What kind of long term goals does your character have?
What kind of long term goals does your character have?
His long term goal is to not end up in an incest fest, unlike certain other posters in this thread (this is in the ASoIaF RPG, so its a legit concern)
Marrying into a rich family and living life as a noble
Find / make a companion who won't be taken from her by time. Romantic or platonic, doesn't really matter as long as said companion kills her loneliness.
This is contrasted by her short term goal of fighting and finding entertainment, which is usually the former so she doesn't get bored with immortality/ gets guilt or repercussion free blood to continue "living" with
Stay with friends, achieve ultimate power
Isolation, madness, and a botched attempt to gain forbidden knowledge
Become an immortal
Hard and fast descent into madness, recently he carved a magical circle into his chest with a steak knife and walked through frigid winter toward a friend's house, trying to not die.
That is actually an issue I've been batting with for about a week. I can't for the life of me think of a long term goal for my character.
maybe pic related
The road not taken. But why? Why do they still call me a warlord? And mad? All I want to do is to create the perfect genetic soldier! Not for power, not for evil, but for good. Carlos Blanka will be the first of many - they shall march out of my laboratory and sweep away every adversary, every creed, every nation, until the very planet is in the loving grip of the Pax Bisonica. And then peace will reign, and the world, and all humanity, shall bow to me in humble gratitude...
Murder the Gods and Topple Their Thrones
Just because only he and three other Old Lords survived doesn't mean that the Gods won. It just means that they filtered out the chattel. The rest of the party doesn't see it that way, but they'll see, eventually.
My current character?
Shoot Palpatine in the face. Not likely to ever happen, but it is his goal.
Get rich, kill stuff, and find a good husband to have children with.
Restore his dynasty's kingdom. It was partitioned by the other Great Powers a century ago, shortly after he was flung forward in time by a wayward spell. His goal is to rally his peoples and reassert his nation on the world stage.
To restore to the throne the rightful king, he who was ousted by the devilish invaders who are in league with the foul powers from the depths.
His long term goal should be to rebuild the Mongol Empire by whatever means necessary.
Her new long term goal is to find away to fight fate and sabotage her family's company in order to prevent what seemed like widescale terrifying experiments on children about 250 years in the future
He handed the evil staff to the bbeg on the proviso he'd help him, since the inevitable betrayal his current mission is to murder the bbeg for breaking contract and smash the staff in the name of clangeddin. He'll then try and start a war because the peace treaty is getting on his nerves.
Stay off the watch list and do some good in the world
Escaping his mother's clutches
Find the Ares exec that fucked him and preventing his team from dying, unlike last time.
>age gap yuri
get druuuuunk
for one ist is to learn more about the secrets of life, death and what is in between.
For the other, it is raising his adopted daughter the best he can.
For the third it is to undermine the city with his cult and subvert the citicenz to worship his patron god.
To be fair getting fucked by Damien Knight sounds pretty hot
>D&D 5E Half-Elf Warlock:
Become a famous musician. Continue running away from the archdevil he technically stole his fiddle from. Drink, fuck and live as much as he can before he gets dragged down to Hell. See if he can make a bard out of this lizard girl.
>Kamigakari Human Legacy User A/Arc Slayer A:
Protect his friends, family and city. Find the ones responsible for the Blood Moon and put a stop to whatever they're planning. Unlock the true powers of his sword. Become a real hero.
I really like this setup, dont forget to have him tearfully reunite with one of his old war buddies on their deathbed and swear victory or death in the name of their vanished homeland
To support their best buds in their exploration team and evolve into a glorious fairy pigeon. Also build a house.
Collect enough rare items to start a travelling rare-item shop, roam around and see all the cool shit the world has to offer while trading other adventurers for the useful items he has.
My characters goal is to save a city in a deteriorating state from its certain demise.
Climbing the ranks in this city, he is going to slowly lose his noble aspirations and become the corruption in which he sought to destroy.
Cause pain and suffering for the entire world
To be honest, he's lost sight of it.
He left home in a sort of happy exile, ready to see the world and find his place in it. He wanted to find an old friend who left town before he did, but the trail went cold. He decided to spread his name and deeds to try and let her know he was out and about. Either she hasn't heard it yet, doesn't care, or isn't around to hear. He still asks after her, but he doesn't expect to hear anything. The picture is worn, the details starting to blur, and she's several years older than she looks in it now. The locket isn't easy to spot on someone who isn't showing it off and might have been stolen, lost or pawned.
At this point he's just addicted to the stress and pain. It makes more sense than the life of normal people, and when he knows his life's on the line he knows what to do with himself. Without that he doesn't really know what to do aside from look for the next way to be back in the fire.
>it isn't porn
I can't tell if I'm disappointed or not.
Build up a apocalypse retreat for a cult to move into, fill it with traps to traitor them and fight the leader who kind of is a little bit demigod, get a supernatural deprogrammer for Sis.
I'm always looking for my next "Derail the plot and infuriate the DM " fix.
Her long term goal would be to make her own clan/group/organization, with blackjack and hookers.
And no bandits and fuckwits are allowed.
>Character 1
To take his rightful place on the throne and become a legendary hero that will spoken of for eternity.
>Character 2
To decipher the nightmarish dreams that were sent to him by an eldritch deity and then fullfill the tasks percieved from them for the glory of their otherwordly patron.
In short he's a virgin beta who was granted incredible power by chance alongside his chad party members, and is using the campaign as an excuse to go Elliot Rodgers on the world now that there are very few people that can stop him. He'll probably turn on his party when they beat the main villains and decide now's a good time to down down the violence, at which point I fully expect him to go down like an angry bitch.
To become a famous pirate like her Great-Great Grandfather was.
be literally Cecil
My character's entire motivation is a list of long-term planning and goals
>Become vastly wealth through improving and creating capitalistic enterprises
>Create his own kingdom ruling through another
>Immortality through Lichdom
>Inner circle of fanatically loyal immortal followers
>Use indestructibility and immortality to achieve godhod
>Ascend as new god of greed and wealth
To get back at the god of pirates for turning him into a harmless fairy because he, under torture, flipped on his crew in a past life leading to their execution, and then had the audacity to pray for forgiveness.
How does he intend to get back at the god of pirates? By becoming the world's greatest pirate - as a fairy.
Find the greatest game nobody has ever downed and do it in his birthday suit and going at it with bareknuckles like Mama Nature intended
To avenge the death of her husband, the father of her children, by any means necessary.
to become a cute trap that is the submissive sex slave of the party
Create a blacksmithing monopoly situation and use the gains to make the world a better place, ironically.
My current character is a total sociopath who is completely incapable of long-term planning.
Something along the lines of not dying.
Seems like we all want someone to love in the end.
Would play with.
pic related
Probably just needs someone to love.
Should work together as co-captains of a crew
Fetishfags ruin every thread. Go away.
Currently Evil, but he's got pangs of conscience from his previous righteous identity. He's going to eventually reach a breaking point where he either slowly turns back to the light or throws away his old self for good.
My character wants to become human and be an appleseed farmer and live a quiet life with a wife. Unfortunately for him, he was born a Kenku. He's trying to learn every language and scour every archive to get this knowledge, and he's sort of lost hope at this point and stives to at least be a good representative of his shit gypsy race.
He's been carrying around his favorite poem and a Magic Mouth scroll for 10 years
It was so he could say the poem in his clergy master's voice before he turns into a human so his son would never forget their families' origin
It is one of the only items to survive a burning of his Deities' temple during the campaign
Currently playing a Paladin, his long term goal is to find his lord that went missing and get him back to his estate as his people need him. It's a simple but noble goal.
>What kind of long term goals does your character have?
To spread the word of Vectron.
>Long term
Become the greatest Orc Pirate Chef ever
>Short term
Get a boat
Go to Valhalla
Look, we can't have three world's greatest pirates, okay? You three are just going to have to duel for it.
But they CAN get along user.
wants to be a FAMOUS pirate and wants to be the greatest pirate CHEF. They should simply all join the same crew with and work together to achieve their goals
>responding to every post
>wanting to please the ones you love is fetish shit
Real 180 you took there
But they can make one greatest pirate crew.
You missed mine.
Why would you steal a fiddle from an archdevil?
Hey, some of us like the validation, no matter how slight or en masse it is, from someone acknowledging we posted something in this kind of thread and responding to it. That's kind of the point of a forum, user. So maybe you should go and kill yourself.
You're absolutely right.
>wanting to be a submissive trap sex slave isn't about fetishes!
Real 180 you took there
One of the villains wants to take over earth via economics and a minimum of force so that they can reorganize it into a fascist planet state set up to begin colonizing and industrializing space.
Another wants to basically make Earth into their North Korea, at least until the population can be replaced and/or modified into one that is very unlikely to ever rebel or turn against them
Another is too focused on their thwarted dreams of being a heroic soldier to focus on long term goals. I think if they stopped and thought about it though, they would want to find someone interesting to settle down and raise 2 or 3 kids with.
These are NPCs
people can respond to every post if they feel like it.
would you rather they responded to every post and didn't consolidate the replies into 1 or a small number of posts?
Basically just wants to be left alone and do his own thing.
There's couple influence groups in the setting that stand in the way of that.
So he set to topple and undermine them - for that end he's building his own organization.
Little does he realize that he's becoming what he sworn to unmake.
To escape the responsibilities of merchant life while maintaining the power of a petulant not-Venetian child.
Her goal would be to recover her stolen ship from the fleet of this so called 'pirate lord', taking his position in the process.
The reality is one angry shipless captain with big dreams and a bigger ego, currently beating homeless scrappers to steal back her stolen weapons.
Baron Ungern will prevail.
His old master made a pact trading his soul for musical talent, all his talent was stored in the fiddle. When the devil he owed came to collect the debt he gave my PC the fiddle and told him to run. In the devil's book that makes me a thief and a debtor.
Found it:
Also what fucking order am I supposed to read these panels in?
Finding his little sister
And not dying
1. Found a new dojo to teach her family's techniques.
2. Marry that hot, politically powerful, Unicorn-clan dude.
>Shadow Run game
Currently my character is working on establishing a union of crime syndicates to act as a middle man between the mega corps.
Think the organization from John Wick
Right now he's just running away from his past. He actually just stole his Feywild Eladrin waifu from the Feywild and married her so she'll can stay in the PM plane.
He's probably going to run around a bit but I'm pretty sure my DM has a plot twist about his father's mysterious death right before he was to become chieftan of the Druid tribe
Long term, he has suppressed ambitions of immortality which for Wood Elf Druids in 5e just means reaching level 18. After that idk, maybe become the Druid King? The the druids and wood elves lack a kingdom so maybe I'll carve one out if I don't die. Did you know Druid spells don't work well in the Far Realm? I guess they don't in this setting
Probably worth mentioning that the insanity is trapped with him, not the other way around.
To find his brother after certain circumstances separated them 6 years ago.
Now the local mob's holding his wife and daughter hostage and he needs his brother's help to get them back
I dunno, user. He's sure been taking his time with his promised return from the grave.
Was the fiddle made of gold?
To understand magic and learn how to combine it with the power of science. Then use that knowledge to rebuild the giant robot he lost when he was ripped from his home universe. Then return to his home universe and use the secrets he's uncovered to bring victory to Not!Zeon
It's porn for your heart. When you go so far into deviancy and perversion that even the darkest corners of the fetish world hold no interest for you, sometimes it loops right back around and you just want something pure and innocent to make you feel like a person again.
At the end of the day, love, intimacy and kindness are the truly top-tier fetishes. Because no matter how far into the perverted rabbit hole you go into, you'll always return to the concepts of love and wholesomeness at some point or another.
Can confirm, I looped though /d/ back to /h/ just for Teaching Felling.
>long term goals
Used to be to become a powerful archmage and change the world for the better
Then it was to find a cure for vampirism
Then he wanted to bring back the apprentice he fell in love with back from the dead
Now he just kinda reads in the ruins of his tower, and bites people to turn them into his underlings
To get enough money to buy a T.V. the size of a billboard when he retires. He's a simple man with simple desires.
fuck that's adorable
you read it from top right down then top left down, confused me for a minute too
Create a clone army of sexy superheroes.
Then the conquest of the dreamlands.
And some pecan pie.
It's a 4 koma. You read top to bottom. Then right to left because the fucking Nips are too good to drive on the right side of the road.
>Can confirm, I looped though /d/
Don't you know how degenerate that place is nowadays?
resurrect his dead sister, save people from monsters.
three guesses why his sisters dead.
My current character doesn't have a long term goal, because he can't afford himself to have one
Or at least that's what he believes, because part of what could have been his long term goals have been taken away from him, but he's also escaping from some choices that he could have made
To protect humankind and the Imperium of Man until my character has life in his body
To become filthy rich, loved by all, and to Make America Great Again.
I swear this isn't some sort of political commentary, it just happens to be highly accurate...
Monopolize the supply chain of (magic) diamonds in the kingdom. Total vertical integration; mining, transportation, storage, buy & sell.
Currently playing a tiefling paladin whose disillusioned into thinking his genetics are like a curse that could be cured and turn him human. Longterm goals are basically to be loved by a soft waifu and have totally not-demonic children.
I don't think you know what that word means.
those aren't plans, it's just a list of stuff he wants
I want to become the King under/or inside the mountain, I want to out live all my friends and enemys, I want to amass an army, I want to Rule my dwarven people, I will resurrect my childhood friend who die in the last yearly session that me and my group play and im going to do it all, with only a CHA score of 5.