Different races you would to see return to 5ed. Me I wouldn't mind Varana or Shardminds.
Different Races You Want to See in 5ed
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I want a list of natural weapon. For race, Tiamat's drgonspawn.
Minotaurs and Half-Ogres, that's it.
Now, just to make myself clear: I want the 'just barely in control of their emotions' Minotaurs, I find 4th's "noble" Minotaurs to be very goofy and inappropriate.
I think Krynn minotaurs are in an Unearthed Arcana somewhere, and a different kind in one of the Plane Shift books. As far as how they are represented, just play them the way you want. Ignore the fluff and just use the crunch.
Speaking of ignoring fluff, I'd like to see a playable gnoll race. Maybe the Kalashtar from Eberron, and the Shardminds from late 4E.
I love shardmindS good fun to role play.
Actually wouldn't mind this.
The Amanhotet or whatever Minotaurs are pretty good for savage minotaurs, they're essentially just half-orcs mechanically, but had a d6 headbutt, which could arguably be changed (I guess they have ram horns instead of bull horns?)
I think this would be awesome, except I hate the hybrid form. I think it would be much weirder and mythopeic if they had their humanoid and animal form only, and they must sleep in their animal forms.
From C.S. Lewis' Narnia book "The Silver Chair".
We actually did this in a seagoing campaign and my wife played a marshwiggle rogue.
The one I played in 4e slept in his animal form in his sleeping bag, so it'd look like an empty sleeping bag basically. Since the group didn't know I was anything but human they started to wonder where I'd go at night.
I've never had the chance to play one. What experience have you had with them?
Played him as curious individual learning how to interact with fleshes. Helped that I didn't need to sleep during a long rest.
I'm sure I'll think of more later, but immediately:
Xixchil and Thri-kreen
Dhampir or Vryloka
Lupin - Based on the swashbuckling movie style culture they had, not 3e's cliche wolf-riding Great Plains Amerindians
Hengeyokai - or, rather, Kitsune and Tanuki races who aren't one-trick ponies, because, seriously, fuck how the traditional handling of Hengeyokai in D&D
Spellscales, just to see if they can make them halfway decent in this edition
...Except they have never been "just barely in control of their emotions". We've had mindless, savage monsters (every edition prior to 4e), stoic neo-Romans (Dragonlance) and "struggling to control themselves and cling to their nobler nature" (4e).
I would really love an edition that said FUCK OFF to all half-X creatures. There is no originality anymore. Everybody is a special snowflake because muh fatha or matha wuz kung and sheet.
im already h appy with them finally having Lizardfolk.
I just wish theyd give em a better backstory
They have a backstory?
yeah and its crap "they reject innovation because of their idiot god"
For some reason they are muslims.
They used to have a better backstory but it got rewritten into this.
Non-4th edition, old school tiefling.
Lots of reasons to hate civilization I guess, not sure that sounds like a good one. Where is this located? Monster Manual?
yeah that and i think volos guide. Were talking FR here
Ecology of the Lizardfolk, Dragon Magazine #335
Probably shardminds so one of the players in my group won't have to keep homebrewing it in
bless goat legs tielings
Some of what I want is in UA, but needs revision.
Alright, I want to see OA stuff come back.
Spirit Folk
And a Dwarf or gob subrace of Kokubukiro.
I want to see for Eberron
Shifters, with seperate traits and subraces so they can touch on standard, the Sarlonan steppes variety, and the rare saurian. There would be a good place to use racial feats for shit like weretouched master.
Warforged with Subraces for Scout, Mithral, Adamant, Regular, and Psiforged with a racial feat for WF Juggernaut.
I want to see in general
Half Ogres
Dark Sun Subraces
Shard Minds
Half Giants, but as generic Psionics or assorted giant type Subraces
Minotaurs of Krynn or other settings
Hadozee and their ship shape glider Wing baboonery
Gith, Yanki and Zerai
Eladrin, haughty and near fey.
Sea Elves
Merfolk, with varieties for shallows and abyssal depths
Giff, All bluster with tasseled pauldrons and powder horns shouting tally ho
I want too much, and perhaps that is fine. This edition will have a long life and slowly move through many settings.