Anyone have some good Biopunk style stuff? Weapons, armor, vehicles, etc?
dumping my stuff
Art Thread: Biopunk Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Mutant Chronicles fanart?
What's the name when a setting is made of flesh? Like Scorn or pic related?
Splicers RPG art by Chuck Walton when?
Anything by Nihei really
illithids in my setting are big on bio stuff like this
Kronenberg's wet dream.
If it's bio-mechanical, Giger's
Why did they make rhino prime fat?
6 whoops forgot 5
10 and done
Anything new with Scorn since the gameplay trailer?
Backer preview came out, visually it looks amazing but gameplay wise its kinda plain
If ya'll want some cool biotech stuff, check out RIFTS Splicers and Chuck Waltons' art. Most of it should be on his DA gallery.
I liked that the guns still sound like firearms, I know it's a bit of a trope that organic guns should make a squishy noise when shooting but honestly if it still throws a supersonic projectile it should still boom like a gun.
continuing my Chuck dump
>you will never ride dire hyena-orca hybrid mounts into the frigid depths to battle techno-virus'd genocidal mermen
Memeing aside, this one is my favorite. The sheer pants-shitting terror that has to bring to the battlefield must be immense.
sup guys, i'll be your tank for today
all of this shit is amazing
More of the mermen tech.
Its hands down my favorite, most obscure TTRPG setting. Its impossible to find RIFTS games, much less someone running one for their Splicer sub-setting.
I fucking love this.
>when you put jets and missiles on your dragon so it can go faster and dakka harder
I swear to god the setting is like if Ork tau-aboos looted a bunch of Tyranids.
Another tank, more like a bulldozer on legs really.
If only it had helmet, then somewhat close to Peter F. Hamilton - Fallen Dragon 'skin' suits.
This is some good shit, was going to use bio-ships in a space game that I never had the time or willpower to get going. I'll drop some OC when I find my pencil and good paper. Top quality thread guys.
What are these from?
Manga by the same guy who made Knights of Sidonia and Blame! Everything I've seen from him involves transhumanism or biopunk of some kind.
And here is an armor that turns you into a Grass-type pokemon. It can ALSO grow weapons and defenses for their allies.
I guessed it was him, but I meant what is the name of the series it is from, also only heard of Knights of Sidonia, haven't heard of Blame! I think.
I'm a drawfag though I m ostly lurk these days. Will there be more biotech threads in the future? I'll keep an eye out for them and contribute too.
I believe Bio-Booster Armour Guyver counts as biopunk too. The whole series is like that.
The old 80's OVA is worth a watch, too, and the manga isn't bad either. The 2005 anime is so-so. Its not awful but its lower production values and slavish devotion to the manga make it kind of the lesser of the two animes.
The early 90's western adaption movie with Mark Hammil and its later sequel are hilariously bad if you want some good, dumb movies to watch through that feature biotech.
I'm not entirely sure if Monster Hunter armor 'counts as' biotech, but by technicality it might as they actually make their equipment from monster parts hybridized with more 'normal' fantasy tech.
Some of the sets are just rad.
Do you guys like your armor more chitinous and bug-like, more fleshy like muscle fiber, or like rough bony carapace sections?
Chitinous with muscle beneath. The baddies in my would-be game would grow shells of ceramic infused chitin around a soft core made of rubbery fast-regenerating tissue. The shell retains the flexibility of organic bone or chitin but shatters when pushed to the breaking point to dissipate kinetic energy or slowly ablates as a thick vapor when burned to dissipate heat.
So it works like reactive armor? Or am I thinking of Chobham.
Reactive armor explodes to deform EFPs thus slowing the molten metal down enough to be stopped by other layers of armor, setting wise it would have definitely become a thing for stronger bioships as they adapted.
One of my favorite pieces of Splicers art. These guys took a badger, made it gigantic and use it as an APC.
Last one I could find; they also biotech up and semi-uplift animals to be useful battlefield companions in their war against the machines.
Is that a motherfucking six legged godzilla-badger with skulls for knees?
These are all highly implausible. Most biotech would be smooth and sleek and covered in fur, scales or plates. The designs in this thread would just lead to infection. Probably a real biotech armor would like a yeti, chicken, mantis thing or reptile.
what i find most pathetic is the little pseudo-intellectual nerd fuckboys who think they're smart and totally perceptive for pointing out design flaws in freaky bioteck armor. Like you want to make it clear to all your peers "I'm the smart one. I am theintellectual one. I understand combat and the value of logic above all" and you go on nitpicking this stupid shit that is made purely for the fuck of it. The overwhelming irony of it all is that you're the biggest retard alive for actually believing you're the only one who can percive the strategic faults of these designs and thinking other people are not as perceptive as you. Here's a reality check you fucking cock farmer. Everyone is aware of these things. They don't spend hours whiningabout it on image boards and forums. Not because they're stupid or unperceptive, or uneducated. It's because it's insignificant shit, and they aren't insecure enough to go whine about trivial realism bullshit in cheap, flash entertainment. you're like the fuckwit that whines about peoplenot knowing how bad fast food is for them because they continue to eat it. they know it's bad. They don'tgive a shit. You whiny little faggot.
Here you guys go, I'll post some more tomorrow if anybody is interested and if the thread is still alive.
Abara dude, it was in the post.
Check out the Mutant Chronicles comic from the '90s, in the end the villain has exoskeleton armor that looks almost exactly like the one in your OP.
From all the images posted here, this is the one that I like the most:
>Practical, yet aesthetic and undoubtfully organic in design.
>With an animal that is both a bioengineered tool and a live thing
>A person that has a small uncanney valley, but not humongously abhorrent as it's usually seen.
>Fancy with all the tubing coming in and out of the suit.
Fuck yeah, Prototype
i don't have the time to post them here but tipa_graphic has awesome bio-blades designs.
No Dark Sector? That can't be.
I like how it's a biosuit with tactical webbing on it.