Lincoln caused this.
I'm a little upset by how bad the layout is.
No, virtue signalling caused this.
Is Paizo still /ourguy/ or not? This is very confusing
I've actually been playing around with running an Alt History game where the players are resistance fighters against a Nazi occupational force in the US. Basically Wolfenstein, but without the campier stuff.
Figure it could be fun. Sticking it to a bunch of goose-stepping thugs soiling the Land of the Free but every now and then you're stuck holding out a farm house against werekrauts.
Man, you know. Nowadays, I can't help but feel sorry for the Nazis. Like, I'm pretty sure in WWII, our forefathers weren't fighting for this future. They still wanted minorities and women to know their place, and for their society to be glorious and morally upright.
When was Paizo ever ourguy? They've always been virtue signalling cucks.
>tfw can't enjoy a good nazi-killing-based product without the political association because anyone right of bernie sanders is apparently a nazi now
Just let me off this ride bros
Islam caused this.
Just homebrew your own proper Nazi-thrashing game setting, and if any of your players starts lauding you for your #woke commentary, point out how implying the current political scene is anything like the Third Reich is blatantly insulting to Holocaust victims.
>Pulp adventure set in World War 2
>Uses Pathfinder
This is the most offensive part of this whole thing. That and the graphic design. That cover looks like it was drafted up in MS Paint
As a naziā¢, I want to run it.
they saw the rampant free PR Wizards was getting by being neo-PC and realized it's easier to appeal to normal people instead of easily-angered shut-ins.
let's face it. you let one transgender into your writing, the character won't do shit, and in response, that cluster of internet will go absolutely ballistic in telling others how this company is amazing and should have all their products bought thrice-over.
they're a better shilling investment than people like us, in other words.
I feel like you could do a lot with a game where the main theme is punching Hitler.
You can, there's boundless levels of insanity when you set your game in the World War II era. Everything from hunting the Holy Grail to shooting down UFOs in your P-51 to even yes, sucker-punching the Fuhrer himself.
Good meme
I really don't know. I feel like we've gone wrong somewhere.
Was it when we decided not to exterminate the Indians, or when we decided that the Irish counted as white people, or when we decided that it probably wasn't okay to secretly infect black people with diseases so we could study them
We have, but sympathizing with the actual sig-heiling Jew-gassing war-starting freedom-hating Nazis is not the proper response to it.
Better than most ideas.
I think it was around Vietnam when everything went wrong. My theory is that it was when we stopped believing in the righteousness of our own cause.
>Go on a mission to check up on wacky nazi science stuff in Antarctica.
>Escape (or blow up) a concentration camp.
>Hunt down all dat stolen golden booty from Eastern Europe.
>Make a movie out of pic related.
Not really. And by that I mean at all. It's really no different than those hoighty-toighty professor types stopping and saying "ya know, maybe Stalin was a pretty ethical leader after all".
I never understood people who shout patriotic sentiment in one breath and borderline Nazi apologism in the other. The Nazis were one of the most fundamentally anti-American societies in human history.
I wonder if they have separate rules for black and white Nazi smashers, like how black and white soldiers were treated in WWII
Nah probably not
No, there's a difference. You can be proud of your country and your people without being a Nazi. You can be proud of the fact that you're white, and to love your race's achievements. There's nothing wrong with that.
If you ask a Chinese man who the best people in the world are, he'll tell you it's the Chinese. We're the only ones who keep undermining ourselves.
Reinhard Heydrich's assassination was basically an RPG campaign in of itself.
>You can be proud of the fact that you're white, and to love your race's achievements. There's nothing wrong with that.
Isn't that kind of jerking yourself off over somebody else's accomplishments? I mean, just because your skin's the same color as Beethoven doesn't make you Beethoven.
not that user.
For me it's more about motivation, great achievements to aspire to, it just happens to be more relatable when it's people who look like you and share a lot of your traditions.
That's because most people in the west have lost any sense of community. They only think in individuals.
You can be proud to be part of a great community. The community is yours, and nobody can take if from you.
>That's because most people in the west have lost any sense of community. They only think in individuals.
The idea of the 'West' as any sort of community is bloody new, historically speaking. Heck, the West isn't all white either so that's not really relevant to 'Being proud to be white'
>I mean, just because your skin's the same color as Beethoven doesn't make you Beethoven.
That's not what being proud of your compatriots accomplishments is about.
When people took pride in the British navy or Nelsons accomplishments they didn't think they were the navy or Nelson, it was worthy of pride explicitly BECAUSE it was above and beyond normality.
I can never, ever fathom why people think that way these days, that unless you personally accomplished it you can't take pride in it - have they never been proud of their children or their fathers accomplishments?
It's baffling to me. It seems like self-centered lunacy that they've incapable of feeling pride for anything but themself.
After two decades of liberals telling me that using Nazis as villains in a story/vidya/rpg is bad, because it makes a charicaturization of them, and over-simplifies the evil, and so on and so on, I'm endlessly amused at how quickly they flipped the lever to 'zomg punch all the Nazis'. (Up to and including the same people having radically different reactions to 'New Order' versus 'New Colossus'.)
It works for me - not only do I enjoy fighting Nazis in fiction, I also enjoy watching people wallow in their own hypocrisy.
It's part of that universal human desire to want to be part of something that's bigger than yourself that will last long after you die.
There's rather a difference between 'Being proud of being british' and 'Being proud of being white'. I mean, heck, not even all brits are white due to the wonders of 'People can marry anyone they want and the british empire went all over the world'
t. A filthy chinaman who hates the west's rugged individualism.
There's no such thing as one man accomplishing things on his own. The strength of the wolf is in the pack.
There's a stark contrast between taking pride in a white culture and taking pride the white race. You should be proud of your cultural history.
But "white pride" is never about that. It's always rooted in actual white supremacy. It's no different than that We Wuz Kangz shit. It's lauding about how people of your skin color are better than others.
Championing on about how great it is to not be a shitskin is a fucking repugnant ideology. Besides, if you're so willing to claim the accomplishments of others because they were also white, you should also claim their atrocities. Do you really want both slavery AND the Holocaust on your shoulders?
>Descendants of the Hibernian Celts
>Not White
user, I seriously hope you don't think the English were white then. They're descended from the Britannian Celts.
So, how many people actually bought this product? That's what you should ask yourself before you get angry about things like this.
>There's no such thing as one man accomplishing things on his own.
Want to know how I can tell you're not American?
All prideful people can spend an eternity in the lake of fire.
>Do you really want both slavery AND the Holocaust on your shoulders?
If someone legitimately believed that other races were inferior, they wouldn't be bothered by this. That particular argument won't work.
Most likely no one. The kinds of people this is directed towards don't actually consume media except very basic entry-level shit.
Personally I'm always ambivalent to this. Paizo isn't sending the Stasi to knock down my door and force me to run this for some rainbow coalition. I get to pick and choose what kinds of games I run for my friends.
>Blue eyed nigger.
Nazi is just a new term for anyone with a different opinion to me.
You disagree with how I veiw the word Nazi? Well fuck you NAZI!
Don't like a man's hair? Call him Nazi
Don't like a man's skin color? Call him Nazi.
Don't like opinions? Call em Nazis.
I'm pretty sure they are referring to literal nazis, you know what with the WWII and all?
Yeah they are, but you'd have to be blind to not see the association between the sudden surge of nazi killing media and the left's infatuation with calling everyone they don't like a nazi.
>Most likely no one. The kinds of people this is directed towards don't actually consume media except very basic entry-level shit.
Nailed it. We've seen this over and over again with every niche hobby where this stuff appears. From what I've seen, it neither boosts sales nor reduces them to a noticeable degree. It's a marketing stunt with no audience and it shows.
After enlarging OP's image, I just realized that the Nazi-puncher is the Statue of Liberty. Righteous.
You sound like a nazi
Seems like a natural extension to me - prior to being proud of being British you'd presumably have been proud of being English and scorned the scotts, and prior to that it would have been more regional.
I'm sure plenty of people who are more enthusiastic for the EU feel european pride, I know I feel pangs of it but it's deadened by disappointment at what it's become.
If you can feel pride for the accomplishments of Europe as a whole, which doesn't seem particularly odd considering how golden of an age it's had and frankly still HAS compared to the rest of the world, tacking America on when it's a European colony and a dominant world superpower doesn't seem that unusual.
"White" pride seems like a valid descriptor for that, as ugly as the connotations are.
>Championing on about how great it is to not be a shitskin is a fucking repugnant ideology.
Which I guess is where this comes from, which seems a pretty ugly deviation and misrepresentation, though I'm sure plenty of straight up racists DO feel that way and use the term in that context.
Taking a pride in what Western civilization has done doesn't seem outlandish though, it's still the best place in the world to live by far and, like it or not, was the product of white people.
I agree that the term white pride is either idiotic or naive to use considering the inevitable tone it sets, but I hate peoples notions that pride must be entirely personal or can't be stretched further and further.
The ONLY way I see the world becoming a more unified place is to be doing that - we've stretched our sense of community wider and wider over the ages, from towns to counties, countries and empires - I wholeheartedly believe that's what will put an end to a lot of the ugliness in the world, when people view ever expanding groups as part of their collective. Seeing people think that something as profound as pride needs to stop at historical boundaries seems to put a pretty big hurdle in the way.
>not realizing the irony that bitching about virtue signalling is, itself, a form of virtue signalling
Sudden Surge? We had just short of 20 movies involving nazis in 2011 alone and that was six years ago. Inglourious Basterds was nearly a decade ago. Killing Nazis has always been a very popular thing.
This person gets it.
>If you can feel pride for the accomplishments of Europe as a whole, which doesn't seem particularly odd considering how golden of an age it's had and frankly still HAS compared to the rest of the world, tacking America on when it's a European colony and a dominant world superpower doesn't seem that unusual.
>"White" pride seems like a valid descriptor for that, as ugly as the connotations are.
America is far, FAR from an all-white nation. Which is where the links between that and nationalism fall apart, as you can't really point to 'Things white people did as a group' when most countries have had a decent non-white population. How many non-white men died for the British Empire, for example? There is no unified 'We are all white people and we are doing stuff' like there is countries.
Paizo just wants money, they were never anyone's /guy/
I think he's referring to the "surge" of lefty types appropriating the World War 2 Go Get Em Boys attitude and directing it towards frogposters and Republicans.
There are people who legitimately believe Man in the High Castle and Wolfenstein are topical political commentaries and not period pieces. Fortunately, those people aren't the creators of those works.
>there have been war movies in other years
Yes I'm aware, but there hasn't been #killinnazisXDDDD where 75 million people dying is trivialized because calling people nazis makes you feel better about your politics in as much frequency as there's been recently.
>America is far, FAR from an all-white nation
Now it is, sure.
>How many non-white men died for the British Empire, for example?
Plenty, and I'd presume most people you'd ask would feel a greater kinship and link with India and an unrelated country.
I'd have thought my last paragraph made it obvious that I had no interest in stopping the further encompassment of community at white, nor do I think white pride is a particularly good descriptor due to the connotations - but I don't think you can force big leaps on what people feel.
Pride in what Europe and America accomplished seems pretty natural to a lot of people, I'd hope that would eventually grow to encompass more countries over time, be it Japan or Korea after their strong ties to the US or whatever.
The fact that plenty of people feel a communal pride in Europes shared accomplishments and culture seems indisputable, that doesn't feel like it's stretched much further yet, and any attempts to force it before it feels natural only turn out ugly in my experience.
Even that isn't really new. I mean, back in the 70s the hippies were calling people nazis.
And as I've mentioned a bit upstream, it's interesting because a lot of the same people who're 'appropriating', as you say, the WW2 narratives are people who were strenuously objecting to most of those movies - at the time, they seemed to think they trivialized the war. Now that's all changed, which I personally think is hilarious.
>Now it is, sure.
It basically never was. You know, there were the native Americans. Then not long afterwards there was slavery and a lot of non-white people...oh or the whole 'Texas/Mexico' stuff...America doesn't really have a single point it can really be called a 'White nation'
>in as much frequency as there's been recently.
That seems more 'Social media exists now'. I mean, calling authoritarian opposition nazis has existed basically from the end of WWII onwards.
That also goes the other way. The most 'Hoo yeah, killing nazis!' people are getting mighty uncomfortable with the idea of killing nazis now that the term nazi is pointed at them. I mean, people are bitching, right in this thread, about a module about killing actual literal nazis. It's kinda funny.
The 13 colonies were undeniably English, pretending otherwise is lunacy. It's foundations are entirely a western nation, regardless of how many natives were around, they were a persecuted minority that it seems hard to believe played a huge role in defining what the united states is other than giving it a tarnished history.
Historical demographics are overwhelmingly white. How anyone can pretend otherwise astounds me.
Let's not forget the idea of 'white-ness' is relatively new, and a lot of people weren't included in it.
I'm always amazed when I hear somebody talk about the history of science fiction, and dismiss Isaac Asimov, a Russian-born Jew, as 'just another white man'.
It's certainly true in American history that various underclasses and out-groups were being excluded from really being considered 'American', even as they helped build America. I assume that this is true just as much in other countries.
To be fair? I've been a major proponent of killing Nazis in fiction for most of my life, and I'm highly enjoying the current moment.
Though, still, you've got a point.
yeah it wasn't due to the liar's war perpetuated so manufacturers could sell bombs to genocide farmers
Oh yes, I'm just finding basically everyone right now hilarious.
>It's foundations are entirely a western nation, regardless of how many natives were around, they were a persecuted minority that it seems hard to believe played a huge role in defining what the united states is other than giving it a tarnished history.
The tarnishes are part of defining what you are, not just your success. Just like the British empire's shocking treatment of many countries is part of it's legacy, not just it's glory.
The Irish were only second to the English then and were not considered white at the time.
This is a complete fallacy and shame on you for believing the drivel that gets printed pretending otherwise.
Were the Irish particularly loved in early-America? No.
Irish, Jews, Italians or any other European race were all considered white and ran afoul of NONE of the race based laws like blacks did.
They could marry whites in places that forbid interacial marriages, they could go to white only schools etc.
People seem to forget that whites can discriminate against each other just fine.
I thought it was an All Flesh Must Be Eaten book at first, dissapointed that it isn't.
>The tarnishes are part of defining what you are
The tarnishes, not the tarnished.
Having a history of barbarity doesn't mean the barbarised are a part of your nation.
Even moreso when we're talking about pride, which tends to skirt around the ugly.
Natives getting cruel treatment doesn't mean they had much influence on the founding of the states, they were treat so poorly because they were so below recognition and powerless.
Little of what people take pride in about America will have anything to do with natives, whether it be their poor treatment or their contribution to the states after they began to be accepted as a part of it.
You may as well argue that Belgium wasn't white because of their barbarism in the Congo.
It's a helluva tarnish, but that's about it.
Well done, discrimination between whites.
Would you say the English didn't consider the French white if they wanted a continental cook but no Frenchmen?
The Irish weren't liked, shocker.
The real irony of your post being that the add says they're fine having a coloured worker, making it painfully evident the discrimination isn't about being white or not.
Well, I've learned something today.
When you can't tell if someone's trolling, autistic, or a genuine Nazi, it's time to get off the internet.
WW1 and WW2 America both entered for economic reasons after trying to stay out lad, it's about
in spite of
Vietnam merely shattered a long running illusion, so effective people look back on previous examples and still imagine some je ne sais qoui sets them apart from those events they consider dirtied by the same means, methods, and men who carried out their most revered conflicts.
>thinly veiled BUT YOU ARE AS BAD AS THEM
To be honest islam did not cause it by itself.
The people of that region are the problem.
If you magically replace the dominant religion in middle east with christianity they would do more or less the same. Crusaders were a thing in the past after all and this is just an islamic crusade.
And if you replace christianity with islam europeans will be more or less the same.
>lake of fire
>not madness induced by the Great Old Ones
>prideful people
>not everyone
Ia, user. No one will be saved.
Islam exploits the damage wrought by Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School.
Every piece of news I get about you westerners makes me laugh even harder.
Personally I partly blame the Mongols. Burned all the libraries, destroyed all the canals, et cetera.
>/pol/ is trying to make punching nazis controversial
>Blue eyed nigger
Stone age iberians, yes
Like the irish. I refuse to acknowledge the irish as white.
And while we are at it, sweden should give back the land they occupy!
>It's okay to punch nazis
>By the way, everyone I disagree with is a nazi
>Eat this, drumpf supporters
In all fairness I don't think anyone cares about punching nazis. It's the fact that anyone who disagrees is labelled a nazi so people will punch them that most people don't like. /pol/ are just retards stirring the pot.
The distinction is pretty irrelevant when the game itself is about fighting the actual Holocausting Nazis. Regardless of the publisher's assumed intentions, anyone with two braincells to rub together can segregate that from modern social politics.
Why the fuck would I want to separate the work from author's intention? Especially since all the profits go directly to fund BLM and SPLC?
The game is about actual, literal nazis. It's being advertised as a WW2 game.
Because cynical marketing creeps virtue signaling for PR can't force you to respect their social commentary. Especially when their vehicle for said commentary is so easily separated from it by anyone who isn't a histrionic manbaby of either political persuasion.
>By the way, I'm a strawman
I don't think anyone is making the argument that labeling random people nazis is not bad. But this is a bait thread trying to somehow construct a narrative where punching literal Hitler (or I guess since that's a sassy black woman some sort of clone or copy?) in the face is something to be upset about.
doesn1t virtue signalling imply that you actually don1t believe what you are saying?
I.e. when somebody tweets "women are just as good as men!" but actually belies they are all just sluts and this'll earn him browny points and sex, that'd be virtue signalling.
A guy making a game about punching nazis without repercussions, who would actually punch nazis without repercussion if given the chance, isn't virtue signalling, he's just being honest.
Look closer, that sassy black woman is dressed as the Statue of Liberty. It's literally Lady Liberty herself smacking that little mustache off old Adolf's face.
Any true American should have a hard-on the size of the Empire State Building at that image.
It's funny how the alt-right crowd has become just as thin-skinned and bitchy as the SJWs they hate so much.
I guess you either die a troll or live long enough to see yourself get triggered.
Eh, Christianity doesn't have a get-out-of-jail-free card where you get to go to heaven no matter how shitty you were so long as you kill as many people as possible when you die.
That tends to be why so many terrorists are terrible Muslims with their drinking, fucking, and drugs.
As far as i can tell "Virtue signalling" has just become a way to shit on someone for stating that they'd do something moral, regardless of whether they would or wouldn't do that moral thing.