>be me
>be at the grocery store
>fucking disgusting LARPer piece of shit comes walking by "in character"
>has the fucking audacity to talk to me "in character"
Sorry retard, I'm not playing your retarded game where you are a woman.
LARPer Hate Thread
I think that might be a tranny, user.
Good on you, op. Don't play into their delusions.
haha I get it
good one
Is this a thinly disguised "fuck trannies" /pol/ thread?
This is a thinly disguised "fuck trannies" /pol/ thread
nice blog
have another (You)
>Is this a thinly disguised "I support playing into peoples' mental illnesses" reddit poster?
>This is a thinly disguised "I support playing into peoples' mental illnesses" reddit poster
I keked!
Tell them to fuck off. Nobody likes faggots, especially gay faggots
sage goes in the every field
>Being needlessly cruel to people with mental illnesses as if the presence of the delusions is a validates this behaviour.
Who’s more retarded really?
you are for defending them
Actually made me smile, well done.
It's you
The only way to treat the "gender dysphoria" illness trannies have is to convince them to accept that they were born a man and cannot change that fact. People bluntly telling them that they are not a woman is a good start. Although professional psychiatric help is a better solution. Unfortunately most people in that business are more concerned with helping their illness degenerate further rather than helping them overcome it. Which is fucking stupid. You don't treat a schizophrenic by telling him the voice in his head is real and he should listen to it's advice.
I think the core of the matter is the disingenuous idea that trannies can't control their larping. They are no different from some brony walking around dressed like a crayon donkey and trying to pretend that it's necessary for their mental health. Quite the opposite.
>Denying biology, changing laws, deconstructing societal norms, indoctrinating children for the sole reason of pleasing miniscule number of mentally ill freaks that like to play pretend they are opposite sex.
Welp, it's not hard to tell.
>Thinly disguised?
How the fuck have we degraded so far that this obvious truth is verboten?