
BNTY fuckbois are making their own forbes articles, vote brigading reddit and shilling on Veeky Forums.
They're getting desperate.

Other urls found in this thread:



Glad I sold off mine



Are you seriously trying to fud a fucking FORBES article?? Did your caretakers take your helmet off or something?

easiest 300 percent ever, glad i sold at ath

Back to the telegram with you leddit

I seriously hope no one is falling for this Pump and dump shitcoin. Only visited the telegram tos ee what was up with all these shill bnty threads on this board

is Krak Dev just Sergey with a beard and glasses??? is this what he's been doing instead of working on CHAINLINK?! SERGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY

Forbsters are subhuman nocoiner poorfags

And this is bad because??? Shows that BNTY has normie appeal

Screencapped. See you at a dollar bruh

Welcome to journalism in 2017

Love how it's actually written by a grill with tons of Forbes articles and we have a biztard telling us it was shilled by a group of neckbeards in telegram

seriously how retarded are you

Jesus christ this guy is relentlessly stupid.

This absolute moron has been posting this cap in every thread.

What's sad is that we don't need these retards shilling their dumbass posts everywhere. Just let the coin naturally grow.

She's a member of their telegram you fucking idiot

she sure is lol

So dogshit it couldn't even get on the binance vote for new coins

This. What the fuck is wrong with these people. Now we are tainted with Pajeetery.

Man you people are really fighting to keep the price down.

Forbes articles = paid sponsored content