Are Death Guard even good?
Are Death Guard even good?
Mortation did nothing wrong.
Good on the tabletop or morally good in the fluff?
I'm just gonna dump some art I have kicking around.
They are mediocre on tabletop and super bad in fluff.
>Spreading death, disease, decay and despair around the galaxy
At least with the Emperor's Children you can even enjoy being their pleasure slaves, if you're into some wicked fetish
Spoken like someone who doesn't know the true bounties of Nurgle's love.
Damn, these holes makes me sick
It's a test of faith, friend. You either succumb to the disease and join Nurgle's garden, or you endure, find the truth in your own tainted flesh, and find peace.
Glad to hear that!
This is pretty much all I got in my folders, sadly.
The truth is not good though
The truth that all things eventually end? To enjoy what you have while it lasts?
Joy is not a Nurgle thing
No. Ultra Marines are good.
Sure it is! Have you ever seen a sad Nurglite Daemon?
Nurgle's thing is that he's already put you through the ringer: Your life's already been turned to shit, so nothing else can get you down. Go out there, do your thing, and be content in the fact that you've already survived the worst of the worst.
Nurgle's love is abusive. Khorne is the best Chaos God.
Khorne cares not from where the blood flows. Nurgle spreads his arms wide, and reclaims all his dutiful children.
Precisely my point. Khorne gives it to you straight and doesn't expect anything except carnage. Nurgle pretends like he loves you when really he's just growing flies in your body and using your liquidized flesh to make soup.
>Not wanting fly-friends and soup to provide them with
I'd rather not have to lie to myself to be content with my lot in life. No one becomes a Nurgle cultist for the flies and boils, but they convince themselves that they need them to be happy.
Not that any of the Chaos Gods are good or deserve your worship. Khorne just happens to be the least perfidious of the lot.
I suppose you have to think a bit about it. Khorne offers violence, violence, and more violence. Nurgle has a plan, and that's something people can get behind. They'll suffer, receive boons, and they know that it's because Nurgle's working towards the rebirth of the universe. Giving the state of 40k, that's a pretty noble goal to some people's eyes. Khorne's just in it for the skulls.
>Not worshipping both
Fucking plebeian.
Khorne and Papa Nurgle aren't naturally opposed to one another meaning it is easier to get both their blessings.
Slaughter whole populations then leave their corpses to rot and fester.
Nurgle is mostly definitely not working towards the rebirth of the universe. His primary domain is stagnation for Christs sake.
Why are they bad tho in fluff?
It's death and life, man. Once the universe dies, he remakes it.
Once the universe dies, he dies too.
Plus, the god that rule over change is Tzeentch not Nurgle
It's not change. It's making the universe all over again, and letting things repeat. It's the endless cycle, man.
Nurgle doesn't want the universe to end as much as literally everyone else doesn't want the universe to end. The gods need real space to survive. It's why the C'tans plan to use the pylons to starve them would have worked.
The gods are blind idiots. They don't think like normal beings do, they're just raw emotions personified.
>All life dissapears
>Suddenly random life start to born
>Not a change
Love is never blind, therefore Nurgle can see
>implying that remaking something doesn't involve change
are you actually dumb or just high on nurglites?
C'Tan didn't make the pylons, Necrons did. I know we're kind of a joke in 8e, but we're not squatted yet.
Who knows
I hate that picture. Ariel clearly would be an Iron Hand, given her fascination with mechanisms and being pursued by a violent sex-fiend.
Wait, shit, I lost the plot there. Ariel is an Iron Hand because she lloves alien treasures and her lover is a supercilious prick.
Belle is in the Thousand Sons because she's obsessed with books and her attempt to save her father leads to her oppression by a big furry guy.
Last sentence got me bad
le happy
The Pylons were made on the order of the C'tan, and so far no Necron has expressed interest in using them because they're more interested in getting their souls back.
What are pylons? What did they use it for excatly?
They are not THAT bad on the TT, just you bring a soup on a tournament.
The Cadian Pylons. They shut down warp bullshit. When Caul activated them, they actually began to shrink the Eye of Terror before Cadia got blown the fuck up.
There was a tiny bit in the AdMech codex about how the AM and the Necrons are both after the materials to build new ones.
Ancient human technology used to keep Chaos at bay that a bunch of xenos or AI robots(depend on the point of view) stole
TT death guard is good if your opponent is a dumb fuck who dosen't know the glory of kiting all the close range units they have. Pox walkers are a shit and only useful for mind games and tar-pitting.
>death guard strategies are based only on poxwalkers
How will that even win one game?
never used them but I have been told go big or go home.
He trusted Typhon.
They're fine on the TT, and they can do well in tournies with only a cup of soup. Just embrace the glory of Plagueburst and you can't go far wrong.
>hasn't faced the full on rape of Mortarion, Deathshroud Bodyguard, and save boosting in 8th
They're pretty solid of they're built right. Definitely have some shortcomings though
Are you serious user? Uncle nurgle is the most benevolent of the four. He won't ask for you to change unlike that golden corpse. Don't change clothes or underwear, don't shower, don't wear deodorant. He loves you just as you are.
Dude, played an Apocalypse game and Morty and Guilliman ended up dueling. Motherfucker killed Rowboat TWICE, tanking three rounds of his attacks, then turned around and killed Calgar, Sicarius, and two squads of Custodes. He does fucking work.
So much Nurgle love, thanks for this thread TG. It's making me happy.
Good job user, I really like this. This was my first attempt at painting a Plague marine, although I'm pretty new I was actually satisfied with it so far.
“Suffering begets Denial begets Resentment begets Conciliation begets Despair begets Acceptance begets Devotion. Shout praises!”
– the Seven Adulations of Nurgle
> not using fridge for model shot
"And the galaxy shall rot...
A billion plagues on a billion planets. Plague, ravage, ruin, and death. Good Father Nurgle will welcome all His wayward flock into the fold.
Oh my brothers and sisters, He has dwelt among you from the start...see now, He comes!"
Can you imagine being this guy?
Despair all ye nations, deny not that we're sick
For our blood is like water where once it was thick
And our minds have grown leaden, our bodies gone weak,
And venom pours from our lips whenever we speak.
Despair all ye nations, for the time draws apace
When the rot of the cynic shall steal our good grace
And our sweetest of dreams shall fade to lost hope,
Our pride and our arrogance; our noose and our rope.
Despair all ye nations, see the years drawing on
Our great cultures are fading and soon they'll be gone
So conceited our scholars, they jeer through their teeth
With their theories so shallow - quite soulless beneath.
Despair all ye nations, for the ending is near
When the Lord of Lost Heart shall govern us with fear.
Our weakness unfetters as we face this unknown,
And our faith trails to nothing...we stand here alone.
Despair all ye nations, the Corruptor has come
And the sad days of this world are nearing their sum,
For the shining ideals through endeavors we sought
Grow sour as he passes and are coming to naught.
Despair all ye nations, there's no hope for us now,
For we made this monster, placed a crown on his brow!
He fed on our apathy, our pain made him swell;
We gave him Dominion---he gives us his Hell.
>All these niggas thinking Nurgle is about Stagnation
>All my death guard heavy support was obliterators
>can't wield them anymore
what is good heavy support option for DG?
wtf nurgle is a sociopath
Plagueburst Crawlers. And you can still use your obliterators, they just need a separate detachment.
Any decent player can handle the MASSIVE point sink that is morty + guard
Total Nub here, how do these compaare to the Necron's Lychguard. I picked them up cause the skellys looked cool and easy to paint .
Deathmarks would probably be the next thing I want to finish after I get through with these dude's shields.