the red world edition
Warcraft lore and tabletop, as established in the board games, WC3:TFT, vanilla WoW, and now WoW: BfA.
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the red world edition
Warcraft lore and tabletop, as established in the board games, WC3:TFT, vanilla WoW, and now WoW: BfA.
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First for forsaken best race and anything they do to reclaim and keep their homes is justified.
Trolls are probably one of the most beloved races in the game, and no one notices. They have some of the longest history on Azeroth, all the elves you know and love/hate are descended from them, their traditions and sources of power are unique from every other race on the planet, they're incredibly versatile if you consider their class choices, they're one of the most pervasive races across the expansions. It's not just Darkspears, man.
Reminder Varok Saurfang doesn't generate threat, he generates promises.
What's the event called where blood elves reclaim Quel'thalas so I can read about it? Don't remember how belves came back to such a pristine realm.
I mean orion could probably shove the spear of kurnuous up his ass.
kys again forsaken trash Lordaeron belongs to the living
I'm not aware the blood elves ever left Quel'thalas. I mean, yeah, Arthas and the Scourge shitstomped them, trashed the Sunwell and left the Scar on the land, but the blood elves were the ones who stayed and looked for new power sources while the high elves left and turned to meditation and junk.
>Varok "honor, no matter how dire the battle. Never forsake it... unless you're a girl or my son is dead teehee" Saurfang
into the trash it goes
We're at silly levels at this point.
I was born in this land. I was raised in this house. I tilled these fields. I ran this mill. I owned that tavern. Fuck you. Its mine. You cant even pry it from my cold dead hands.
Why is Green Mel Gibson so angry?
>you can hear the "I AM MY SCARS"
What happened to all the fun natured banter?
>Fedoridan tryhards a God of Light to death because it wanted to brainwash him into its slave soldier
>This angers Turalyon, who is now an Astartes chapter master
>Illidan catches his sword like in anime
Remember when this game was about fighting ogre kings and undead wizards?
In Illidan's defense, the whole point of that scene was that he refuses to answer to anyone ever again, even the Light's "avatars."
>you were born in this land. you were raised in that house. you used to till those fields and run the mill. You owned that tavern. You died, then were raised by black magic to terrorize, consume, and destroy your own people
maybe if you didnt slaughter your own brothers and sisters, poison the fields, rivers, and lakes you once called home, and didn't bow to the Lich queen I might feel sorry for you
kys again, and stop experimenting with the plague, you know the thing that murdered you and raised you from the dead into a hellish existence you curse with every step you take
Illidan's alive again?
too many people wiping on his fights
He should have stayed dead.
he never died in the first place, we just beat him so hard that his soul fell out, and then Maiev stole his body
He's been alive for a while now. Legion turned Illidan into a honest-to-God dindu nuffin. It retroactively changes the narrative of TBC to say that he was never in the wrong (in fact, the Alliance and Horde should be thanking him).
>die for you home
>break free and murder the man who did it in righteous vengeance
>implying you are not just greedy and want the will
Well fuck you. Im cutting you out of it. And if you think you can have it I have a whole cauldron brewing on the fire. I swear to the light and the void I will kill us all if you fuck with me.
>we just beat him so hard that his soul fell out
That's generally what happens when someone dies.
Okay. So Guldan from another universe was hurled through a portal by the alt-universe Burning Legion.
Long story short. Varian's dead. Vul'jin's dead. Sylvanas is warchief. Anduin is king. The entire command structure of the Burning Legion save for Sargeras is dead. Illidan's body was recovered and Alt-Guldan tried to put Sargeras's soul into it but he was stopped and then Illidan got up and soul-fucked him into oblivion. Illidan is supposed to be some chosen one. You restore a Prime Naaru. Turns out the thing about Naaru being evil from TBC was legit. They're just Light-Evil because imbalance is what leads to evil.
Yeah turns out he wasn't really dead, just imprisoned in carbonite. Gul'dan woke him up on accident and promptly got BTFO'd.
He went from being a Tryhard Virgin pouting in his NEET basement to a Tryhard Virgin who is the CHOSE ONE, BORN OF LIGHT AND SHADOW. That webm shows an autistic vorlon who tried brainwashing him into its personal stormtrooper, and he responded by going "blow me" and blew it up.
Everything about Legion is weird. Like the demons actually fly around in fucking Star Destroyers.
its alright though. He is now out of the story permanently.
lol is that why undercity burns now corpsy? Have fun falling apart as you slowly decompose while you precious banshee queen uses you like sandbags to keep her out of hell
Here's the full version of that cutscene, by the way.
>It retroactively changes the narrative of TBC to say that he was never in the wrong (in fact, the Alliance and Horde should be thanking him).
Even back in TBC Illidan wasn't necessarily wrong. He brought the fight to the Legion. he raised an army and was doing a pretty respectable job fucking up demons. Kael'thas and Vaginafish were just cunts.
>lol I dont even want your land
Good. Stay out. Its mine. Go back to what ever city in the south you came from. Lordaeron belongs to the Forsaken.
>belongs to the forsaken
no it doesn't deadlet.
I was under the impression his whole thing in TBC was he just wanted to fap in peace but the Legion kept shitting on his lawn. His opposition to them really wasn't all that altruistic.
I wonder how all the Illidari RPers reconcile with the fact their faction is guilty of actual sex slavery.
>"They were comfort women and volunteers"
Weren't all those concubines for Kael?
>he responded by going "blow me" and blew it up.
He almost redeemed himself by doing that.
*implying that thousands of citizens of Lordaeron, Stromgaurd, Alterac, Azeroth, etc didnt flee south when the plague hit
I mean serriously the humans in the game are based off late medieval Europe. 80% of the poplulation lived in small towns and on their farms, the second corpses began showing up 50% of the country would have run as fast as they could have south. Storywise this kinda shows up with the first undead mission back in WC3 reign of chaos.
>It belongs to the living
>thats why we burned it down and dont even want it anymore
>It belongs to the living
Make up your mind breather. I still have the plague if you wanna sample it
>I wonder how all the Illidari RPers reconcile with the fact their faction is guilty of actual sex slavery.
imagine being one of the Sons of Lothar and ending up getting kidnapped by fel orcs and mind controlled into a sex slave
>abandon it
>complain that the people who stayed and fought for it have it now
>we burned it down
no we were trying to heal the land and farm in peace
plagueniggers like you are the ones squatting over it and killing it because you can't handle being a shambling monstrosity.
diseased, ruined city completely overflowing with dead, and the plague... honesty it would be better to burn it down and build on the ashes
""""people""""""" the undead are abominations, even in their minds. I mean hell Sylvanas even refers to her existence as a curse. You corpses exist only to stop her from going to the empty void she believes is waiting for her.....
ironically she is so afraid of hell she commits atrocities to stay out of it
>stayed and fought for it.
More like died like rats and were raised by discount spirit healers.
Still better than cowards who ran away from the scary abominations.
>look at this horrible shit hole
>I know, lets take it
>farm in peace
>land that is mine
No go away. I still have the deed.
>Be me,
>Korrine Montaine, faithful Paladin of the Light
>Swear to follow Trollbane and Turalyon into hell itself for the people I love.
>Go into Dark Portal
>Get stranded
>Get routed by demons immediately
>Some winged fucker grabs me, carries me all the way to a hell temple
>Lose my armor, my sword, forced to walk around in my underwear and blow Doomguards and Fel Orcs for the next twenty years
>Get killed and looted by xXLegolassXx
Settle down, kids. The Forsaken have the right to live in peace. As do all peoples. Undead or not, people are people and they deserve to be respected as well as protected.
>illidan catches with his bare hand a sword infused with and half made out of light which he should have type disadvantage against
There's explicitly mention of an incident where the Burning Legion were prepped to flank the Alliance and Horde at the Stairs of Destiny at the Dark Portal, and Illidan singlehandedly routed the Legion offensive, saving the Alliance and Horde forces without them ever knowing there was a flank in the first place.
Thats right! You dont get to abandon your brothers and sisters to a fate worse than death and then complain about how bad they smell afterwards!
like any paladin would actually defend the forsaken, hell none of the class orders would defend the forsaken sans maybe the warlocks simply because "muh power", even the death knights would kill Sylvanas if she uses the plague again
you died, contracts expire on death, thus the "deed" you have is void, additionally you swore allegiance to Sylvanas who is an enemy of Lordaeron and her people which makes you a traitor
There were undead in the ranks of the Argent Dawn, bruv.
You want me dead, come and do it.
If by "abandon" you mean "be an entire mountain range south of them and only hear about it after" or "also be getting killmaimburned at the time."
Technically your point still applies to Gilneas.
they were not forsaken, they were undead who went to help those they had previously been trying to kill. The Forsaken betrayed their allies and slaughtered them (sure Garathos deserved to die but did the men who followed him and fought for Lordaeron and its people), Attacked villages and farms killed the people there and then raised them from the dead, then forced them to attack their own living family members. The forsaken aren't morally grey they are chaotic evil, doing everything in their power to stay alive because they are all scared shitless of the void that awaits them, ironically damning themselves by committing atrocities to stay alive
He technically has the Light within him, apparently.
keep hiding behind your allies corpsey, we all know you zombies are too cowardly to fight, thats what the orcs and Tauren are for right?
Heh, after playing too much warhammer TW, I realized how garish blizzard armor looks in comparison
Literally radious tier stuff
>why are you running away from us, we just want to kill you and take your family farm that smells bad
Gee, cant imagine why the Forsaken dont trust you.
>Why are others stopping us from killing these people we abandoned but dont really care about but hate so much
Guess honor is lost on you.
>4skins talking about honor
At least WoW doesn't have MOUNTED NO DACHI FEMALE NINJAs.
At least they don't have that and pretend to be realistic.
>fled when their brothers died
>cried when their brothers came back
>wanted to kill them to cover for their cowardice
All of my pieces of sides
>what is orgrimmar bank outskirts.
Face it. Radious gets all his ideas from standing outside the auction house.
LOL honor? what honor is there in slaughtering farmers, and villagers? Sylvanas raises anything and everything she can so she can throw your corpses at her enemies in an attempt to keep herself alive.
Garathos was even NICER to the Forsaken than he was to the High Elves, He was going to kill all of them, he just told Sylvanas to get out of the capital. She killed all of his men and raised them as her mind slaves because muh vengeance.
holy shit I cant tell if trolling or just incredibly stupid. The forsaken didn't die defending their lands, they died at their dinner tables as they ate poisoned bread, or as they ran through the streets only to be cut down by the corpses created by frostmorne. You only "Broke Free" because Nerzul cared more about corrupting a princeling and getting a body than controlling all the mindless corpses he had created in Lordaeron
>came back
you mean raised into a mockery of life?
you aren't the same people that died. You are void magic taped corpses dancing around as puppets and LARPing as citizens of lordaeron.
So there do exist non evil undead in the setting still, nut ironically they are not forsaken.
Also the forsake could learn much about remembering selflessness, they act like nothing matters simply because they got the raw deal on afterlives, I ask, why not live for others instead of ruining it all for yourself?
In fairness, loitering in Org on an RP server is a good way to come across some fucking weird characters.
The same honor that comes with abandoning family and friends to the horrors of undeath you yourself so willingly decry but when it comes time to pay the bill where are you? Crying that you dont get to inherit great grannies farm and uncles tavern. Well boo hoo hoo. Maybe you should have turned and fought. Or were you a member of the Damned?
Then you think you of all people would understand. What other people have gone through as much? What other people have suffered. Will you bear the burden with your people or will you pretend that isnt your brother and sister? Will shy away again? Look away at the suffering you couldnt stop once?
and some of them become immortalized in mods
radious' work looks tame compared to anything from WoTLK onward. For better or worse, his swords look like swords not giant razor blades.
*ignoring faction banter for a moment*
many undead follow Sylvanas and call themselves forsaken because they are indebted to her. She was the first undead to truely break free of the Lich Kings control, and she and her banshee's lead the revolt against the scourge that created the forsaken. The Forsaken see her as a protector and the leader for their vengeance against the Lich King, and they fully supported her push for total war against the Scourge. They adopted a kind of "anything goes" strategy were nothing was off the table if it meant the scourge would be defeated. After ICC Sylvanas tried to kill herself by throwing herself off the citadel, she was impaled by a spike of Saronite, a metal formed by old god blood. Once her spirit left her body she had a vision of a cold void, of endless torment. Some of the Lich Kings minions the Valkir, offered to raise her from the dead and serve her, she accepted as she was afraid of eternal torment. Its never explicitly stated in game but I would assume she told the other forsaken about this vision which led to them supporting her endeavors to find immortality.
ITT delusional human paladin mains who think they are spess mehreenz
ITT rotten corpses think they are people.
>brothers and sisters who I will abandon so I can have their farm*
How do I create a good backstory for my undead character.
>brothers and sisters who I will irradiate so I can mope
The blighted grain was a source of some forsaken, plenty others died to scourge. Arthas and friends massacred Lordaeron's capital when he came home by the sword, not plague
don't be this guy.
retreating is never glorious but it is necessary in the face of unmatchable odds. The plague killed people faster than they could react, spreading by water, food, and air. The Forsaken were not "just defenders of Lordaeron" like you paint them. They were ordinary people who got killed by the plague and then raised. OR people who were killed by the scourge horde as they tried to flee from its advance. Furthermore the Forsaken created their faction not to establish themselves as a permanent occupying force but as a vanguard for the scourges destruction. Corpses that couldn't be effected by the plague and could fight places that the living could not. NOW however they fight against their living brothers and sisters, Raising their own children from their graves and poisoning the very land they called their home. You can pretend all you want that you're defending the land against invaders. It will never change the fact the IN LORE your own character sees itself as an abomination, a curse that is forced to live out undeath not to better the world or nurture new life.... but to snuff out the life of anything that maybe might someday threaten your paranoid queen
I played mine as a follower of the light, a devout priest who only wanted to use the light to protect and serve his people. A man of Faith who wanted to use his Faith to save others. A man who watched as faith left the people during the war. A man who saw the Faith of the Unholy and how terrifying it was. A man whos Faith could not stand as a beacon any longer.
A man (or a monster) whos Faith would make the Unholy tremble as he once did. A man whos Faith would no longer flicker in the dark. A man whos Faith would consume others instead.
I also like guilting human paladins for not doing enough.
So there isn't much to actually say that said afterlife is the only possible outcome for them
I am incapable of experiencing positive emotion because of the curse laid against me. What is your excuse?
yes, it is speculated that the vision sylvanas had was created by the Old Gods as a way to force her to commit more and more atrocities to stay alive, furthering conflict and making the world easier for them to influence
dont have one, the dead are a disease to be cleansed, In a blue post a long time ago they said that any undead weilding the light like a priest would slowly begin regaining some emotions, and feeling. That they would begin to feel the maggots in their rotting flesh, and they would begin to taste and smell their own decomposing skin and tongue. According to the Paladin mount quest line with enough light and preparation a dead horse can be remade in the light. If the Forsaken weren't so hell bent on destroying the world around them maybe someone would care enough to see if they could be healed.
So.... the old gods are the hand of blizzard?
sounds about right.... At this point the Lore is so all over the place its almost impossible to keep track of
>can be remade in the light
>still want to genocide them
Starting to think the Forsaken are not the only ones fueled solely by negative energy and emotions.
>like any paladin would actually defend the forsaken
Not all the Forsaken are like Sylvanas or Putress. Some are just people who want to live their lives as best they can.
A paladin's duty is not to purge cities or to hunt down those who have done nothing simply because they're of a different nature. That's madness. A paladin's duty is to protect the people from true threats. And to be as a shield for the weak.
>is trying to kill all living things, poisoning the land and slaughtering anyone who gets in their way
oh yeah you're totally asking for our help over here, Seriously? ffs mate at least try to be logical. Shit even if the living DID feel sorry for you, the Forsaken kills any living person who enters Tyrisfal
>larping this hard
lol no, any undead who truely wants to help save the world has left the forsaken at this point. Many went with the Argent Crusade to Northrend or help the ebon blade. Anything remaining with the Forsaken at this point wholly supports their Lich Queen are are guilty of the same crimes she is. The Forsaken actively search for new people to raise to undeath, research and improve the plague, and torture and modify the dead that dont agree with them. (That one death knight from the battle for Anderhal comes to mind)
Because you were so keen on helping in the first place brother.
what book
also how weird is that speech to have suddenly after an encounter
>what is Southshore, Anderhal, or any of the other countless farms and towns the Forsaken have attacked because "they are living therefore they are Alliance"
I couldnt fit the last couple line in the screen snip. Though it does come from lands of conflict from the RPG under the section from Tirisfal Glades.
>Though it is true that many of us are jealous of the living, and some have allowed this jealousy to curdle into hatred, do not judge us by those individuals. Judge us by our actions. We welcome you to Tirisfal.”
>wahhh give us your land but dont defend yourself.
I told you I would kill us all.
the people living there did nothing against the forsaken, They were killed so Varimathras could test his new plague. Instead of being the vanguard of the scourges destruction, the Forsaken simply became the scourge2.0
you weren't defending yourselves, you were killing anything and anyone who even questioned your Lich Queen
>side note I also would be interested to see what book that came from, Never seen it before
And Varimathras was destroyed for his acts.
You are missing out. I will upload my full folder and link it in a drive. Give me a few minutes. Specifically it is from Lands of Conflict, the d20 RPG. It is Brann Bronzebeards perspective of Everywhere. The best part is when he visits the Nerubians imo.
>the death knight who defied orders because his butt buddy was leading the other team, not on any moral ground
>And Varimathras was destroyed for his acts.
nah mate he was destroyed because he revolted against Sylvanas. Litterally the only reason the Horde exists after the battle of undercity is because Jaina hadn't embraced her "dismantle" voice yet and TPed Sylv and Thrall away before Varrian could beat sense into them
>any moral ground
>lets not kill each other because there's scourge here.
so that requires torture and/or mental conditioning/ mind control? Removing him from his command -> yes..... Mind control is literally Lich King tier necromancy
Its going to be a few minutes but it will be in this folder
We were able to learn that Sylvanas runs her own gulag because of that incident.
so Sylvanas is Stalin? sounds about right
The player takes out the Scourge before said truce. Cucktira was a retard who should have stayed in Acherus if he couldn't handle being enemies with his old lover