvious WHY you fags need to insert romance options into every CYOA or to have a CYOA that are just about picking a lewd image accompanied by a cringy bio, you guys are lonely I get it, but it's just still cancer.
The hobby of posting fun CYOA used to be about adventures and making the right choices, now it's just wish fulfilment. I hate it and I hate all of you. I come back once every month hoping I can shitpost you all into reevaluating your lives but you're all so fucking deep in this pit of ineptitude and derangement that I've given up trying to change these threads, now I come here to hopefully piss you fags off.
why won't you idiots just post some OC
>tl;dr stop liking what I don't like
I agree with you but you still have the 'tism and sound like an old fart
I have an idea and about six weeks to post it while it's still relevant but I'm too lazy
>are you the one that spams the anime catagories that have options on face features, butt and tits?
Nah that is a waste of space.
why doesn't this faglord just make and post some OC
go fuck yourself, mate
eat shit fuckwad.
I'm not an old clearly because the old fucks on here are the ones posting CYOA that consists of "where do you want to live and what will your emortal wife look like, also you have magic god powers but you don't have to do anything with em"
The austists like yourself who come here reading the exact same CYOA every thread and occasionally recycle old ones with a different theme with more wish fulfilment each time are the autists. Yeah I'm pissed, you idiots came here strictly for the porn and no stress choices and then you made a feedback loop making the authors who gave in to these desires the replies they wanted and ignoring actual quality, making the shit authors who rip hentai into their terribly wreitten fetish adventures the only ones left.
fuck you.
same reason you don't
Cute > Lewd
You can't reason with waifu whores. The fuck you doin'
Save yourself what little sanity you have from even coming to this place.
What's wrong with wish fulfillment, man?
Give up user and just lurk the threads for the occasional good OC.
There's no point in trying to reason or shitpost with the waifu, lewd, comfy and /u/fags.
Yeah you completely missed the point but I can give you a C for trying. There was passion, even if you're wrong.
Looks like some people here urgently need a hug.
Don't touch me
Basic Beauty Package (1)
Thought Processing (5)
Divine the Secrets (11)
The Fountain of Youth (16)
2 base tokens (2)
Eternal Hunger (4)
Weeping God's Toxin (7)
Word Triggers (9)
Delve Too Deep (16)
Word Trigger will be "Rutabaga" so I should avoid listening to lists of produce. I've Delved Too Deep, but it says that it drives you insane WITHOUT the ability to Divine the Secrets, which I took. It still won't be pleasant, especially with the Weeping God's Toxin screwing with me, but hopefully my excessively upgraded brain will be able to discern illusions for what they are (even though that doesn't stop me experiencing them). Beyond that, I am hungry, but learning so much about the cosmos...
Why so tsun, user-kun?
monika a shit
>the other are teenagers who only think about sex and being edgy.
I'll have you know that I'm actually 20 years old,.
>Other people being happy makes me mad
As an author who tries to create adventurous CYOAs, fuck off. If you don't like waifu pickers/builders, don't fucking read them, there are PLENTY of interesting CYOAs coming out and I for one would rather the CYOA thread with 80 pages, 30 to my taste than the one that has only the 30 pages that are to my taste.
Don't try to reason with the guy it is pointless as the guy is just trying to bait people
I feel on edge each time I open this because I'm expecting an edgelord to make it a screamer.
your waifu a shit
Monika a best!
Don't bully my Monika. She is very cute and nice so stay away from her.
CYOAs have never been about adventure as some central tenant. These started with pick ones. Then they developed into prison CYOAs and other simple multiple section CYOAs. It was only with Islands that any adventure was present. So get that through your head, this genre was not begun as some image version of CYOA books, it did not being as some 'adventure' questing. It began as a format to pick between a button that kills jews and a button that kills blacks. That's what this is.
I told myself I wouldn't work on CYOAs this month so I could get other projects done but I'm tempted to put a lewd together just to spite him.
So I guess the bait worked.
>this guy posted something I don't like!
>...it must be bait
you stupid fucking cunt. there's only ever 5 CYOA that are actual adventures vs 20 "I know you can't get pussy irl so stare at this hentai I found and I'll give you a shit bio I'll write in 2 minutes"
your ideas are garbage clearly if you think there is harmony in these threads
clearly you have to be as passive aggressive as possible because you know I'm fucking right. fucking loser.
I hope you all get arthritis from the never ending jerk offs you perform together. that's all these threads are and I don't want you to be happy because you're unoriginal, uncreative and are full of wasted effort
This gif always manages to make me feel warm inside.
I know, right?
It's a webm though.
>I'm going to jerk off 20 times a day because I saw a guy I don't like try nofap
enjoy the arthritis and disappointed parents.
>this guy posted something I don't like!
>...it must be bait
I actually agree with wise oldfag. You waifu fuckers are ruining everything.
this. trap sounds annoying
He's objectively wrong about the early state and status of this thread and what CYOAs used to be, but I'm pretty sure you're just riding on his coattails to try and soak up attention.
are there any good spaceship cyoa's?
no. none.