How did we go from this...
How did we go from this
To this
Well, first you posted a painting of a drow, then you posted a photo of a bro.
To this
To this
very funny
To this
A MUCH better question is how we went from this to that.
but dark elves were already literally like that during drizzt days.
To that
Wait when did they make drizzt female?
I was expecting you to post those anime fat elves or the one with huge gross ears THIS
>those disgusting horizontal pig ears
How do people find this shit sexy?
that's not what pig ears look like, user.
Yes, they do. And they are gross and hairy to boot. If they wheren't pig ears then they would be vertical not horizontal.
nah, pig ears are more flared. Have a completely different shape and setup.
Only when they are young. Once they get older their ears change just like the rest of them. Unless you are one of those idiots who believes in the teacup pig scam and believe they will never grow up?
nah, they seem to maintain their flared, almost square-like ears into adulthood.
I worked on a farm for four years. You’re wrong. Unless you’re from some non-country with weird looking animals.
Probably because that's not what pig ears look like?
"We" didn't, the nips did because nips have ungodly shit taste (hence pig orcs) and are surprisingly normie as fuck.
>What do you mean user
I mean that these faggots are triggered by the idea of a female in their fiction having even a slight trait that makes her seem not entirely human, basically all their "non-human" girls could easily just be passed off as normal anime girls with a headband or something. Even something like weird coloured skin leans little to far into the "weird" side that they're scared to use it (unless it's blue, for some reason nips seem to have no issue with blue skin)
Tell you what.
You produce for me SICK cyberpunk violence the likes of which late 80s anime gave me from another culture, and I will consider your point.
Otherwise, I am forced to stay with my dealers, as nobody likes obscenely overdetailed and over the top cyberviolence it seems, and I have extremely rare sources.
Drizzt was never cool.
Salvatore's take on the Drow was always stupid.
Making DnD novels was a mistake.
>Blade Runner 2049 being a box office failure basically ensured that cyberpunk was a dead genre in the west
It hurts
>Hollywood blamed the genre
>Instead of being willing to admit that everyone's sick of sequels and reboots to ancient-as-fuck properties, even if this one was the one exception out of the last two-dozen that was actually good.
Don't worry, user, the whole industry'll come crashing down pretty soon.
I'm worrying, I fucking -need- cyber. Like I need mechs, and heists, and horrible far flung dystopias.
None of those things are cyberpunk specific. Cyberpunk is just a minor archetype of distopia; regular old sci-fi had plenty horrible far flung dystopias for decades before Neuromancer and they will continue to have them in the future. Cyberpunk was never significantly popular and it probably never will be, it's just a subgenre.
Blade Runner 2049 was OK though. Might have been great if didn't shoehorn Harrison Ford's wrinkled old man body into it.
>none of those are cyberpunk specific
no, I mean they are things I also need.
Like, I need my cyberpunk, but I also need my mechs, and etcetera. They don't have to be IN cyberpunk.
Though now that you mention it, cyberpunk DOES have a lot of the things I need in it, so maybe that's why I also need it so bad.
It deserved to fail for dragging that tired old corpse Harrison Ford back out instead of telling a completely new story. His perpetually confused face ruined the movie for me.
Feels pretty good to me.
Man, the term 'Box office failure' is weird these days. The movie made 250 million on a 150 million budget, so it's not like it lost money. At this point the bar for 'Failure' seems to be way too high these days.
Absolutely this. I'd rate the movie 5/5 up until the point he shows his face.
swerve bitch
It's about opportunity costs. Would you have made more money if you had funded a different movie?
>The movie made 250 million on a 150 million budget, so it's not like it lost money.
It very well might have when you consider the cost of marketing and the cut that theatres take.
I also didn’t care for Jared Leto but he wasn’t nearly as egregious.
I've heard the name over and over, but I don't know how to actually phrase the question 'is it any good?' in a way that would actually be useful to me.
Where does it fall in fantasy camps? Is it more like Jordan, or Eddings, or Martin, or Donaldson? Or any of the eight million I haven't said?
It has a gigantic mythboner and goes into excruciating detail about it's own history. If you like fantasy epochs and overblown personalities swearing incredibly melodramatic eternal oaths of vengeance against each other, you'll like it. There's also a significant amount of military style banter and soldier humour to pad it all up.
It's mostly just badasses being badasses with a rich fantasy world backdrop. The first book is nigh unintelligible since it was translated from a screenplay, but it gets better from there on out. Keeping track of all the character arcs that are happening throughout it's ten books and 3.3 million words can be exhausting, but it's well worth it.
The prequel Kharkanas Trilogy is still being written, but it's shaping up to be just as good if the first two books are any indication.
The ICE Novels are different but only Night of Knives feels really different.
The writing quality is noticeably worse, though. He took all the wrong lessons from Erikson, he tries to capture the same mythological storytelling style but ends up just being far too wishy washy and it turns into a bunch of characters faffing about. The character stories are also vastly less interconnected and the arcs, while still present, feel shallower. Assail was a poor end to the series because it introduced way too much stuff without foreshadowing and completely forgot about too much other stuff. Blood and Bone was absolute fucking trash for the exact reasons I've mentioned only multiplied tenfold. Nothing gets accomplished, no character develops, no interesting themes or concepts are introduced, it's basically a big and diverse cast of characters faffing about for over 300 pages. The only redeeming feature is that Thorn's dialogue with Golan. Murk and Sour were also okay. Everything else was garbage.
The Crimson Guard being revealed as the D'avore T'lann Imass was also a pretty great twist that explains quite a lot of things across the entire setting's books, too. That part was good.
Shush, common sense isn't allowed here, we need to be upset about things.
Not quite! Those bikini-clad female drow haven't enslaved the humans they're pictured with.
oh yeah, I guess they're slightly less S&M-y these days.
That's normal, shit's been getting way more puritanical lately.
Too this? His depiction has been pretty consistent, as far as I can tell.
Or maybe people realized that fetishes for the sake of fetishes doesn't make a race good and toned it down a bit.
Nah, puritanical is more accurate.
It predicts the freakouts when even the most minor of sexual themes emerge much better than your proposed model.
Damn puritants, ruining my hobby of masturbating under the table! But I don't think that all these damn puritans and other assorted boogeymen have such a strong grip on recent DnD. Or that wizrads turned into good christians overnight.
see? Hyperbolic freakouts when the topic is even broached.
Drizzt was never anything but Drizzt.
It's not like you are giving me any convincing arguments. I have to amuse myself somehow.
What is this thread even about?
What argument even?
I just don't think a general toning it down attitude meshes with the freakouts people have, wheras the puritanical model does.
Tanaka deserves every bad thing that happens to him.
Though, if we look at definitions, even if it is a general toning down, it's still an increase in puritanical behavior. So either way, the argument is moot.
Like any other anime thread?
More like every thread on Veeky Forums, you people have zero self-control.
It can only be puritanical if that was the motivation for toning it down a bit. Until that is proven, all we know is that they toned down. So please calm yourself
Actually, puritanical applies even if it has nothing to do with puritans. They are just named for similar principles.
If you are advocating stricter moral codes, then you are being puritanical by definition.
other synonyms of puritanical include stuffy, prudish, prim, and straight laced.
It is entirely accurate to say attitudes have gotten more puritanical.
Please user, I have several threads up right now that actually talk about traditional games, offer good advice or are nice to read. Threads about anime elves are mostly shit and the only time someone put some efforts into his posts into this thread was when he was talking about a book series, that wasn't anime.
Please don't act like Veeky Forums is shit, it might become self-fulfilling preophecy.
I'm going to act like Veeky Forums is shit as long as it remains shit.
I see no reason to act and better than you do on your worst day.
Yeah, I too can cherrypick and pretend the board isn't infested with garbage.
What does soletaken spice smell like?
You know, you could just fuck off if you don't like it. There is probably something better to do than spending time in a place that you don't like. Like doing traditional games related stuff. Maybe come back afterwars so that you have to contribute something instead of shitposting.
Things are not fine, nor will they ever be and I will not let you tell me otherwise. You're posting on a corpse of a board and pretending you're not sinking into the mud.
I see no reason to make any attempt at improving quality when others did not make the same attempt.
The difference is that right wing puritans complaining about "secret messages from Satan!" have been largely replaced with left-wing puritans complaining about "secret messages from Teh Patriarchy!"
The ignorant rhetoric hasn't changed, only the name of the imaginary evil force.
The right wing hasn't stopped, though.
So it's just bearing down on us from all goddamn angles.
You know that this lazy and defeatist behavior is exactly why you see the shit you don't like in the first place? That and Veeky Forums always taking the bait, which I feel like doing right now.
>you could just fuck off if you don't like it
>There is probably something better to do than spending time in a place that you don't like
hey, tell you what, you do your idealistic shit like eight years ago and actually succeed, then we'll talk.
Stop taking the bait and trying to tell the rock to roll up the hill when it clearly doesn't want to.
>synchronized shitposting
PROTIP: Phoneposting doesn't make your samefaggotry less obvious. Everyone can still tell it's you.
You're one sad man.
It's always nice when someone does this and gets you in only one or two of them.
You know what leftists shoul do? Hijack drow and make them a women-stronk faction without the evil shit.
When was the last time the right raged against dungeons and dragons and thought it was all satanic?
Nah, it's not satanic any more, they just hate all kinds of sex stuff as perverted.
Meanwhile, the left is hating all kinds of sex stuff as exploitative.
This is no matter how minor the tones are, they have to freak out either way.
Is this thread a Puritan false flag to make people hate magical realmers? Because so far it's working.
also sage
It's just shitposters aka fapfaggots don't caring about what they "contribute" to the board they browse.
>being this upset someone properly used the word puritanical
>still thinking it is about puritans and not a similar root word
Holy shit, it was a passing comment.
I bet (You) don't even wear buckles on your hats and shoes.
ha, jokes on you, I have my thanksgiving tradition outfit AT THE READY.
>the only females in anime are humanoids monstergirls
>there are no female wolves, cats, etc in jap stories
thats wrong tough
have you tried 'clockwork planet'? no? anyway the last something close to good i ould reccomend was 'princess principal'... and thats more steampunk.
dark elves were dark and edgy. now they are tanned high elves minus the tree hugging.
as an english only speaker, i only red the tl up to him being op and healing an entire tent of soldiers who lost their limbs. why does he deserves bad things hapening to him?
we contribute what we think is fun. if you think your posts contribute by telling shitposters off, please tell us why we are shitposting
>you first
do you really not believe me when i'm telling you those subjects are fun for me? honestly asking.
We didn't 'go' anywhere. Dark elves have been heavily sexualized. Even the idea that the Japanese did anything really significant to their portrayal is laughably myopic and demonstrates a pitiful lack of experience with RPG history.
Dark elves have literally always been 90% hot sluts in bikinis.
All these posts were how this board is not fun so it's okay to shitpost in it, though.
the puritans posts? nah, its just people lightly experimenting new ideas; you know to train their noggin.
These posts
She looks like she's ready to do some Jazzercise.
Veeky Forums isn't shit and shitposters are rare. ironicly, the posts you gave are some of those rare shitposters.
Yup. In fact, the whole “sexy brown girl” thing Japanese do with dark elves is derived from Mizuno’s dark elves in Lodoss War, which were derived from that very module you posted.
They're still dark and edgy you faggot. When was the last time you saw drow not being edgy shits?
Even Japanese dark elves are usually more aggressive, indulgent and morbid than others. Though, really, they barely appear in any Japanese media save porn anymore, which has an absolutely minimal effect on their portrayal elsewhere.
But where are the spiders? Do they live underground, have an evil femalde god?
It was the 80s
there is difference between dark edgy 'all heil the spider godess' and normal edgy 'i must protect my family from evil humanz' you ingrate. when was the lat time you saw a drow sacrificing lifes in the name of personal ambition?
last drow i saw ('dark elf', japanease rpg porn) has her being more a kind elderly sister than anything remotly to blood sucking priestess of doom. can you even READ?
No no, Japan doesn’t care about substance. Only visuals. Ryo Mizuno posted his stuff in Comptiq magazine and specifically stated Queen of the Spiders was his inspiration for dark elves visually, and then Japan just went with it.
>no personality only shell