I don't post on here much at all, but I finally ran into an RPG problem that's killing my love of the game and possibly damaging a 20 year long friendship.
I want to preface this with I do not intend to belittle anyone of any beliefs or conditions. Everyone is different and we all make the world turn. I respect pretty much anyone I come across because we all carry some struggles in life.
I have a friend that I've known now for 21 years. This friend and I grew up together, playing tabletop games constantly. First it was magic, then Battletech, then L5R, and so on. We had the same bullies, and the same school issues, and the same friends. Eventually we got into Warhammer, and in 2012 I got into D&D. It was cathartic for myself after an ugly divorce to get closer with my friends and run a game. Eventually he joined in. I'm going to call him Kevin for sake of Anonymity.
Kevin has always had two things, A competitive streak, and a lot of quirks. I love his attention to detail, but he often takes it too far. He's not great at socializing, but he means well. Kevin has always needed to scratch the paint on a wall before coming into his living room, he often argues with himself in the bathroom to a degree that I can hear him down the hall with a door closed. He has ticks and quirks that make him have difficulty in public situations. He's never held down a job longer than a year, he's never been moved out of his mom's house.
His mom doesn't like doctors, so I'm certain any condition Kevin may have, has never been diagnosed. She thinks whatever the problem may be, prayer can fix. This dislike of doctors was passed down to him. With insurance costs being a further deterrent it's an uphill fight.
I'm at wit's end after tonight's game. He'll constantly try to "correct" players with bad info argue it for 20 minutes by just repeating himself, and then eventually "unhook" himself from the issue and just move on. Other times he'll just repeat how he knows X because he's a thief and has been taught about it(Like aboleths, astral creatures, infernal creatures).
This time he wouldn't quit trying to tell me how Oathbreaker Paladins worked when a player had a question about it. He kept shouting in my ear then proceeded to shout to the player AFTER it had been figured out. My players want him gone.
He refuses to go out besides at game night. He won't even go out to buy groceries. Talking about the issue gets him angry, and it's a case where he'll quickly focus on anything but getting help where it turns into talking to a wall. His mother relies on him and he's having difficulty there as well.
Brayden Thomas
Further Cont.
He won't work, he won't do anything for his mom, and he's laser focused on "winning" D&D to the point of fucking getting everyone to give up on helping him.
It's like Mazes and Monsters in real fucking life
Thomas Bennett
Your friend is legitimately autistic. Not in any meme insult sense. As in medically autistic.
Autistic people are difficult to deal with at the best of times. Asking your other players to deal with him when they aren't prepared to is just going to make them leave. Try and ask for some leeway in light of Kevin's issues, but don't expect them to agree.
You may have to choose to run another game or seek some other very understanding people to put up with Kevin. You may want to take a brief break from his company yourself.
Lastly, look into having him diagnosed if at all possible. There are outreach and aid programs that may help him and his mother, financially or in other ways.
Good luck user
Jackson Sanders
I dunno, man. It sounds like you want a sounding board here, but there's not a lot to talk about.
Your players don't want Kevin there. Kevin doesn't want to leave and refuses to change his behaviour. Talking to both parties has been tried, and has failed. You know that you've come down to an ultimatum. You don't want to make a decision here because you don't have a silver bullet that can solve the issue without hurting anybody. Doing nothing is also not a valid answer.
It sounds like your friend has gotten the short end of the stick out of life, and that's sad, but it's time to weigh his feelings against the game and the other people playing it. You know which is more important to you. Just dig deep and gather up the courage to make the call, because god knows that's the hardest part.
Oliver Green
Welcome to breaking point. This is where unfortunate circumstances and long term bad decision making come to a head.
You have two options
1. Try and 'fix' him This route requires you get him diagnosed. Given his opposition and the fact his parents aren't onboard this is probably a lost cause, but don't delude yourself: you can't treat cancer by sneaking chemo into their breakfast cereal. This will be an emotionally and potentially financially and legally exhausting route and not the one I'd take. It's easy to think 'He's my friend! I should try to help him' but if you want to control the situation and steer it in a positive direction he may well stop being your friend and start being your responsibility. Don't underestimate that.
2. Cut loose This is the winning decision, if an ugly one. Doubling down on an emotional investment that's clealy gone sour probably won't make you a happy person. I'd sooner carry some guilt around that I almost never think about 10 years down the line than have a special needs adult I'm stuck looking after seven days a week.
Whatever your thinking is I'd recommend you keep one thing in mind. You might not have any dependants now but 5 years from now you could have a wife and two kids. Think about your own future long and hard before you decide to attach yourself permanently to his.
Carter Sullivan
I dealt with someone like this for a couple years. Started out harmless, but as time wore on I realized that the guy was a parasite. Not his fault, entirely, he had something like what you describe, probably on the spectrum somewhere. You have to let him go dude. It doesn't sound like you're having fun, your players definitely aren't having fun, and the more you give this guy, it'll never be enough. You'll end up living his whole life for him while he sits at home playing World of Warcraft. I kicked mine out of my group and my apartment in the same fell swoop. Six months later I swung by his new place and it was the most disgusting space I have ever seen humans attempt to live in. Just flat out refused to do anything, refused to take help, and then got pissed when I'd urge him to. It's not Kevin's fault that he is the way he is. But let me engage caps lock to underline that IT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM THAT KEVIN WILL NOT FUNCTION. Cut him loose before he takes you and your group down with him.
Ayden Ross
Does your friend genuinely care about you? Has he manifested his friendship to you in meaningful ways? The lack of willingness to change his ways or understand the situation says no.
You seem to be caught up in someone else's life against your will. Your friend has mental problems and needs therapy. I'd say talk to him, talk to his mother, a very nice honest talk about seeing a doctor. Then do what's best for you and kick him out of the game before he makes quick work of everyone else around you.
David Fisher
I've got very mild Autism, so i've done some reading on the subject, and it sounds like he's Autistic.
I'm trying to think of something to say, but asking you to drop a 20 year long friendship isn't fair, and asking you to shoulder a horrible divorce without an outlet isn't fair either, i honestly can't think of a solution here, i'm sorry.
Thomas Ross
You need to sit him down and talk to him about this. Make sure it's a comfortable environment, and be as open as you can. Tell him about the situation he has put you in. Explain that you really need him to help you here. Make him exactly aware of what you want. If he outright refuses to discuss it for any reason, flat out shuts you down whenever you approach it, you have your answer.
Friendship is a two way street, man. It doesn't matter how long you've known each other, you're both your own people now, and you aren't beholden to him, especially if he knows that he is making you unhappy and does nothing. That's not something a friend does. If he isn't willing to meet you halfway, then he's not your friend. He's your burden.
Evan Powell
Your friend is busted and it's not ever going to get better due to the circumstances that he was raised with. Without serious professional help he's only going to wallow in his mother's own bad decisions and influence like an echo chamber greenhouse. You can either drop him and hang with the rest of your friends or drop the rest of your friends and hang with him. I can already tell you what I'd do but this is up to you and the choices are obvious.
Joshua Walker
Sorry mate, but Kevin isn't going to fix himself, and you certainly aren't either. You can either wreck your life trying to be everything he and his mother should have been from the start, or you can cut your losses and save your own sanity. It's an awful choice to have to make, but I've seen this before, and making his problems your problem will cost you absolutely everything. You don't have to cut him out completely, but if you don't draw the line somewhere and say "this is not working and it needs to stop" you will never get out and the whole thing will burn down around you.
Henry Reyes
OP Here. I guess I know what I need to do, it's just kinda hard to wrestle with. Thanks guys for being willing to listen, it means a lot to even hear a response right now.
30 is fast approaching for him and I. Last year I started helping take care of his mom since she's getting older and it's added to the stress.
I want to help someone I consider family, especially after my own issues, and I try my best to be kind an accepting, but it's such a mental strain.
Again, I want to thank everyone for replying. The honesty was needed.
Gabriel Lewis
you can't have someone who doesn't even attempt to fix his life and mental health bring you down.That's for sure.
you can choose to help him by doubling up on your efforts to bring him to a specialist.I can't help but share his mom's distrusts of expensive pill-dispenser doctors, but a therapist that helps him realize that he should socialize should be the first proper attempt.My psychologist didn't fix my problems, but it helped me realize exactly what they were and what i needed to do to solve them. it's a great help.I think you should work on her mother accepting her son's need of help first, so that it will be easier convinging him.
you can choose to help him by fixing his problems directly. "be his therapist"(within the limits of what a friend can do), train him into not behaving in a weird way, help him get a sexual partner and socialize more. that would be an act of charity and requires incredible effort, but it sounds better than keeping a problem friend for 30 more years.It can only get worse as he gets older, you know?
you can choose to burn all the bridges with him. that might be the only option if he refuses to improve.it think it's the best option regardless, but be aware that if he does not have other friends the results might be a bit extreme, with him getting strongly depressed.
Christopher Martinez
That's my Biggest fear. Of all the friends he's had, I'm all that's left. A mutual friend tried to get him to a bar for two years and gave up. His ex-girlfriend used him so he refuses to see anyone again. His mother is in poor health and he has difficulty with that too.
Brayden Russell
You're a good person and you don't deserve to be chained to somebody who doesn't realise the value of the gift you've given him.
You don't need to cut ties, but you do need to make clear that you aren't going down with the good ship Kevin, if that's what it comes to.
Bentley Morris
It's not your fault if his mother is a religious nut who raised an insane son, and you only get one shot at life and you should spend it for yourself. You're going to get sucked into a situation that will last forever, because you along have no power to change things if this person has zero will to change his ways in the first place. Give him the talk, tell him to see a doctor and get himself fixed, and keep playing with your friends.
You don't have to burn bridges with him completely unless he overreacts and acts like a child - which he probably will. Just separate your personal life from him or you'll get swallowed whole. Carefully think about his behavior, is he a social / emotional vampire? If he's damaging you you need to take distance.
Mason Murphy
You've got to decide if you're obligated to be his caretaker (and by extension his mother's) for the rest of your life. Are you prepared to live every day like you have been? Do you feel responsible for elements you have no control over? His life might turn to shit if you start to distance yourself from him but are you willing to let him turn yours to shit on the other end of the spectrum?
Samuel Collins
Literal spectrum in this case desu
Leo Mitchell
I have a sibling with an entirely different issue, but one with similar impacts on his life (in my situation, sever schizophrenia), the difference is that he had access to a highly supportive family, as well as medical and psychiatric support.. He still has issues, but was able to be a functioning member of society all the same. In your case, unfortunately, there is probably just no hope for him. These kinds of issues can be reduced in severity with proper support, but only if it is caught early. People get stuck in their way, and people with his kind of issues even more so. He is a sad victim of anti-intellectualism. I do not believe "fixing" him is possible at this point. I should note, that I am not advocating giving him up, that is for you to decide, I'm just giving my opinion on the situation at hand, and that opinion is that the choice on hand is not between fixing him and giving him up, but rather, giving him up or accepting what he is.
Jason Hill
this is the sort of thing that happens when the government refuses to install proper safety nets for the mentally ill and autistic. people fall through the cracks. I'm struggling to get help myself. If you need to break it off with him dont blame yourself blame the system.
Mason Jackson
Aren't Americans vehemently against public health? In this case it isn't even relevant since it's mostly about them being extremely religious
Noah Nguyen
Only part of america. Consequently, that part of america tends to be the part that is religious.
Robert Gonzalez
I'm actually australian but the mental health system is so badly managed and up its own ass you cant get anywhere. I struggle to imagine how bad it must be over in america.
Dylan Stewart
We're not against public health, it's just that our idea of public health is slightly modified from the classic "flog them until the demons go away" methods of yore. Same thing with our prison system really.
Michael Powell
Hey OP. Everyone's given you advice already, and they've pretty much covered the bases, but I just wanted to tell you to hang in there. No matter how tough life gets, no matter how insurmountable things seem, no matter what decision you make for this difficult problem, I want you to know that you're a good person who seems lovely and I have the utmost respect for you.
Gabriel Young
what he said stay strong op.
Asher King
you might want to consider contacting adult protective services if you chooses to permanently distance yourself. I wouldnt normally suggest that but it sounds like Kevin and his mother are a binary black hole. if no one does anything there could be serious health and safety risks for them.
good luck man hard shit. just remember you are worth giving yourself your own life, if that makes sense.
Mason Lopez
having Autism in australia is fucking debilitating, let me tell you that.
Jeremiah Miller
I know that feel user
Luis Fisher
You don't go unless it's an emergency, and even then you hesitate because of the debt that will crush you for the rest of your life. Mental health isnt covered and what little there is, is shit.
Matthew Jones
yeah, being goddamn smart while being treated like a kid who needs a wheelchair to get around is dismal. everyone treats you like a gibbering idiot, especially as their all a bunch of country/city idiots. it doesnt help that im lonely either.
Noah Sanchez
I went to the literal hospital suicidal, they made me sit alone for 3 hours and once it was midnight gave me diazepan and told me to fuck off while I was still sobbing and threatening to kill myself.
Henry Bailey
Yeah, I've seen what passes for mental health care here in Britain; unless I can go private, I'd never want to even touch it.
Owen Torres
What a shitty situation.
Jayden Morgan
I still fail to wrap my head around this face of the USA (this and the 2nd emendment craze really)... I paid about 30€ for my first psychiatric evaluation (taxes) and after that I got an exemption so I don't have to pay anymore for life, medicines are in the range of 2-6€ per box every 2 weeks. My biological therapy for Crohn's Disease is completely free, for life again. Visits for my chronic pathologies are free. I also have sinusitis so I'll have to do a cranial MRI which will cost me about 30€.
There is no way I could have afforded any of that otherwise, like wtf I would've died or something. How can a civilized country not have a public health system?!
Bentley Jackson
If God wanted these people to live happily/healthily/at all he would have made it so. They probably did something terrible to deserve it in a past life anyway, they should just pray harder.
Luis Bell
Liam Bell
David Foster
okay I'll take the bait, If we did something terrible in a past life, what use is punishment if we cant remember what we did wrong and repent. if this is the way god works he's either an idiot or an evil man.
William Jenkins
No that user is right, thats the basic thinking of every nasty fuck who votes against it. A whole lot of sociopaths and evil fucks infest America and will vote to fuck over others for a few scraps instead of helping everyone.
Brody Myers
Welcome to Christianity 101. You're being punished for something someone else did a long time ago.
Juan Price
I've always thought the same thing, although in Britain my experiences have been somewhat less shiny. Isn't that kind of sweeping quality of life improvement that would be unsustainable otherwise most of the point of having a fucking government?
Juan Campbell
Of course you enjoy not having to pay for that shit. Now remember that most Americans are much more individualistic than your average European and literally don't give a fuck if you just died in the streets as long as its not on their property. Of course they don't want to pay for some lower class faggot's Crohn disease.
Nathan Myers
Have you met Republican Jesus? He is very much an idiot and a very evil mangod. And is really fucking popular in rural America.
Cooper Gonzalez
I understand that, but what really puzzles me is how do they reconcile that line of reasoning with Christian values
Andrew Baker
The double think is strong.
Colton Cruz
I don't really understand my country's stance on government. A government exists to serve the people and if it fails to do that then it achieves nothing and is worthless but here in America it's often treated as little more than a military to defend from the boogeyman of the week as well as to enforce laws against things I don't like because my tastes are objective. Where is the government supposed to get the power for such a thing? Not from me, what do I look like, some kind of commie?
God is in control of all things so if people are miserable then God must will it because if he wanted it any other way, he'd change it. If that fails then we can pull the whole "Well it's all pointless since you'll go to heaven when you die, unless you're a SINNER in which case your suffering doesn't matter anyway" card. Really this whole thing is a way to get out of doing stuff or feeling empathy.
Joshua Kelly
American christians are highly selective about what part of the religion they follow. Ultimately it is an excuse to behave in certain ways while ignoring anything they don't like about it.
David Carter
I'll tell you a secret: 'Religious' people usually just get random bits and pieces of the religions' teachings through memetic osmosis and then bend these to justify what they're already doing anyway.
Jaxson Flores
government sucks, religion sucks everyone wants to die
Grayson Reed
I'll preface this by saying we obviously don't have the entire picture by your description and it's absurd to try to diagnose someone over the internet but there's obviously something going on with him.
Getting him a referral to a psychiatrist for a diagnosis would be a powerful step in helping him deal with whatever it is.
Beyond that all you can do is act like an adult yourself.
If you're running the game. The simplest way to describe it is to treat him as though he's a child. Be firm, clear but also accept that it isn't his fault the way he is so there's no point getting angry about it etc.
Ask for what you want. Even if it makes things uncomfortable.
Attention is currency. Once you've told him you don't want to engage in the argument further ignore him. Do not respond. Continue the game.
If he becomes belligerent ask that he leave until he can calm down and return. good luck
Jaxson Carter
I've always wondered why Britain has a military with the gear it has. I suspect there's very few polities around that a smaller military + hiding behind America's grossly oversized one and our other allies won't be able to beat but that adding two empty carriers will. I mean, either you need no carriers to do the job or your enemy is so oversized that they won't do a huge amount, we're not a superpower anymore. Then again, I'm no general.
Parker Smith
Probably the same reason Britain still has a queen. It's just for old times' sake.
Jace Reed
A lot of people won't go to that even if it's cheap/free, because it gets you put on a list that often curtails your otherwise inalienable rights.
Nolan Murphy
Inalienable* rights
Jeremiah Rogers
Yes, that's what I said. There are places where if you are on record as having ever gone to any kind of mental health service, you lose rights. Doesn't matter if it was involuntary, doesn't matter if they found nothing, doesn't matter if the record shows that you got over it or were misdiagnosed. You went at all, you lose rights.
Mason Lopez
But you can still buy tons of guns and go shoot up a mall regardless
Julian Scott
every time there's a shooting people will say "guns aren't the problem its mental illness" but you never see these people push for more accessible health care
Dominic Perez
Because it sucks
It sucks basically being blackmailed into paying for broken retards because otherwise they will shoot up a school
And because that thought sucks so much, people just forget about it three days after each mass shooting.
Asher Sanders
Because the actual situation is that, instead of making health care more accessible, they want to make the existing system fuck law abiding citizens more. Instead of making it easier to get help, they take more and more rights away from anyone who tries to get help, making less and less people willing to want it. Of course, not being able to legally buy a gun has never stopped anyone, ever because there are countless people willing to sell guns outside of the system, and a significant number of guns that end up back in illegal circulation even after being picked up by the police and locked away.
Evan Smith
>It sucks basically being blackmailed into paying for broken retards because otherwise they will shoot up a school This is the most twisted mindset I've ever seen, holy shit this is how Americans think
Xavier Long
>twisted why? I don't give a fuck about you. I want to live my life and not be burdened by any random retard. I'm absolutely willing to organize with other people for mutual benefit, i.e. a private insurance where only people who contribute get payouts, or would be if these weren't as cancerous as they are in the states. But being strongarmed into financing some Sperg who probably should have been aborted in the first place, who has never contributed positively to anything and never will, but is actually likely to cause harm? Why should I LIKE that concept?
James Williams
It's a better mindset than punishing everyone except the criminals for what criminals do. The big media pushed mass shootings are literally insignificant statistically. If you really wanted to fix gun violence, you start by dealing with inner city black on black gang violence. Literally, if you just removed that, America would have about the same gun violence rate as most of Europe. And gun deaths don't even rate in the top 10 causes of death in America. Suicides are down at slot number 10, but that includes all forms of suicide.
Jeremiah Roberts
Bloody expensive nostalgia, and I actually like all our assorted weird traditions. £6.2 billion is another 5% on the NHS, and that money actually does something other than look completely fucking awesome.
Thing is the whole "let's not talk about this now, here's a scapegoat problem we're not going to try to solve anyway" thing is so blindingly obvious I'm distinctly surprised nobody's just stood up and chewed them out for it explicitly without carefully maneuvering around each other's buzzwords. Maybe I'm used to British politics where bitching at each other in public is absolutely the norm, but the Tories have been doing something similar with regards to Brexit for the last year and they get slammed for it for half an hour every Wednesday, and then ridiculed for their incompetence by joke candidates in elections. I shouldn't be so confused, since fuming rage covered by a thick layer of etiquette is how each third of Britain deals with the other two-thirds, but somehow our governments have swapped cultures somewhere.
Ryan Campbell
Here we have exhibit A as to why America is fucked up. There are people out there who think you literally deserve to die for being born "wrong."
Andrew Richardson
>Why should I LIKE that concept? Because it raises the living standards for everyone? People like you are why the US is such a shithole.
Jose Powell
Removing rights from everyone never raises living standards. Britain and Australia both saw huge jumps in violent crime after tightening their gun laws, but then it went back to following the same trend it was already following, meaning they gained nothing except a temporary spike in violence, and lost a whole slew of rights.
Christopher Cook
Welcome to America, we have zero concept of ethics and the progression of society. As long as it doesn't bother me or my own we couldn't give less of a fuck, at least until it DOES bother us and then it's a fucking crisis. Truly the pinnacle of the NIMBY lifestyle.
We're not even talking about gun rights, we're talking about the shitass mental health system.
Joshua Myers
No, the US is a shithole because nothing is done about the most prevalent sources of violence, while insignificant sources are used as excuses to push agendas.
Samuel Evans
Gonna let you in on a really big secret: A huge amount of welfare and healthcare in America is directly funded by churches. You don't hear about it much because the churches that like trumpeting to the world about how awesome they are are the ones that buy their pastors private jets, but the other ones, the ones that are actually Christian, often have pretty big rolls of people they're caring for. They don't think the poor should be hung out to dry, they think charity is better if it's not forced.
Jordan Sanchez
>We're not even talking about gun rights, we're talking about the shitass mental health system. They're linked, because the health system is used as a weapon against gun rights, which means there's huge backlash against it. Maybe if they didn't continuously try to weaponize it, people wouldn't be against it so much.
Zachary Baker
because far more of the taxes you pay go to the wealthy and the already over bloated military budget then to those who need help. helping 'retards' is not wasting nearly as much money as tax cuts that put money into the pockets of those who have never worked a day in their lives. your mindset that people deserve to die if not useful is not only despicable but it isnt even consistent.
Parker Rodriguez
>Removing rights from everyone never raises living standards. Oh god you're probably one of those people who thinks that having police is communist aren't you? Jesus christ why do I argue on Veeky Forums
Aaron Smith
Good question. I'm kind of wondering why you're having this argument in Veeky Forums.
Oh yes, because you're a retarded asshat.
Luke Russell
The whole topic at hand is that nobody wants to use the existing mental health system BECAUSE it takes away your rights. Gun rights and a stronger mental health system are entirely compatible. The strengthening of one is not inherently an attack on another.
Julian Harris
>a weapon against gun rights fuckin lol the point I was trying to make is you cant have liberal gun laws and not keep an eye on the mentally ill. so either get rid of guns or help people who feel the need to use them violently. you cant have your cake and eat it too.
Austin Miller
That's a nice strawman you've got there, but you should probably put it back in the field before the crows come around.
The government is currently abusing the shit out of the mental health system that is in place. Why should they be trusted to extend it?
Noah Turner
>because far more of the taxes you pay go to the wealthy and the already over bloated military budget then to those who need help
Whoops - you've only been looking at the discretionary budget. You need to look at the total. About 2/3 of the entire US government complex is redistributionary welfare funding.
The military is slightly over a quarter. The US performs a imperialist military-subsidy role for an entire hemisphere, so if you unilaterally reduce it, keep in mind that the rest of the world will be forced to reduce their welfare and increase their military budgets.
Grayson Scott
What? If you're born as as giga AIDS cripple and make it on your own and become a productive member of society, great for you. I don't care whether thee people live or die, I just don't want any financial obligations due to them.
It lowers my standard of living though. And that of every other productive member of society.
just because one thing is broken doesn't mean we should break it any more.
Nolan James
>That's a nice strawman you've got there, but you should probably put it back in the field before the crows come around. I'll take that as a yes
Oliver Hill
You've known this cunt for 21 years and didn't realise he was autistic?
Jace Rodriguez
What was that site made by that one nerd about Laws of Friendship or something like that? With lots of statements like "Friendship is not commutative" and things like that. That sounds like what OP would be interested in.
As far as foreigners remotely psychoanalyzing American medical culture, they probably don't understand that traditionally American healthcare has been in the hands of voluntary organizations. Churches, community groups, fraternal organizations, Americans used to be famous for participating in things. Even today, the Shriners promise to treat any child.
The problem isn't that Americans aren't adopting European healthcare culture, it's that they're abandoning American healthcare culture.
Austin Wright
>entire hemisphere plus Europe and the Pacific Rim, all coincidentally places that don't have to worry about defense and can fund massive public health systems
Blake Diaz
"Help" is a strong word for mandatory and involuntary government meddling in what rights you do and do not get to have. It's not even a slippery slope because the system being described is already at the bottom of the theoretical hill.
Dylan Richardson
So, by that line of reasoning, you think the government should be funding social programs, food banks, and housing programs? Because that's the way to address so-called "black-on-black crime"
Juan Jones
I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.
Gabriel Hernandez
I have a question for you. A child is born with a treatable, but deadly disease. His parents can't afford to buy him the medication, and as a child, obviously he can't provide for himself.
Does the child deserve to die?
Grayson James
>It lowers my standard of living though. Knowing that you exist lowers my standards of living.
Justin Howard
There's very little empirical evidence in favor of this, while programs like stop-and-frisk have been extremely effective. In fact, removing welfare programs that encourage single motherhood would probably be the single most effective thing to do for the American black community.
Justin Cook
Sure, but not in the shitty ways they already do. Food banks are generally okay, but low income housing programs are practically scams, and a lot of work programs are easily played as well. Gang culture is a bigger problem anyway, and not really something the government can address. There are groups of people who don't think you deserve any respect unless you've been to prison at least once for violence or drugs, and those people raise kids who believe the same things.
Jordan Cruz
Under the current system, the government will bend over backwards to help that kid.
Grayson Diaz
You are avoiding the question Say it straight, cmon
Levi Nelson
Exactly. What you call 'caring' for other people is just another original sin type thing. 'Oh you are healthy and have money so you should CARE and pay for other people'.
>Does the child deserve to die? Does anyone?
Because I would abolish your autismbux if I could?
Asher Gray
wow you're pretty good at pulling statistics out of your ass aren't you? humans are an inherintly altruistic species because caring for other reaps its rewards. you have been raised in a society that taught you to be competitive and selfish with a fatal misuinderstanding of "survival of the fittest" . helping others may open you up to being hurt but if you had any redeeming qualities you would take that risk.
Jaxon Thomas
Do what do YOU think? Is it okay that wealth was allocated from a source that wasn't himself, or his parents to save him?
Nicholas Jones
Nah, it's because you're a fucking awful human being who's wasting my oxygen.
Charles Reyes
Your question is retarded. Life isn't 'fair', most people don't 'deserve' to die when they do. In fact, it's basically retarded religion-tier logic to think about death in categories like 'deserving'
Cameron Moore
Forcing others to help under penalty is not being altruistic. At best, it's extortion.