So, seeing that everyone is sperging over EA pay to win and kids „gambling” for money. Isn’t Magic exactly the same principle?
EA vs Magic
Kind of. Boosters are like loot boxes but you can sell cards and there's probably going to be at least one valuable or useful card in every pack.
magic has a secondary market, meaning you dont HAVE to crack boosters
EA, comparatively, doesn't, and therefore is fuckin dumb
Some guy on reddit told me that not only was WOTC evil for making packs of random trading cards, so was McDonalds for having a random toy in a happy meal. Mystery boxes are the machinations of Satan I guess.
>magic has a secondary market
and affordable quality counterfeits
>Mystery boxes are the machinations of Satan I guess.
Jack Chick was right all along!
Well, as dumb as it sounds, it’s kind of true.. if what EA does is wrong, than so is McDonalds
It’s quite addictive, but so are baseball cards and flippos
I honestly read that as Filipinos
It is enhancing the price of the item without enhancing its value. It's pretty scummy.
Not really, the toy isn't the main product in a happy meal, the food is.
I haven't read up on what EA's been doing lately, but it sounds like they're restricting the core product behind a real-cash gambling mechanic.
McDonalds toys are at least a physical thing. You can do whatever you want with a McDonalds toy.
Also, if you ask for a specific toy, they usually give it to you.
Magic is old news though. EA is just current. Once people get used to it they'll stop arguing about it (which EA is counting on imo).
I remember back in school (~20 years ago) we used to play magic during breaks and one guy had to hide his black deck from his parents because they thought it was satanism.
They were fine with white though.
Since when is McDonalds classified as food? I could have sworn it was industrial biproducts flavored to be delicious and addicting.
Well, yeah, that too
No one said it was GOOD food.
I don't know, I don't have to buy Magic as a supposedly complete product then buy more. Games sold as 60$ experiences have some real fucking balls asking for you to indulge their micro-transactions bullshit after the fact.
Magic has multiple workarounds that.
With loot box game content is that you are forced to play in unfair matchups who just plain got luckier.
Also you can draft with the cards too. The random loot box nature is actually part of the game.
Actually come to think of it, wouldn't it be neat to see the drafting model applied to one of these loot boxy shooters? Like a CoD game or something where everyone ponies up for three loot boxes and you take turns picking guns and perks.
Lootboxes are actively making the main product (games) worse. Booster packs aren't because they are the product
It's literally the same. I don't know why it's taken people so long to realize this. Magicfags just never bothered to think about it or look for alternatives, so they've been obediently gobbling that shit up for literal decades like the dumb sheep they are.
>Magicfags just never bothered to think about it or look for alternatives,
They literally print their own cards or play deckbuilding games with all the cards included in a big box instead
False equivalency. The toy is real. Any decent company would be giving out these "loot boxes" for free in updates or include them as a random award system in game. As in no extra gratuity needed. Hell, the game itself is barely worth the amount of money they try to claim it is, let alone additions which amount to virtually zero effort or extra content on their part.
Magic already has bigger problems than being pay to win, it's pay to keep on winning.
>False equivalency. The toy is real. Any decent company would be giving out these "loot boxes" for free in updates or include them as a random award system in game.
This is a non-argument. Whether you get random cards in real life or random cards in a computer game, you're still a fucking idiot for buying the lootbox that contained them.
Pretty much this. When it comes down to it, it all comes down to expectations. If you get into card games that don't involve a 52 4 suite deck, you've pretty much accepted you're going to be going at booster loot pack boxes like gaggle of crack addicts looking for that one card that will complete yours (and everyone elses) deck but is just so rare you might as well pucker up and pay hundreds of dollars for it on ebay. You've accepted that booster pack acquisition is your main deal.
The games EA slathers it all over, however, is not. People buy the game for the game, not for the loot box bonanza. And often times because they need you to buy the loot boxes to make it 'worth', they'll arbitrarily wreck the balance of the game for the sole purpose of insuring you'll buy lootboxes.
You already get loot boxes in Battlefront 2 for free, it's how you progress in the game. You can get one after every ten or so rounds, unless you suck ass.
>I haven't read up on what EA's been doing lately, but it sounds like they're restricting the core product behind a real-cash gambling mechanic.
>I don't have all the facts, or really even any of them, but based on my second hand sources who are most certainly not biased it sounds like what they're doing is worse than Hitler, and it fits my worldview so I'm going to agree
He didn't say anything remotely close to that second paragraph, he was just stating what he knew about the situation you arse.
You can ask which of the Toys your McDonald’s currently has in stock with their current cycle of the promotion and series, or even buy them separately. Happy Meals are not the same.
You can buy cards on the open market, meaning that there is an alternative method of getting what you want. If you simply define purchasing something of varying value as gambling, then buying fruit is fucking gambling.
All this random treasure box shit in videogames does the same stuff to your brain as gambling and kids in development phase are being subjected to it... It can't be good. Booster packs are pretty much the same. It's not technically gambling but from a psychological point of view it may as well be.
dont even pretend it isnt gambling you stupid nigger
you have to fucking obtuse to argue that the shit EA and Activision is churning out isnt fucking gambling
get the fuck out shill
One of the ways in which South Korea has attempted to curb lootboxes in games is by forcing devs to publish drop rates.
Magic has had a published drop rate/booster for years.
Its still gambling, but at least you know what you're getting into, and WotC can't go around fucking with the drop rates for individual users depending on their buying habits and any other dirty shit they (and every other dev, here's looking at you Blizzard) almost certainly are doing
When I was a kid, I learned that when I ordered the same happy meal, I got the same toy. I'm pretty sure they're not random.
There's a couple major differences that really changes shit.
The first is that if WotC goes under and discontinues the game, the cards themselves will still exist and will probably retain some value. Meanwhile EA can just stop supporting a video game, shut down servers, and then everything you've bought in-game disappears and there's fuck all you can do about it.
A second major difference that's pretty self-explanatory is that it's a lot harder to trick a young child into buying Magic cards with mommy's credit card than it is to trick them into buying loot boxes, by the nature of Magic cards being a physical item you generally have to buy from a store.
And the big difference is that Magic is generally much less deceptive about what you're going to get. Battlefront presents itself as a full game and really isn't, but if you buy a precon it's actually a functional deck, if not optimized. Also, loot boxes don't always publish their rates (moreso here in the west; gacha games in Japan by law have to do it), but games with boosters do.
That's pretty much it, yeah. The actual gameplay is solid, but progression is tied to microtransactions which you can either get for real-world cash, or grind for hours and hours. And there's time-restrictions on how much of the in-game currency you can earn within X amount of time depending on the game modes you play.
A few people calculated that if you wanted to get everything maxed out, you'd either have to spend $2100 (in addition to the 60-80 for the game itself) or play upwards of 4500 hours - about 180 days worth of playtime.
And then on top of that, the star cards that you get can vary in stuff like health regen, maximum health, even better aim assist.
>I remember back in school (~20 years ago) we used to play magic during breaks and one guy had to hide his black deck from his parents because they thought it was satanism.
They were fine with white though.
I had a friend in a similar situation. His mom made him trade away all of his black cards.
You can also proxy cards, or entire decks for playing and testing before buying. (With no limit)
Certainly not something EA can do.
What's to stop modders from wearing skins client-side?
Look kiddo you have to understand the Veeky Forums motto
Black dick? We praise that shit.
Another man's son? We raise that shit.
Veeky Forums is proudly:
1. Pro white genocide
2. Pro antifa
3. Pro LGBTPQ++
4. Pro punching nazis
5. Pro big government
6. Pro business
7. Pro communist
So yes, EA did nothing wrong you fascist nazis.
EA = I don't like it. = Bad = For cucks and other one word undesirables.
TCGs = I like it. = Good = Tool of the Ubermensch, Hitler himself finds this agreeable.
I think the problem with mystery(loot) boxes is that there isn't any real mystery to them and ontop of that they aren't tangible. It's a perfect cash sink since Battlefront 2 severs will go offline eventually and your "rewards" with them.
As to the mystery part, lootboxes have such menial rewards there is no real satisfaction to them. With Cs:Go which is arguably more worthy to be called gambling than these lootboxes you could get a ton or different things in boxes and these things had monetary value and were pseudo tangible in the sense you could actually sell them and move(trade)them around like digital objects. These were however not at all pay2win as they had no impact on Gameplay whatsoever.
I wish EA Had Charlie and The Chocolate Factory tier rewards lootbox rewards not in the sense you get to visit EA but in the sense you'll become CEO at the end.
Magic the gathering and other physical card games you get physical objects. Even if Magic The Gathering stops manufacturing cards you won't suddenly lose your cards.
EA products are infamous for having such a limited life span that anything you buy will be useless within 2 or 3 years when the sequel is announced or the company is kill.
Let's be honest, EA just wants that sweet whale money.
Skins are not the only thing you have to grind for/buy/gamble in EA game.
Are you actually able to read? No where is implied that it’s NOT gambling and that it is in any way a good thing. Just that magic is the same as gambling and heavily marketed towards kids as well.
Learn to read retard
10 rounds to maybe get anything what you want is pretty long time.
SW lootbox controversy is that there's no market to just buy weapons, loot boxes are slow to drop, and the drops have tangible effect on the game as opposed to overwatch pure cosmetics
They're related, but not exactly the same. Magic has a secondary market you can choose to participate in, making back some of your money or getting exactly what you need without buying a hundred packs. It also has a set amount of each rarity in a pack, while every vidya loot box that I know of is completely random, it's possible to get the equivalent of all commons in one and then the equivalent of double mythic rares in the next one. Lastly, magic cards are a physical object, so if WotC stops making the game entirely, you are still able to use what you have. Overwatch gets shut down, all that money goes down the drain. Hell, because of the physical objectness, you can make fakes and proxies to play with people who don't object to such things, costing you even less.