/stg/ - Stock Trading General: Muh december effect edition

This thread is dedicated to the discussion of market trends, stocks, bonds and mutual/index funds.

>how to get started
robinhood.com -> For buying individual stocks and building an initial portfolio
vanguard.com -> For once you have a portfolio larger than 3K, preferably 10K

>have a question?
Ask here only after you've done your research, obviously muh google is a good place to started
but remember


as a place you'll find common terms and theories

>for better graphs and tools

Let's make some money, anons

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Can I shill some stocks?


Cancer is a very big market (multi billions for each indication), these biotech stocks have huge upside potential. Just compare their current valuation with the target market.

Kite was bought 11.9$ billion by Gilead only for their CART product on blood cancer.
Celyad and Bellicum have trials ongoing with solid tumor (way higher incidence than blood cancer). Celyad managed to get a stable disease for collorectal cancer at the lowest dose for two patients. They both are valued under 500M$ (because risky stocks with no regular revenues atm and simple people are too focused on virtual currencies).

Make your homework, these are big opportunities if study is a success.

some guidelines for newbs to get started in this?

that robin hood seems really nice to beginners like me, but i'm not from the US g.g

a question: technical analysis really works well? i've been studying it a lot and it SEEMS to work a bit for stocks, but cryptos seem to work a little different...


Yes but backtest your indicators over a long period of time.

So uhhhh whats the bext blockchain meme

uvxy play

I find technical analysis to work with cryptos for day trading. I make a consistent 5 to 15% per trade as long as I dont get greedy and stick to the charts. But I am just starting so it might be beginners luck. Lets see where I am in a month

finally something non cancerous posted on this board

whos buying amd?

thats a pnd pajeet shitcoin

amd the company you cryptobrained idiot

issa joke

Anways I geuss now is a decent entry point but i think there are companies that will see better gains

thaks for the tip man, i'll look into it.

good to know. i need to study a bit more, i'll use my vacations to study it haha. you already had previous experience with stocks right?

I have a theory that with the recent tax cut that REIT's focusing on prisons and correctional facilities will get a big break and since they have to pay out their profit in dividend they'll have to up the amount they pay out. Just a hunch though.

Why do you bother with stocks tho? I just made 400$ in 15 minutes buying low and selling high in crypto. I'm a brainlet and even I can do it

I did start with stock but day trading is new. I used tp buy and hold stocks/crypto. But crypto has been getting murdered lately so decided to give day trading a go.

No matter how much you hear it, dont fucking buy the ATH. Theyre fucking trapz every time, just walk away when you see one blow up. Take a gain your happy with. Greed has got me every time.

I still like fin tech, VNTV deal will look great in 4 months, FDC will be bumpy w/wfc, bac & pnc but it’s like buying real estate w/15% down w/a long term tenant that is cash flow pos.

PYPL - likely have large fall in q1 (down 10-15%) get the glue out for that

No catalysts, no black edge, but large cap biotech is priced like newspapers, PCs, CDs & walkmans - I like CELG and AMGN (following kite)

Protip: Don't go for memestocks. People buy Tesla, buy GM. People buy Apple, by Microsoft. People by Amazon, buy Wal-Mart, etc.

>buy gm
classic biz

Who /asx/ here?

Looking for some small cap plays for next year