It's high time we have another Genesys thread.
Genesys General
What's the resolution mechanic?
I know it is meant to be generic in setting, but how it is in tone?
>the virgin GURPS
Boring dice found in any grandma's home
Old news, most players are decrepit
Simulationism only appeals to autists
>the chad Genesys
Dice appreciated only by connoisseurs
Fresh, new game to inject new life into the hobby
Narritivism favored by those who value roleplaying
Like Star Wars.
Is it out already?
November 30
A narrativist mess where it is up to the GM and players to decide the difference between a success with a despair or a failure with a miracle or a success with 2 consequences or something like that?
No thanks.
Basically it's the same as their Star Wars game sans the Force die and the dice get new symbols.
>fuck openness, everything needs to be by the book
Go play FATAL.
You're doing it wrong. Learn the fucking rules.
Are you a paid shill?
You must be a paid shill.
Summer never ends on Veeky Forums
What, are you an autist?
triumph = success always
despair = something bad happens regardless of success
it's not even complicated
But that's wrong
Triumph = something super good happens even if you fail
Nope, that's an optional rule.
Please read.
Did they change that for Genesys? Because in the EotE core book, page 23, it clearly states
>It is important to keep in mind that while a Triumph symbol does add a Success symbol to the pool, the presence of one or more Triumph symbols does not automatically mean a successful skill check.
Wow it's spelled with a Y instead of a I, so counterculture and cool
Does it come with complimentary leg-strap pouches?
It's short for GENEric SYStem
I agree it's a stupid name but they have some reasoning behind it
That way oit doesn't trigger progressive people who don't like religion. Trust me user, many titles have been considered and it was the only logical choice for the future of role-playing hobby.
Hey you dont see us GURPSfags flinging shit on your system. Fancy that.
to get the buzz real goin'?
In every single Genesys thread there's some retard who shits on every other system and trolls. It seems like the same guy every single time and I'm pretty sure he even has argued with himself to spawn more arguments.
Some people just hate new systems and some people just like to troll, who knows.
Personally I think GURPS is fun, its great at what it does. I also think FATE is fun and 5e and Pathfinder and many others, they all do there own thing I'm happy with that.
I'm still not sure why every thread of this game is paid shill but not Pathfinder, D&D, etc. especially since if anyone would have shills it'd be Paizo.
Hmm, hard to say what the tone will be exactly, but likely like Edge of the Empire (if you haven't played that look it up, it's fun its own way). PDF here:
I think this system will be very easy to apply to many settings and very good for more narrative games. It's not very crunchy so maybe less good for hard combat dungeon crawling games, not that it wouldn't work, just not as well.
Paizo doesn't come here because sexual harassment.
News on the system can be found here:
The magic system they propose as an example seems fun.
Some early generic fantasy character sheets were shown at gencon.
I think this system would lend itself well to some cyberpunk and steampunk style settings.
they don't have to pay; they have literal legions of morons at their disposal.
don't like the artwork
I'm on the fence about the artwork, some of it is cool, but none of it is particularly stand out. I liked EotE's so I hope their settings will get good artists. Android: Netrunner has such variable quality in artwork it's hard to say with FFG, though.
From one of the other contenders:
/grsg/ - Genesys Roleplaying System General
>Disord Server
>FFG Community Forums
>There is a reddit group but meh
>Known Narrative Dice (Star Wars) Homebrews and Conversions
This will be an intermittent thread, monthly or if there is breaking news. Once Genesys is released a more consistent posting will start.
Recommend a section or item be added to the main post by quoting the main post.
The Conan setting is kind of cool, might be better with the full system instead of the modified EotE.
Change the thread name to /gengen/
Plan to it is rather catchy
What's there to even talk about for a game that isn't even out yet?
Speculation of Licencing, Planning out settings, listing out homebrews.
The rules are the same as the star wars RPG, so we have a pretty good bead on what is coming.
On that note: are there any settings people are going to try to make with this?
I was originally going to use FATE or maybe GURPS, but this system may work well for some settings I have in mind.
This game looks like absolute shit. 15 bucks on special dice that "enhance the narrative" by 'adding complications" and it's not numbers it's SYMBOLS which are oh-so-fucking-original and totally new ground being covered here, this looks like the same boring one-tone narrative schlock, it'll be like FATE but worse. You roll to pick a lock and get an advantage so, what, you pick it faster? You find out that holy shit you actually just picked the lock to Jesus' tomb and can resurrect him to help you fight? Fuck these narrative games that shove random shit for you to deal with into the mix to seem "interesting" when in reality they are just random crap-on-crap game design with no structure. The only decently-designed narrative game I've seen is Apocalypse World, and all the spin-offs of that suck fat fucking cock because they try to jam the mechanic into other genres and systems where it fits in about as well as a spiked cucumber in a newborn's cunt.
Unless the shills that keep making these threads can explain to me why I should play this game, and what it adds to the RPG design sphere, they can fuck off. I'm not spending money on this overpriced shit. I'm not even going to waste time downloading the PDF. And it well sell because of EotE fanboys who choke down whatever FFG puts out for them. They love eating shit, and never turn down an opportunity to do so. Well, fuck them.
Is this copypasta?
I saw it in a thread the other day.
Seriously, why is it that a certain subset of people flip the fuck out over narrative systems? I don't even mean "[Narrative system] is fucking horrible because [Reasons]", I mean "Fuck narrative systems, the very idea is cancer, REEEE". It's getting fucking weird.
>muh narrative system persecution complex
I like narrative systems. Genesys is trash. Stop with the non arguments. Now.
What makes it worse than FATE?
inb4 symbol dice are the devil
Assuming this isn't a copypasta, the narrative dice system is the same thing as rolling on a chart every time but they speed it up by giving you symbols on the dice themselves. You don't need the actual 15$ custom dice if you're really pinching pennies that much.
As for what it adds to RPGs in the design sphere, character motivations are more explicit and mechanically encouraged, and the way players get to describe things happening for advantage rolls goes some way towards decentralizing the GM's job and taking some stress off of them. It also helps guide improvisation by giving you more specific ideas as to what happened than a binary pass/fail (e.g. a roll to hack a computer could also simultaneously be the roll to see if it was detected, depending on advantage/threat rolls).
>inb4 symbol dice are the devil
Speaking of Fate
It also has more axis of success with advantage and what not, though that apparently enrages uncreative people. As a GM for GURPS and 5e I think it's actually really neat and my players enjoyed it on my 1 EotE game.
I'll definitely consider Genesys as my players definitely had a lot of fun with EotE.
Symbol dice really set some people into a frothing rage. Maybe it's like especially autistic GURPS players?
93% is just meme. 7% however... pure wild autism
I like the new details this carries along for how certain things come together, even if we knew most of this from those preview articles FFG put up. I'll be interested to know how the types of magic differ from each other, though I wouldn't be shocked if it's largely just suggested or thematic boundaries as another dial to be adjusted by GMs. It makes sense that magic costs some strain to use, and I like how that will interact with the dice system over time. It'll make managing strain, advantage, and threat a big deal for casters who want to cast a lot of spells flexibly.
>Genesys is trash. Stop with the non arguments.
loving every laugh
Yea, the proposed casting system, at least from what theyve shown, seems really neat. It'll be fun to tweak the dials for various settings.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Genesys. The mechanics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the rolls will go over a typical players's head. There's also FFG's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his games characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these mechanics, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Genesys truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the symbols on FFG's narrative dice, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as FFG's genius unfolds itself on their corebook's pages. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have an Edge of the Empire tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in GURPS, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on various dungeons, and I have over 300 confirmed campaigns. I am trained in dice warfare and I’m the top roller in the entire hobby. GENESYS is nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe it the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. It thinks it can get away with having a thread on the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the TTRPG world right now so it better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your game system. You’re fucking dead, GENESYS. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill it in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe its miserable ass off the face of the continent. If only it could have known what unholy retribution its high IQ level was about to bring down upon you, maybe it would never have been made. But it does and now it'll be paying the price. I will shit fury all over it and it will drown in it. It's fucking dead, kiddo.
Someone should post this on their forums.
>inb4 symbol dice are the devil
They are though.
And Genesys has NOTHING unique to offer.
Why could they not have designed the system without the snowflake dice.
>character motivations are more explicit and mechanically encouraged
So it's GURPS "roleplay for more power points" bullshite? Lovely.
>the way players get to describe things happening for advantage rolls goes some way towards decentralizing the GM's job and taking some stress off of them.
Wow, such an original rule! It's not like loads of GMs didn't do shit like this already.
> It also helps guide improvisation by giving you more specific ideas as to what happened than a binary pass/fail (e.g. a roll to hack a computer could also simultaneously be the roll to see if it was detected, depending on advantage/threat rolls).
Pretty much every new system out there has some sort of non-binary success mechanic. It's not new or interesting, and it's usually done poorly.
I want to know why I should spend 75 bucks on equipment for this game. It had better offer something that no other game offers, for that much money.
Boy you sure are mad about a game you apparently won't be playing.
I'm gonna make a steampunk setting, sorta, it should be fun.
No dieselpunk though, that's the devil.
>No dieselpunk though
Really? I overwhelmingly prefer dieselpunk postwar/art moderne/deco designs and setting beats to the whole Victorian aesthetic.
Listen man, I can't handle the lung cancer.
And you're sticking to coal power?!
Now that you mention it, I'll have to make it pre-industrial!
But no seriously, it's pre-industrial society which scavenges energy cells STALKER style to power their shit.
That sounds fun as hell.
I had a sort of inversion of that in a mecha campaign where Canada and Russia became competing superpowers by turning a specific type of ancient microfauna, recovered from warming permafrost, into the hyperefficient batteries that made the REALLY scifi shit possible.
The setting for this is inspired by STALKER/Roadside Picnic and basically for unknown reasons giant regions became uninhabitable around the world. The areas are the size of small countries, too, so they aren't easily traversed.
The level of technology would be roughly 17th century (renaissance era) but then got propped up relatively fast when people found out these areas contained weird artifacts that do crazy shit.
The areas are incredibly dangerous though, containing alien/aberrant monsters and rival STALKERS. Further, there's areas that can cause mutations of people into other things if entered.
I'm waiting for the full book to flesh out the details of mechanics further. Right now I'm just getting the basic world details set and thinking on what careers people would want to be.
I originally was going to use GURPS but since my own group enjoyed EotE so much, decided Genesys would be a good fit.
If you keep hyping it as much as you've been doing, and it turns out to be the steaming pile of crap we all thoroughly expect it to be, do you really expect you'll be able to fuck off to Bermuda on the proceeds and just call it good?
>All these spergs being so completely and utterly assblasted that people enjoy a game they don't and might be excited for more content.
Oh Veeky Forums. Never change.
So mad over nothing.
If ypu're not interested just ignore it. I could go into every D&D or 40K thread and spout off abput how I hate them and they're shit, but what does that get anyone?
Not interested in Genesys? Fine, go play what you ARE interested in. If the game sucks then the only people who suffer are those of us who invest in it.
Dont feed the trolls (you)s, it's what they crave.
I like ffgs other rpgs so I dont1 see why I wouldn't like this. Like FATE and GURPS itll take time to really become its own thing as settings are made.
I see people with decent ideas floating around already so we'll see where it takes us.
I'm excited. I'm gonna get my Pacific Island themed fantasy set up and try and get my buddies playing so I can finally run it.
Volcano worshipping Dwarfs, mariner Elves, Lizardfolk, Minoboars and more. I'm excited to finally see it come to something.
That's an interesting take on fantasy. How much magic is it going to include? Also, it seems like metal would be scarce in that setting, maybe look at Dark Sun from D&D for some inspiration on weapons and armor
Alright, which one of us is retarded? Because that looks to me like a clear example of Triumphs NOT giving you something good if you fail, which you seem to be arguing is the case.
I'll copy the whole paragraph.
>A Triumph symbol has two effects. First, each Triumph symbol counts as one Success symbol. Second, a Triumph result indicates an unexpected boon or significantly beneficial effect related to the task. Many weapons and talents have side effect that can be triggered using a Triumph result. Otherwise, the scenario or GM may have other options for using Triumph. It is important to keep in mind that while a Triumph symbol does add a Success symbol to the pool, the presence of one or more Triumph symbols does not automatically mean a successful skill check.
In other words, a Triumph gives you a free Success symbol (which can be cancelled by a Failure symbol, meaning you don't succeed) AND an extra effect (which can't be cancelled).
Not that guy, but I've always thought of Triumph as being like an four (or so) Advantage: It's not necessarily that they're giving you immediate results, especially on a failure, but they still enable you to do flashy and interesting stuff even if it's not quite what you were hoping would happen.
lol this is so fucking retarded
Pirating the PDF would take you less time than writing your shitty rant.
Its a joke not a dick my dude
If the special dice are not included in the core manual then it's a massive red flag
Presumably it'll have a table at the front of the book as they did for the Star Wars games. If you don't mind a digital stand-in there's a handful of web based rollers you can use. Or you could do papercraft dice, or print-shop up some stickers to slap on some standard dice.
>character motivations are more explicit and mechanically encouraged
That has been in TRoS since forever. Well, 2004 or when it was first released.
You define your characters motivations, beliefs etc. and gain experience by working towards them. They also can gain bonuses to an action that is directly related to pursuing these goals.
Not saying Genesys is bad or something, but that concept is hardly something that it has added to the design sphere. It probably has been done by some system before TRoS too.
That sounds great man. Hope you'll tell of some adventures in that setting in the future.
I mean, I see it as a matter of principle: if you buy a board game with odd cards or dice or gizmos, they're supposed to be inside the box, otherwise would be unacceptable. Games, especially this niche, are supposed to give you everything you need to play right off the bat instead of trying to milk as much money out of you as possible before you even start playing
Screw that. I don't want special dice just to play an RPG. Requiring d20s and d10s and whatnot is one thing, but straight up "special" dice? Nah fuck that. It adds nothing to the game.
Pretty sure I've seen a "what to do with x Advantage" table - some things require certain amounts of Advantage to be spent (I think a crit, for example, needed 3 Advantage), but all of them had "or Triumph" as an option for getting that to happen as well
Like he said, there's a regular dice conversion table, you just need to remember that anything other than a 1 might not be the same on a d8 as it is on a d6
Magic will be fairly limited and tribal, so more Shaman than Wizard. Lota of gathering materials to do spells and such.
Metal will be rare. Weapons will mostly be wood and stone. Armored will be stuff like hide, scales and even wood. A big focus of it will be the players making their own stuff. There isn't some shop you can pop into and buy a sword, you gotta get the wood and shark teeth and make that shit yourself.
I plan to include Tiki golems which will be made from a sacred wood which can only be used by shamans. Tikis themselves will be rare, but the wood will be availablr. So players can find some and take it to a shaman to have them make enchanted armor or weapons with it. But the wood will be super rare and just cutting down a tree will be a serious crime.
It's cool to be excited about your system and all, but please don't shit on other generic systems in the process. There's enough bad blood in the hobby, and in particular toolkit-style system fans should see each other as brothers, not as enemies.
Anyway, carry on.
p.s. I know you were just joking, I just thought it should be mentioned.
Man, you fail to understand. It's not about adding to design space. It's about ending it. There will be nopthing more to add after Genesys so we can finally enjoy the hobby in the fullest.
Okay, seriously can anybody tell me why this game gets so much hype? Is there something I am missing, or is this shitposting-gone-rampart situation?
Brothers? Please stop implying your father fucked my mother.
A significant majority of gamers consider Fantasy Flight's Star Wars the pinnacle of game design. And now it's going generic.
>or is this shitposting-gone-rampart situation?
I think you meant "rampant", but yes.
I'm interested in seeing how it plays, but not so much that I'd try to create a general thread before anyone even has the fucking book.
Because FFG's SWRPG made a major innovation: it allowed the following dice results from one roll:
Success with Triumph
Failure with Despair
Success with Despair
That was more or less where the industry had been for about fifteen years. But the dice added:
Failure with Triumph
Success with Triumph and Advantage to provide future success
Failure with Triumph and Advantage to pull some advantage out of their mistake
Success with Despair and Advantage
Now do this all again with Threat
It's a monstrous tally of potential results that makes the result of the roll narratively interesting without requiring the GM to make decisions. It also encourages the player to consider what they want out of the Triumphs and Despairs and Threats and Advantages, further alleviating the amount of work the GM has to do.
Plus the results are by default interesting for the players, meaning it's a win-win.
That fucking character sheet gave me aids.
I was legitimately excited for Genesys and now that hype has died.
Is there at least a caveat that if a player cant think of a narrative circumstance which satisfies a contradictory element (success+despair, failure+triumph) that its just a normal fuckup?
>Now do this all again with Threat
No thanks.
I'm convinced that 90% of the posts both liking and shitting on this game are from people trying to make others hate it.
The positive posts are comically overselling it and the negative posts are completely assblasted that anyone would dare make an RPG that costs money.
I'm interested in the system but we have so little to talk about that the only thing /gengen/ threads will create is more salt. Also, whoever is spamming new threads three times a day needs to knock it off.
There's a LOT of shitposting, but there's a fair bit of hype too - there's fans of FFG's SW stuff, people who just want new shit, people excited for licences that are getting splats...
I was onboard until I looked into the details
Too many stats and skills.
Also they claim it's open ended but then have strict "class" progression. To me it seems they don't know what they are doing.
I don't like the dice symbols, I think it would bug me too much to enjoy the game. Interpreting symbols would get old fast.
Finally I don't like the art or presentation.
But how are we going to pirate those dice? NO THANK YOU
Lots of caveats. The game rules suggest the player and GM work together to determine the narrative out come.
Traditionally the PCs determine positive effects and Gm negative.
Use regular dice, they have conversion tables!
Or use regular dice, they have sticker-sheets you can copy